981 resultados para Escherichia coli - metabolism


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Abstract Introduction We conducted the present study to investigate whether early large-volume crystalloid infusion can restore gut mucosal blood flow and mesenteric oxygen metabolism in severe sepsis. Methods Anesthetized and mechanically ventilated male mongrel dogs were challenged with intravenous injection of live Escherichia coli (6 × 109 colony-forming units/ml per kg over 15 min). After 90 min they were randomly assigned to one of two groups – control (no fluids; n = 13) or lactated Ringer's solution (32 ml/kg per hour; n = 14) – and followed for 60 min. Cardiac index, mesenteric blood flow, mean arterial pressure, systemic and mesenteric oxygen-derived variables, blood lactate and gastric carbon dioxide tension (PCO2; by gas tonometry) were assessed throughout the study. Results E. coli infusion significantly decreased arterial pressure, cardiac index, mesenteric blood flow, and systemic and mesenteric oxygen delivery, and increased arterial and portal lactate, intramucosal PCO2, PCO2 gap (the difference between gastric mucosal and arterial PCO2), and systemic and mesenteric oxygen extraction ratio in both groups. The Ringer's solution group had significantly higher cardiac index and systemic oxygen delivery, and lower oxygen extraction ratio and PCO2 gap at 165 min as compared with control animals. However, infusion of lactated Ringer's solution was unable to restore the PCO2 gap. There were no significant differences between groups in mesenteric oxygen delivery, oxygen extraction ratio, or portal lactate at the end of study. Conclusion Significant disturbances occur in the systemic and mesenteric beds during bacteremic severe sepsis. Although large-volume infusion of lactated Ringer's solution restored systemic hemodynamic parameters, it was unable to correct gut mucosal PCO2 gap.


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Escherichia coli kann C4-Dicarboxylate und andere Carbonsäuren als Substrate für den aeroben und anaeroben Stoffwechsel nutzen. Die Anwesenheit von C4-Dicarboxylaten im Außenmedium wird über das Zweikomponentensystem DcuSR, bestehend aus der membranständigen Sensorkinase DcuS und dem cytoplasmatischen Responseregulator DcuR, erkannt. Die Bindung von C4-Dicarboxylaten an die periplasmatische Domäne von DcuS führt zu einer Induktion der Zielgene. Hierzu zählen die Gene für den anaeroben Fumarat/Succinat-Antiporter DcuB (dcuB), die anaerobe Fumarase (fumB) und die Fumaratreduktase (frdABCD). Unter aeroben Bedingungen stimuliert DcuSR die Expression des dctA Gens, das für den aeroben C4-Dicarboxylat-Carrier DctA kodiert. Für den Carrier DcuB konnte eine regulatorische Funktion bei der Expression der DcuSR-regulierten Gene gezeigt werden. Die Inaktivierung des dcuB Gens führte bereits ohne Fumarat zu einer maximalen Expression einer dcuB´-´lacZ Reportergenfusion und anderer DcuSR-abhängiger Gene. Diese Stimulierung erfolgte nur in einem dcuS-positiven Hintergrund. DcuB unterscheidet sich damit von den alternativen Carriern DcuA und DcuC, die diesen Effekt nicht zeigten. Mithilfe ungerichteter Mutagenese wurden DcuB-Punktmutanten hergestellt (Thr394Ile und Asp398Asn), die eine Geninduktion verursachten, aber eine intakte Transportfunktion besaßen. Dies zeigt, dass der regulatorische Effekt von DcuB unabhängig von dessen Transportfunktion ist. Durch gerichtete Mutagenese wurde die Funktion einer Punktmutation (Thr394) näher charakterisiert. Es werden zwei Modelle zur Membrantopologie von DcuB und der Lage der Punktmutationen im Protein vorgestellt. Da DcuB seine regulatorische Funktion über eine Interaktion mit DcuS vermitteln könnte, wurden mögliche Wechselwirkungen zwischen DcuB und DcuS als auch DcuR mithilfe von Two-Hybrid-Systemen untersucht. Für biochemische Untersuchungen von DcuB wurde außerdem die Expression des Proteins in vivo und in vitro versucht. Unter aeroben Bedingungen beeinflusst der C4-Dicarboxylat-Carrier DctA die Expression der DcuSR-abhängigen Gene. Eine Mutation des dctA Gens bewirkte eine stärkere Expression einer dctA´-´lacZ Reportergenfusion im Vergleich zum Wildtyp. Diese Expression nahm in einem dcuS-negativen Hintergrund ab, die Succinat-abhängige Induktion blieb jedoch erhalten. Unter anaeroben Bedingungen kann das dctA Gen auch durch Inaktivierung von DcuB induziert werden. Es wird ein Modell vorgestellt, das die Beteiligung beider Carrier an der DcuSR-abhängigen Regulation erklärt.


