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The world's rising demand of energy turns the development of sustainable and more efficient technologies for energy production and storage into an inevitable task. Thermoelectric generators, composed of pairs of n-type and p-type semiconducting materials, di¬rectly transform waste heat into useful electricity. The efficiency of a thermoelectric mate¬rial depends on its electronic and lattice properties, summarized in its figure of merit ZT. Desirable are high electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficients, and low thermal con¬ductivity. Half-Heusler materials are very promising candidates for thermoelectric applications in the medium¬ temperature range such as in industrial and automotive waste heat recovery. The advantage of Heusler compounds are excellent electronic properties and high thermal and mechanical stability, as well as their low toxicity and elemental abundance. Thus, the main obstacle to further enhance their thermoelectric performance is their relatively high thermal conductivity.rn rnIn this work, the thermoelectric properties of the p-type material (Ti/Zr/Hf)CoSb1-xSnx were optimized in a multistep process. The concept of an intrinsic phase separation has recently become a focus of research in the compatible n-type (Ti/Zr/Hf)NiSn system to achieve low thermal conductivities and boost the TE performance. This concept is successfully transferred to the TiCoSb system. The phase separation approach can form a significant alternative to the previous nanostructuring approach via ball milling and hot pressing, saving pro¬cessing time, energy consumption and increasing the thermoelectric efficiency. A fundamental concept to tune the performance of thermoelectric materials is charge carrier concentration optimization. The optimum carrier concentration is reached with a substitution level for Sn of x = 0.15, enhancing the ZT about 40% compared to previous state-of-the-art samples with x = 0.2. The TE performance can be enhanced further by a fine-tuning of the Ti-to-Hf ratio. A correlation of the microstructure and the thermoelectric properties is observed and a record figure of merit ZT = 1.2 at 710°C was reached with the composition Ti0.25Hf0.75CoSb0.85Sn0.15.rnTowards application, the long term stability of the material under actual conditions of operation are an important issue. The impact of such a heat treatment on the structural and thermoelectric properties is investigated. Particularly, the best and most reliable performance is achieved in Ti0.5Hf0.5CoSb0.85Sn0.15, which reached a maximum ZT of 1.1 at 700°C. The intrinsic phase separation and resulting microstructure is stable even after 500 heating and cooling cycles.


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To optimize the last high temperature step of a standard solar cell fabrication process (the contact cofiring step), the aluminium gettering is incorporated in the Impurity-to-Efficiency simulation tool, so that it models the phosphorus and aluminium co-gettering effect on iron impurities. The impact of iron on the cell efficiency will depend on the balance between precipitate dissolution and gettering. Gettering efficiency is similar in a wide range of peak temperatures (600-850 ºC), so that this peak temperature can be optimized favoring other parameters (e.g. ohmic contact). An industrial co-firing step can enhance the co-gettering effect by adding a temperature plateau after the peak of temperature. For highly contaminated materials, a short plateau (menor que 2 min) at low temperature (600 ºC) is shown to reduce the dissolved iron.


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Durante los últimos años la tendencia en el sector de las telecomunicaciones ha sido un aumento y diversificación en la transmisión de voz, video y fundamentalmente de datos. Para conseguir alcanzar las tasas de transmisión requeridas, los nuevos estándares de comunicaciones requieren un mayor ancho de banda y tienen un mayor factor de pico, lo cual influye en el bajo rendimiento del amplificador de radiofrecuencia (RFPA). Otro factor que ha influido en el bajo rendimiento es el diseño del amplificador de radiofrecuencia. Tradicionalmente se han utilizado amplificadores lineales por su buen funcionamiento. Sin embargo, debido al elevado factor de pico de las señales transmitidas, el rendimiento de este tipo de amplificadores es bajo. El bajo rendimiento del sistema conlleva desventajas adicionales como el aumento del coste y del tamaño del sistema de refrigeración, como en el caso de una estación base, o como la reducción del tiempo de uso y un mayor calentamiento del equipo para sistemas portátiles alimentados con baterías. Debido a estos factores, se han desarrollado durante las últimas décadas varias soluciones para aumentar el rendimiento del RFPA como la técnica de Outphasing, combinadores de potencia o la técnica de Doherty. Estas soluciones mejoran las prestaciones del RFPA y en algún caso han sido ampliamente utilizados comercialmente como la técnica de Doherty, que alcanza rendimientos hasta del 50% para el sistema completo para anchos de banda de hasta 20MHz. Pese a las mejoras obtenidas con estas soluciones, los mayores rendimientos del sistema se obtienen para soluciones basadas en la modulación de la tensión de alimentación del amplificador de potencia como “Envelope Tracking” o “EER”. La técnica de seguimiento de envolvente o “Envelope Tracking” está basada en la modulación de la tensión de alimentación de un amplificador lineal de potencia para obtener una mejora en el rendimiento en el sistema comparado a una solución con una tensión de alimentación constante. Para la implementación de esta técnica se necesita una etapa adicional, el amplificador de envolvente, que añade complejidad al amplificador de radiofrecuencia. En un amplificador diseñado con esta técnica, se aumentan las pérdidas