999 resultados para Estrutura social - Brasil
O fluxo de capitais estrangeiros sofreu grandes mudanças nos últimos anos, e o Brasil tornou-se um dos principais destinos dos recursos internacionais para investimento direto. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar como as multinacionais escolhem a estrutura de propriedade ao fazerem fusões, aquisições e investimentos diretos em subsidiárias no Brasil diante da existência de financiamento pelo banco de desenvolvimento local (o Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social — BNDES). Testou-se empiricamente o efeito das contingências sobre decisões tomadas pelas empresas no período compreendido entre 2005 e 2011. Os resultados sugerem que a teoria de opções reais não teria sido confirmada se o financiamento pelo BNDES na empresa-alvo não tivesse sido incluído nas interações em cenários de grande volatilidade e crescimento. Em outras palavras, as empresas optam por estruturas que exigem nível mais alto de comprometimento quando estão diante de cenários de alto crescimento e por estratégias que envolvem nível mais baixo de comprometimento quando se observa grande volatilidade de demanda nos mercados estudados.
Os dilemas e desafios estratégicos para viabilização econômica e legitimação enfrentados por organizações sociais no Brasil – organizações sem finalidade econômica - se assemelham aos enfrentados por outros tipos de organização nas diversas partes do mundo. A literatura dominante de gestão e estratégia privilegia, em seu arcabouço, conceitos e práticas que apoiam e são apoiados nas grandes corporações privadas. A crescente influência dessas organizações na academia e na sociedade ajuda a explicar o papel de importância que estratégias de responsabilidade social corporativa alcançaram na legitimação das práticas e ideologia neoliberal que ajudam a reafirmar. Por sua vez, este quadro ajuda a explicar a posição marginal que as organizações sociais ocupam na área de gestão estratégica. Esta dissertação busca a ampliação da discussão dos estudos do campo da gestão estratégica que abordaram a construção hegemônica do campo, seus processos de legitimação e difusão e as respectivas abordagens críticas, inclusive o aspecto de colonialidade no qual a literatura dominante se insere. A compreensão da trajetória estratégica de uma organização social, o Serviço Social do Comércio – Sesc, se deu pela investigação dos processos de legitimação mobilizados dentro da própria organização e no contexto em que atua. Para tal foi utilizada a perspectiva contextualista que permitiu a observação mediante as relações internas e externas estabelecidas e as mudanças e continuidades promovidas em função de sua legitimação. Ao representar organizações como sistemas políticos e culturais que influenciam e que são influenciados pelo meio, esta investigação promove o entendimento dos componentes ideológicos e de poder na gestão estratégica, comumente naturalizados pela literatura dominante, abrindo espaço ainda para a descolonização da área de gestão estratégica, enfatizando a diversidade de organizações e de práticas e na possibilidade da coexistência de diferentes tipos de organização na área.
Os desafios da política de Assistência Social do Brasil ainda são imensos. Objetivando a garantia dos mínimos sociais, a partir da Constituição de 1988 e da implantação do Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS), a gestão de Recursos Humanos passa a ser considerada como eixo estruturante, inclusive no que diz respeito à formação e capacitação de profissionais da Assistência Social que, que no exercício da sua discricionariedade, são seus efetivos implementadores. Neste contexto, este trabalho se propõe a investigar modalidade de Ensino à Distância (EAD) como ferramenta impulsionadora do SUAS, oferecendo aos órgãos gestores envolvidos, elementos que contribuam com a avaliação, decisão e incorporação da EAD nas suas estratégias de educação dos atores socioassistenciais.