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DcuS is a membrane-integral sensory histidine kinase involved in the DcuSR two-component regulatory system in Escherichia coli by regulating the gene expression of C4-dicarboxylate metabolism in response to external stimuli. How DcuS mediates the signal transduction across the membrane remains little understood. This study focused on the oligomerization and protein-protein interactions of DcuS by using quantitative Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) spectroscopy. A quantitative FRET analysis for fluorescence spectroscopy has been developed in this study, consisting of three steps: (1) flexible background subtraction to yield background-free spectra, (2) a FRET quantification method to determine FRET efficiency (E) and donor fraction (fD = [donor] / ([donor]+[acceptor])) from the spectra, and (3) a model to determine the degree of oligomerization (interaction stoichiometry) in the protein complexes based on E vs. fD. The accuracy and applicability of this analysis was validated by theoretical simulations and experimental systems. These three steps were integrated into a computer procedure as an automatic quantitative FRET analysis which is easy, fast, and allows high-throughout to quantify FRET accurately and robustly, even in living cells. This method was subsequently applied to investigate oligomerization and protein-protein interactions, in particular in living cells. Cyan (CFP) and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), two spectral variants of green fluorescent protein, were used as a donor-acceptor pair for in vivo measurements. Based on CFP- and YFP-fusions of non-interacting membrane proteins in the cell membrane, a minor FRET signal (E = 0.06 ± 0.01) can be regarded as an estimate of direct interaction between CFP and YFP moieties of fusion proteins co-localized in the cell membrane (false-positive). To confirm if the FRET occurrence is specific to the interaction of the investigated proteins, their FRET efficiency should be clearly above E = 0.06. The oligomeric state of DcuS was examined both in vivo (CFP/YFP) and in vitro (two different donor-acceptor pairs of organic dyes) by three independent experimental systems. The consistent occurrence of FRET in vitro and in vivo provides the evidence for the homo-dimerization of DcuS as full-length protein for the first time. Moreover, novel interactions (hetero-complexes) between DcuS and its functionally related proteins, citrate-specific sensor kinase CitA and aerobic dicarboxylate transporter DctA respectively, have been identified for the first time by intermolecular FRET in vivo. This analysis can be widely applied as a robust method to determine the interaction stoichiometry of protein complexes for other proteins of interest labeled with adequate fluorophores in vitro or in vivo.


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Escherichia coli kann C4-Dicarboxylate sowohl unter aeroben als auch unter anaeroben Bedingungen zur Energiekonservierung nutzen. Die Synthese der beteiligten Transporter und Enzyme wird auf der Transkriptionsebene durch das Zweikomponentensystem DcuSR reguliert. DcuS ist der Sensor für C4-Dicarboxylate. Der Antwortregulator DcuR wird von DcuS aktiviert und induziert die Expression des C4-Dicarboxylat-Transporters DctA unter aeroben Verhältnissen. Anaerob verstärkt DcuSR die Expression des Fumarat/Succinat-Antiporters DcuB, der Fumarase B und der Fumaratreduktase FrdABCD. DctA und DcuB agieren als Co-Sensoren von DcuS und üben einen negativen Effekt auf die Genexpression von dctA bzw. dcuB aus.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde die Funktion von DctA und DcuB als Co-Sensoren von DcuS untersucht. Sowohl für DcuB als auch für DctA wurde eine direkte Protein-Protein-Interaktion mit DcuS über ein bakterielles Two-Hybrid System nachgewiesen. DcuS bildete ein Transporter-Sensor-Cluster mit DctA und DcuB. C-terminale Verkürzung und die Mutagenese einzelner Aminosäuren der C-terminalen Helix 8b von DctA führten zu einem Verlust der Interaktion mit DcuS. Mit dieser Interaktion gingen sowohl die regulatorische Funktion als auch die Transportfunktion der Punktmutante DctA-L414A verloren. Ein Verlust der Interaktion wurde ebenfalls zwischen einer konstitutiv aktiven DcuS-Mutante und wildtypischem DctA beobachtet. Ebenso zeigte sich eine partielle Reduktion der Interaktion von DcuS mit DctA, wenn DcuS nach der zweiten Transmembranhelix verkürzt wurde. Die Interaktion zwischen DcuS und DctA wurde durch den Effektor Fumarat modifiziert, ging aber nicht komplett verloren.rnDctA konnte in verschiedenen Plasmidsystemen überproduziert werden und bildete Homotrimere. Die Topologie von DctA wurde mit experimentellen und in silico Methoden aufgeklärt. DctA ähnelt der Struktur und Topologie des Aminosäuretransporters Glt aus Pyrococcus horikoshii. DctA besitzt acht Transmembranhelices mit einem cytosolischen N- und C-Terminus sowie zwei Haarnadelschleifen. Die Substratbindung findet höchstwahrscheinlich in den Haarnadelschleifen statt und der Transport erfolgt nach dem „alternating access“ Modell.rnAußerdem wurde die Funktion des Transporters YfcC untersucht. Das Gen yfcC wurde mit Schlüsselgenen des Acetatstoffwechsels co-transkribiert. In yfcC-Deletionsstämmen zeigte sich ein stammspezifischer Defekt bei Wachstum mit Acetat und Transport von Acetat.


