43 resultados para Ence


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[ES] El propósito del estudio fue conocer la relación entre atención plena (mindfulness), inteligencia emocional, género, área de estudio y reporte de ejercicio en estudiantes universitarios costarricenses.


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The equilibrium constant (K(,c)) under physiological conditions (38(DEGREES)C, 0.25 M ionic strength (I), pH 7.0) for the glycine synthase (GS) reaction (E C (Equation 1) has been determined. (UNFORMATTED TABLE FOLLOWS)^ 5,10-CH(,2)-H(,4)Folate NADH NH (,4)+ CO(,2) ^ K(,c) = Eq. 1^ H(,4)Folate NAD('+) GLY ^(TABLE ENDS)^ The enzymatic instability of the GS enzyme complex itself has made it necessary to determine the overall K(,c) from the product of constants for the partial reactions of GS determined separately under the same conditions. The partial reactions are the H(,4)Folate-formaldehyde (CH(,2)(OH)(,2)) condensation reaction (Reaction 1) the K(,c) for which has been reported by this laboratory (3.0 x 10('4)), the lipoate (LipS(,2)) dehydrogenase reaction (LipDH) (Reaction 2) and the Gly-Lip^ decarboxylase reaction (Reaction 3) forming reduced lipoate (Lip(SH)(,2)), NH(,4)('+), CO(,2) and CH(,2)(OH)(,2.) (UNFORMATTED TABLE FOLLOWS)(,)^ H(,4)Fote + CH(,2)(OH)(,2) 5,10-CH(,2)-H(,4)Folate (1)^ Lip(SH)(,2) + NAD('+) LipS(,2) + NADH + H('+) (2)^ H('+) + Gly + LipS(,2) Lip(SH)(,2) + NH(,4)('+) CO(,2) + CH(,2)(OH)(,2) (3)^(TABLE ENDS)^ In this work the K(,c) for Reactions 2 and 3 are reported.^ The K(,c)' for the LipDH reaction described by other authors was reported with unexplainable conclusions regarding the pH depend- ence for the reaction. These conclusions would imply otherwise unexpected acid dissociation constants for reduced and oxidized lipoate. The pK(,a)',s for these compounds have been determined to resolve discrepancy. The conclusions are as follows: (1) The K(,c) for the LipDH reaction is 2.08 x 10('-8); (2) The pK(,a)',s for Lip(SH)(,2) are 4.77(-COOH), 9.91(-SH), 11.59(-SH); for LipS(,2) the carboxyl pK(,a)' is 4.77; (3) Contrary to previous literature, the log K(,c)' for the LipDH reaction is a linear function of the pH, a conclusion supported by the values for the dissociation constants.^ The K(,c) for Reaction 3 is the product of constants for Reactions 4-7. (UNFORMATTED TABLE FOLLOWS)^ LipSHSCH(,2)OH + H(,2)O Lip(SH)(,2) + CH(,2)(OH)(,2) (4)^ H(,2)O + LipSHSCH(,2)NH(,3)('+) LipSHSCH(,2)OH + NH(,4)('+) (5)^ LipSHSCH(,2)NH(,2) + H('+) LipSHSCH(,2)NH(,3)('+) (6)^ Gly + LipS(,2) LipSHSCH(,2)NH(,2) + CO(,2) (7)^(TABLE ENDS)^ Reactions 4-6 are non-enzymatic reactions whose constants were determined spectrophotometrically. Reaction 7 was catalyzed by the partially purified P-protein of GS with equilibrium approached from both directions. The value for K(,c) for this reaction is 8.15 x 10('-3). The combined K(,c) for Reactions 4-7 or Reaction 3 is 2.4 M.^ The overall K(,c) for the GS reaction determined by combination of values for Reactions 1-3 is 1.56 x 10('-3). ^


