156 resultados para Excite.
Diplomityö tehtiin Wärtsilä Finland Oy:n toimeksiannosta. Työ kohdistui yrityksen suunnittelemien keskinopeudella pyörivien nelitahti dieselmoottoreiden esisuunnittelun kehittämiseen. Esisuunnittelun osuus koko tuotesuunnittelussa on merkittävä, minkä vuoksi esisuunnitteluprosessin tehostaminen vaikuttaa koko tuotesuunnitteluprosessiin ja sen lopputuloksiin. Tällä hetkellä esisuunnitteluprosessi on jakautunut useaan eri vaiheeseen ja eri tiimeille, mikä aiheuttaa ongelmia esisuunnittelun läpiviemisessä. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia nykyaikaisen kaupallisen simulointiohjelmiston soveltuvuutta kohdeyrityksessä esisuunnitteluprosessin eri vaiheiden yhdistämiseen. Työssä selvitettiin esisuunnittelun alussa käytettäviä suunnitteluparametreja, ja niiden hyödyntämistä suunniteltaessa simulointimallia kaupalliseen ohjelmistoon. Vaatimuksena oli, että ohjelmiston on toimittava parametreilla, jotka jo nyt ovat yrityksessä käytössä. Lisäksi simulointimallin antamat tulokset oli oltava hyödynnettävissä yksiselitteisesti yrityksen myöhemmissä tuotesuunnitteluvaiheissa. Myös mallin luomiseen tarvittavien parametrien määrä tuli pitää mahdollisimman pienenä. Esisuunnittelumallin toteuttamisessa tutkittiin kaupallisen AVL Excite Designer - ohjelmiston soveltuvuutta. Ohjelmisto ei soveltunut täysin tuottamaan halutun muotoisia tuloksia annetuilla parametreilla. Ohjelmiston muokkaaminen vaatimuksia vastaavaksi osoittautui työmäärältään suureksi. Yhtenä ratkaisuna olisi kaupallisen ohjelmiston käyttämisen sijaan suunnitella kyseiseen ongelmaan paremmin soveltuva oma ohjelmisto, jolloin toimivuus ja pitkän tähtäimen käyttövarmuus paranisi.
The mechanical properties of aluminium alloys are strongly influenced by the alloying elements and their concentration. In the case of aluminium alloy EN AW-6060 the main alloying elements are magnesium and silicon. The first goal of this thesis was to determine stability, repeatability and sensitivity as figures of merit of the in-situ melt identification technique. In this study the emissions from the laser welding process were monitored with a spectrometer. With the information produced by the spectrometer, quantitative analysis was conducted to determine the figures of merit. The quantitative analysis concentrated on magnesium and aluminium emissions and their relation. The results showed that the stability of absolute intensities was low, but the normalized magnesium emissions were quite stable. The repeatability of monitoring magnesium emissions was high (about 90 %). Sensitivity of the in-situ melt identification technique was also high. As small as 0.5 % change in magnesium content was detected by the spectrometer. The second goal of this study was to determine the loss of mass during deep penetration laser welding. The amount of magnesium in the material was measured before and after laser welding to determine the loss of magnesium. This study was conducted for aluminium alloy with nominal magnesium content of 0-10 % and for standard material EN AW-6060 that was welded with filler wire AlMg5. It was found that while the magnesium concentration in the material changed, the loss of magnesium remained fairly even. Also by feeding filler wire, the behaviour was similar. Thirdly, the reason why silicon had not been detected in the emission spectrum needed to be explained. Literature research showed that the amount of energy required for silicon to excite is considerably higher compared to magnesium. The energy input in the used welding process is insufficient to excite the silicon atoms.
Multiple scales analysis of nonlinear oscillations of a portal frame foundation for several machines
An analytical study of the nonlinear vibrations of a multiple machines portal frame foundation is presented. Two unbalanced rotating machines are considered, none of them resonant with the lower natural frequencies of the supporting structure. Their combined frequencies is set in such a way as to excite, due to nonlinear behavior of the frame, either the first anti-symmetrical mode (sway) or the first symmetrical mode. The physical and geometrical characteristics of the frame are chosen to tune the natural frequencies of these two modes into a 1:2 internal resonance. The problem is reduced to a two degrees of freedom model and its nonlinear equations of motions are derived via a Lagrangian approach. Asymptotic perturbation solutions of these equations are obtained via the Multiple Scales Method.