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E. coli ist in der Lage unter aeroben sowie anaeroben Bedingungen C4-Dicarbonsäuren zur Energiekonservierung zu nutzen. Das DcuS/DcuR-Zweikomponentensystem detektiert diese und reguliert die Gene für den C4-Dicarboxylat-Transport und Metabolismus. Dabei hängt die Sensitivität der Sensorkinase DcuS für C4-Dicarbonsäuren von der Anwesenheit des aeroben Symporters DctA oder des anaeroben Antiporters DcuB ab. Diese bifunktionalen Transporter bilden mit DcuS über direkte Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkungen Sensoreinheiten. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Funktionen von DctA und DcuS im DctA/DcuS-Sensorkomplex analysiert. Mit DctA(S380D) wurde eine Variante des Transporters identifiziert, in der die regulatorische Eigenschaft von der katalytischen Funktion entkoppelt ist. Stämme von E. coli, die den DctA(S380D)/DcuS-Sensorkomplex enthielten, waren in der Lage C4-Dicarbonsäuren wahrzunehmen, obwohl die Transportfunktion von DctA inaktiviert war. Zudem wurden Unterschiede in den Substratspektren von DctA und DcuS festgestellt. Citrat, ein guter Effektor des DctA/DcuS-Sensorkomplexes, wurde durch DctA nicht gebunden oder transportiert. Anhand von Titrationsexperimenten mit variierenden DctA-Mengen wurde außerdem nachgewiesen, dass die Sensitivität von DcuS für seine Effektoren von der DctA-Konzentration abhängig ist. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass DctA im DctA/DcuS-Sensorkomplex nicht an der Erkennung von C4-Dicarbonsäuren beteiligt ist. DcuS stellt die Signaleingangsstelle des Komplexes dar, während DctA durch seine Anwesenheit die Sensorkinase in eine funktionsbereite oder sensitive Form überführt, die auf Effektoren reagieren kann. Darüber hinaus wurde die Rolle der Transmembranhelices TM1 und TM2 von DcuS für die Funktion und Dimerisierung der Sensorkinase untersucht. Durch Sequenzanalysen wurden „SmallxxxSmall“-Motive, deren Relevanz als Dimerisierungsschnittstellen bereits in Transmembranhelices anderer Proteine nachgewiesen wurde, in TM1 sowie TM2 identifiziert. Die Homodimerisierung beider Transmembrandomänen wurde im GALLEX Two-Hybrid System nachgewiesen, wobei die TM2-TM2-Interaktion stärker war. Die Substitution G190A/G194A im SxxxGxxxG-Tandemmotiv von TM2 rief zudem einen deutlichen Funktionsverlust der Sensorkinase hervor. Dieser Aktivitätsverlust korrelierte mit Störungen der Homodimerisierung von TM2(G190A/G194A) sowie DcuS(G190A/G194A) bei bakteriellen Two-Hybrid Messungen im GALLEX- bzw. BACTH-System. Demzufolge agiert Transmembranhelix 2 mit seinem SxxxGxxxG-Sequenzmotiv als wesentliche Homodimerisierungsstelle in DcuS. Die Dimerisierung von DcuS ist essentiell für die Funktion der Histidinkinase. Zusätzlich wurde bei fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Studien durch Koexpression von DcuS bzw. DctA die zelluläre Kolokalisierung von DctA und DcuR mit DcuS sowie DauA mit DctA nachgewiesen. Die DctA/DcuS-Sensoreinheit kann demnach zum DauA/DctA/DcuS/DcuR-Komplex erweitert werden.


