992 resultados para Equity raw-score matrix (ERSM)


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We describe a straightforward production pathway of polymer matrix composites with increased dielectric constant for dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs). Up to date, the approach of using composites made of high dielectric constant ceramics and insulating polymers has not evidenced any improvement in the performance of DEA devices, mainly as a consequence of the ferroelectric nature of the employed ceramics. We propose here an unexplored alternative to these traditional fillers, introducing calcium copper titanate (CCTO) CaCu3Ti4O12, which has a giant dielectric constant making it very suitable for capacitive applications. All CCTO-polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) composites developed display an improved electro-mechanical performance. The largest actuation improvement was achieved for the composite with 5.1 vol% of CCTO, having an increment in the actuation strain of about 100% together with a reduction of 25% in the electric field compared to the raw PDMS matrix.


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As anomalias craniofaciais ocasionam comprometimentos estéticos e funcionais com grande impacto na saúde e na integração social da criança, com interferência no desenvolvimento global e social. Das anomalias craniofaciais este estudo abordou as Fissuras Labiopalatinas (FLP) e o Espectro Óculo Aurículo Vertebral (EOAV). As FLP constituem malformações resultantes de falta do fechamento completo dos tecidos que compõe o lábio e o palato. O EOAV, também conhecido como Síndrome de Goldenhar, é uma anomalia congênita de etiologia desconhecida, com manifestação genética variável e de causa bastante heterogênea. Conhecer as habilidades funcionais e o impacto destas no desenvolvimento global de crianças com EOAV e FLP pode otimizar o desenvolvimento de programas de prevenção e intervenção para promover a saúde e a integração social destes indivíduos. Este estudo foi delineado com objetivo de verificar e comparar o desempenho em habilidades funcionais quanto ao desempenho nas áreas de autocuidado, mobilidade, função social e nível de independência entre crianças com EOAV, crianças com FLP e um grupo comparativo, de crianças sem anomalias. O modelo de pesquisa foi observacional descritivo transversal com uma casuística de 39 pais/responsáveis de crianças na faixa etária entre três anos e sete anos e seis meses, de ambos os gêneros. Foram convidados para participar pais/responsáveis de crianças em tratamento no Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade e São Paulo (HRAC-USP) os quais foram divididos em três grupos: dois experimentais e um grupo comparativo. O instrumento para coleta dos dados das habilidades funcionais foi o Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI), em sua versão adaptada para o português. A avaliação é realizada por meio de entrevista com o cuidador, o qual deve saber informar sobre o desempenho da criança em atividades e tarefas típicas da rotina diária. Os dados foram apresentados por análise descritiva com medidas de tendência central (média aritmética), dispersão (desvio-padrão) e distribuição de frequência, nas variáveis: idades, gênero e nível socioeconômico da família e caracterização da casuística. Para as análises das pontuações bruta e normativa do questionário PEDI no que se refere às habilidades funcionais e a assistência do cuidador nas três áreas de função autocuidado, mobilidade e função social, foi utilizado o teste de variância One Way, e para o teste de normalidade foi utilizado Shapiro Wilk para variável dependente. A análise comparativa foi realizada pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis, adotando-se o valor de significância de p< 0,05. Os resultados deste estudo na análise comparativa nas habilidades funcionais na mobilidade, houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos GC vs GEEOAV, no escore bruto, e entre os grupos GC vs GEEOAV e GC vs GEFLP, no escore normativo.Na assistência do cuidador no autocuidado, houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos GC vs GEEOAV, no escore normativo. Na assistência do cuidador na mobilidade, houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos GC vs GEEOAV nos escores bruto e normativo.Na assistência do cuidador na função social houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos GC vs GEFLP.


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Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods are popular computational tools for Bayesian inference in non-linear non-Gaussian state-space models. For this class of models, we propose SMC algorithms to compute the score vector and observed information matrix recursively in time. We propose two different SMC implementations, one with computational complexity $\mathcal{O}(N)$ and the other with complexity $\mathcal{O}(N^{2})$ where $N$ is the number of importance sampling draws. Although cheaper, the performance of the $\mathcal{O}(N)$ method degrades quickly in time as it inherently relies on the SMC approximation of a sequence of probability distributions whose dimension is increasing linearly with time. In particular, even under strong \textit{mixing} assumptions, the variance of the estimates computed with the $\mathcal{O}(N)$ method increases at least quadratically in time. The $\mathcal{O}(N^{2})$ is a non-standard SMC implementation that does not suffer from this rapid degrade. We then show how both methods can be used to perform batch and recursive parameter estimation.