According to the equivalent light hypothesis, molecular defects in the photoreceptor lead to a continuous activation of the photoreceptor cascade in a manner equivalent to real light. The consequences in diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa (RP) are as disruptive to the cells as real light. Two forms of the equivalent light hypothesis can be distinguished: strong - mutations in rhodopsin or other cascade proteins in some forms of RP continuously excite the visual phototransduction cascade; weak - disruption of outer segments in all patients with RP eliminates circulating dark current and blocks neurotransmitter release in a manner similar to real light. Both forms of the equivalent light hypothesis predict that pupils of patients with RP will be constricted like those of normal subjects in the light. The purpose of this study was to test the equivalent light hypothesis by determining whether steady-state pupil diameter following full dark adaptation is abnormally small in any of a sample of patients with RP. Thirty-five patients with RP and 15 normal subjects were tested. Direct steady-state pupillometric measures were obtained from one eye in a full-field dome after 45 min of dark adaptation by videotaping the pupil with an infrared camera. Mean pupil diameter in the dark was comparable (t = -0.15, P = 0.88) between patients with RP (6.85 ± 0.58 mm) and normal subjects (6.82 ± 0.76 mm). The results of the present study are clearly counter to the prediction of the second (weaker) form of the equivalent light hypothesis.
Point-of-care (POC) –diagnostics is a field with rapidly growing market share. As these applications become more widely used, there is an increasing pressure to improve their performance to match the one of a central laboratory tests. Lanthanide luminescence has been widely utilized in diagnostics because of the numerous advantages gained by the utilization of time-resolved or anti-Stokes detection. So far the use of lanthanide labels in POC has been scarce due to limitations set by the instrumentation required for their detection and the shortcomings, e.g. low brightness, of these labels. Along with the advances in the research of lanthanide luminescence, and in the field of semiconductors, these materials are becoming a feasible alternative for the signal generation also in the future POC assays. The aim of this thesis was to explore ways of utilizing time-resolved detection or anti-Stokes detection in POC applications. The long-lived fluorescence for the time-resolved measurement can be produced with lanthanide chelates. The ultraviolet (UV) excitation required by these chelates is cumbersome to produce with POC compatible fluorescence readers. In this thesis the use of a novel light-harvesting ligand was studied. This molecule can be used to excite Eu(III)-ions at wavelengths extending up to visible part of the spectrum. An enhancement solution based on this ligand showed a good performance in a proof-of-concept -bioaffinity assay and produced a bright signal upon 365 nm excitation thanks to the high molar absorptivity of the chelate. These features are crucial when developing miniaturized readers for the time-resolved detection of fluorescence. Upconverting phosphors (UCPs) were studied as an internal light source in glucose-sensing dry chemistry test strips and ways of utilizing their various emission wavelengths and near-infrared excitation were explored. The use of nanosized NaYF :Yb3+,Tm3+-particles enabled the replacement of an external UV-light source with a NIR-laser and gave an additional degree of freedom in the optical setup of the detector instrument. The new method enabled a blood glucose measurement with results comparable to a current standard method of measuring reflectance. Microsized visible emitting UCPs were used in a similar manner, but with a broad absorbing indicator compound filtering the excitation and emission wavelengths of the UCP. This approach resulted in a novel way of benefitting from the non-linear relationship between the excitation power and emission intensity of the UCPs, and enabled the amplification of the signal response from the indicator dye.