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Escherichia coli kann unter aeroben und anaeroben Bedingungen mit C4-Dicarboxylaten wachsen, die Regulation des Stoffwechsels erfolgt durch das Zwei-Komponenten-System DcuSR. Die C4-Dicarboxylattransporter DctA (aerob) bzw. DcuB (anaerob) agieren als Co-Regulatoren und bilden gemeinsam mit der Sensor-Histidinkinase DcuS einen Sensorkomplex, in dem DcuS den Sensor darstellt und DctA bzw. DcuB diesen in seine rezeptive Form überführen. DcuS ist membranständig und verknüpft die Bindung von C4-Dicarboxylaten im Periplasma mit der Autophosphorylierung seiner Kinasedomäne im Cytoplasma. Dies stellt den Beginn einer Signalkaskade vom extrazellulären Reiz zum cytoplasmatischen Responseregulator DcuR dar.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde die intramolekulare Signaltransduktion in DcuS und über die Membran untersucht. Der Fokus lag auf der Funktion der beiden Transmembranhelices TM1 und TM2 und der cytoplasmatischen PAS-Domäne, die die sensorische PASp- mit der effektorischen Kinasedomäne verbinden. Konformationsänderungen dieser Signalweiterleitung wurden durch Cysteinzugänglichkeitsstudien, oxidatives Cystein-Crosslinking und Mutageneseexperimente analysiert. rnTM2 wurde als der Überträger eines transmembranen Signals identifiziert, während TM1 als Membrananker fungiert. Der aktive Signalzustand von TM2 wird unabhängig von der Art der DcuS-Aktivierung (Effektorbindung, Deletion des Co-Regulators DctA oder PASc-ON-Mutationen) eingenommen. Der Signaltransduktion liegt eine Verschiebung von TM2 entlang ihrer Längsachse (Kolbenhub) in Richtung Periplasma zu Grunde. Cystein-Crosslinking offenbarte eine durchgehende Helix aus PASp-α6 und TM2, die im Dimer parallel mit ihrem Pendant verschoben wird. Die Amplitude des Kolbenhubs wurde anhand von Zugänglichkeitsveränderungen, der Lage verankernder Tryptophanreste, Strukturvergleichen und energetischen Berechnungen auf max. 4 - 6 Å festgelegt. Sie ist von der Effektorstärke abhängig und koppelt so die metabolische Bevorzugung einzelner Substrate an das Ausmaß des Kolbenhubs und der Genexpression. Für die cytoplasmatische PAS-Domäne wurde ein Zusammenhang zwischen lokaler Dimerisierung und Kontrolle der Sensorfunktion nachgewiesen. Schwächung der Dimerisierung führt zu einer Aktivierung der Sensorkinase. Es wurde eine hydrophobe Region identifiziert, deren strukturelle Integrität für diese Dimerisierung essentiell ist. Mit N248 wurde ein funktionell bedeutender Rest beschrieben, der auf Grund seiner Lage und seiner Eigenschaft mehrere Sekundärstrukturelemente zu verknüpfen, als Scharnier innerhalb der Domäne an der Umsetzung des Kolbenhubs in eine veränderte Quartärstruktur von PASc beteiligt sein könnte.


