997 resultados para Esophageal pH monitoring


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RESUME Introduction: Les inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons sont actuellement considérés comme les médicaments de choix pour le traitement des affections peptiques comme l'ulcère gastroduodénal et l'oesophagite de reflux. La rapidité, ainsi que le degré d'inhibition de la sécrétion gastrique acide sont importants pour le contrôle optimal des symptômes ainsi que pour le traitement de ces affections. But : Le but principal de cette étude a été de comparer, chez les sujets asymptomatiques non infectés par H. pylori, par pH-métrie intragastrique de 24 heures, la rapidité et la durée de l'action antisécrétoire de doses uniques de rabéprazole 20 mg, d'oméprazole capsule 20 mg, d'oméprazole en comprimé MUPS (« Multiple Unit Pellet System ») 20 mg, de pantoprazole 40 mg et de lansoprazole 30 mg, respectivement. Matériel et méthodes : Cette étude, effectuée en double aveugle et randomisée, a été conduite de manière croisée chez 18 sujets H. pylori-négatifs. Une pH-métrie de 24 heures a été effectuée le jour de l'administration du médicament (dose unique de rabéprazole 20 mg, de lansoprazole 30mg, de pantoprazole 40 mg, d'oméprazole capsule 20 mg, d'oméprazole MUPS comprimé 20mg, ou de placebo). Résultats : Le pH intragastrique médian (3.4 vs. 2.9, 2.2, 1.9 et 1.8, respectivement; p≤ 0.03) et le temps avec un pH supérieur à 4 pendant les 24 heures suivant la prise du médicament (8.0 heures vs. 7.4, 4.9, 2.9, et 3.0, respectivement; p≤ 0.003) ont été statistiquement plus élevés avec le rabéprazole qu'avec le lansoprazole, le pantoprazole, l'oméprazole capsule, l'oméprazole comprimé MUPS, ou le placebo. Les valeurs du pH pendant les périodes diurnes et nocturnes étaient plus hautes avec le rabeprazole et le lansoprazole qu'avec le pantoprazole, l'oméprazole capsule, et l'oméprazole comprimé MUPS (p≤0.04). Conclusion : Le rabéprazole s'est montré le plus efficace de tous les inhibiteurs de pompe à protons étudiés durant le premier jour de l'administration du médicament. SUMMARY Background: Rapid and consistent acid suppression on the first day of dosing may be important in treating acid-related disorders. Aim: To compare the antisecretory activity and onset of action of single doses of rabeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole, omeprazole capsule, omeprazole multiple unit pellet system (MUPS) tablet and placebo in healthy Helicobacter pylori-negative subjects. Methods: This cross-over, double-blind, randomized study was performed in 18 H. pylori-negative subjects. Twenty-four-hour intragastric pH monitoring was performed on the day of treatment (once-daily dose of rabeprazole 20 mg, lansoprazole 30 mg, pantoprazole 40 mg, omeprazole capsule 20 mg, omeprazole MUPS tablet 20 mg or placebo). Results: The intragastric pH (3.4) and time at pH > 4 during the 24 h post-dose (8.0 h) were significantly greater with rabeprazole than with lansoprazole, pantoprazole, omeprazole capsule, omeprazole MUPS tablet or placebo (P ≤ 0.04 for rabeprazole vs. the others). Daytime and night-time pH values were higher with rabeprazole and lansoprazole than with pantoprazole, omeprazole capsule and omeprazole MUPS tablet (P ≤ 0.04). Conclusion: Rabeprazole was the most potent acid inhibitor of all the proton pump inhibitors tested during the first day of dosing.


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Alternatives for the removal of high-molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HWM-PAH) from soil were tested by adding fertilizer or glycerol, as well as the combination of both. Experiments were carried out for 60 days in reactors containing a HWM-PAH-contaminated soil (8030 μg kg-1), accompanied by pH monitoring, humidity control and quantification of total heterotrophic bacteria and total fungus. Fertilizer addition removed 41.6% of HWM-PAH. Fertilizer and glycerol in combination removed 46.2%. When glycerol was added individually, degradation reached 50.4%. Glycerol also promoted the increase of degradation rate during the first 30 days suggesting the HMW-PAH removal occurred through cometabolic pathways.


