943 resultados para Emergency service work


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Social media, including Facebook and Twitter, played an important role in crisis communication at the height of the 2011 South East Queensland floods crisis (10-16 January). This report examines the role of the short-messaging system Twitter in disseminating and sharing crisis information and updates from state and local authorities as well as everyday citizens. We assess the overall use of Twitter, as well as that of the most important emergency service account, the Queensland Police’s @QPSMedia account.


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Emergency service workers (e.g., fire-fighters, police and paramedics) are exposed to elevated levels of potentially traumatising events through the course of their work. Such exposure can have lasting negative consequences (e. g., Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; PTSD) and/or positive outcomes (e. g., Posttraumatic Growth; PTG). Research had implicated trauma, occupational and personal variables that account for variance in post-trauma outcomes yet at this stage no research has investigated these factors and their relative influence on both PTSD and PTG in a single study. Based in Calhoun and Tedeschi’s (2013) model of PTG and previous research, in this study regression models of PTG and PTSD symptoms among 218 fire-fighters were tested. Results indicated organisational factors predicted symptoms of PTSD, while there was partial support for the hypothesis that coping and social support would be predictors of PTG. Experiencing multiple sources of trauma, higher levels of organisational and operational stress, and utilising cognitive reappraisal coping, were all significant predictors of PTSD symptoms. Increases in PTG were predicted by experiencing trauma from multiple sources and the use of self-care coping. Results highlight the importance of organisational factors in the development of PTSD symptoms, and of individual factors for promoting PTG.


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This paper will identify and discuss the major occupational health and safety (OHS) hazards and risks for clean-up and recovery workers. The lessons learned from previous disasters including; the Exxon Valdez oil spill, World Trade Centre (WTC) terrorist attack, Hurricane Katrina and the Deepwater Horizon Gulf of Mexico oil spill will be discussed. The case for an increased level of preparation and planning to mitigate the health risks for clean-up and recovery workers will be presented, based on recurring themes identified in the peer reviewed literature. There are a number of important issues pertaining to the occupational health and safety of workers who are engaged in clean-up and recovery operations following natural and technological disasters. These workers are often exposed to a wide range of occupational health and safety hazards, some of which may be unknown at the time. It is well established that clean-up and recovery operations involve risks of physical injury, for example, from manual handling, mechanical equipment, extreme temperatures, slips, trips and falls. In addition to these well established physical injury risks there are now an increasing number of studies which highlight the risks of longer term or chronic health effects arising from clean-up and recovery work. In particular, follow up studies from the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Hurricane Katrina and the World Trade Centre (WTC) terrorism attack have documented the longer term health consequences of these events. These health effects include respiratory symptoms and musculoskeletal disorders, as well as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In large scale operations many of those workers and supervisors involved have not had any specific occupational health and safety (OHS) training and may not have access to the necessary instruction, personal protective equipment or other appropriate equipment, this is especially true when volunteers are used to form part of the clean-up and recovery workforce. In general, first responders are better equipped and trained than clean-up and recovery workers and some of the training approaches used for the traditional first responders would be relevant for clean-up and recovery workers.


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Governments, authorities, and organisations dedicate significant resources to encourage communities to prepare for and respond to natural hazards such as cyclones, earthquakes, floods, and bushfires. However, recent events, media attention, and ongoing academic research continue to highlight cases of non-compliance including swift water rescues. Individuals who fail to comply with instructions issued during natural hazards significantly impede the emergency response because they divert resources to compliance-enforcement and risk the lives of emergency service workers who may be required to assist them. An initial investigation of the field suggests several assumptions or practices that influence emergency management policy, communication strategy, and community behaviours during natural hazards: 1) that community members will comply with instructions issued by governments and agencies that represent the most authoritative voice, 2) that communication campaigns are shaped by intuition rather than evidence-based approaches (Wood et al., 2012), and 3) that emergency communication is linear and directional. This extended abstract represents the first stage of a collaborative research project that integrates industry and cross-disciplinary perspectives to provide evidence-based approaches for emergency and risk communication during the response and recovery phases of a natural hazard. Specifically, this abstract focuses on the approach taken and key elements that will form the development of a typology of compliance-gaining messages during the response phase of natural hazards, which will be the focus of the conference presentation.