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Vitamin B$\sb6$ (or pyridoxal 5$\sp\prime$-phosphate, PLP) is an essential, ubiquitous coenzyme that affects many aspects of amino acid and cellular metabolism in all organisms. The goal of this thesis is to examine the regulation of PLP biosynthesis in Escherichia coli K-12. First, PdxH oxidase is a PLP biosynthetic enzyme, which uses molecular oxygen as an electron acceptor under aerobic assay conditions. To test if facultative anaerobic E. coli uses another enzyme to replace the function of PdxH oxidase anaerobically, suppressors of a pdxH null mutant were isolated anaerobically after 2-aminopurine or spontaneous mutagenesis. Only one specific bypass mutation in another PLP biosynthetic gene pdxJ was found, suggesting that PdxH oxidase is able to function anaerobically and PdxT utilizes D-1-deoxyxyulose as a substrate. Second, regulation of the serC (pdxF)-aroA operon, which is involved the biosynthesis of L-serine, PLP and aromatic compounds was examined. A serC (pdxF) single gene transcript and a serC (pdXf)-aroA cotranscript initiated at P$\sb{serC\ (pdxF)}$ upstream of serC (pdxF) were detected. The expression of the operon is activated by leucine responsive regulatory protein (LRP) and repressed by cAMP receptor protein-cAMP complex (CRP$\cdot$cAMP) at the transcriptional level. LRP activates the operon by directly binding to the upstream consensus box. Binding of CRP$\cdot$cAMP to the upstream CRP box diminishes the activation effect of LRP. However, deletion of the CRP box did not affect the repression of CRP$\cdot$cAMP, suggesting that CRP$\cdot$cAMP may repress the operon indirectly by stimulating the activity or level of an unidentified repressor. The overall effect of this regulation is to maximize the expression of the operon when the cells are growing in minimal-glucose medium. In addition, the binding and the transcription of P$\sb{serC\ (pdxF)}$ by RNA polymerase require a supercoiled circular DNA, indicating that DNA supercoiling affects the transcription of the operon. Third, regulation of another PLP biosynthetic gene gapB was also examined. gapB is activated by CRP$\cdot$cAMP and repressed by catabolic repressor activator protein (CRA). However, the activation of CRP$\cdot$cAMP is epistatic to the repression of CRA. Due to the CRA repression, gapB was expressed at a low level in all the media tested, suggesting that it may be the rate-limiting step of PLP biosynthesis. In summary, unlike genes in many biosynthetic pathways, PLP biosynthetic genes are regulated by global regulators that are important for carbon and amino acid metabolism, instead of the end product(s) of the pathway. ^


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Phosphatidylserine synthase catalyzes the committed step in the synthesis of the major lipid of Escherichia coli, phosphatidylethanolamine, and may be involved in regulating the balance of the zwitterionic and anionic phospholipids in the membrane. Unlike the other enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of phospholipids in E. coli, phosphatidylserine synthase is not membrane associated but seems to have a high affinity for the ribosomal fraction of cells broken by various methods. Investigations on the enzyme in cell free extracts using glycerol gradient centrifugation revealed that the binding of the synthase to ribosomes may be prevented by the presence of highly basic compounds such as spermidine and by the presence of detergent-lipid substrate micelles under assay conditions. Thus phosphatidylserine synthase may not be ribosome associated under physiological conditions but associated with its membrane bound substrate (Louie and Dowhan (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 1124).^ In addition homogeneous enzyme shows many of the properties of a membrane associated protein. It binds nonionic detergent such as Triton X-100, which is also required during purification of the enzyme. Optimal catalytic activity is also dependent on micelle or surface bound substrate. Phosphatidylserine synthase has been synthesized in vitro using a coupled transcription-translation system dependent on the presence of the cloned structural gene. The translation product was found to preferentially associate with the ribosomal fraction even in the presence of added E. coli membranes. Preferential membrane binding could be induced if the membranes were supplemented with the lipid substrate CDP-diacylglycerol. Similar effects were obtained with the acidic lipids phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin. On the other hand the zwitterionic lipid phosphatidylethanolamine and the lipid product phosphatidylserine did not cause any detectable membrane association. These results are consistent with the enzyme recognizing membrane bound substrate (Carman and Dowhan (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 8391) and with the lipid charge influencing membrane interaction.^ Phosphatidylserine synthase is at a branch point in lipid metabolism, which may determine the distribution of the zwitterionic and anionic phospholipids in the membrane. The results obtained here indicate phosphatidylserine synthase may play a significant role in membrane lipid biosynthesis by maintaining charge balance of the E. coli membrane. In determining the localization of phosphatidylserine synthase in vitro one may have a better understanding of its function and control in vivo and may also have a better understanding of its role in membrane assembly.^