A fundamental goal in neurobiology is to understand the development and organization of neural circuits that drive behavior. In the embryonic spinal cord, the first motor activity is a slow coiling of the trunk that is sensory-independent and therefore appears to be centrally driven. Embryos later become responsive to sensory stimuli and eventually locomote, behaviors that are shaped by the integration of central patterns and sensory feedback. In this thesis I used a simple vertebrate model, the zebrafish, to investigate in three manners how developing spinal networks control these earliest locomotor behaviors. For the first part of this thesis, I characterized the rapid transition of the spinal cord from a purely electrical circuit to a hybrid network that relies on both chemical and electrical synapses. Using genetics, lesions and pharmacology we identified a transient embryonic behavior preceding swimming, termed double coiling. I used electrophysiology to reveal that spinal motoneurons had glutamate-dependent activity patterns that correlated with double coiling as did a population of descending ipsilateral glutamatergic interneurons that also innervated motoneurons at this time. This work (Knogler et al., Journal of Neuroscience, 2014) suggests that double coiling is a discrete step in the transition of the motor network from an electrically coupled circuit that can only produce simple coils to a spinal network driven by descending chemical neurotransmission that can generate more complex behaviors. In the second part of my thesis, I studied how spinal networks filter sensory information during self-generated movement. In the zebrafish embryo, mechanosensitive sensory neurons fire in response to light touch and excite downstream commissural glutamatergic interneurons to produce a flexion response, but spontaneous coiling does not trigger this reflex. I performed electrophysiological recordings to show that these interneurons received glycinergic inputs during spontaneous fictive coiling that prevented them from firing action potentials. Glycinergic inhibition specifically of these interneurons and not other spinal neurons was due to the expression of a unique glycine receptor subtype that enhanced the inhibitory current. This work (Knogler & Drapeau, Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 2014) suggests that glycinergic signaling onto sensory interneurons acts as a corollary discharge signal for reflex inhibition during movement. v In the final part of my thesis I describe work begun during my masters and completed during my doctoral degree studying how homeostatic plasticity is expressed in vivo at central synapses following chronic changes in network activity. I performed whole-cell recordings from spinal motoneurons to show that excitatory synaptic strength scaled up in response to decreased network activity, in accordance with previous in vitro studies. At the network level, I showed that homeostatic plasticity mechanisms were not necessary to maintain the timing of spinal circuits driving behavior, which appeared to be hardwired in the developing zebrafish. This study (Knogler et al., Journal of Neuroscience, 2010) provided for the first time important in vivo results showing that synaptic patterning is less plastic than synaptic strength during development in the intact animal. In conclusion, the findings presented in this thesis contribute widely to our understanding of the neural circuits underlying simple motor behaviors in the vertebrate spinal cord.
A new configuration that employs a conducting conformal strip to excite the low-profile equilaterial-triangular dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) of very high permittivity is proposed. As compared with the previous aperture-coupling configuration, the new configuration has a wider impedance bandwidth (- 5.5%) and a higher front-to-back radiation ratio. The return loss, radiation patterns, and antenna gain are measured and discussed
Antennas are indispensable component of any wireless communication device. An antenna is a transducer between the transmitter and the free space waves and vice versa. They efficiently transfer electromagnetic energy from a transmission line into free space. But the present day communication applications require compact and ultra wide band designs which cannot be catered by simple microstrip based designs. PIFAs have solved the problem to some extend, but the field of antennas needs more innovative designs In this thesis the design and development of compact planner antenna are presented. Emphasis is given to the design of the feed as well as the radiator resulting in simple compact uniplanar geometries. The Asymmetric coplanar feed used to excite the antennas is found to be a suitable choice for feeding compact antennas.The main objectives of the study are the design of compact single, dual and multi band antennas with uniplanar structure and extension of the design for practical GSM/WLAN applications and Ultra compact antennas using the above techniques and extension of the design to antennas for practical applications like RFID/DVB-H. All the above objectives are thoroughly studied. Antennas with ultra compact dimensions are obtained as a result of the study. Simple equations are provided to design antennas with the required characteristics. The design equations are verified by designing different antennas for different applications.
The thesis is the outcome of the theoretical and experimental investigations on mocrostrip-fed printed strip monopole antenna.Finite ground plane has been effectively utilized to excite a new resonance near the fundamental mode by introducing another extended strip from the ground plane,without affecting compactness.Further size reduction was achieved by carrying out folding analysis on dual strip antenna and a compact folded dual strip antenna has been designed.Design methodologies for both the compact dual band antennas are presented.The proposed antennas can be used for mobile and WLAN applications due to wide bandwidth,moderate gain and omnidirectional radiation coverage.