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Patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease may have disturbances of gastric motility, which could play a role in the pathophysiology of the disease. Recent studies have suggested that the gastric region just below the gastroesophageal junction may have a distinct physiological behavior. We determined whether patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease have abnormal residence of food in the infra-junctional portion of the stomach after ingesting a liquid nutrient meal. Fasted adult patients with reflux disease (N = 11) and healthy volunteers (N = 10) ingested a liquid meal (320 ml; 437 kcal) labeled with 99m technetium-phytate and their total gastric emptying half-time and regional emptying from the stomach infra-junctional region were determined. In 8 patients, episodes of postprandial acidic reflux to the esophagus were measured for 2 h using pH monitoring. There were no differences between reflux patients and controls regarding total gastric emptying time (median: 68 min; range: 39-123 min vs 65 min and 60-99 min, respectively; P > 0.50). Food residence in the infra-junctional area was similar for patients and controls: 23% (range: 20-30) vs 27% (range: 19-30%; P = 0.28) and emptying from this area paralleled total gastric emptying (Rs = 0.79; P = 0.04). There was no correlation between residence of food in the infra-junctional area and episodes of gastroesophageal reflux (Rs = 0.06; P = 0.88). We conclude that it is unlikely that regional motor disturbances involving the infra-junctional region of the stomach play a relevant role in the pathogenesis of acidic gastroesophageal reflux.


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O refluxo gastroesofágico (RGE) tem sido diagnosticado em uma elevada proporção de lactentes com apnéia e episódios de ALTE (apparent life threatening events) ou eventos com aparente risco de vida, entretanto, a relação entre eles per-manece pouco entendida. A proposta deste estudo é avaliar a coexistência de apnéia e refluxo gastroesofágico em um grupo de lactentes durante o sono e vigília, através da utilização da polissonografia e, pela inclusão de um canal para aferição do pH na porção distal do esôfago, determinar a relação temporal entre estes dois eventos e aferir a associação entre ALTE e RGE. Método: A população em estudo constituiu-se de lactentes com história clínica compatível com eventos sugestivos de RGE, além de alguma anormalidade do ponto de vista ventilatório, os quais realizaram polissonografia com a inclusão de um canal para registro contínuo do pH esofágico. Os estudos polissonográficos foram analisados individualmente, em três etapas assim constituídas: Etapa 1 - realização do escore dos eventos respiratórios e dos estágios de sono e vigília, com o pesquisador cego para a ocorrência de RGE; Etapa 2 - indicação do escore isolado dos eventos de RGE; Etapa 3 - reintrodução de canal do pH e estabelecimento da correlação temporal entre os dois eventos, levando-se em consideração o período compreendido entre um minuto antes da queda do pH abaixo de 4,0, até um minuto após a elevação do pH acima de 4,0. A relação entre a história clínica de ALTE e a ocorrência de RGE durante o estudo polissonográfico também foi aferida. A partir de dados publicados na literatura, foi calculada uma amostra de 88 indivíduos (lactentes). A amostra final constituiu-se de 89 pacientes. Resultados: Quarenta pacientes apresentaram RGE e quarenta e nove não. Ambos os grupos tinham composição semelhante quanto à idade, peso, duração total do estudo polissonográfico, duração do tempo total de sono durante o estudo e história de ALTE. Ocorreu uma média de 2,82 episódios de RGE por paciente (1-20 episódios/ paciente). Os episódios de RGE foram mais freqüentes e longos durante o sono que durante os períodos de vigília. O número de eventos obstrutivos/minuto de sono (densidade de apnéias) foi significativamente maior durante os períodos de RGE (mediana 0,4), se comparados aos períodos sem RGE (mediana 0,2), p = 0,002. Em relação às apnéias centrais, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa, p = 0, 039. Em 62% dos períodos de RGE, houve associação temporal com eventos obstrutivos, dos quais a apnéia obstrutiva precedeu o RGE em 67% dos casos. A correlação entre história de ALTE e a presença de RGE não foi estatisticamente significativa. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem que a apnéia obstrutiva em lacten-tes está freqüentemente associada com RGE do ponto de vista de temporalidade, e é mais provável que ela ocorra precedendo um episódio de refluxo. Especula-se que a apnéia obstrutiva no lactente possa, em algumas circunstâncias, ser a causa e não a conseqüência do RGE.


