947 resultados para Ensino público superior. REUNI. IFES. Políticas públicas para aeducação superior


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En este segundo documento de trabajo elaborado por el Semillero de Políticas Públicas se ha desarrollado un ejercicio de investigación formativa que tuvo dos propósitos fundamentales: a) entender el asunto de la reconciliación en Colombia como un fenómeno complejo que puede y debe ser abordado desde distintos frentes de política pública, y b) reconocer el esfuerzo que están haciendo algunos municipios en Colombia para lograr resultados concretos de reconciliación. En esta medida, hemos basado nuestro análisis en el trabajo previo de la Comisión de Conciliación Nacional, que elaboró en el año 2010 un Acuerdo Nacional para la Reconciliación y la Paz en Colombia. Según la entidad, “a través de conversatorios, foros públicos regionales, divulgación en medios y foros virtuales, se construyó de manera consensuada un Acuerdo de Mínimos por la Paz y la Reconciliación, que cuenta con la participación de prácticamente, todos los sectores de la sociedad, del ámbito público y privado; de la sociedad civil, la academia y el gobierno; de organizaciones de origen nacional como internacional” (Comisión de Conciliación Nacional, 2016, Consulta electrónica).


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Este artigo busca discutir as políticas públicas nacionais de qualificação profissional, a partir do recente lançamento do Pronatec – Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Técnico e Emprego. Abordam-se as especificidades do público-alvo, apontando dificuldades no processo de atendimento da população socialmente vulnerável. A partir desse panorama, é esboçada uma agenda para os agentes públicos no sentido de avançar na adequação dos cursos para o público desejado e problematizando as fórmulas utilizadas nos últimos anos nesse campo de atuação, destacando os diversos dilemas que compõem o espectro atual. Por fim, discute-se a necessidade de cooperação intersetorial, planejamento governamental e diversificação das soluções para a inclusão produtiva e geração de renda no país, superando o paradigma da desmotivação do público-alvo como fator limitante de êxito.


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O controle social das políticas públicas vem ao longo dos tempos aprimorando o debate democrático e colocando luz sobre um dos principais problemas contemporâneos que é a relação público-privada na administração pública. A crise hídrica que se instalou na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo reacendeu a necessidade de mais transparência e controle sobre as políticas públicas implementadas pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo e pela SABESP no seu enfrentamento. É analisado o perfil institucional do Ministério Público, como órgão capaz de desempenhar este papel. Ao final são apresentados três casos nos quais o MP ingressou com ações civis públicas em face da SABESP e de outras agências estatais questionando judicialmente as políticas que estão sendo levadas à efeito em decorrência da falta de água.


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Rural Popular experiences, socially organized on the constructions of the dams at Espinharas River, Serra Negra do Norte, which have been investigated, have reached in positive results. Several institutions, such as the City and State Power, multilaterals, governmental and non-governmental financial organizations, commonly refer to the success of such experiences. What success are they referring to? Is it recognized by family rural workers? What about institutional parts, how do they evaluate such experience? Is there legal continuity on such association structure? What kinds of gains have there been with such experiences? Has the association structure become any stronger? In search for demystifying the process, it has been made a research on classic and contemporaneous authors, as well as the interview of ten institutional parts, and twenty rural parts involved on the process, as well as the analysis of thirty-eight of the associations. It was concluded that the applied social public policies had resulted in heterogeneous social-economical process that has fulfilled the first step of a planning (not yet documented, but know by some institutional parts which lead, and still lead such social initiative). In the coming years the associations are to have a great potential for development, with the dams, as well as other projects. This persistence and external support, when integrated may have great deeds come to reality


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Study about environment education public policies, emphasizing the directress since the 1970 . It analyses the environment education administration of Mossoró city, indentifying its articulation with the international directresses and the Environment Education National Policy (PNEA), established according the law number 9.795/99. The text takes as empiric reference the Environment Education National Policy (PNEA) of Mossoró city, realized since 2006. In order to make the research, we employed as methodologic proceedings a bibliographical and documental revision from wich we developed a contextualization of the propolsals toward a environment Education policy and administration, the institution of the environment Education in Brazil, in the neoliberal context on the State reform ambit. We also employed a semi-structured interview, having as individuals two Environment Education Municipal Program Administration of Mossoró city / RN state administrators and nine Municipal Education System educators. The analysis was done from the historic and dialetic perspective, trying to understand the facts in its totallity. The results revealed that the environment Education has become to be emphasize as an environment crises superation strategy since the 1970 s. In this context, the environment Education administration directress, in the United Nations (UN) initiative ambit, emphasizes the participation and the partnership as a way to share responsabilities between the State and society. In the neoliberalism affirmation context, in the 1990 s, these directresses were fortified, once, since the State reform, their functions were redimensioned and the State turns into a stronger planner an controller, inducing the society to act as a public polcies executor. Therewith, a deconcentration action process is consolidated, rather than an administrative and pedagocgic decentralization, historically revendicated on Education by the progressist sectors. Even though the administrators interviewed have revealed the wish that the schools become autonomous on the PMEA execution, through the NEAs, we notice that the methods employed do not contribute to that, because of the decisions concentration on the associated managership ambit and the few human and financial resources. In spite of the difficulties, the research showed that the Mossoró municipality innovated on the environment Education field, by the institution of the NEAs, even though they demonstrate fragilities regarding their performance, revealed on the educators and adiminstration talk on the interviews. We verify that the main difficulties come from the politc culture installed on the municipality, ruled by a technocracy and power concentration wich brings difficulties to the implementation of a democratic and participative administration, even though it would not be totally impossible, even on the circumstances described


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)