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Macrobenthic associations were investigated at 29 sampling stations with a semi-quantitative Agassiz trawl, ranging from the South Patagonian Icefield to the Straits of Magellan in the South Chilean fjord system. A total of 1,895 individuals belonging to 131 species were collected. 19 species belong to colonial organisms, mainly Bryozoa (17 species) and Octocorallia (2 species). The phylum Echinodermata was the most diverse in species number (47 species), with asteroids (25 species) and ophiuroids (13 species) being the best represented within this taxon. Polychaeta was the second dominant group in terms of species richness (46 species). Multidimensional scaling ordination (MDS) separated two station groups, one related to fjords and channels off the South Patagonian Icefield and the second one to stations surrounding the Straits of Magellan. 45 species account for 90% of the dissimilarity between these two groups. These differences can mainly be explained by the influence of local environmental conditions determined by processes closely related to the pres- ence/absence of glaciers. Abiotic parameters such as water depth, type of sediment and chemical features of the superficial sediment were not correlated with the numbers of individuals caught by the Agassiz trawl in each group of sampling stations.


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El objetivo general de la presente Tesis es identificar algunas de las características anatómico-fisiológicas que confieren la capacidad de alcanzar una mejor productividad bajo clima mediterráneo a plantas de diversos genotipos de los géneros Populus y Eucalyptus, caracterizados por su carácter pionero, elevado crecimiento y vulnerabilidad a la cavitación. En los dos primeros capítulos se hace un seguimiento de la conductancia estomática a una selección de clones de eucalipto cultivados en invernadero, sometidos a diferentes dotaciones hídricas. Se realizaron además mediciones periódicas del pH de la savia del tallo y de la pérdida de conductividad hidráulica para investigar su implicación en la regulación química e hidraúlica del cierre estomático. Las variaciones en el pH de la savia obtenidas parecen responder a cambios en el déficit de presión de vapor de agua atmosférico y no a diferencias en la disponibilidad de agua en el suelo. La conductancia estomática presentó una correlación positiva significativa con el pH de la savia, pero no con la conductividad hidráulica. La variabilidad de la conductividad hidráulica máxima se discute a la luz de recientes investigaciones sobre los materiales constituyentes de las membranas de las punteaduras. Los clones que mostraron mayores conductancias hidráulicas y estomáticas presentaron valores más altos de producción y supervivencia, poniendo de manifiesto la utilidad del estudio de estas variables. Por el contrario, los valores más bajos de conductancia estomática e hidraúlica se encontraron en clones que han resultado un fracaso en plantaciones comerciales, en particular, fue destacable el mal resultado de un clon procedente de autocruzamiento respecto de otros híbridos. En el tercer capítulo de la tesis se estudian características anatómicas y funcionales del xilema relacionadas con la eficiencia en el transporte de agua a las hojas, y que pueden afectar directa o indirectamente a la transpiración y al crecimiento. Los estudios anatómicos fueron realizados sobre brotes anuales de chopo en una plantación situada en Granada, en condiciones de riego limitante. La combinación de rasgos anatómicos más favorable de cara a la producción de biomasa fue una densidad alta de vasos de diámetro intermedio. Los clones más productivos figuraron entre los más resistentes a la cavitación. Para estudiar el crecimiento de masas arboladas se utilizan frecuentemente parámetros fisiológicos como el índice de area foliar (LAI). La estimación del LAI a partir de fotografías hemisféricas aplicada a tallares de chopo plantados a alta densidad y a turno corto para biomasa se lleva a cabo mediante una metodología reciente empleada y discutida en el cuarto capítulo de la Tesis. Los resultados muestran que las diferencias de producción existentes entre genotipos, localidades de medición con diferentes dosis de riego, y años, pueden predecirse a partir de la determinación del índice de área foliar tanto por métodos directos como indirectos de estimación. Tanto los estudios realizados en eucalipto como en chopo han mostrado que los genotipos con menores producciones de biomasa en campo alcanzaron los menores valores de conductancia estomática en las condiciones más favorables así como el menor número de vasos en el xilema. La estrecha relación entre crecimiento y LAI confirma una vez más la importancia del desarrollo de la copa para sostener un buen crecimiento. El mayor desarrollo de la copa y rendimiento en biomasa se midieron en uno de los clones con un número de vasos más elevado, y menor vulnerabilidad a la cavitación en condiciones de estrés. