982 resultados para ETHANOL PLUS WATER


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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To evaluate the short-term response of human pulps to ethanol-wet bonding technique. Methods Deep class V cavities were prepared on 17 sound premolars and divided into three groups. After acid-etching, the cavities from groups 1 (G1) and 2 (G2) were filled with 100% ethanol or distilled water, respectively, for 60 s before the application of Single Bond 2. In group 3 (G3, control), the cavity floor was lined with calcium hydroxide before etching and bonding. All cavities were restored with resin composite. Two teeth were used as intact control. The teeth were extracted 48 h after the clinical procedures. From each tooth serial sections were obtained and stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H/E) and Masson's trichrome. Bacteria microleakage was assessed using Brown & Brenn. All sections were blindly evaluated for five histological features. Results Mean remaining dentine thickness was 463 ± 65 μm (G1); 425 ± 184 μm (G2); and 348 ± 194 μm (G3). Similar pulp reactions followed ethanol- or water-wet bonding techniques. Slight inflammatory responses and disruption of the odontoblast layer related to the cavity floor were seen in all groups. Stained bacteria were not detected in any cavities. Normal pulp tissue was observed in G3 except for one case. Conclusions After 48 h, ethanol-wet bonding does not increase pulpal damage compared to water-wet bonding technique. Clinical significance Ethanol-wet bonding may increase resin-dentine bond durability. This study reported the in vivo response of human pulp tissue when 100% ethanol was applied previously to an etch-and-rinse simplified adhesive system.


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The fractioning of lemon essential oil can be performed by liquid-liquid extraction using hydrous ethanol as a solvent. A quaternary mixture composed of limonene, gamma-terpinene, beta-pinene, and citral was used to simulate lemon essential oil. In this paper, we present (liquid + liquid) equilibrium data that were experimentally determined for systems containing essential oil compounds, ethanol, and water at T = 298.2 K. The experimental data were correlated using the NRTL and UNIQUAC models, and the mean deviations between calculated and experimental data were less than 0.0053 in all systems, indicating the accuracy of these molecular models in describing our systems. The results show that as the water content in the solvent phase increased, the values of the distribution coefficients decreased, regardless of the type of compound studied. However, the oxygenated compound always showed the highest distribution coefficient among the components of the essential oil, thus making deterpenation of the lemon essential oil a feasible process. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recently, the steam reforming of biofuels has been presented as a potential hydrogen source for fuel cells. Because this scenario represents an interesting opportunity for Colombia (South America), which produces large amounts of bioethanol, the steam reforming of ethanol was studied over a bimetallic RhPt/La2O3 catalyst under bulk mass transfer conditions. The effect of temperature and the initial concentrations of ethanol and water were evaluated at space velocities above 55,000 h−1 to determine the conditions that maximize the H2/CO ratio and reduce CH4 production while maintaining 100% conversion of ethanol. These requirements were accomplished when 21 mol% H2O and 3 mol% C2H5OH (steam/ethanol molar ratio = 7) were reacted at 600 °C. The catalyst stability was assessed under these reaction conditions during 120 h on stream, obtaining ethanol conversions above 99% during the entire test. The effect of both H2 and air flows as catalyst regeneration treatments were evaluated after 44 and 67 h on stream, respectively. The results showed that H2 treatment accelerated catalyst deactivation, and air regeneration increased both the catalyst stability and the H2 selectivity while decreasing CH4 generation. Fresh and spent catalyst samples were characterized by TEM/EDX, XPS, TPR, and TGA. Although the Rh and Pt in the fresh catalyst were completely reduced, the spent samples showed a partial oxidation of Rh and small amounts of carbonaceous residue. A possible Rh–Pt–Rh2O3 structure was proposed as the active site on the catalyst, which was regenerated by air treatment.