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The Escherichia coli MG1655 genome has been completely sequenced. The annotated sequence, biochemical information, and other information were used to reconstruct the E. coli metabolic map. The stoichiometric coefficients for each metabolic enzyme in the E. coli metabolic map were assembled to construct a genome-specific stoichiometric matrix. The E. coli stoichiometric matrix was used to define the system's characteristics and the capabilities of E. coli metabolism. The effects of gene deletions in the central metabolic pathways on the ability of the in silico metabolic network to support growth were assessed, and the in silico predictions were compared with experimental observations. It was shown that based on stoichiometric and capacity constraints the in silico analysis was able to qualitatively predict the growth potential of mutant strains in 86% of the cases examined. Herein, it is demonstrated that the synthesis of in silico metabolic genotypes based on genomic, biochemical, and strain-specific information is possible, and that systems analysis methods are available to analyze and interpret the metabolic phenotype.


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Current evidence suggests that the length of poly(A) tails of bacterial mRNAs result from a competition between poly(A) polymerase and exoribonucleases that attack the 3′ ends of RNAs. Here, we show that host factor Hfq is also involved in poly(A) tail metabolism. Inactivation of the hfq gene reduces the length of poly(A) tails synthesized at the 3′ end of the rpsO mRNA by poly(A) polymerase I in vivo. In vitro, Hfq stimulates synthesis of long tails by poly(A) polymerase I. The strong binding of Hfq to oligoadenylated RNA probably explains why it stimulates elongation of primers that already harbor tails of 20–35 A. Polyadenylation becomes processive in the presence of Hfq. The similar properties of Hfq and the PABPII poly(A) binding protein, which stimulates poly(A) tail elongation in mammals, indicates that similar mechanisms control poly(A) tail synthesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.


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The sequencing of the human genome has led to the identification of many genes whose functions remain to be determined. Because of conservation of genetic function, microbial systems have often been used for identification and characterization of human genes. We have investigated the use of the Escherichia coli SOS induction assay as a screen for yeast and human genes that might play a role in DNA metabolism and/or in genome stability. The SOS system has previously been used to analyze bacterial and viral genes that directly modify DNA. An initial screen of meiotically expressed yeast genes revealed several genes associated with chromosome metabolism (e.g., RAD51 and HHT1 as well as others). The SOS induction assay was then extended to the isolation of human genes. Several known human genes involved in DNA metabolism, such as the Ku70 end-binding protein and DNA ligase IV, were identified, as well as a large number of previously unknown genes. Thus, the SOS assay can be used to identify and characterize human genes, many of which may participate in chromosome metabolism.


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The Escherichia coli fnr gene product, FNR, is a DNA binding protein that regulates a large family of genes involved in cellular respiration and carbon metabolism during conditions of anaerobic cell growth. FNR is believed to contain a redox/O2-sensitive element for detecting the anaerobic state. To investigate this process, a fnr mutant that encodes an altered FNR protein with three amino acid substitutions in the N-terminal domain was constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. In vivo, the mutant behaved like a wild-type strain under anaerobic conditions but had a 14-fold elevated level of transcriptional activation of a reporter gene during aerobic cell growth. The altered fur gene was overexpressed in E. coli and the resultant FNR protein was purified to near homogeneity by using anaerobic chromatography procedures. An in vitro Rsa I restriction site protection assay was developed that allowed for the assessment of oxygen-dependent DNA binding of the mutant FNR protein. The FNR protein was purified as a monomer of M(r) 28,000 that contained nonheme iron at 2.05 +/- 0.34 mol of Fe per FNR monomer. In vitro DNase I protection studies were performed to establish the locations of the FNR-binding sites at the narG, narK, dmsA, and hemA promoters that are regulated by either activation or repression of their transcription. The sizes of the DNA footprints are consistent with the binding of two monomers of FNR that protect the symmetrical FNR-recognition sequence TTGAT-nnnnATCAA. Exposure of the FNR protein or protein-DNA complex to air for even short periods of time (approximately 5 min) led to the complete loss of DNA protection at a consensus FNR recognition site. A model whereby the FNR protein exists in the cell as a monomer that assembles on the DNA under anaerobic conditions to form a dimer is discussed.