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de las características anatómicas y funcionales del xilema como condicionantes del patrón de crecimiento de las plantas y el comportamiento de los estomas. ABSTRACT A number of anatomical xylem traits and physiological variables were analyzed in genotypes of both the Populus and Eucalyptus genera with the main aim of identifying traits in the genotypes which confer the ability to produce an acceptable biomass yield under Mediterranean climatic conditions. In the first two chapters of this PhD, the results of two experiments carried out on several clones of the species Eucalyptus globulus Labill. are presented. Chapters three and four include the results of another two trials on four poplar hybrid genotypes. One of the initial plant responses to water stress is stomatal closure, which can be triggered by hydraulic and/or chemical signals. The two first chapters of this PhD deal with trials in which stomatal conductance and percentage loss of hydraulic conductivity were monitored on a set of eucalyptus clones supplied by ENCE (former National Cellulose Company) and currently used in the company’s own commercial plantings. The experimental trials were carried out in greenhouses and the plants were submitted to two different watering regimes. The pH of the stem sap was periodically measured as the greenhouse temperature and humidity changed. The aim of these measurements was to investigate the role of both sap pH and percentage loss of hydraulic conductivity on stomatal regulation. The results obtained suggest that changes in sap pH are a response to vapor pressure deficit changes rather than to differences in soil water availability. We found significant correlation between stomatal conductance and sap pH, although no significant relationship was found between stomatal conductance and hydraulic conductivity. Variability in maximum hydraulic conductivity is discussed based on recent pit membrane constituent research. The study of hydraulic conductivity proved helpful in order to detect the clones with both higher growth and greater chance of survival, since clones displaying the lowest hydraulic conductivities were those that failed in commercial plantings. Anatomical xylem traits define the water transport efficiency to leaves and can therefore limit transpiration and growth. The third chapter of this PhD addresses anatomical xylem traits in poplar. One year old stem samples were taken from a water-stressed trial in Granada. The anatomical xylem study proved useful for detecting the lowest yielding genotypes. Clones with intermediate vessel size and high vessel densities were found to be those with the highest biomass yield. Differences in cavitation resistance depending on the clone tested and the water treatment applied were also found. The clones with the highest biomass yield were found to be among the most cavitation resistant clones in each watering regime. Xylem and physiological traits along with stomatal behavior are useful tools to determine plant growth. In order to study plantings or forests, it is more common to employ other physiological variables such as leaf area index (LAI). LAI estimation from hemispherical photographs applied to short rotation woody crops is a recently developed method that still requires fine tuning through further investigation. In the fourth chapter, data from LAI monitoring over two consecutive years were analyzed in two different locations where different irrigation treatments were applied. The results showed that differences in yield between genotypes, different irrigation regimes and years could be predicted by using the LAI estimates, either through direct or indirect estimation methods. Our studies of poplar and eucalyptus have shown that the field-grown genotypes with the lowest biomass yield displayed the lowest values of stomatal conductance under the most favorable environmental conditions and also had a low number of xylem conduits. The close relationship between LAI and growth highlights the importance of crown development in biomass growth. The highest LAI and biomass yield were recorded in one of the clones with higher vessel density and the lowest vulnerability to cavitation under stress conditions. These results underline the importance of research into anatomical and functional traits as factors influencing plant growth patterns and stomatal behavior.