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Purpose: To assess the effects of oral glutamate intake on acute motor effects and chronic intake of ethanol in rodents. Methods: The acute effects of ethanol on motor function were studied in ICR mice by giving 2 or 6 g/kg of ethanol 2 h after distilled water or 2.5 g/kg glutamate per os. Thirty minutes after ethanol treatment, behavioral assays, including rotarod tests and foot print analysis were monitored. In chronic ethanol treatment, male Wistar rats were trained to consume ethanol-sucrose solution during a 2-h period daily, starting with 2 % ethanol/10 % sucrose and gradually increasing to 10 % ethanol/5 % sucrose solution over 56 days. After training session, the drug treatment phase was done for 10 days. The animals were force-fed 50 mg/kg/day topiramate or 2.5 g/kg/day glutamate 2 h before ethanol treatment sessions. Each day, ethanol intake, water intake, food intake and body weight were recorded. Results: Mice that received 2 or 6 g/kg of ethanol orally, showed a significant reduction in time on the rod in the rotarod test and a significant increase in both forelimb and hindlimb stride lengths when compared to control. Oral treatment with 2.5 g/kg of glutamate reversed the acute motor effects of ethanol. In chronic ethanol treatment, the intake of 10 % ethanol/5 % sucrose, accessible for 2 h, was significantly decreased in rats treated with either topiramate or glutamate. Conclusion: These results provide evidence that oral glutamate administration help to reduce the acute motor effects of ethanol in mice and ethanol intake in the chronic ethanol drinking rats.


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Exposure to hot environments affects milk yield (MY) and milk composition of pasture and feed-pad fed dairy cows in subtropical regions. This study was undertaken during summer to compare MY and physiology of cows exposed to six heat-load management treatments. Seventy-eight Holstein-Friesian cows were blocked by season of calving, parity, milk yield, BW, and milk protein (%) and milk fat (%) measured in 2 weeks prior to the start of the study. Within blocks, cows were randomly allocated to one of the following treatments: open-sided iron roofed day pen adjacent to dairy (CID) + sprinklers (SP); CID only; non-shaded pen adjacent to dairy + SP (NSD + SP); open-sided shade cloth roofed day pen adjacent to dairy (SCD); NSD + sprinkler (sprinkler on for 45 min at 1100 h if mean respiration rate >80 breaths per minute (NSD + WSP)); open-sided shade cloth roofed structure over feed bunk in paddock + 1 km walk to and from the dairy (SCP + WLK). Sprinklers for CID + SP and NSD + SP cycled 2 min on, 12 min off when ambient temperature >26°C. The highest milk yields were in the CID + SP and CID treatments (23.9 L cow−1 day−1), intermediate for NSD + SP, SCD and SCP + WLK (22.4 L cow−1 day−1), and lowest for NSD + WSP (21.3 L cow−1 day−1) (P < 0.05). The highest (P < 0.05) feed intakes occurred in the CID + SP and CID treatments while intake was lowest (P < 0.05) for NSD + WSP and SCP + WLK. Weather data were collected on site at 10-min intervals, and from these, THI was calculated. Nonlinear regression modelling of MY × THI and heat-load management treatment demonstrated that cows in CID + SP showed no decline in MY out to a THI break point value of 83.2, whereas the pooled MY of the other treatments declined when THI >80.7. A combination of iron roof shade plus water sprinkling throughout the day provided the most effective control of heat load.


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Time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy has been used to investigate the photochemistry of ubiquinone in cyclohexane, water and ethanol. In water the absorption of a single 248 nm photon produces triplet ubiquinone which then oxidises water, via electron transfer, to form the ubiquinone radical anion. In ethanol, however, the triplet state reacts with the solvent via both electron and hydrogen-atom transfer, the latter process forming the semihydroquinone. Only in the less reactive solvent, cyclohexane, is triplet quinone observed. The Raman bands observed for each of the species are assigned on the basis of similarities of their spectra to other quinones.