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XIXA doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE) comumente afeta o esôfago e provavelmente é a condição mais prevalente no segmento alto do trato gastrointestinal, acometendo entre 5 e 45% da população ocidental. A terapêutica atual para essa doença além de medidas gerais e dietéticas, inclui tratamento farmacológico e/ou cirurgia. Ambos podem ser eficazes, mas apresentam elevado custo financeiro. O tratamento com fármacos pode apresentar baixa aderência medicamentosa e a cirurgia tem baixa, mas não desprezível, morbidade e mortalidade. Idealmente o tratamento da DRGE deveria ser eficaz, com baixo risco e com baixo custo. Objetivos: 1. Desenvolver um modelo experimental em suínos para o estudo do Refluxo Gastroesofágico através da Pressão e do Volume de Vazão Gástricos; 2. Avaliar a eficácia do implante endoscópico de PMMA ao nível do Esfíncter Esofágico Inferior (EEI) para aumentar a Pressão de Vazão Gástrica, o Volume de Vazão Gástrico e a Pressão Basal do EEI; 3. Descrever as reações histológicas associadas ao implante de PMMA. Material e Métodos: Suínos da raça Large White, do sexo feminino com 8 semanas de vida foram estudados no experimento. Foi realizada manometria do esfíncter esofágico inferior com registro da pressão basal com cateter de perfusão com água e técnica de retirada lenta. Calculou-se, também, a extensão do EEI. Após, gastrostomia era realizada com colocação intragástrica da extremidade distal de uma sonda de Foley com três vias e um cateter de pHmetria esofágica introduzido via oral com o sensor distal posicionado 5 cm acima do bordo superior de esfíncter esofágico inferior. Iniciava-se, XXentão, a infusão contínua no estômago de uma solução de HCl a 0,02N com medida e registro simultâneos da Pressão e do Volume de Vazão Gástricos e do pH esofágico. Definiu-se a Pressão de Vazão Gástrica (PVG) e o Volume de Vazão Gástrico quando houve brusca e sustentada acidificação do esôfago distal (pH<3). Após, introduzia-se um tubo metálico (Tubo Introdutor ou TI) via oral e, em seguida, o endoscópio, seguindo ambos até o esôfago distal. Cateter de nylon com agulha calibre 16 era introduzido pelo tubo introdutor e o PMMA implantado na área correspondente ao EEI com uma pistola dosadora volumétrica que permitia a injeção de volumes prédeterminados em 3 ou 4 pontos da submucosa (total por ponto = 0,73 ml de PMMA). As medidas de PVG, VVG e pressão basal do EEI foram repetidas após 28 dias, sacrificando-se os animais e removendo-se esôfago médio e distal, junção esofagogástrica, fundo e corpo gástricos para estudo histológico. Previamente ao experimento, três projetos pilotos foram desenvolvidos. O primeiro designado como “Projeto Piloto: Refluxo Gastroesofágico por pHmetria de 24H” (RGE 24H) buscou a via de acesso transnasal para registro de pHmetria por 24 horas. No segundo, designado “Projeto Piloto: Esofagostomia”, para confirmação de refluxo gastroesofágico espontâneo em suínos da raça Large White, utilizou-se anestesia com associação de tiletamina 125 mg e zolazepam 125 mg em combinação com um sedativo, a xilazina a 2% . A pHmetria foi mantida por 24 horas. Os dados descritos por Kadirkamanathan et al. não foram reproduzidos no nosso laboratório. Optou-se então pela realização de um terceiro projeto, “Projeto Piloto: Gastrostomia” para induzir refluxo gastroesofágico através de um modelo experimental e testar a reprodutibilidade da Pressão de Vazão Gástrica. Obteve-se sucesso. Resultados: Trinta e sete animais foram estudados em 60 intervenções no Laboratório de motilidade experimental. O projeto piloto “RGE:24h” foi abandonado após perda de 5 animais pela anestesia com halotano e, solucionada esta questão, a sistemática infecção do tecido celular subcutâneo nasal, dificultando a manutenção do cateter de phmetria em outros 5 animais. No “Projeto Piloto: Esofagostomia”, em cinco animais estudados (cada animal em duas ocasiões diferentes) não se reproduziram os achados de refluxo espontâneo. No terceiro projeto “Projeto Piloto: Gastrostomia” quatro animais foram estudados em dois momentos diferentes obtendo-se sucesso e reprodutibilidade XXIdos dados. Criado o modelo experimental, quatorze suínos foram submetidos ao experimento com implante endoscópico de PMMA com os seguintes resultados: A média dos pesos com 8 semanas de idade foi 14,98 ± 2,43 e 28 dias após o implante, 20,26 ± 3,68. O ganho ponderal foi considerado normal para a espécie. A Pressão de Vazão Gástrica média no dia 1 foi 8,08 mmHg e no dia 28, 10,69mmHg (Teste t de Student: t = 2,72 gl = 13 p = 0,017). Os Volumes de Vazão Gástricos médios foram: 392,86 ml para o dia 1 e 996,71 ml no dia 28 (teste t de Student: t = 11,66 gl = 13 p< 0,001). A Pressão Basal do EEI e o comprimento do esfíncter, não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. PMMA foi identificado como depósitos de grandes vacúolos no tecido intersticial ao exame histológico da junção esofagogástrica associado a histiócitos, plasmócitos e presença de células gigantes tipo Langhans indicando reação tecidual de corpo estranho em todos os animais. Fibrose e macrófagos com vacúolos intracelulares estiveram presentes em menor freqüência. Conclusões: 1. O modelo experimental, em suínos, desenvolvido viabilizou o estudo do Refluxo Gastroesofágico através da Pressão de Vazão Gástrica e Volume de Vazão Gástrico; 2. O implante de PMMA, no presente estudo, aumentou a Pressão de Vazão e o Volume de Vazão Gástricos, mas não a Pressão Basal do EEI, nem tampouco aumentou o seu comprimento; 3. Depósito de PMMA implantado e evidência de processo inflamatório crônico e reação tecidual de corpo estranho foi encontrada no local do implante de PMMA. Macrófagos com vacúolos intracelulares e fibrose foram encontrados com menos freqüência.