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El empleo de biomasa como combustible para la generación de bio-energía va en aumento en la actualidad, debido a su impacto medioambiental nulo en cuanto a las emisiones de CO2. Por lo tanto la generación de cenizas de biomasa, residuo de la producción de esta energía, constituye un problema medioambiental con un claro impacto social y económico. Este tipo de ceniza tiene contenidos en óxidos que la hacen atractiva para su empleo como sustituto parcial del cemento Portland, lo cual proporciona una salida eco-eficiente a este residuo, reduciendo al mismo tiempo la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero asociada a la fabricación del cemento. Esta investigación se centra en el desarrollo de nuevos e innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan ceniza de biomasa para su aplicación integral en construcción. Para ello, se emplea una ceniza de biomasa (CB) procedente de un combustor de lecho fluidizado, cuya biomasa de combustión es principalmente restos de corteza de eucalipto, suministrada por el grupo ENCE-Navia (Asturias). El trabajo desarrollado en la presente tesis doctoral, tiene como primera fase la caracterización de esta ceniza y el análisis de viabilidad de su valorización en materiales base-cemento. Dentro de este análisis, se propone la activación de la ceniza CB mediante tratamiento hidrotermal (TH) en diferentes condiciones de medio activante, temperatura y tiempo de proceso, con el objetivo de favorecer la formación de fases hidratadas que potencien la valorización de la ceniza en el campo de los materiales de construcción. Como fase hidratada de interés se obtiene la fase tobermorita (Ca2.25(Si3O7.5(OH)1.5)(H2O)), precursora del gel C-S-H, responsable del desarrollo de resistencias mecánicas en los materiales base-cemento. El proceso de TH se optimiza para la síntesis más eficiente de esta fase. El estudio posterior de las propiedades mecánicas y micro-estructurales de pastas de cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan la ceniza CB y la ceniza tratada hidrotermalmente, CB-TH, confirma una mayor viabilidad de incorporación de la ceniza CB como sustituto parcial del cemento Portland. Como siguiente paso en el desarrollo de estos innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes se amplía el estudio multi-escalar de los materiales que incorporan CB mediante diferentes ensayos físico-mecánicos y de durabilidad. Los resultados indican que la presencia de la ceniza de biomasa no tiene efectos negativos sobre las propiedades físicas de los morteros eco-eficientes estudiados. Sin embargo, la adición de CB proporciona una mejor durabilidad del material al producir modificaciones de la microestructura que dificultan el transporte de agentes agresivos. Por otro lado, los morteros con un 10 y 20% de sustitución parcial de cemento por la ceniza de biomasa CB (CB-10 y CB-20) presentan una resistencia a compresión de 53.3 y 50.5 MPa a 28 días de curado, respectivamente. Estos morteros son comparables con un cemento Portland tradicional tipo CEM I de clase de resistencia 42.5 R. Por último, y con el fin de proporcionar la apertura de estos nuevos cementos eco-eficientes al mercado en el campo de los materiales de construcción, se estudian propiedades concretas relacionadas con diferentes tipos de aplicaciones. Concretamente se estudian en detalle las propiedades relativas a la aplicación en baldosas de mortero y los resultados indican unas prestaciones del material eco-eficiente con incorporación de CB similares o mejoradas con respecto al cemento Portland. Se analiza también la viabilidad de aplicación estructural de los cementos eco-eficientes desarrollados mediante el estudio de la adherencia al acero, que resulta similar a la del material de referencia. En cuanto a los resultados de extracción y caracterización de la fase acuosa de los poros, en todas las matrices eco-eficientes se obtiene un pH que garantiza la pasivación de la armadura. Sin embargo, el alto contenido en cloruros de dicha fase acuosa sugiere la conveniencia de realizar un análisis más detallado para la aplicación de los nuevos materiales eco-eficientes en hormigón armado. Se comprueba que todas las matrices que incorporan CB en porcentajes entre un 10 y un 90%, se pueden considerar adecuadas como nuevos materiales de construcción más eco-eficientes en aplicaciones con distintos niveles de exigencias mecánicas y sin problemas ambientales asociados con procesos de lixiviación. Con el presente trabajo de investigación se completan los objetivos iniciales de la tesis, con la obtención de nuevos e innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan cenizas de biomasa (CB) con aplicación integral en el campo de la construcción. ABSTRACT The use of biomass as a fuel for the generation of bio-energy is increasing nowadays, due to its zero environmental impact in terms of CO2 emissions. Therefore the generation of biomass ash, a by-product of this energy, is an environmental problem with a clear social and economic impact. This type of ash contains oxides that make it attractive to be used as a partial replacement of Portland cement, providing an eco-efficient solution to this residue, while reducing the emission of greenhouse gases associated with the production of cement. The present research is focused on the development of new and innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials that incorporate biomass ash for their comprehensive application in construction. For this purpose a biomass ash (CB) is used from a fluidized bed forest combustor mainly fed with the bark of eucalyptus trees, provided by the ENCE-Navia (Asturias) group. The work includes in the first stage the characterization of the raw materials and the analysis of viability of their valorization in cement-based materials. Within this analysis, the activation of the ash is proposed by hydrothermal treatment (HT) in different conditions of activation medium, temperature and process duration, aiming an enhanced formation of hydrated phases to improve the ash valorization in the construction materials field. As an interesting hydrated phase, the tobermorite (Ca2.25(Si3O7.5(OH)1.5)(H2O)) is obtained from the process. This phase is considered as a precursor of the gel C-S-H, responsible for the development of mechanical strength in cement-based materials. HT process is optimized for the most efficient synthesis of tobermorite. The analysis of mechanical and microstructural properties of eco-efficient cement pastes incorporating CB ash and hydrothermally treated ash, CB-TH, confirms an improved viability of incorporation of CB ash as a partial replacement for Portland cement in the case. As a next step in the development of these innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials, a multiscale study of the materials that incorporate CB by different physical-mechanical and durability tests is carried out. The results indicate that the presence of biomass ash does not give rise to negative effects on the physical properties of the eco-efficient mortars analyzed. Nevertheless, the addition of CB produces a better durability performance due to microstructural modifications that hinder the transport of aggressive agents through the material. Moreover, mortars with a 10% and 20% of partial substitution of cement by the CB biomass ash (CB-10 and CB-20) show a compressive resistance of 53.3 and 50.5 MPa at 28 days of curing, respectively. These mortars are comparable to an ordinary Portland cement type CEM I with a resistance class of 42.5R. Finally, and in order to provide the opening of these new eco-efficient cement to the market in the field of construction materials, certain properties specifically related to different types of applications are studied. Among these, the properties concerning the application in mortar tiles are analyzed and the results indicate a similar, or even better performance of the eco-efficient mortar that incorporates CB, with respect to Portland cement. The viability of structural application of the developed eco-efficient cement is also performed considering the study of the adhesion to steel, with results similar to those of the reference material. Regarding the results of extraction and analysis of the aqueous phase of the pores, a pH value guaranteeing reinforcement passivation is obtained for all the eco-efficient matrices. However, high chloride content is obtained suggesting the suitability of a more detailed study to evaluate the application of these new eco-efficient materials in reinforced concrete. It is established that all the matrices incorporating CB in percentages between 10 and 90% may be considered adequate as new more eco-efficient construction materials in applications with different levels of mechanical demand and without environmental problems associated to leaching processes. In this research the initial objectives of the thesis are fulfilled by obtaining new and innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials that incorporate biomass ashes (CB) with comprehensive application in the construction field.