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Desalination is one of the most traditional processes to generate potable water. With the rise in demand for potable water and paucity of fresh water resources, this process has gained special importance. Conventional thermal desalination processes involves evaporative methods such as multi-stage flash and solar distils, which are found to be energy intensive, whereas reverse osmosis based systems have high operating and maintenance costs. The present work describes the Adsorption Desalination (AD) system, which is an emerging process of thermal desalination cum refrigeration capable of utilizing low grade heat easily obtainable from even non-concentrating type solar collectors. The system employs a combination of flash evaporation and thermal compression to generate cooling and desalinated water. The current study analyses the system dynamics of a 4-bed single stage silica-gel plus water based AD system. A lumped model is developed using conservation of energy and mass coupled with the kinetics of adsorption/desorption process. The constitutive equations for the system components viz. evaporator, adsorber and condenser, are solved and the performance of the system is evaluated for a single stage AD system at various condenser temperatures and cycle times to determine optimum operating conditions required for desalination and cooling. (C) 2013 P. Dutta. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The solvothermal reaction of CoCl(2)4H(2)O and 4,4-sulfonyldibenzoic acid (H(2)SDBA) resulted in the formation of a three-dimensional coordination polymer Co-3(C14H8O6S)(3)(DMA)(2)(MeOH)].DMA (Ia) consisting of trinuclear Co-3 oxo-cluster units. The Co-3 trimeric units are connected by SDBA(2-) anions leading to a three dimensional structure with a pcu topology. The terminal methanol molecules could be exchanged in a single crystal to single crystal (SCSC) fashion by other similar solvent molecules (ethanol, acetonitrile, water, ethyleneglycol). Magnetic studies on the parent compound, Ia, indicate antiferromagnetic interactions between the central metal atoms.


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O amendoim A. hypogaea L. é a quarta oleaginosa mais consumida no mundo e suas sementes são altamente energéticas, com grandes quantidades de lipídios, proteínas, vitaminas e carboidratos. Diversas atividades farmacológicas já foram observadas em extratos de raízes, folhas e sementes, sendo a principal delas a atividade antioxidante. Neste trabalho, foi realizada a comparação entre duas metodologias (por maceração e assistida por micro-ondas) para a extração de compostos antioxidantes, incluindo o resveratrol. Também foi realizada a comparação entre extratos de diferentes órgãos de cultivares brasileiras (IAC 886, IAC Caiapó, IAC Tatu ST, IAC 8112 e IAC 99-1) quanto à atividade antioxidante, por DPPH, ao teor de compostos fenólicos, por Folin-Ciocalteu, e ao teor de resveratrol, por HPLC. Por fim, foram estabelecidos protocolos de cultura de tecidos para explantes de sementes, visando à produção de calos e plantas in vitro para posterior dosagem de compostos de interesse, tendo em vista a possibilidade de modulação das condições in vitro. As melhores condições determinadas para a extração por maceração de antioxidantes de A. hypogaea foram 80% de etanol em água como solvente, trituração com almofariz e pistilo, 50 mL solvente por grama de material vegetal seco, 120 minutos de incubação e dois estágios de extração. As melhores condições para a extração de resveratrol assistida por micro-ondas foram o uso de 37 mL de solvente/g material vegetal seco, com agitação de 1200 rpm por 15 minutos, a 37C. De uma maneira geral, os extratos de raízes e oriundos de micro-ondas apresentaram maior atividade antioxidante (até 92,36 2,71%), teor de compostos fenólicos (até 54,15 1,39 mg EAG/g extrato) e teor de resveratrol (até 1,614 0,356 mg/g extrato). Dentre as cultivares estudadas, IAC Tatu e IAC 99-1 foram as que apresentaram os teores mais elevados. Brotos e calos friáveis foram obtidos a partir de cotilédones, eixos embrionários e folíolos embrionários cultivados em meios suplementados com BAP e picloram, respectivamente.