A silver target kept under partial vacuum conditions was irradiated with focused nanosecond pulses at 1:06 mm from a Nd:YAG laser. The electron emission monitored with a Langmuir probe shows a clear twin-peak distribution. The first peak which is very sharp has only a small delay and it indicates prompt electron emission with energy as much as 60 5 eV. Also the prompt electron emission shows a temporal profile with a width that is same as that for the laser pulse whereas the second peak is broader, covers several microseconds, and represents the low-energy electrons (2 0:5 eV) associated with the laser-induced silver plasma as revealed by time-of-flight measurements. It has been found that prompt electrons ejected from the target collisionally excite and ionize ambient gas molecules. Clearly resolved rotational structure is observed in the emission spectra of ambient nitrogen molecules. Combined with time-resolved spectroscopy, the prompt electrons can be used as excitation sources for various collisional excitation–relaxation experiments. The electron density corresponding to the first peak is estimated to be of the order of 1017 cm?--3 and it is found that the density increases as a function of distance away from the target. Dependence of probe current on laser intensity shows plasma shielding at high laser intensities.
This study was conducted to identify the concentration dependence of the operating wavelengths and the relative intensities in which a dye mixture doped polymer optical fibre can operate. A comparative study of the radiative and Forster type energy transfer processes in Coumarin 540:Rhodamine 6G, Coumarin 540:Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 6G:Rhodamine B in methyl methacrylate (MMA) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was done by fabricating a series of dye mixture doped polymer rods which have two emission peaks with varying relative intensities. These rods can be used as preforms for the fabrication of polymer optical fibre amplifiers operating in the multi-wavelength regime. The 445 nm line from an Nd:YAG pumped optical parametric oscillator (OPO) was used as the excitation source for the first two dye pairs and a frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser emitting at 532 nm was used to excite the Rh 6G:Rh B pair. The fluorescence lifetimes of the donor molecule in pure form as well as in the mixtures were experimentally measured in both monomer and polymer matrices by time-correlated single photon counting technique. The energy transfer rate constants and transfer efficiencies were calculated and their dependence on the acceptor concentration was analysed. It was found that radiative energy transfer mechanisms are more efficient in all the three dye pairs in liquid and solid matrices.
An open cell photoacoustic configuration has been employed to evaluate the thermal diffusivity of pure InP as well as InP doped with sulphur and iron. Chopped optical radiation at 488 nm from an Ar-ion laser has been used to excite photoacoustic signals which been detected by a sensitive electret microphone. Thermal diffusivity value have been calculated from phase versus chopping frequency plots. Doped sample are found to show a reduced value for thermal diffusivity in comparison with intrinsically pure sample. The results have been interpreted in terms of the mechanisms of heat generation and transmission in semiconductors.
The coplanar wave guide is an attractive device in microwave integrated circuits due to its uniplanar nature, ease of fabrication and low production cost. Several attempts are already done to explore the radiating modes in coplanar wave guide transmission lines. Usually coplanar wave guides are excited by an SMA connector with its centre conductor connected to the exact middle of the centre strip and the outer ground conductor to the two ground strips. The mode excited on it is purely a bound mode. The E-field distribution in the two slots are out of phase and there for cancels at the far field. This thesis addresses an attempt to excite an in phase E-field distribution in the two slots of the co planar wave guide by employing a feed asymmetry, in order to get radiation from the two large slot discontinuities of the coplanar waveguide. The omni directional distribution of the radiating energy can be achieved by widening the centre strip.The first part of the thesis deals with the investigations on the resonance phenomena of conventional coplanar waveguides at higher frequency bands. Then an offset fed open circuited coplanar waveguide supporting resonance/radiation phenomena is analyzed. Finally, a novel compact co planar antenna geometry with dual band characteristics, suitable for mobile terminal applications is designed and characterized using the inferences from the above study.