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Unlike traditional approaches, new communicative trends disregard the role of word-formation mechanisms. They tend to focus on syntax and/or vocabulary without analyzing the mechanisms involved in the creation of lexical items. In this paper, based on the analysis of the use of prefixes by L2 learners in oral and written productions, as provided by the SULEC, we emphasize the advantages that word-formation awareness and knowledge may have for the learners in terms of production, creativity, understanding, autonomy, and proficiency. Through the teaching of word-formation learners may more easily decipher, decode and/or encode messages, create words they have never seen before, etc.


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Summons for Mahlon Kirkbride to appear before the justices of the peace of Bucks County on 13 December 1763, to testify against William McIlvaine, indicted for an unspecified crime. Signed: Lawr[ence] Growdon.


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Each vol. has also special t.p.


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A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.


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1. Maladies microbiennes en général. -- 2. Fièvres éruptives. -- 3. Fièvre typhoïde. -- 4. Maladies communes à l'homme et aux animaux. -- 5. Paludisme et trypanosomiase. -- 6. Maladies exotiques. -- 7. Maladies vénériennes. -- 8. Rhumatismes. -- 9. Grippe, coqueluche, oreillons, diphtérie. -- 10. Streptococcie, staphylococcie, pneumococcie, colibacillose. -- 10. Septicémies: streptococcie ..., 1922. -- 11. Intoxications. -- 12. Maladies de la nutrition. -- 13. Cancer. -- 14. Maladies de la peau. -- 15. Maladies de la bouche, du pharynx et de l'oesophage. -- 16. Maladies de l'estomac. -- 17. Maladies de l'intestin. -- 18. Maladies du péritoine. -- 19. Maladies du foie et de la rate. -- 20. Maladies des glandes salivaires et du pancréas. -- 21. Maladies des reins. -- 22. Maladies des organes génito-urinaires de l'homme et de la femme. -- 23. Maladies du coeur. -- 24. Maladies des artères et de l'aorte. -- 25. Maladies des veines et des lymphatiques. -- 27. Maladies du nez et du larynx. -- 28. Sémiologie de l'appareil respiratoire. -- 29. Maladies des bronches et des poumons. -- 30. Maladies des plèvres et du médiastin. -- 31. Sémiologie nerveuse. -- 32. Maladies du cerveau. -- 33. Maladies de l'isthme de l'encéphale. -- 34. Maladies des méninges. -- 35. Maladies de la moelle épiniere. -- 37. Névroses. -- 38. Maladies des muscles. -- 39. Maladies des os. -- 40. Maladies du corps typhoïde, du corps pituitaire, et des capsules surrénales.