This is a study concerning in the structure of non governmental organizations, based on the institutional theory. It aims to understand the relation among structure, social projects and environmental influences, analyzing if there is coherence with project social or expresses adaptation to the institutional pressures of the environment. It introduces as theoretical support for the themes, studies about institutional theory and social structure. The research is descriptive and exploratory; it also applies to a study of case, based on the technical procedures. From the research universe, that was compound by non governmental organizations from Natal, RN, Brasil, it was chosen the Casa Renascer, a non governmental organization that works with the combat to the violence and sexual exploration of children and teenagers. The data collection process employed includes documental research, observations and semi structured research devices, guided by the organizational process proposed by Serva (1996) and by the institutional theory. The collected data were qualitatively treated. The analysis was divided into three parts, following the research matters. The social project characterization demonstrated that the organization went by three main phases. The first one, characterized by focus in women and girls education and health; the second shows the emphasis on girls in social risk situation, with preventive approach; and the last one, characterized by victims assistance of violence and sexual exploration. From the analysis using the institutional theory mechanisms, the results showed that exists coherence between structure and environmental influences, but a weak coherence between structure and social projects. It indicates as main determinant of the structure, an aspect forgotten by the institutional theory, the power. It was observed the presence from normative, coercive and mimetic mechanisms, highlighting normative influences
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Os caminhos da participação e do controle social na saúde: estudo das realidades do Brasil e Espanha
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
This study aims to understand the sociospatial transformations resulting from the depopulation of the fields and their effects on the rural landscape of Arroio do Só in Santa Maria - RS. To this end, we attempted to identify changes in the way of life of rural people, their activities and relationships and understand how this process has occurred, its causes and its impact on quality of life and social structure of the population that remained in place. The discussion on the modernization of agriculture is key to understanding this process. This district was chosen as a research site because it is a town that, in the past, had a very big socioeconomic dynamism, and now, according to the bankruptcy of several companies and the consequent emigration of much of the population, the sociospatial dynamic has changed. It was collected data from a secondary source of FIBGE and FEE in order to periodize population dynamics of the district, county and state. The qualitative research was conducted through interviews with the subjects in the field and their representatives, with the help of the Field Diary
Considering agrarian legislation of the last 50 years, this article expressed the objetive to identify and describe the concepts that are used for the characterization and understanding of the conformation of the brazilian agrarian space. We noted, in this context, a process of change in the laws, which suppressed the concepts of latifundio (landlordism) and minifundio (small parcels property), which created concepts of small property, of average property, of productive property and of family agriculture, but which not considered other important definitions: large farms and paternal agriculture. This substitution of interpretative concepts limits the understanding of the brazilian agrarian dynamics, especially if we consider the analysis of contradictory process of development capitalism in the field, in Brazil.
This study aims to understand the sociospatial transformations resulting from the depopulation of the fields and their effects on the rural landscape of Arroio do Só in Santa Maria - RS. To this end, we attempted to identify changes in the way of life of rural people, their activities and relationships and understand how this process has occurred, its causes and its impact on quality of life and social structure of the population that remained in place. The discussion on the modernization of agriculture is key to understanding this process. This district was chosen as a research site because it is a town that, in the past, had a very big socioeconomic dynamism, and now, according to the bankruptcy of several companies and the consequent emigration of much of the population, the sociospatial dynamic has changed. It was collected data from a secondary source of FIBGE and FEE in order to periodize population dynamics of the district, county and state. The qualitative research was conducted through interviews with the subjects in the field and their representatives, with the help of the Field Diary
Considering agrarian legislation of the last 50 years, this article expressed the objetive to identify and describe the concepts that are used for the characterization and understanding of the conformation of the brazilian agrarian space. We noted, in this context, a process of change in the laws, which suppressed the concepts of latifundio (landlordism) and minifundio (small parcels property), which created concepts of small property, of average property, of productive property and of family agriculture, but which not considered other important definitions: large farms and paternal agriculture. This substitution of interpretative concepts limits the understanding of the brazilian agrarian dynamics, especially if we consider the analysis of contradictory process of development capitalism in the field, in Brazil.
Considering agrarian legislation of the last 50 years, this article expressed the objetive to identify and describe the concepts that are used for the characterization and understanding of the conformation of the brazilian agrarian space. We noted, in this context, a process of change in the laws, which suppressed the concepts of latifundio (landlordism) and minifundio (small parcels property), which created concepts of small property, of average property, of productive property and of family agriculture, but which not considered other important definitions: large farms and paternal agriculture. This substitution of interpretative concepts limits the understanding of the brazilian agrarian dynamics, especially if we consider the analysis of contradictory process of development capitalism in the field, in Brazil.
This study aims to understand the sociospatial transformations resulting from the depopulation of the fields and their effects on the rural landscape of Arroio do Só in Santa Maria - RS. To this end, we attempted to identify changes in the way of life of rural people, their activities and relationships and understand how this process has occurred, its causes and its impact on quality of life and social structure of the population that remained in place. The discussion on the modernization of agriculture is key to understanding this process. This district was chosen as a research site because it is a town that, in the past, had a very big socioeconomic dynamism, and now, according to the bankruptcy of several companies and the consequent emigration of much of the population, the sociospatial dynamic has changed. It was collected data from a secondary source of FIBGE and FEE in order to periodize population dynamics of the district, county and state. The qualitative research was conducted through interviews with the subjects in the field and their representatives, with the help of the Field Diary