983 resultados para Electronic-structure


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The free-base octabromotetraphenylporphyrin (H2OBP) has been prepared by a novel bromination reaction of (meso-tetraphenylporphyrinato)copper(II). The metal [V(IV)O, Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Pd(II), Ag(II), Pt(II)] derivatives exhibit interesting electronic spectral features and electrochemical redox properties. The electron-withdrawing bromine substituents at the pyrrole carbons in H2OBP and M(OBP) derivatives produce remarkable red shifts in the Soret (50 nm) and visible bands (100 nm) of the porphyrin. The low magnitude of protonation constants (pK3 = 2.6 and pK4 = 1.75) and the large red-shifted Soret and visible absorption bands make the octabromoporphyrin unique. The effect of electronegative bromine substituents at the peripheral positions of the porphyrin has been quantitatively analyzed by using the four-orbital approach of Gouterman. A comparison of MO parameters of MOBP derivatives with those of the meso-substituted tetraphenylporphyrin (M(TPP)) and unsubstituted porphine (M(P)) derivatives provides an explanation for the unusual spectral features. The configuration interaction matrix element of the M(OBP) derivatives is found to be the lowest among the known substituted porphyrins, indicating delocalization of ring charge caused by the increase in conjugation of p orbitals of the bromine onto the ring orbitals. The electron-transfer reactivities of the porphyrins have been dramatically altered by the peripheral bromine substituents, producing large anodic shifts in the ring and metal-centered redox potentials. The increase in anodic shift in the reduction potential of M(OBP)s relative to M(TPP)s is found to be large (550 mV) compared to the shift in the oxidation potential (300 mV). These shifts are interpreted in terms of the resonance and inductive interactions of the bromine substituents.


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Starting from readily available norbornenobenzoquinone 7 and employing a photothermal metathesis reaction as the main strategy, novel "roofed" polyquinane bisenones 3 and 13 have been synthesized. Among these, the former is potentially serviceable for further elaboration to dodecahedrane 1. Catalytic hydrogenation of 3 provided the dione 12, which fully inscribes the circumference of dodecahedrane sphere. The "roofed" C-16-bisenone 3 has been successfully annulated to C19-bisenone 24 and C19-trisenone 26 by employing the Greene methodology and Pauson-Khand reaction, respectively. The molecular structures of 3 and 13 were computed using molecular mechanics and semiempirical MO methods. The nonbonded distances between the double bonds vary strongly with the method employed. The interactions between the pi-MO's were, therefore, probed by means of photoelectron (PE) spectroscopy. Comparison with the PE spectra of a series of model systems with increasing complexity enabled an unambiguous assignment of the observed peaks. The symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of the pi-MO's of the enone moieties of 3 and 13 show large splittings, characteristic of propano-bridged systems in which through-space and through-bond effects act in concert.


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We report the soft-X-ray absorption spectra at the oxygen K-edge of La1-xSrxCoO3-δ (x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4) series with experimentally determined δ values. We show that the doping of holes by replacing La3+ with Sr2+ induces states within the band gap of the insulating undoped compound for small x and these doped states have a very substantial oxygen 2p character. This indicates that the insulating compounds belong to the charge transfer insulator regime. With increasing Sr content, the doped states broaden into a band overlapping the top of the primarily oxygen p-derived band, leading to an insulator-metal transition at x ≥ 0.2.


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We have investigated the electronic structure of well-characterized samples of La1-xSrxFeO3 (x=0.0�0.4) by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy, bremsstrahlung isochromat (BI) spectroscopy, and Auger electron spectroscopy. We find systematic behavior in the occupied and unoccupied density of states reflecting changes in the electronic structure on hole doping via Sr substitution as well as providing estimates for different interaction strengths. The spectral features, particularly of the unoccupied states obtained from BI spectra, indicate the probable reason for the absence of an insulator-metal transition in this series. Analysis of the Auger spectra provides the estimates of the on-site effective Coulomb interaction strengths in Fe 3d and O 2p states. The parameter values for the bare charge-transfer energy ? and the Fe 3d�O 2p hybridization strength t? for LaFeO3 are obtained from an analysis of the Fe 2p core-level XPS in terms of a model many-body calculation. We discuss the character of the ground state in LaFeO3 as well as the nature of the doped hole states in La1-xSrxFeO3, based on these parameter values.