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O uso combinado de etanol e bebidas energéticas tem aumentado entre adolescentes. Além disso, estudos epidemiológicos indicam que o co-uso aumenta a probabilidade de consumo abusivo e dependência de etanol. Apesar disso, pouco se sabe sobre as consequências neurocomportamentais da co-exposição no cérebro adolescente. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o curso temporal dos efeitos agudos da exposição à bebida energética e/ou etanol na atividade motora e ansiedade no teste de campo aberto, como também, os efeitos agudos ou prolongados sobre aprendizagem/memória e coordenação motora em camundongos adolescentes. Camundongos Suíços foram divididos em 4 grupos: bebidas energéticas e etanol, bebida energética, etanol e água. Três estudos separados foram conduzidos para avaliar cada um dos objetivos específicos deste trabalho. No primeiro estudo, realizado em PN40, os animais receberam a administração de bebida energética (8 ml/kg) e/ou etanol (4 g/kg) por gavagem e após 55 minutos foram submetidos ao teste do campo aberto (sessão 1). Outras duas sessões foram realizadas em sequência usando a metade da dose inicial (sessão 2 e 3). Nos estudos 2 e 3, estudamos os efeitos agudos (PN40) e crônicos (exposição de PN30-40) sobre o teste de esquiva passiva (0,3 mA, 3 s) e sobre o desempenho no teste do cilíndro giratório (sessão de treinamento e após 1 e 3 horas da gavagem das drogas). Em ambos os casos, a dose de bebida energética (8 ml/kg) e/ou etanol (4 g/kg) foi administrada. No teste da esquiva passiva, as sessões de treino e retenção foram realizadas 1 e 24 horas após a administração da droga, respectivamente. No teste do Rotarod, cada sessão foi constituída por 5 tentativas em modelo de aceleramento contínuo (4 a 40 rpm/min em uma tentativa de 2 min). Os nossos dados indicam que a exposição concomitante a bebida energética potencializa o efeito de hiperatividade induzido pelo etanol, como também, gera uma resposta ansiogênica no teste do campo aberto. A exposição aguda ao etanol induz déficit de memória/aprendizagem que não é revertida pela BE. A co-exposição aguda a bebida energética e etanol prolongou incoordenação motora induzida pelo etanol. No entanto, a bebda energética reverteu o comprometimento da coordenação motora gerada pela exposição crônica de etanol em camundongos fêmeas. O presente estudo fornece evidência experimental de que bebida energética e etanol interagem durante a adolescência, resultando em padrões de comportamento que poderiam aumentar o risco de desenvolvimento de abuso ou dependência de etanol. Além disso, os dados indicaram que a exposição aguda à bebida energética não atenuou as consequências negativas geradas pela etanol no desempenho do motor e cognitivo.


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Gas hydrate formation experiments were performed using methane in the presence of tetrahydrofuran (THF) in aqueous solution in a transparent bubble column in which a single pipe or a sintered plate was used to produce bubbles. The mole fraction of THF in aqueous solution was fixed at 6%. The hydrate formation kinetic behaviors on the surface of the rising bubble, the mechanical stability of hydrate shell formed on the surface of the bubble, the interactions among the bubbles with hydrate shell were observed and investigated morphologically. The rise velocities of individual bubbles with hydrate shells of different thickness and the consumption rates of methane gas were measured. A kinetic model was developed to correlate the experimentally measured gas consumption rate data. It was found that the hydrate formation rate on the surface of the moving bubble was high, but the formed hydrate shell was not very easy to be broken up. The bubbles with hydrate shells tended to agglomerate rather than merge into bigger bubble. This kind of characteristic of hydrate shell hindered the further formation of hydrate and led to the lower consumption rate of methane. The consumption rate of methane was found to increase with the decrease of temperature or increase of pressure. The increase of gas flux led to a linear increase in consumption rate of methane. It was demonstrated that the developed kinetic model could be used to correlate the consumption rate satisfyingly.


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Submicrometer zinc oxide (ZnO) with different morphologies including spindle-like, pencil-like, branch rod-like and frizzy flower-like shapes, have been hydrothermally synthesized in mixed solvents of ethanol and water at 140 degrees C. It was found that the volumes of added ammonia, surfactant (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTAB), and mixed solvent play crucial roles in morphological control of ZnO nanostructures. Increasing the volume of ammonia added to the reaction system, the shape of ZnO evolves from spindle into branch rod-like. Synergetic influence between CTAB and ammonia can only be observed at high concentration of ammonia.


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A series of silica-supported silicotungstic acid catalysts (H4SiW12O40, abbreviated as HSiW), modified with various loadings of Teflon (HSiW/SiO2-Teflon), were prepared by impregnation method. The surface properties of the catalysts were studied by means of XRD, BET, NH3-TPD and the Drop Shape Analyzer (DSA) measurements. Both the surface hydrophobicity and the surface lipophobicity of HSiW/SiO2-Teflon catalysts are enhanced by means of the addition of Teflon.