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The continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) is a frequently used scoring rule. In contrast with many other scoring rules, the CRPS evaluates cumulative distribution functions. An ensemble of forecasts can easily be converted into a piecewise constant cumulative distribution function with steps at the ensemble members. This renders the CRPS a convenient scoring rule for the evaluation of ‘raw’ ensembles, obviating the need for sophisticated ensemble model output statistics or dressing methods prior to evaluation. In this article, a relation between the CRPS score and the quantile score is established. The evaluation of ‘raw’ ensembles using the CRPS is discussed in this light. It is shown that latent in this evaluation is an interpretation of the ensemble as quantiles but with non-uniform levels. This needs to be taken into account if the ensemble is evaluated further, for example with rank histograms.


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This document provides a review of international and national practices in investment decision support tools in road asset management. Efforts were concentrated on identifying analytic frameworks, evaluation methodologies and criteria adopted by current tools. Emphasis was also given to how current approaches support Triple Bottom Line decision-making. Benefit Cost Analysis and Multiple Criteria Analysis are principle methodologies in supporting decision-making in Road Asset Management. The complexity of the applications shows significant differences in international practices. There is continuing discussion amongst practitioners and researchers regarding to which one is more appropriate in supporting decision-making. It is suggested that the two approaches should be regarded as complementary instead of competitive means. Multiple Criteria Analysis may be particularly helpful in early stages of project development, say strategic planning. Benefit Cost Analysis is used most widely for project prioritisation and selecting the final project from amongst a set of alternatives. Benefit Cost Analysis approach is useful tool for investment decision-making from an economic perspective. An extension of the approach, which includes social and environmental externalities, is currently used in supporting Triple Bottom Line decision-making in the road sector. However, efforts should be given to several issues in the applications. First of all, there is a need to reach a degree of commonality on considering social and environmental externalities, which may be achieved by aggregating the best practices. At different decision-making level, the detail of consideration of the externalities should be different. It is intended to develop a generic framework to coordinate the range of existing practices. The standard framework will also be helpful in reducing double counting, which appears in some current practices. Cautions should also be given to the methods of determining the value of social and environmental externalities. A number of methods, such as market price, resource costs and Willingness to Pay, are found in the review. The use of unreasonable monetisation methods in some cases has discredited Benefit Cost Analysis in the eyes of decision makers and the public. Some social externalities, such as employment and regional economic impacts, are generally omitted in current practices. This is due to the lack of information and credible models. It may be appropriate to consider these externalities in qualitative forms in a Multiple Criteria Analysis. Consensus has been reached in considering noise and air pollution in international practices. However, Australia practices generally omitted these externalities. Equity is an important consideration in Road Asset Management. The considerations are either between regions, or social groups, such as income, age, gender, disable, etc. In current practice, there is not a well developed quantitative measure for equity issues. More research is needed to target this issue. Although Multiple Criteria Analysis has been used for decades, there is not a generally accepted framework in the choice of modelling methods and various externalities. The result is that different analysts are unlikely to reach consistent conclusions about a policy measure. In current practices, some favour using methods which are able to prioritise alternatives, such as Goal Programming, Goal Achievement Matrix, Analytic Hierarchy Process. The others just present various impacts to decision-makers to characterise the projects. Weighting and scoring system are critical in most Multiple Criteria Analysis. However, the processes of assessing weights and scores were criticised as highly arbitrary and subjective. It is essential that the process should be as transparent as possible. Obtaining weights and scores by consulting local communities is a common practice, but is likely to result in bias towards local interests. Interactive approach has the advantage in helping decision-makers elaborating their preferences. However, computation burden may result in lose of interests of decision-makers during the solution process of a large-scale problem, say a large state road network. Current practices tend to use cardinal or ordinal scales in measure in non-monetised externalities. Distorted valuations can occur where variables measured in physical units, are converted to scales. For example, decibels of noise converts to a scale of -4 to +4 with a linear transformation, the difference between 3 and 4 represents a far greater increase in discomfort to people than the increase from 0 to 1. It is suggested to assign different weights to individual score. Due to overlapped goals, the problem of double counting also appears in some of Multiple Criteria Analysis. The situation can be improved by carefully selecting and defining investment goals and criteria. Other issues, such as the treatment of time effect, incorporating risk and uncertainty, have been given scant attention in current practices. This report suggested establishing a common analytic framework to deal with these issues.