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The electronic structures of a wide range of early transition-metal (TM) compounds, including Ti and V oxides with metal valences ranging from 2+ to 5+ and formal d-electron numbers ranging from 0 to 2, have been investigated by a configuration-interaction cluster model analysis of the core-level metal 2p x-ray photoemission spectra (XPS). Inelastic energy-loss backgrounds calculated from experimentally measured electron-energy-loss spectra (EELS) were subtracted from the XPS spectra to remove extrinsic loss features. Parameter values deduced for the charge-transfer energy Delta and the d-d Coulomb repulsion energy U are shown to continue the systematic trends established previously for the late TM compounds, giving support to a charge-transfer mechanism for the satellite structures. The early TM compounds are characterized by a large metal d-ligand p hybridization energy, resulting in strong covalency in these compounds. Values for Delta and U suggest that many early TM compounds should be reclassified as intermediate between the charge-transfer regime and the Mott-Hubbard regime.


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The free-base, copper(II) and zinc(II) derivatives of 5,10,15,20-tetraarylporphyrin (aryl = phenyl, 4-methylphenyl or 4-chlorophenyl) and the corresponding brominated 2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-octabromo-5,10,15,20-tetraarylporphyrin derivatives have been synthesized and their spectral and redox properties compared by UV/VIS, H-1 NMR, ESR and cyclic voltammetric methods. Substitution with the electron-withdrawing bromine groups at the pyrrole carbons has a profound influence on the UV/VIS and H-1 NMR spectral features and also on the redox potentials of these systems. On the other hand, electron-withdrawing chloro or electron-donating methyl groups at the para positions of the four phenyl rings have only a marginal effect on the spectra and redox potentials of both the brominated and the non-brominated derivatives. The ESR data for the copper(II) derivatives of ail these systems reveal that substitution at either the beta-pyrrole carbons and/or the para positions of the meso-phenyl groups does not significantly affect the spin-Hamiltonian parameters that describe the metal centre in each case. Collectively, these observations suggest that the highest-occupied (HOMO) and lowest-unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMO) of the octabromoporphyrins involve the porphyrin pi-ring system as is the case with the non-brominated derivatives.-Investigations have been carried out to probe the electronic structures of these systems by three different approaches involving spectral and redox potential data as well as AMI calculations. The results obtained suggest that the electron-withdrawing beta-bromine substituents stabilize the LUMOs and, to a lesser degree, the HOMOs and that the extent of these changes can be fine-tuned, in a subtle way, by substituting at the meso-aryl rings of a given porphyrin.


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We have investigated the electronic structure of the p-type diluted magnetic semiconductor In1-xMnxAs by photoemission spectroscopy. The Mn 3d partial density of states is found to be basically similar to that of Ga1-xMnxAs. However, the impurity-band-like states near the top of the valence band have not been observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy unlike Ga1-xMnxAs. This difference would explain the difference in transport, magnetic and optical properties of In1-xMnxAs and Ga1-xMnxAs. The different electronic structures are attributed to the weaker Mn 3d-As 4p hybridization in In1-xMnxAs than in Ga1-xMnxAs.


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While bonding between d(10) atoms and ions in molecular systems has been well studied, less attention has been paid to interactions between such seemingly closed shell species in extended inorganic solids. In this contribution, we present visualizations of the electronic structures of the delafossites ABO(2) (A = Cu, Ag, Au) with particular emphasis on the nature of d(10)-d(10) interactions in the close packed plane of the coinage metal ion. We find that on going from Cu to Ag to Au, the extent of bonding between A and A increases. However, the structures (in terms of distances) of these compounds are largely determined by the strongly ionic 13,11 0 interaction and for the larger B ions Sc, In and Y, the A atoms are sufficiently well-separated that A-A bonding is almost negligible. We also analyze some interesting differences between Ag and Au, including the larger A-O covalency of the Au. The trends in electronic structure suggest that the Ag and Au compounds are not good candidate transparent conducting oxides. (C) 2002 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the electronic structure of Ca1-xSrxVO3 using photoemission spectroscopy. Core level spectra establish an electronic phase separation at the surface, leading to a distinctly different surface electronic structure compared to the bulk. Analysis of the photoemission spectra of this system allowed us to separate the surface and bulk contributions. These results help us to understand properties related to two vastly differing energy scales, namely the low-energy scale of thermal excitations ( $\sim\!k_{\rm B}T$) and the high-energy scale related to Coulomb and other electronic interactions.