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CONTEXTO: A doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE) é uma doença crônica na qual o conteúdo gastroduodenal reflui para o esôfago. O quadro clínico da DRGE é usualmente referido como pirose e regurgitação (manifestações típicas). Manifestações atípicas (distúrbios da voz e asma) podem também ser referidas. OBJETIVO: Analisar os aspectos clínicos, endoscópicos, manométricos e pHmétricos de pacientes portadores da DRGE com distúrbios da voz. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 50 pacientes com a DRGE, sendo 25 com distúrbios da voz (grupo 1 - G1) e 25 sem estes sintomas (controles, grupo 2 - G2). Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a endoscopia, manometria e pHmetria esofágica (dois sensores). Os pacientes do G1 foram submetidos a videolaringoscopia. RESULTADOS: Achados endoscópicos: DRGE não-erosiva foi observada em 95% dos pacientes de G1 e em 88% de G2. Videolaringoscopia: congestão das pregas vocais, assimetria, nódulos e pólipos foram diagnosticados nos pacientes do G1. Manometria esofágica: pressão no esfíncter inferior do esôfago (mm Hg): 11,6 ± 5,2 em G1 e 14,0 ± 6,2 em G2 (P = 0,14); pressão no esfíncter superior do esôfago (mm Hg): 58,4 ± 15,9 em G1 e 69,5 ± 30,7 nos controles. Achados pHmétricos: índice de DeMeester: 34,0 ± 20,9 em G1 e 15,4 ± 9,4 em G2 (P<0,001); número de episódios de refluxo no sensor distal: 43,0 ± 20,4 em G1 e 26, 4 ± 17,2 em G2 (P<0,003); percentagem do tempo com pH esofágico menor que 4 unidades (sensor distal): 9,0% ± 6,4% em G1 e 3,4% ± 2,1% em G2 (P<0,001); número de episódios de refluxo no sensor proximal: 7,5 ± 10,9 em G1 e 5,3 ± 5,7 em G2 (P = 0,38); percentagem de tempo com pH esofágico menor que quatro unidades (sensor proximal): 1,2% ± 2,7% em G1 e 0,5% ± 0,7% em G2 (P = 0,210). CONCLUSÕES: Os aspectos clínicos, endoscópicos e manométricos em pacientes com a DRGE e distúrbios da voz não diferem dos pacientes sem estes sintomas. A intensidade do refluxo gastroesofágico é maior nos pacientes com distúrbios da voz. Os pacientes sem distúrbios da voz podem também apresentar episódios de refluxo gastroesofágico no sensor proximal.


