908 resultados para Economic inequality- Brazil


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This article focuses on the relationship between private insurance status and dental service utilisation in Australia using data between 1995 and 2001. This article employs joint maximum likelihood to estimate models of time since last dental visit treating private ancillary health insurance (PAHI) as endogenous. The sensitivity of results to the choice between two different but related types of instrumental variables is examined. We find robust evidence in both 1995 and 2001 that individuals with a PAHI policy make significantly more frequent dental consultations relative to those without such coverage. A comparison of the 1995 and 2001 results, however, suggests that there has been an increasing role of PAHI in terms of the frequency of dental consultations over time. This seems intuitive given the trends in the price of unsubsidised private dental consultations. In terms of policy, our results suggest that while government measures to increase private health insurance coverage in Australia has been successful to a significant degree, it may have come at some cost in terms of socio-economic inequality as the privately insured are provided much better access to care and financial protection.


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Criminological theories of cross-national studies of homicide have underestimated the effects of quality governance of liberal democracy and region. Data sets from several sources are combined and a comprehensive model of homicide is proposed. Results of the spatial regression model, which controls for the effect of spatial autocorrelation, show that quality governance, human development, economic inequality, and ethnic heterogeneity are statistically significant in predicting homicide. In addition, regions of Latin America and non-Muslim Sub-Saharan Africa have significantly higher rates of homicides ceteris paribus while the effects of East Asian countries and Islamic societies are not statistically significant. These findings are consistent with the expectation of the new modernization and regional theories.


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Kafka On The Shore consists of three simple concrete letterforms floating on a gallery wall. Reminiscent of minimalist sculpture, the mathematical expression of the letterforms states that ‘r’ is greater than ‘g’. Despite this material simplicity, the solemn presentation of the formula suggests a sense of foreboding, a quiet menace. The work was created as a response to the economic theories of Thomas Piketty presented in his book Capital in the Twenty-First Century. The primary finding of Piketty’s data-driven research is the formula presented by the work; that historically, wealth and inequity both flourish when the rate of return on capital (r) is greater than the rate of economic growth (g). With this simple mathematical summary the book acts as a sobering indictment on the present state of economic inequality.


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Resumen: El siguiente ensayo buscará presentar un enfoque alternativo al problema de la desigualdad económica. Abarcando cuestiones relacionadas con el análisis macroeconómico del desarrollo económico, la distribución de la renta entre trabajadores; la visión regional de la economía y las conexiones internacionales del desarrollo. Para ello, se establecieron como hipótesis el crecimiento económico y la inflación. Además, se analizará el impacto de un aumento en la PEA sobre la distribución del ingreso. Para terminar, el autor arribará a numerosas conclusiones, entre ellas, la dicotomía entre corto y largo plazo para la inflación, el aumento de la desigualdad ante el aumento del PBI en países subdesarrollados, y la relación inversa entre la PEA y el Índice de Gini.


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O ideal de efetivação da Constituição Federal nos tempos atuais é a concretização dos direitos sociais nela estampados. No entanto, garantir direitos sociais, essenciais para a consolidação de uma igualdade material, capaz de diminuir as discrepâncias sociais, pode corroborar para uma política de troca de favores e aprofundar as raízes clientelistas do voto, dependendo da forma como as políticas públicas são colocadas em prática. O presente estudo visa a analisar a relação entre a implementação de direitos sociais e o exercício de direitos políticos, considerando as políticas de redistribuição de renda desenvolvidas nos últimos governos, principalmente o Programa Bolsa Família. O objetivo é verificar se há algum clientelismo por parte dos governantes ao estabelecer tais políticas, uma vez que podem eles se valer da desigualdade econômica, da vulnerabilidade cívica e da fragilidade das instituições democráticas do país como instrumentos para forjar sua imagem à semelhança de um pai, protetor de uma sociedade carecedora de direitos básicos. E isso pode acabar por institucionalizar um modelo sutil de clientelismo que descaracteriza os indivíduos como atores capazes de escolher as políticas que melhor implementam seus interesses, impedindo o livre exercício do direito ao voto. Por isso, mesmo a concretização de direitos sociais também deve levar em conta que um modelo de democracia inclui ainda a viabilização de um autogoverno dos cidadãos, razão pela qual parece fundamental que, ao gozar de direitos sociais, os sujeitos percebam a sua participação e ingerência na escolha das políticas públicas. O desafio proposto é utilizar o referencial teórico-metodológico do continuum para, ao longo do espectro formado entre o clientelismo e a cidadania, tentar propor alguns parâmetros para aproximar ao máximo as políticas públicas de concretização de direitos sociais de um ideal de cidadania.