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The reaction of [Cp*TaCl(4)], 1 (Cp* = eta(5)-C(5)Me(5)), with [LiBH(4)center dot THF] at -78 degrees C, followed by thermolysis in the presence of excess [BH(3)center dot THF], results in the formation of the oxatantalaborane cluster [(Cp*Ta)(2)B(4)H(10)O], 2 in moderate yield. Compound 2 is a notable example of an oxatantalaborane cluster where oxygen is contiguously bound to both the metal and boron. Upon availability of 2, a room temperature reaction was performed with [Fe(2)(CO)(9)], which led to the isolation of [(Cp*Ta)(2)B(2)H(4)O{H(2)Fe(2)(CO)(6)BH} ] 3. Compound 3 is an unusual heterometallic boride cluster in which the [Ta(2)Fe(2)] atoms define a butterfly framework with one boron atom lying in a semi-interstitial position. Likewise, the diselenamolybdaborane, [(Cp*Mo)(2)B(4)H(4)Se(2)], 4 was treated with an excess of [Fe(2)(CO)(9)] to afford the heterometallic boride cluster [(Cp*MoSe)(2)Fe(6)(CO)(13)B(2)(BH)(2)], 5. The cluster core of 5 consists of a cubane [Mo(2)Se(2)Fe(2)B(2)] and a tricapped trigonal prism [Fe(6)B(3)] fused together with four atoms held in common between the two subclusters. In the tricapped trigonal prism subunit, one of the boron atoms is completely encapsulated and bonded to six iron and two boron atoms. Compounds 2, 3, and 5 have been characterized by mass spectrometry, IR, (1)H, (11)B, (13)C NMR spectroscopy, and the geometric structures were unequivocally established by crystallographic analysis. The density functional theory calculations yielded geometries that are in close agreement with the observed structures. Furthermore, the calculated (11)B NMR chemical shifts also support the structural characterization of the compounds. Natural bond order analysis and Wiberg bond indices are used to gain insight into the bonding patterns of the observed geometries of 2, 3, and 5.


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Photoemission spectroscopy offers the unique possibility of mapping out the electronic structure of the occupied electron states. However, the extreme surface sensitivity of this technique ensures that only the surface and the near-surface regions of any sample are probed. An important question arises in this context—Is the electronic structure of the surface region the same as that of the bulk? We address this issue using two different series of vanadium oxides, Ca1−xSrxVO3 and La1−xCaxVO3. Our results clearly establish that the electronic structure of the surface region is drastically different from that of the bulk in both these cases. We provide a method to separate the two contributions: one arising from the near-surface region and the other representative of the bulk. This separation allows us to deduce some very unusual behaviors of the electronic structures in these systems.


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The electronic structures of Nd1-xYxMnO3 (x=0-0.5) were studied using X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) at the Mn L-3,L-2- and O K-edge along with valence-band photoemission spectroscopy (VB-PES). The systematic increase in white-line intensity of the Mn L-3,L-2-edge with doping, suggests a decrease in the occupancy of Mn 3d orbitals. The O K-edge XANES shows a depletion of unoccupied states above the Fermi energy. The changes in the O K-edge spectra due to doping reflects an increase in the Jahn-Teller distortion. The VB-PES shows broadening of the features associated with Mn 3d and O 2p hybridized states and the shift of these features to a slightly higher binding energy in agreement with our GGA + U calculations. The system shows a net shift of the occupied and unoccupied states away from the Fermi energy with doping. The shift in theoretical site-projected density of states of x=0.5 composition with respect to x=0 suggest a subtle change from a charge transfer to Mott-Hubbard type insulator. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electronic structure of Nd1-xYxMnO3 (x-0-0.5) is studied using x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the Mn K-edge along with the DFT-based LSDA+U and real space cluster calculations. The main edge of the spectra does not show any variation with doping. The pre-edge shows two distinct features which appear well-separated with doping. The intensity of the pre-edge decreases with doping. The theoretical XANES were calculated using real space multiple scattering methods which reproduces the entire experimental spectra at the main edge as well as the pre-edge. Density functional theory calculations are used to obtain the Mn 4p, Mn 3d and O 2p density of states. For x=0, the site-projected density of states at 1.7 eV above Fermi energy shows a singular peak of unoccupied e(g) (spin-up) states which is hybridized Mn 4p and O 2p states. For x=0.5, this feature develops at a higher energy and is highly delocalized and overlaps with the 3d spin-down states which changes the pre-edge intensity. The Mn 4p DOS for both compositions, show considerable difference between the individual p(x), p(y) and p(z)), states. For x=0.5, there is a considerable change in the 4p orbital polarization suggesting changes in the Jahn-Teller effect with doping. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A combination of measurements using photoelectron spectroscopy and calculations using density functional theory (DFT) was applied to compare the detailed electronic structure of the organolead halide perovskites CH3NH3PbI3 and CH3NH3PbBr3. These perovskite materials are used to absorb light in mesoscopic and planar heterojunction solar cells. The Pb 4f core level is investigated to get insight into the chemistry of the two materials. Valence level measurments are also included showing a shift of the valence band edges where there is a higher binding energy of the edge for the CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskite. These changes are supported by the theoretical calculations which indicate that the differences in electronic structure are mainly caused by the nature of the halide ion rather than structural differences. The combination of photoelectron spectroscopy measurements and electronic structure calculations is essential to disentangle how the valence band edge in organolead halide perovskites is governed by the intrinsic difference in energy levels of the halide ions from the influence of chemical bonding.