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We report a case of an immunocompetent infant, with no evidence of neurological disorders, which developed clinical manifestation of recurrent crisis of choking, dysphagia, laryngeal stridor and sub costal retractions since the first day of life. Direct laryngoscopy was unremarkable. Upper gastrointestinal series showed a dilated tortuous esophagus with severe peristalsis impairment and reflux episodes till the proximal third of the esophagus. An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed a moderately dilated esophagus with erosive lesions in the distal esophagus. Esophageal biopsy specimens revealed CMV inclusion bodies associated to moderate inflammation and immunohistochemistry was positive for CMV early antigen. Prolonged 24 h esophageal pH metry was within normal limits. Antiviral therapy with intravenous ganciclovir was introduced and was associated with rapid improvement of the symptoms. Child gradually increased oral intake and weight gain, and there were no side effects related to therapy. Thus, the respiratory symptoms could have been a supra esophageal manifestation of a non-acid reflux disease related to the CMV esophagitis.


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The most important early pathomechanism in traumatic brain injury (TBI) is alteration of the resting membrane potential. This may be mediated via voltage, or agonist-dependent ion channels (e.g. glutamate-dependent channels). This may result in a consequent increase in metabolism with increased oxygen consumption, in order to try to restore ionic balance via the ATP-dependent pumps. We hypothesize that glutamate is an important agonist in this process and may induce an increase in lactate, potassium and brain tissue CO2, and hence a decrease in brain pH. Further we propose that an increase in lactate is thus not an indicator of anaerobic metabolic conditions as has been thought for many years. We therefore analyzed a total of 85 patients with TBI, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) < 8 using microdialysis, brain tissue oxygen, CO2 and pH monitoring. Cerebral blood flow studies (CBF) were performed to test the relationship between regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and the metabolic determinants. Glutamate was significantly correlated with lactate (p < 0.0001), potassium (p < 0.0001), brain tissue pH (p = 0.0005), and brain tissue CO2 (p = 0.006). rCBF was inversely correlated with glutamate, lactate and potassium. 44% of high lactate values were observed in brain with tissue oxygen values, above the threshold level for cell damage. These results support the hypothesis of a glutamate driven increase in metabolism, with secondary traumatic depolarization and possibly hyperglycolysis. Further, we demonstrate evidence for lactate production in aerobic conditions in humans after TBI. Finally, when reduced regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) is observed, high dialysate glutamate, lactate and potassium values are usually seen, suggesting ischemia worsens these TBI-induced changes.


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OBJECTIVES: Dental erosion, the chemical dissolution of enamel without bacterial involvement, is a rarely reported manifestation of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), as well as of recurrent vomiting and dietary habits. It leads to loss of tooth substance, hypersensitivity, functional impairment, and even tooth fracture. To date, dental erosions have been assessed using only very basic visual methods, and no evidence-based guidelines or studies exist regarding the prevention or treatment of GERD-related dental erosions. METHODS: In this randomized, double-blind study, we used optical coherence tomography (OCT) to quantify dental tissue demineralization and enamel loss before and after 3 weeks of acid-suppressive treatment with esomeprazole 20 mg b.i.d. or placebo in 30 patients presenting to the Berne University Dental Clinic with advanced dental erosions and abnormal acid exposure by 24-h esophageal pH manometry (defined as >4% of the 24-h period with pH<4). Enamel thickness, reflectivity, and absorbance as measures of demineralization were quantified by OCT before and after therapy at identical localizations on teeth with most severe visible erosions as well as several other predefined changes in teeth. RESULTS: The mean+/-s.e.m. decrease of enamel thickness of all teeth before and after treatment at the site of maximum exposure was 7.2+/-0.16 black trianglem with esomeprazole and 15.25+/-0.17black trianglem with placebo (P=0.013), representing a loss of 0.3% and 0.8% of the total enamel thickness, respectively. The change in optical reflectivity to a depth of 25 black trianglem after treatment was-1.122 +/-0.769 dB with esomeprazole and +2.059+/-0.534 dB with placebo (P 0.012), with increased reflectivity signifying demineralization. CONCLUSIONS: OCT non-invasively detected and quantified significantly diminished progression of dental tissue demineralization and enamel loss after only 3 weeks of treatment with esomeprazole 20 mg b.i.d. vs. placebo. This suggests that esomeprazole may be useful in counteracting progression of GERD-related dental erosions. Further validation of preventative treatment regimens using this sensitive detection method is required, including longer follow-up and correlation with quantitative reflux measures.