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BACKGROUND: In most emergency departments, tetanus prophylaxis currently relies on vaccination history. Bedside evaluation of tetanus immunity may improve this process. OBJECTIVES: (i) To determine the seroprevalence of tetanus immunity; (ii) to evaluate the accuracy of vaccination history in assessing tetanus immunity; (iii) to identify factors predictive of seroprotection and incorrect history. METHOD: In a prospective observational study, tetanus immunity was assessed in 784 adults using Tétanos Quick Stick (TQS). A questionnaire was completed to obtain vaccination and general histories. Immunity assessed by TQS and by vaccination history were compared with anti-tetanus antibody levels measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (seroprotection threshold >0.15 IU/ml). RESULTS: Overall, 64.2% of patients were protected according to TQS results. Four independent predictors of seroprotection were identified: young age, birthplace in Belgium, male sex and occupational medicine consultation. TQS performance was good: kappa=0.71, sensitivity 85.3%, specificity 87.2%, positive predictive value 92.1% and negative predictive value 77.2%. Seven hundred and sixty-two participants responded to the vaccination history: 23.4% said they were protected, 22.1% that they were not and 54.5% did not know. History performance was poor: kappa=0.27, sensitivity 60.3%, specificity 73.3%, positive predictive value 81.8% and negative predictive value 45.8%. Compared with history, TQS offered a significantly better sensitivity, negative and positive predictive values, but specificity was similar. No predictor of an incorrect history was identified. CONCLUSION: Lack of protective immunity against tetanus is frequent but poorly evaluated by history taking. Several demographic characteristics are good predictors of seroprotection. TQS could be a valuable tool in selected patients to improve tetanus prophylaxis in the emergency department.


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Nursing home-acquired pneumonia (NHAP) is one of the most common infections arising amongst nursing home residents, and its incidence is expected to increase as population ages. The NHAP recommendation for empiric broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, arising from the concept of healthcare-associated pneumonia, has been challenged by recent studies reporting low rates of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria. This single center study analyzes the results of NHAP patients admitted through the Emergency Department (ED) at a tertiary center during the year 2010. There were 116 cases, male gender corresponded to 34.5 % of patients and median age was 84 years old (IQR 77-90). Comorbidities were present in 69.8 % of cases and 48.3 % of patients had used healthcare services during the previous 90 days. In-hospital mortality rate was 46.6 % and median length-of-stay was 9 days. Severity assessment at the Emergency Department provided CURB65 index score and respective mortality (%) results: zero: n = 0; one: n = 7 (0 %); two: n = 18 (38.9 %); three: n = 26 (38.5 %); four: n = 30 (53.3 %); and five; n = 22 (68.2 %); and sepsis n = 50 (34.0 %), severe sepsis n = 43 (48.8 %) and septic shock n = 22 (72.7 %). Significant risk factors for in-hospital mortality in multivariate analysis were polypnea (p = 0.001), age ≥ 75 years (p = 0.02), and severe sepsis or shock (p = 0.03) at the ED. Microbiological testing in 78.4 % of cases was positive in 15.4 % (n = 15): methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (26.7 %), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20.0 %), S. pneumoniae (13.3 %), Escherichia coli (13.3 %), others (26.7 %); the rate of MDR bacteria was 53.3 %. This study reveals high rates of mortality and MDR bacteria among NHAP hospital admissions supporting the use of empirical broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy in these patients.


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Non-urgent cases represent 30-40% of all ED consults; they contribute to overcrowding of emergency departments (ED), which could be reduced if they were denied emergency care. However, no triage instrument has demonstrated a high enough degree of accuracy to safely rule out serious medical conditions: patients suffering from life-threatening emergencies have been inappropriately denied care. Insurance companies have instituted financial penalties to discourage the use of ED as a source of non-urgent care, but this practice mainly restricts access for the underprivileged. More recent data suggest that in fact most patients consult for appropriate urgent reasons, or have no alternate access to urgent care. The safe reduction of overcrowding requires a reform of the healthcare system based on patients' needs rather than access barriers.