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A maioria dos produtores de gado de corte não realiza adequadamente o controle de receitas e despesas de sua atividade. Como a lucratividade da pecuária de corte tem se reduzido pela queda no preço de seus produtos e pela alta nos custos de produção, tal função tornou-se crucial para aqueles que querem se manter no negócio. Para atender essa demanda, a Embrapa Gado de Corte desenvolveu, em ambiente Excel, o Controlpec 1.0, uma ferramenta simples e de fácil utilização pelos produtores. Com base no movimento financeiro da fazenda são gerados relatórios que consolidam despesas, receitas e margens econômicas da atividade, tendo em conta o plano de contas definido pelo usuário. Os resultados são expostos para cada mês do ano e para todo o ano.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar o sistema de produção de gado de corte predominante no Estado de Goiás. Em fase posterior, tendo como referência esse sistema, será proposto um sistema alternativo melhorado. As informações para caracterizar o sistema predominante (modal) foram levantadas por meio de um painel do tipo mesa-redonda que reuniu pecuaristas, técnicos e pesquisadores em Goiânia, GO, em julho de 2005 (Anexo 1). Em um processo de aproximações até se chegar ao consenso, definiram-se a estrutura de recursos e os coeficientes técnicos do sistema de produção modal. Com base nesses dados foram calculados indicadores de desempenho físico e econômico, destacando-se o custo de produção.


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Algumas metodologias e resultados alcancados; Metodologia de calculo das taxas de retorno; Custos da pesquisa; Beneficios da pesquisa; Calculos dos beneficios; Beneficios reais; Manejo de pragas da soja; Taxa de adocao; Reducao das perdas na colheita de soja; Taxa de adocacao; Beneficios potenciais; Racionalizacao da adubacao; Taxa de adocacao; Aplicao de herbicida em faixa; Taxa de adocao; Cultivares para baixas latitudes; Controle biologico da lagarta da soja; Taxa de adocao; Adaptacao de equipamentos para realizacao de operacoes simultaneas; Resultados e conclusoes; Taxa interna de retorno; Distribuicao dos beneficios; Contribuicao da pesquisa em soja ao PIB agricola; Consideracoes finais.


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Origem e distribuicao no mundo; Introducao e primeiras experiencias no Brasil; Evolucao da producao; Destino da producao; Capacidade de processamento; Portos de embarque; Meios de transporte; Precos recebidos pelos produtores; Custos de producao.


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Early years’ education has increasingly been identified as a mechanism to alleviate educational disadvantage in areas of social exclusion. Early years’ intervention programmes are now a common government social policy for addressing social problems (Reynolds, Mann, Miedel, and Smokowski, 1997). In particular, state provided early years’ programmes such as Head Start in the United States and Early Start in Ireland have been established to combat educational disadvantage for children experiencing poverty and socio-economic inequality. The focus of this research is on the long-term outcomes of an early years’ intervention programme in Ireland. It aims to assess whether participation in the programme enhances the life course of children at-risk of educational disadvantage. It involves an in-depth analysis of one Early Start project which was included in the original eight projects established by the Department of Education and Science in 1994. The study utilises a multi-group design to provide a detailed analysis of both the academic and social progress of programme participants. It examines programme outcomes from a number of perspectives by collecting the views of the three main stakeholders involved in the education process; students who participated in Early Start in 1994/5, their parents and their teachers. To contribute to understanding the impact of the programme from a community perspective interviews were also conducted with local community educators and other local early years’ services. In general, Early Start was perceived by all participants in this study as making a positive contribution to parent involvement in education and to strengthening educational capital in the local area. The study found that parents and primary school teachers identified aspects of school readiness as the main benefit of participation in Early Start and parents and teachers were very positive about the role of Early Start in preparing children for the transition to formal school. In addition to this, participation in Early Start appears to have made a positive contribution to academic attainment in Maths and Science at Junior Certificate level. Students who had participated in Early Start were also rated more highly by their second level teachers in terms of goal-setting and future orientation which are important factors in educational attainment. Early Start then can be viewed as providing a positive contribution to the long-term social and academic outcomes for its participants.


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This research interrogates the status of citizenship education in Irish secondary schools. The following questions are examined: How does school culture impact on citizenship education? What value is accorded to the subjects, Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE) and Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE)? To what extent are the subjects of both the cognitive and non-cognitive curricula affirmed? The importance of these factors in supporting the social, ethical, personal, political and emotional development of students is explored. The concept of citizenship is dynamic and constantly evolving in response to societal change. Society is increasingly concerned with issues such as: globalisation; cosmopolitanism; the threat of global risk; environment sustainability; socio-economic inequality; and recognition/misrecognition of new identities and group rights. The pedagogical philosophy of Paulo Freire which seeks to educate for the conscientisation and humanisation of the student is central to this research. Using a mixed methods approach, data on the insights of students, parents, teachers and school Principals was collected. In relation to Irish secondary school education, the study reached three main conclusions. (1) The educational stakeholders rate the subjects of the non-cognitive curriculum poorly. (2) The subjects Civic, Social and Political education (CSPE), and Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) command a low status in the secondary school setting. (3) The day-to-day school climate is influenced by an educational philosophy that is instrumentalist in character. Elements of school culture such as: the ethic of care; the informal curriculum; education for life after school; and affirmation of teachers, are not sufficiently prioritised in supporting education for citizenship. The research concludes that the approach to education for citizenship needs to be more robust within the overall curriculum, and culture and ethos of the Irish education system.