Analiza la selección de información efectuada en los portales, la información que se considera relevante, las necesidades que refleja y el tipo de sociedad que se está creando. Conocer qué valores se desean y cuáles son los que se potencian, determinar la forma en la que se aprenden o transmiten los valores en los portales de Internet. Los portales de Internet: Terra, Excite, MSN, Guay, Navegalia, Telépolis, Wol, Yupi, Ya, Yahoo, Netscape, Inicia y Eresmas. Revisión de los portales más representativos del momento (verano 2000), descripción general de los portales, determinar qué temas adquieren importancia, y cómo están representados. Analizar y determinar qué valores se están transmitiendo buscando ejemplos, determinar qué valores están ausentes; comparar con los que la Reforma educativa señala. Revisión de los portales. análisis de contenido, elaboración de listas de control. Análisis estadístico, análisis comparativo y análisis cualitativo. Los valores que, en la investigación realizada, se ha encontrado que más potencian los portales son los siguientes: 1.- Afán de lucro desmedido y consumismo: utilización del poder adquisitivo como herramienta de medición del éxito social, con este fin se legitiman todos los medios. 2.- Sexismo: los portales marcan claramente los distintos roles en función de sexos, destacando el culto al cuerpo en general, asignando valores diferentes en función del sexo. 3.- Comunicabilidad: destaca la importancia de las relaciones interpersonales para el ser humano. Surge la posibilidad de crear comunidades virtuales y de relacionarse con otras personas con intereses afines, independientemente del tiempo y de la distancia. La capacidad de reflexión es uno de los valores de Internet, sin embargo, actualmente debido a la falta de educación sobre los medios no se aprovechan las posibilidades, transformándose en un medio que potencia justo lo contrario: la crítica, el insulto, la difamación ocultándose bajo el anonimato. Estamos ante una herramienta muy poderosa de doble filo. Por una parte, se inclina hacia la reproducción de los valores de la sociedad; pero por otra parte se perciben fuerzas de cambio. Se ofrecen posibilidades para todo y no se sabe qué consecuencias puede tener. El problema radica que para aprovechar esas posibilidades, y hacer un uso óptimo de estos medios es necesaria una educación, una clarificación de valores y metas de la vida por parte de los usuarios. Antes de llegar al usuario, es necesario esa misma reflexión por parte de los educadores. Los valores que se proponen desde la educación están en contradicción con los que promueve la sociedad, así como muchos de los que aparecen en los portales; es necesario confeccionar programas de educación en valores, adecuados a las nuevas demandas sociales.
La presente investigación, refleja que existe pocos estudios o análisis profundo sobre el fútbol barrial, su incidencia socio-cultural en la capital y en el país; en este sentido es un tema de importancia para tratarlo con seriedad y claridad, por que la ciudad es el lugar donde y desde la cual hacemos sentido, se experimenta relaciones sociales de múltiples acontecimientos, de conexión, cruces, recorridos, cuantos deseos excite. El fútbol es un lugar, un filtro, un espacio idóneo para observar relaciones, contraposiciones y afianzamientos de identidades locales, regionales, nacionales que no están separadas; es decir que en está práctica deportiva tiene que ver mucho con la sociedad; es un fenómeno de importancia en el desarrollo de esta actividad, que se convierte en una compleja red de relaciones sociales que a veces se transforman en más o menos divergentes entre los públicos. El balompié barrial tiene estos aspectos para ser investigados, forma parte de la vida cotidiana de la gran ciudad con sus usos de espacio- tiempo, cultura, identidad que se genera en cada barrio para la distracción de sus habitantes. Por otro lado, hay que tomar en cuenta que este deporte se ha transformado en un espacio de encuentro y desencuentro, un espacio de formación de identidades, un espacio de expresión de emociones, de pasiones que a veces sirve de catarsis (Purificación de las pasiones del ánimo mediante las emociones provocadas por la obra de arte, espectáculos)2a muchas personas, además quizá se pueden observar ciertos valores de política, administración económica y función social. Este acontecimiento deportivo ha pasado a formar parte del fenómeno social, cultural en los distintos sectores de la ciudad y de los pueblos alejados o apartados, tiene un arraigo popular por la pasión que despierta en muchas ocasiones, ya sea por su forma particular de organizar la inauguración del torneo, una final o el mismo desarrollo de los encuentros, esas emociones son parte de un fin de semana, sábado- domingo, son los días propicios para el desahogo, para el reencuentro familiar, de la amistad y de la competencia por ganar un encuentro, alcanzar un título, a través de ello ganar un medalla, un trofeo; ascender de categoría o representar a su liga deportiva o barrio en el torneo máximo, el interligas, evento con identidad, “Campeonato de Campeones” de la ciudad.