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BACKGROUND: Frequent emergency department (ED) users meet several of the criteria of vulnerability, but this needs to be further examined taking into consideration all vulnerability's different dimensions. This study aimed to characterize frequent ED users and to define risk factors of frequent ED use within a universal health care coverage system, applying a conceptual framework of vulnerability. METHODS: A controlled, cross-sectional study comparing frequent ED users to a control group of non-frequent users was conducted at the Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. Frequent users were defined as patients with five or more visits to the ED in the previous 12 months. The two groups were compared using validated scales for each one of the five dimensions of an innovative conceptual framework: socio-demographic characteristics; somatic, mental, and risk-behavior indicators; and use of health care services. Independent t-tests, Wilcoxon rank-sum tests, Pearson's Chi-squared test and Fisher's exact test were used for the comparison. To examine the -related to vulnerability- risk factors for being a frequent ED user, univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used. RESULTS: We compared 226 frequent users and 173 controls. Frequent users had more vulnerabilities in all five dimensions of the conceptual framework. They were younger, and more often immigrants from low/middle-income countries or unemployed, had more somatic and psychiatric comorbidities, were more often tobacco users, and had more primary care physician (PCP) visits. The most significant frequent ED use risk factors were a history of more than three hospital admissions in the previous 12 months (adj OR:23.2, 95%CI = 9.1-59.2), the absence of a PCP (adj OR:8.4, 95%CI = 2.1-32.7), living less than 5 km from an ED (adj OR:4.4, 95%CI = 2.1-9.0), and household income lower than USD 2,800/month (adj OR:4.3, 95%CI = 2.0-9.2). CONCLUSIONS: Frequent ED users within a universal health coverage system form a highly vulnerable population, when taking into account all five dimensions of a conceptual framework of vulnerability. The predictive factors identified could be useful in the early detection of future frequent users, in order to address their specific needs and decrease vulnerability, a key priority for health care policy makers. Application of the conceptual framework in future research is warranted.


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Introducción: Colombia no tiene estudios que muestren el efecto de la congestión en urgencias sobre la oportunidad de tratamiento. El propósito del estudio fue evaluar este efecto en un servicio de urgencias en Bogotá sobre la oportunidad de la primera dosis de antibiótico y/o de analgésico; además de determinar el porcentaje de pacientes que abandonaron urgencias sin valoración. Método: Se planteó un estudio de tiempo al evento, con metodología de análisis de sobrevida, para determinar si había retardo significativo en la administración de la primera dosis de tratamiento según nivel de ocupación de urgencias del 12 de octubre al 1 de noviembre de 2010. Se midió la proporción de pacientes que abandonan urgencias sin valoración. Resultados: 127 pacientes recibieron antibióticos y 982 analgésicos. Las demoras medianas en la primera dosis fueron 364 y 104 minutos, respectivamente. Analizando las curvas de sobrevida se demostró que no hubo diferencias en la oportunidad de la primera dosis de antibiótico (p=0,3908) ni analgésico (p=0,3924) entre tres niveles de congestión según NEDOCS simultáneamente. La cantidad de personas que se fueron del servicio sin valoración fue de 92 equivalente 2,35%. Discusión: Los tiempos medianos de oportunidad de tratamiento fueron mayores que estándares de calidad y reportes en estudios previos. No se encontró diferencias en el retraso en la administración de antibiótico ni analgésico pero esperamos que este trabajo sea útil para la toma de decisiones, buscando beneficiar a los pacientes que asisten a urgencias con inicio de tratamientos oportunos.