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INTRODUCTION: Functional dyspepsia and non-erosive reflux disease (NERD) are prevalent gastrointestinal conditions with accumulating evidence regarding an overlap between the two. Still, patients with NERD represent a very heterogeneous group and limited data on dyspeptic symptoms in various subgroups of NERD are available. AIM: To evaluate the prevalence of dyspeptic symptoms in patients with NERD subclassified by using 24 h impedance-pH monitoring (MII-pH). METHODS: Patients with typical reflux symptoms and normal endoscopy underwent impedance-pH monitoring off proton pump inhibitor treatment. Oesophageal acid exposure time (AET), type of acid and non-acid reflux episodes, and symptom association probability (SAP) were calculated. A validated dyspepsia questionnaire was used to quantify dyspeptic symptoms prior to reflux monitoring. RESULTS: Of 200 patients with NERD (105 female; median age, 48 years), 81 (41%) had an abnormal oesophageal AET (NERD pH-POS), 65 (32%) had normal oesophageal AET and positive SAP for acid and/or non-acid reflux (hypersensitive oesophagus), and 54 (27%) had normal oesophageal AET and negative SAP (functional heartburn). Patients with functional heartburn had more frequent (p<0.01) postprandial fullness, bloating, early satiety and nausea compared to patients with NERD pH-POS and hypersensitive oesophagus. CONCLUSION: The increased prevalence of dyspeptic symptoms in patients with functional heartburn reinforces the concept that functional gastrointestinal disorders extend beyond the boundaries suggested by the anatomical location of symptoms. This should be regarded as a further argument to test patients with symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in order to separate patients with functional heartburn from patients with NERD in whom symptoms are associated with gastro-oesophageal reflux.


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Experimental assessments of species vulnerabilities to ocean acidification are rapidly increasing in number, yet the potential for short- and long-term adaptation to high CO2 by contemporary marine organisms remains poorly understood. We used a novel experimental approach that combined bi-weekly sampling of a wild, spawning fish population (Atlantic silverside Menidia menidia) with standardized offspring CO2 exposure experiments and parallel pH monitoring of a coastal ecosystem. We assessed whether offspring produced at different times of the spawning season (April to July) would be similarly susceptible to elevated (1100 µatm, pHNIST = 7.77) and high CO2 levels (2300 µatm, pHNIST = 7.47). Early in the season (April), high CO2 levels significantly (p < 0.05) reduced fish survival by 54% (2012) and 33% (2013) and reduced 1 to 10 d post-hatch growth by 17% relative to ambient conditions. However, offspring from parents collected later in the season became increasingly CO2-tolerant until, by mid-May, offspring survival was equally high at all CO2 levels. This interannually consistent plasticity coincided with the rapid annual pH decline in the species' spawning habitat (mean pH: 1 April/31 May = 8.05/7.67). It suggests that parents can condition their offspring to seasonally acidifying environments, either via changes in maternal provisioning and/or epigenetic transgenerational plasticity (TGP). TGP to increasing CO2 has been shown in the laboratory but never before in a wild population. Our novel findings of direct CO2-related survival reductions in wild fish offspring and seasonally plastic responses imply that realistic assessments of species CO2-sensitivities must control for parental environments that are seasonally variable in coastal habitats.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Study objectives: Currently, esophageal pressure monitoring is the "gold standard" measure for inspiratory efforts, hut its invasive nature necessitates a better tolerated and noninvasive method to be used on children. Pulse transit time (PTT) has demonstrated its potential as a noninvasive surrogate marker for inspiratory efforts. The principle velocity determinant of PTT is the change in stiffness of the arterial wall and is inversely correlated to BP. Moreover, PTT has been shown to identify changes in inspiratory effort via the BP fluctuations induced by negative pleural pressure swings. In this study, the capability of PTT to classify respiratory, events during sleep as either central or obstructive in nature was investigated. Setting and participants: PTT measure was used in adjunct to routine overnight polysomnographic studies performed on 33 children (26 boys and 7 girls; mean +/- SD age, 6.7 +/- 3.9 years). The accuracy of PTT measurements was then evaluated against scored corresponding respiratory events in the polysomnography recordings. Results: Three hundred thirty-four valid respiratory events occurred and were analyzed. One hundred twelve obstructive events (OEs) showed a decrease in mean PTT over a 10-sample window that had a probability of being correctly ranked below the baseline PTT during tidal breathing of 0.92 (p < 0.005); 222 central events (CEs) showed a decrease in the variance of PTT over a 10-sample window that had a probability of being ranked below the baseline PTT of 0.94 (p < 0.005). This indicates that, at a sensitivity of 0.90, OEs can be detected with a specificity of 0.82 and CEs can be detected with a specificity of 0.80. Conclusions: PTT is able to categorize CEs and OEs accordingly in the absence of motion artifacts, including hypopneas. Hence, PTT shows promise to differentiate respiratory, events accordingly and can be an important diagnostic tool in pediatric respiratory sleep studies.< 0.005); 222 central events (CEs) showed a decrease in the variance of PTT over a 10-sample window that had a probability of being ranked below the baseline PTT of 0.94 (p < 0.005). This indicates that, at a sensitivity of 0.90, OEs can be detected with a specificity of 0.82 and CEs can be detected with a specificity of 0.80. Conclusions: PTT is able to categorize CEs and OEs accordingly in the absence of motion artifacts, including hypopneas. Hence, PTT shows promise to differentiate respiratory, events accordingly and can be an important diagnostic tool in pediatric respiratory sleep studies.');"