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Equality as a principle and as a legal rule, integrates brazilian constitutional order since the Constitution of 1891, constituting the target always be sought, built and promoted by the state and society as a whole. Also e xs urgem for protection of equality and non - discrimination, declarations and international treaties, mostly ratified by Brazil. The international protection of human beings with intrinsic value began in the UN Declaration of 1948, which declared the equality of all men in rights and dignity, followed by more specific international documents, in a growing movement of ratification of international standards protection of human rights occurs after the atrocities during the Second World War. Within the Internation al Labour Organisation (ILO), the theme of equality and non - discrimination in employment relationships integrates one of its main conventions, to No. 111, ratified by Brazil since 1965, which aims to eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and oc cupation. In this context, lies the collective bargaining work, with her normative instruments arising from the collective agreement and the agreement recognized constitutionally and with full ability to create and establish standards and conditions for de tails of suitable work for each occupational category and economic having the unions the power and duty to use them as a means of effecting the postulates of equality and non - discrimination in employment relationships, filling gaps in state law and / or su pplementing it, molding them to existing events in the capital - job. Driven by greater freedom contained in the Constitution of 1988, trading, and with it, the private collective autonomy, in fact, have included the issue of equality and the right to differ ence between clauses created, scheduled to affirmative action and sealing exclusionary conduct, and reported some positive outcomes, such as greater diversity in work and training followed by admission of persons with disabilities environment. These attitu des of union entities and employers should be broadened because corroborate the fulfillment of constitutional requirements for compliance with the international declarations, adapting them to the reality of labor relations and contributing to the construct ion of equality in the pursuit of social justice with the recognition of the right to be different with respect to the inherent dignity of the human condition.


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Taking into account the Environmental Restorative Theory (ERT) , created by Fre derick Law Olmsted in mid XIX ce ntury , according which, urban parks can contribute to solve problems arisen from crowding , particularly urban stress, we analize how the ERT arrived at XXI century, having as approach the evaluation of New York Central Park (CP). Considering that the CP and the cinema were born around at the same, we question if the North American cinema produced between 1960 and 2013 show the ideals, which engendered the CP. By answering this question we defend the hypothesis that, even though has existed adjusts and modificati ons in the CP plan through time, it kept reasonably faithful to the ERT premises, propitiating to the XX and XXI centuries cinema identify and bring forth the presence of the Olmsted’s Ideals in the present days. The thesis main objective was nonetheless u nderstand similarities and/or differences between the XIX century ideals (that gave birth to CP) and the way the cinema represents the present uses of the place, taking into account that the Olmstedian ERT proposal have survived to the context changes (soc ial, economic, political and cultural). Methodologically , we drew upon bibliographical and documental analysis to build the first chapters and to the cinema as analytical lenses to investigate the ERT. The results point that although the CP plan has kept r elatively intact and faithful to the ERT – with the presence of natural elements in the films (notably vegetation and water) – many of contemporary behaviors were not foreseen previously, especially in relation to sports practice, the massive feminine pres ence, as well as criminality.


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We propose a mechanism for testing the theory of collapse models such as continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) by examining the parametric heating rate of a trapped nanosphere. The random localizations of the center-of-mass for a given particle predicted by the CSL model can be understood as a stochastic force embodying a source of heating for the nanosphere. We show that by utilising a Paul trap to levitate the particle and optical cooling, it is possible to reduce environmental decoher- ence to such a level that CSL dominates the dynamics and contributes the main source of heating. We show that this approach allows measurements to be made on the timescale of seconds, and that the free parameter λcsl which characterises the model ought to be testable to values as low as 10^{−12} Hz.