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Introducción Dentro de los factores más comunes que influyen en la causa de accidentes o enfermedades laborales están el de riesgo biomecánico los cuales pueden desencadenar trastornos musculo esqueléticos generados por la repetición excesiva de movimientos, posturas forzadas y levantar objetos pesados. Otros posibles factores de riesgo son de origen físico, psicológico o personal. Estos factores pueden relacionarse entre sí y su influencia también puede estar mediada por factores culturales o sociales. Objetivo Determinar las condiciones laborales, de salud y seguridad en el trabajo de la población asistencial y administrativa de una IPS en la ciudad de Yopal Casanare. Método Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en 88 trabajadores del equipo de salud tanto asistencial y administrativo de I y II nivel de complejidad. Se aplicó el instrumento Cuestionario Nórdico de seguridad y el de condiciones de trabajo y salud. Resultados En este estudio se encontró una participación mayor del género femenino con un 88,6%. La percepción de la estabilidad laboral fue alta en un 60,2%, media en un 37,5% y baja en el 2,3% de los trabajadores. En cuanto a la posición habitual de trabajo, se encontró que el 41% de los trabajadores del nivel asistencial debe trabajar de pie mientras que en los niveles administrativo y directivo la posición de trabajo habitual es sentada, con un 51,9% y un 66,7% respectivamente. Respecto a la realización de movimientos repetitivos se presentan en el nivel asistencial con un 34,5% y en el nivel directivo con un 50%. En las condiciones de salud, predomina el dolor en los miembros superiores e inferiores siendo el más reportado el dolor de muñeca tanto en el área administrativa como en la asistencial. En la percepción de seguridad frente al trabajo, se encontró que el 38% consideran los accidentes menores como parte normal del trabajo diario, en el nivel administrativo el 74% acepta correr riesgos incluso cuando los tiempos de trabajo son ajustados. Conclusión Las condiciones de seguridad y salud de los trabajadores evaluados se caracterizaron por sobre carga laboral, autonomía en el trabajo y la concientización de la importancia de la seguridad en el área de trabajo. Un lugar de trabajo que los empleados toleran y disfrutan puede fomentar la motivación laboral y ofrecer mejores resultados. Sin embargo, las malas condiciones en el lugar de trabajo, pueden afectar el rendimiento y la productividad de los empleados.


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OBJETIVOS: Identificar la percepción del riesgo biológico de los trabajadores asistenciales del Hospital Central de la Policía Nacional en la ciudad de Bogotá. METODOS: se realizó un estudio analítico de corte transversal para describir la percepción acerca del riesgo biológico en 159 trabajadores asistenciales de un hospital de alta complejidad en la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia), la información se recolectó por medio de la utilización de la encuesta validada nota técnica 578 (Portell M, Solé M, 2001). Se realizó la caracterización de la población por variables de sexo, edad, tiempo de experiencia y servicio al cual pertenece y se promediaron las respuestas obtenidas para cada ítem encuestado, obteniendo una clasificación para cada dimensión de percepción de riesgo baja (1 a 3), media (4 a 5) o alta (6 a 7). Resultados: De los 159 trabajadores asistenciales encuestados el 80.4% eran de género femenino, el 22.2% pertenecían al servicio de urgencias, el 16,5% al servicio de medicina interna y el 9.5% al servicio de pediatría, de los encuestados el 62.9% fueron auxiliares de enfermería, el 21,4% enfermeras jefes y el 6.9% médicos. Se obtuvo una percepción de riesgo alta (media aritmética mayor de 5) para todas las variables incluidas en la encuesta, demostrando conocimiento de todo el personal acerca de la alta exposición a accidentes de tipo biológico. No se encontró asociación entre la labor desempeñada y la percepción del riesgo biológico, sin embargo, se encontró una asociación entre el tiempo de experiencia del trabajador y una disminución en la magnitud del riesgo percibido (Chi cuadrado de asociación, p=0.042). Conclusiones: Los trabajadores asistenciales identifican la magnitud del riesgo biológico al que se encuentran expuestos en sus labores del día a día, sin embargo, es necesaria una mayor participación por parte del personal directivo y de los responsables de la prevención en temas de reacción ante accidentes y en la valoración del riesgo, especialmente en personas que llevan mucho tiempo desempeñando la labor.


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This article discusses inductee music service teachers (to 25 years of age). It explores how their lives, as perceived, shape current identities in teaching and result in several career problems. Respondents were drawn from a comprehensive life history study of 28 Local Education Authority employees. Of this larger cohort, four were age 25 years and below, and the remaining 24 teachers made retrospective comments. Data were collected and analysed between October 2002 and March 2004. Principal findings suggest that schooling failed to address these educators' needs as musical learners; key childhood experiences were external of schools. This often resulted in an idealistic trajectory, in teenage years, towards an occupation as a performer. An occupation in music education was entirely disregarded. Consequently, inductees now consider training experiences an inappropriate platform for their professional lives. Managing group teaching and children's behaviour engenders considerable anxiety. Music service work is also deemed a transient state of affairs. There are implications for training, retention and professional development.