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Escherichia coli (E.coli) is a diverse bacterial species that primarily forms a beneficial symbiotic relationship with the host in the human lower gastrointestinal track (GIT), however it can also be pathogenic in this environment. Furthermore, some strains can diverge from the GIT and occupy niches such as the urinary tract. In all these environments, E. coli interacts with the immune system and macrophages represent the front line of the innate immune system. In this study we characterise the immune response by macrophages to E. coli infection. It was shown that E. coli broadly provoke a similar cytokine response during macrophages infection and furthermore are degraded primarily by the phagocytosis pathway. Recently a new group of E. coli called Adherent Invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) has been described. AIEC are present in the guts of Crohn’s disease (CD) patients at a higher frequency than in healthy patients. AIEC can replicate in macrophages but the mechanism for this is not fully understood. The processing of AIEC by macrophages was investigated and it was shown that AIEC only replicated in permissive macrophages. Furthermore, even in a permissive macrophages AIEC are trafficked through macrophages in a similar manner to commensal E. coli. This supports the hypothesis that AIEC are highly similar to commensal E. coli and only cause pathogenicity when present in the permissive environment of the gut of CD patients. Replication in macrophages requires functioning metabolic pathways and it was identified that glycolysis is important for AIEC survival in macrophages. AIEC mutants without a fully functioning glycolysis pathway induced less IL-1β cytokine release from macrophages than wild type strain suggesting that metabolism plays a role in inflammasome activation. Furthermore, AIEC mutants that could not produce the glycolytic end product acetate induced significantly reduced IL-1β release during infection. This suggest that the acetate molecule or a phenotypic effect of its production may be a driver of IL-1β release from AIEC infected macrophages. The interaction of uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) with macrophages was also investigated. UPEC induced very high levels of cytotoxicity in human macrophages which was shown to be dependent on the production of the pore forming toxin α-hemolysin. However, UPEC did not induced high levels of cytotoxicity in murine macrophages suggesting there are species specific sensitivity to α-hemolysin that should be considered when studying UPEC pathogenicity in murine models.


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Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) strains belong to a category that is associated with colibacillosis, a serious illness in the poultry industry worldwide. Additionally, some APEC groups have recently been described as potential zoonotic agents. In this work, we compared APEC strains with extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) strains isolated from clinical cases of humans with extra-intestinal diseases such as urinary tract infections (UTI) and bacteremia. PCR results showed that genes usually found in the ColV plasmid (tsh, iucA, iss, and hlyF) were associated with APEC strains while fyuA, irp-2, fepC sitDchrom, fimH, crl, csgA, afa, iha, sat, hlyA, hra, cnf1, kpsMTII, clpVSakai and malX were associated with human ExPEC. Both categories shared nine serogroups (O2, O6, O7, O8, O11, O19, O25, O73 and O153) and seven sequence types (ST10, ST88, ST93, ST117, ST131, ST155, ST359, ST648 and ST1011). Interestingly, ST95, which is associated with the zoonotic potential of APEC and is spread in avian E. coli of North America and Europe, was not detected among 76 APEC strains. When the strains were clustered based on the presence of virulence genes, most ExPEC strains (71.7%) were contained in one cluster while most APEC strains (63.2%) segregated to another. In general, the strains showed distinct genetic and fingerprint patterns, but avian and human strains of ST359, or ST23 clonal complex (CC), presented more than 70% of similarity by PFGE. The results demonstrate that some zoonotic-related STs (ST117, ST131, ST10CC, ST23CC) are present in Brazil. Also, the presence of moderate fingerprint similarities between ST359 E. coli of avian and human origin indicates that strains of this ST are candidates for having zoonotic potential.


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Different types of water bodies, including lakes, streams, and coastal marine waters, are often susceptible to fecal contamination from a range of point and nonpoint sources, and have been evaluated using fecal indicator microorganisms. The most commonly used fecal indicator is Escherichia coli, but traditional cultivation methods do not allow discrimination of the source of pollution. The use of triplex PCR offers an approach that is fast and inexpensive, and here enabled the identification of phylogroups. The phylogenetic distribution of E. coli subgroups isolated from water samples revealed higher frequencies of subgroups A1 and B23 in rivers impacted by human pollution sources, while subgroups D1 and D2 were associated with pristine sites, and subgroup B1 with domesticated animal sources, suggesting their use as a first screening for pollution source identification. A simple classification is also proposed based on phylogenetic subgroup distribution using the w-clique metric, enabling differentiation of polluted and unpolluted sites.