980 resultados para EuroPharm Forum
This is the first annual report of the Regional Health and Social Care Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) Forum. It gives a brief introduction into the concept of PPI, which seeks to involve service users and the public in the planning, delivery and commissioning of services across healthcare in Northern Ireland. The report also provides a background to the development of PPI in Northern Ireland and details on the establishment of the forum.The bulk of the report centres on how PPI is being implemented across all the partner organisations within the healthcare system. Each organisation is introduced and each provides a summary of PPI work it has delivered and planned for the near future. A list of relevant contacts is also included.
Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) is an essential component in the delivery of truly person centred services.�It is also a statutory duty.�The PHA has leadership responsibilities in respect of the implementation of PPI across HSC.�One of the ways in which the PHA discharges that leadership function, is through the Regional HSC PPI Forum.�This body brings together all HSC organisations, working alongside service users and carers, to bring a focus on involvement.�It promotes the sharing of best practice, identifies and tackles issues of common concern and providers a platform for the active participation of service users and carers.� Each year in response to a Priorities for Action (PFA) target, the PHA, working with HSC partners, service users and carers in the Forum, develop an Annual Report on PPI work taken forward through the Forum.The report for 2012/13 details progress in a number of important areas such as training, development of standards etc.
The Regional HSC PPI Annual Report for 2013/14 provides an up-date of the work of the Forum and outlines the key areas that have been progressed including the development of PPI standards and the advancement of a generic PPI awareness raising and training programme.
Final report of the eKnowledge's project, an online forum tool that offers consultants and students the chance to create spaces for asynchronous communication and collaboration.
Desde una perspectiva narrativa, este artículo explora cómo la práctica y la formación en interpretación de conferenciasse han percibido en la disciplina, en la profesión y en diferentescolectivos de traductores e interpretes comprometid@s como ECOSy Babels. Sostiene que estas distintas maneras de percibir la interpretación no son meramente opuestas sino que su potencial confluencia es clave para hacer posible una interpretación de conferencias más comprometida políticamente y más socio-crítica en un mundo de desigualdades cada vez más acentuadas y de mercantilización creciente de todos los aspectos de la vida. El artículo lleva a cabo un estudio de caso sobre la formación ad hoc de intérpretes en el Foro Social, en particular el Foro Social Europeo de Londres, y analiza cómo el trabajo colectivo entre instituciones educativas y sociedad civil tanto local como global ha dado luz a prácticas transformadoras hacia una metodología de formación mássocio-critica y con mayor consciencia ética.
Results from a survey conducted in cooperation with Iowa's Youth Leadership Forum.
Information on the Promising Transition Practices shared at the September 28, 2007 Capacity Building Forum sponsored by Improving Transition Outcomes with Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
Cet article analyse le pouvoir informel dans les relations internationales. A partir du cas du Forum économique mondial (WEF), il soutient la thèse que le pouvoir informel des clubs d'élites transnationales est limité par leur principe d'organisation et les modalités concrètes de leur pratique. En supposant que de tels groupes rassemblent des acteurs étant de facto en position de pouvoir, il propose d'éviter l'impasse d'une recherche de preuves de leur influence. La démarche adoptée s'apparente à une herméneutique des limites. Elle emprunte à Sorel la notion de mythe social pour développer l'idée selon laquelle le sentiment d'appartenance à une communauté exclusive suscite une passion collective ayant des répercussions tangibles sur la réalité, mais dont la portée reste limitée en raison de l'absence de relations formelles avec les institutions politiques de la société.
Speech by Governor Culver.
Analiza la situación del fenómeno El Niño a fin de adoptar las medidas más adecuadas para salvaguardar la vida, infraestructura y medio ambiente de las zonas afectadas