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Objective The aim of this study was to test the possible involvement, relevance and significance of dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1) in chondrocyte redifferentiation and OA. Methods To examine the function of DMP1 in vitro, bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) and articular chondrocytes (ACs) were isolated and differentiated in micromasses in the presence or absence of DMP1 small interfering RNA and analysed for chondrogenic phenotype. The association of DMP1 expression with OA progression was analysed time dependently in the OA menisectomy rat model and in grade-specific OA human samples. Results It was found that DMP1 was strongly related to chondrogenesis, which was evidenced by the strong expression of DMP1 in the 14.5-day mouse embryonic cartilage development stage and in femoral heads of post-natal days 0 and 4. In vitro chondrogenesis in BMSCs and ACs was accompanied by a gradual increase in DMP1 expression at both the gene and protein levels. In addition, knockdown of DMP1 expression led to decreased chondrocyte marker genes, such as COL2A1, ACAN and SOX9, and an increase in the expression of COL10A and MMP13 in ACs. Moreover, treatment with IL-1β, a well-known catabolic culprit of proteoglycan matrix loss, significantly reduced the expression of DMP1. Furthermore, we also observed the suppression of DMP1 protein in a grade-specific manner in knee joint samples from patients with OA. In the menisectomy-induced OA model, an increase in the Mankin score was accompanied by the gradual loss of DMP1 expression. Conclusion Observations from this study suggest that DMP1 may play an important role in maintaining the chondrogenic phenotype and its possible involvement in altered cartilage matrix remodelling and degradation in disease conditions like OA.


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PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the potential of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for characterizing the health and degenerative state of articular cartilage based on the components of the Mankin score. METHODS Three models of osteoarthritic degeneration induced in laboratory rats by anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) transection, meniscectomy (MSX), and intra-articular injection of monoiodoacetate (1 mg) (MIA) were used in this study. Degeneration was induced in the right knee joint; each model group consisted of 12 rats (N = 36). After 8 weeks, the animals were euthanized and knee joints were collected. A custom-made diffuse reflectance NIR probe of 5-mm diameter was placed on the tibial and femoral surfaces, and spectral data were acquired from each specimen in the wave number range of 4,000 to 12,500 cm(-1). After spectral data acquisition, the specimens were fixed and safranin O staining (SOS) was performed to assess disease severity based on the Mankin scoring system. Using multivariate statistical analysis, with spectral preprocessing and wavelength selection technique, the spectral data were then correlated to the structural integrity (SI), cellularity (CEL), and matrix staining (SOS) components of the Mankin score for all the samples tested. RESULTS ACL models showed mild cartilage degeneration, MSX models had moderate degeneration, and MIA models showed severe cartilage degenerative changes both morphologically and histologically. Our results reveal significant linear correlations between the NIR absorption spectra and SI (R(2) = 94.78%), CEL (R(2) = 88.03%), and SOS (R(2) = 96.39%) parameters of all samples in the models. In addition, clustering of the samples according to their level of degeneration, with respect to the Mankin components, was also observed. CONCLUSIONS NIR spectroscopic probing of articular cartilage can potentially provide critical information about the health of articular cartilage matrix in early and advanced stages of osteoarthritis (OA). CLINICAL RELEVANCE This rapid nondestructive method can facilitate clinical appraisal of articular cartilage integrity during arthroscopic surgery.


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Shark livers are considered as an important raw material providing a quality fish oil. It has been reported to aid white — blood-cell production and act as an active ingredient in hemorrhoid treatments. It is also reported that liver oil as a good supplement of vitamin A and poly-unsaturated fatty acids which are important to the development of brain cells in human. Freshness of livers is very important to extract better quality oil. In Sri Lanka, the annual shark production amounts to 8000t, however the quality of livers collected from landing sites has not being measured yet. Present study was conducted to evaluate the quality of silky (Charcarninus fakiformis) shark livers available in Negombo and Beruwala landing sites in the West Coast of Sri Lanka and also to study the relationship between organoleptic and bio-chemical correlation on freshness of shark livers. Liver samples which were collected from landing sites in the West coast of Sri Lanka, were evaluated for external and internal colour, texture and odour. Total volatile nitrogen (TVN), pH value, free fatty acid (FFA%) and peroxide (PV) values of livers were also determined to assess quality. According to the organoleptic scoring system 4.3% of liver samples were categorized as best in quality while 30.4%, 56.5% and 8.7% rated as good, medium and poor in quality respectively at the Negombo and Beruwala landing sites. Bio-chemical analysis showed that the better quality livers had the highest score for sensory evaluation and low values for TVN, FFA and peroxide value while low quality livers gave low score for sensory evaluation and high TVN, FFA, peroxide values. Correlation coefficient of organoleptic scores against total volatile nitrogen value, pH value, free fatty acid % and peroxide value of shark livers were determined by statistical analysis. Organoleptic score of shark livers was found to be highly.