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There is abundant empirical evidence on the negative relationship between welfare effort and poverty. However, poverty indicators traditionally used have been representative of the monetary approach, excluding its multidimensional reality from the analysis. Using three regression techniques for the period 1990-2010 and controlling for demographic and cyclical factors, this paper examines the relationship between social spending per capita —as the indicator of welfare effort— and poverty in up to 21 countries of the region. The proportion of the population with an income below its national basic basket of goods and services (PM1) and the proportion of population with an income below 50% of the median income per capita (PM2) were the two poverty indicators considered from the monetarist approach to measure poverty. From the capability approach the proportion of the population with food inadequacy (PC1) and the proportion of the population without access to improved water sources or sanitation facilities (PC2) were used. The fi ndings confi rm that social spending is actually useful to explain changes in poverty (PM1, PC1 and PC2), as there is a high negative and signifi cant correlation between the variables before and after controlling for demographic and cyclical factors. In two regression techniques, social spending per capita did not show a negative relationship with the PM2. Countries with greater welfare effort for the period 1990-2010 were not necessarily those with the lowest level of poverty. Ultimately social spending per capita was more useful to explain changes in poverty from the capability approach.


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In this paper we seek to establish if earlier findings relating to the relationship between income poverty persistence and deprivation persistence could be due to a failure to take measurement error into account. To address this question, we apply a model of dynamics incorporating structural and error components. Our analysis shows a general similarity between latent poverty and deprivation dynamics. In both cases we substantially over-estimate the probability of exiting from poverty or deprivation. We observe a striking similarity across dimensions for both observed and latent outcomes. In both cases levels of poverty and deprivation persistence are higher for the latent case. However, there is no evidence that earlier results relating to the differences in the determinants of poverty and deprivation persistence are a consequence of differential patterns of reliability. Taking measurement error into account seems more likely to accentuate rather than diminish the contrasts highlighted by earlier research. Since longitudinal differences relating to poverty and deprivation cannot be accounted for by measurement error, it seems that we must accept that we are confronted with issues relating to validity rather than reliability. Even where we measure these dimensions over reasonable periods of time and allow for measurement error, they continue to tap relatively distinct phenomenon. Thus, if measures of persistent poverty are to constitute an important component of EU social indicators, a strong case can be made for including parallel measures of deprivation persistence and continuing to explore the relationship between them. © Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança.


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Plusieurs chercheurs considèrent qu’il existe un modèle québécois quant aux politiques sociales et économiques. Mais qu’en est-il sur le plan de la réduction des inégalités? Plus spécifiquement, est-ce que les citoyens du Québec perçoivent différemment les inégalités et sont-ils favorables lorsque l’État intervient pour les réduire? Et comment la presse québécoise réagit-elle vis-à-vis de cet enjeu? Ce mémoire se penche sur ces questions et vise à déterminer si le Québec se distingue de l’Ontario relativement à la perception des inégalités socio-économiques et à leur représentation médiatique. Deux types de données sont analysés : 1) une enquête de l’ISSP de 1992 portant sur les attitudes des Canadiens face aux inégalités socio-économiques 2) la couverture médiatique de l’élaboration d’une loi sur l’équité salariale visant la réduction d’une inégalité. Ces sources de données permettent d’étudier les différences de perceptions et de représentation des inégalités selon deux approches distinctes, mais complémentaires. De plus, dans une perspective comparative, le Québec est comparé à l’Ontario au cours des deux analyses. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent que sur le plan des perceptions et des attitudes, les deux provinces se ressemblaient quant à l’importance attribuée à la performance et au niveau d’études et de responsabilités pour déterminer le salaire d’un individu. De plus, les Québécois et les Ontariens allouaient un niveau d’importance similaire au réseau de contacts pour réussir dans la vie. Par contre, les Québécois étaient plus favorables à l’intervention étatique pour réduire les inégalités économiques et attribuaient davantage d’importance aux besoins familiaux pour déterminer ce qu’une personne devrait gagner. De manière marginalement significative, les Québécois considéraient dans une moindre mesure que les Ontariens, que les attributs personnels dont le sexe ou la religion affectaient les chances de réussite. L'analyse de contenu des quatre journaux a permis de constater à la fois des ressemblances et des divergences entre les deux provinces. Les deux couvertures médiatiques traitaient sensiblement des mêmes thèmes et rapportaient des sources similaires. Toutefois, il y avait trois différences majeures. Les journaux québécois se sont montrés moins favorables à la Loi sur l’équité salariale que dans la province voisine et ils ont davantage mentionné les conséquences économiques de la loi. Par ailleurs, les causes de l’iniquité salariale rapportées dans les articles au Québec concernaient davantage les différences de capital humain que la discrimination systémique vécue par les femmes, contrairement à ce qui est apparu dans les deux médias en Ontario. Le résultat le plus important de ce mémoire est que la couverture médiatique québécoise ne concorde pas avec l’opinion publique qui était favorable à l’intervention étatique pour réduire les inégalités. Ceci rappelle que les médias ne sont pas le simple reflet de la réalité ni de l'opinion publique. Ils présentent différentes facettes de la réalité à l'intérieur de certains paramètres, dont la structure organisationnelle dans laquelle ils se trouvent.