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Patients with non-erosive reflux disease (NERD) report symptoms which commonly fail to improve on conventional antireflux therapies. Oesophageal visceral hyperalgaesia may contribute to symptom generation in NERD and we explore this hypothesis using oesophageal evoked potentials. Fifteen endoscopically confirmed NERD patients (four female, 29–56 years) plus 15 matched healthy volunteers (four female, 23–56 years) were studied. All patients had oesophageal manometry/24-h pH monitoring and all subjects underwent evoked potential and sensory testing, using electrical stimulation of the distal oesophagus. Cumulatively, NERD patients had higher sensory thresholds and increased evoked potential latencies when compared to controls (P = 0.01). In NERD patients, there was a correlation between pain threshold and acid exposure as determined by DeMeester score (r = 0.63, P = 0.02), with increased oesophageal sensitivity being associated with lower DeMeester score. Reflux negative patients had lower pain thresholds when compared to both reflux positive patients and controls. Evoked potentials were normal in reflux negative patients but significantly delayed in the reflux positive group (P = 0.01). We demonstrate that NERD patients form a continuum of oesophageal afferent sensitivity with a correlation between the degree of acid exposure and oesophageal pain thresholds. We provide objective evidence that increased oesophageal pain sensitivity in reflux negative NERD is associated with heightened afferent sensitivity as normal latency evoked potential responses could be elicited with reduced afferent input. Increased oesophageal afferent pain sensitivity may play an important role in a subset of NERD and could offer an alternate therapeutic target.


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The wide use of antibiotics in aquaculture has led to the emergence of resistant microbial species. It should be avoided/minimized by controlling the amount of drug employed in fish farming. For this purpose, the present work proposes test-strip papers aiming at the detection/semi-quantitative determination of organic drugs by visual comparison of color changes, in a similar analytical procedure to that of pH monitoring by universal pH paper. This is done by establishing suitable chemical changes upon cellulose, attributing the paper the ability to react with the organic drug and to produce a color change. Quantitative data is also enabled by taking a picture and applying a suitable mathematical treatment to the color coordinates given by the HSL system used by windows. As proof of concept, this approach was applied to oxytetracycline (OXY), one of the antibiotics frequently used in aquaculture. A bottom-up modification of paper was established, starting by the reaction of the glucose moieties on the paper with 3-triethoxysilylpropylamine (APTES). The so-formed amine layer allowed binding to a metal ion by coordination chemistry, while the metal ion reacted after with the drug to produce a colored compound. The most suitable metals to carry out such modification were selected by bulk studies, and the several stages of the paper modification were optimized to produce an intense color change against the concentration of the drug. The paper strips were applied to the analysis of spiked environmental water, allowing a quantitative determination for OXY concentrations as low as 30 ng/mL. In general, this work provided a simple, method to screen and discriminate tetracycline drugs, in aquaculture, being a promising tool for local, quick and cheap monitoring of drugs.