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General expressions used for transforming raw laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) intensity into the population and alignment parameters of a symmetric top molecule are derived by employing the density matrix approach. The molecular population and alignment are described by molecular state multipoles. The results are presented for a general excitation-detection geometry and then applied to some special geometries. In general cases, the LIF intensity is a complex function of the initial molecular state multipoles, the dynamic factors and the excitation-detection geometrical factors. It contains a population and 14 alignment multipoles. How to extract all initial state multipoles from the rotationally unresolved emission LIF intensity is discussed in detail.


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In a recent paper, Structural Analysis of Network Traffic Flows, we analyzed the set of Origin Destination traffic flows from the Sprint-Europe and Abilene backbone networks. This report presents the complete set of results from analyzing data from both networks. The results in this report are specific to the Sprint-1 and Abilene datasets studied in the above paper. The following results are presented here: 1 Rows of Principal Matrix (V) 2 1.1 Sprint-1 Dataset ................................ 2 1.2 Abilene Dataset.................................. 9 2 Set of Eigenflows 14 2.1 Sprint-1 Dataset.................................. 14 2.2 Abilene Dataset................................... 21 3 Classifying Eigenflows 26 3.1 Sprint-1 Dataset.................................. 26 3.2 Abilene Datase.................................... 44


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We present simple matrix formulae for corrected score statistics in symmetric nonlinear regression models. The corrected score statistics follow more closely a chi (2) distribution than the classical score statistic. Our simulation results indicate that the corrected score tests display smaller size distortions than the original score test. We also compare the sizes and the powers of the corrected score tests with bootstrap-based score tests.


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Amazonian oils and fats display unique triacylglycerol (TAG) profiles and, because of their economic importance as renewable raw materials and use by the cosmetic and food industries, are often subject to adulteration and forgery. Representative samples of these oils (andiroba, Brazil nut, buriti, and passion fruit) and fats (cupuacu, murumuru, and ucuba) were characterized without pre-separation or derivatization via dry (solvent-free) matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Characteristic profiles of TAG were obtained for each oil and tat. Dry MALDI-TOF MS provides typification and direct and detailed information, via TAG profiles, of their variable combinations of fatty acids. A database from spectra could be developed and may be used for their fast and reliable typification, application screening, and quality control.


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Purpose Combination of COL-3, a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor, and doxorubicin (DOX) might be a promising anticancer regimen. The present study was to examine the potential pharmacokinetic interactions and toxicity profile following their coadministration in rats.
Methods Normal rats were treated with single agent or different combinations with oral or intravenous COL-3 and DOX, and the bile-duct cannulated (BDC) rats received oral COL-3 plus DOX. In a separate disposition study, the effects of DOX on the biliary, urinary, and fecal excretion of COL-3 were examined. In addition, the effects of DOX on in vitro protein binding, metabolism, and transport of COL-3 across Caco-2 monolayers were investigated.
Results COL-3 did not affect the pharmacokinetics of DOX in rats. However, treatment with DOX significantly decreased the oral absorption, and prolonged the elimination, of COL-3 in the normal rats, but not in the BDC rats. DOX did not alter the biliary and urinary excretion of COL-3, but significantly decreased the fecal excretion of COL-3. DOX significantly enhanced the basolateral to apical flux of COL-3 across Caco-2 monolayers, but had no apparent effects on the protein binding and metabolism of COL-3. The combination of DOX with oral COL-3 did not significantly (p > 0.05) increase the acute diarrhea score and intestinal damage compared to rats receiving DOX alone.
Conclusions These results indicated that DOX altered the oral absorption and elimination of COL-3, largely resulting from gastrointestinal toxicity caused by biliary excretion of DOX. Further studies are required to explore the efficacy and optimized dosage regimen of this promising combination.


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Subwindow search aims to find the optimal subimage which maximizes the score function of an object to be detected. After the development of the branch and bound (B&B) method called Efficient Subwindow Search (ESS), several algorithms (IESS [2], AESS [2], ARCS [3]) have been proposed to improve the performance of ESS. For nn images, IESS's time complexity is bounded by O(n3) which is better than ESS, but only applicable to linear score functions. Other work shows that Monge properties can hold in subwindow search and can be used to speed up the search to O(n3), but only applies to certain types of score functions. In this paper we explore the connection between submodular functions and the Monge property, and prove that sub-modular score functions can be used to achieve O(n3) time complexity for object detection. The time complexity can be further improved to be sub-cubic by applying B&B methods on row interval only, when the score function has a multivariate submodular bound function. Conditions for sub-modularity of common non-linear score functions and multivariate submodularity of their bound functions are also provided, and experiments are provided to compare the proposed approach against ESS and ARCS for object detection with some nonlinear score functions.