debido a la etapa adicional que supone el amplificador de envolvente pero a su vez disminuyen las pérdidas en el amplificador de potencia. Si el diseño se optimiza adecuadamente, puede conseguirse un aumento global en el rendimiento del sistema superior al conseguido con las técnicas mencionadas anteriormente. Esta técnica presenta ventajas en el diseño del amplificador de envolvente, ya que el ancho de banda requerido puede ser menor que el ancho de banda de la señal de envolvente si se optimiza adecuadamente el diseño. Adicionalmente, debido a que la sincronización entre la señal de envolvente y de fase no tiene que ser perfecta, el proceso de integración conlleva ciertas ventajas respecto a otras técnicas como EER. La técnica de eliminación y restauración de envolvente, llamada EER o técnica de Kahn está basada en modulación simultánea de la envolvente y la fase de la señal usando un amplificador de potencia conmutado, no lineal y que permite obtener un elevado rendimiento. Esta solución fue propuesta en el año 1952, pero no ha sido implementada con éxito durante muchos años debido a los exigentes requerimientos en cuanto a la sincronización entre fase y envolvente, a las técnicas de control y de corrección de los errores y no linealidades de cada una de las etapas así como de los equipos para poder implementar estas técnicas, que tienen unos requerimientos exigentes en capacidad de cálculo y procesamiento. Dentro del diseño de un RFPA, el amplificador de envolvente tiene una gran importancia debido a su influencia en el rendimiento y ancho de banda del sistema completo. Adicionalmente, la linealidad y la calidad de la señal de transmitida deben ser elevados para poder cumplir con los diferentes estándares de telecomunicaciones. Esta tesis se centra en el amplificador de envolvente y el objetivo principal es el desarrollo de soluciones que permitan el aumento del rendimiento total del sistema a la vez que satisfagan los requerimientos de ancho de banda, calidad de la señal transmitida y de linealidad. Debido al elevado rendimiento que potencialmente puede alcanzarse con la técnica de EER, esta técnica ha sido objeto de análisis y en el estado del arte pueden encontrarse numerosas referencias que analizan el diseño y proponen diversas implementaciones. En una clasificación de alto nivel, podemos agrupar las soluciones propuestas del amplificador de envolvente según estén compuestas de una o múltiples etapas. Las soluciones para el amplificador de envolvente en una configuración multietapa se basan en la combinación de un convertidor conmutado, de elevado rendimiento con un regulador lineal, de alto ancho de banda, en una combinación serie o paralelo. Estas soluciones, debido a la combinación de las características de ambas etapas, proporcionan un buen compromiso entre rendimiento y buen funcionamiento del amplificador de RF. Por otro lado, la complejidad del sistema aumenta debido al mayor número de componentes y de señales de control necesarias y el aumento de rendimiento que se consigue con estas soluciones es limitado. Una configuración en una etapa tiene las ventajas de una mayor simplicidad, pero debido al elevado ancho de banda necesario, la frecuencia de conmutación debe aumentarse en gran medida. Esto implicará un bajo rendimiento y un peor funcionamiento del amplificador de envolvente. En el estado del arte pueden encontrarse diversas soluciones para un amplificador de envolvente en una etapa, como aumentar la frecuencia de conmutación y realizar la implementación en un circuito integrado, que tendrá mejor funcionamiento a altas frecuencias o utilizar técnicas topológicas y/o filtros de orden elevado, que permiten una reducción de la frecuencia de conmutación. En esta tesis se propone de manera original el uso de la técnica de cancelación de rizado, aplicado al convertidor reductor síncrono, para reducir la frecuencia de conmutación comparado con diseño equivalente del convertidor reductor convencional. Adicionalmente se han desarrollado dos variantes topológicas basadas en esta solución para aumentar la robustez y las prestaciones de la misma. Otro punto de interés en el diseño de un RFPA es la dificultad de poder estimar la influencia de los parámetros de diseño del amplificador de envolvente en el amplificador final integrado. En esta tesis se ha abordado este problema y se ha desarrollado una herramienta de diseño que permite obtener las principales figuras de mérito del amplificador integrado para la técnica de EER a partir del diseño del amplificador de envolvente. Mediante el uso de esta herramienta pueden validarse el efecto del ancho de banda, el rizado de tensión de salida o las no linealidades del diseño del amplificador de envolvente para varias modulaciones digitales. Las principales contribuciones originales de esta tesis son las siguientes: La aplicación de la técnica de cancelación de rizado a un convertidor reductor síncrono para un amplificador de envolvente de alto rendimiento para un RFPA linealizado mediante la técnica de EER. Una reducción del 66% en la frecuencia de conmutación, comparado con el reductor convencional equivalente. Esta reducción se ha validado experimentalmente obteniéndose una mejora en el rendimiento de entre el 12.4% y el 16% para las especificaciones de este trabajo. La topología y el diseño del convertidor reductor con dos redes de cancelación de rizado en cascada para mejorar el funcionamiento y robustez de la solución con una red de cancelación. La combinación de un convertidor redactor multifase con la técnica de cancelación de rizado para obtener una topología que proporciona una reducción del cociente entre frecuencia de conmutación y ancho de banda de la señal. El proceso de optimización del control del amplificador de envolvente en lazo cerrado para mejorar el funcionamiento respecto a la solución en lazo abierto del convertidor reductor con red de cancelación de rizado. Una herramienta de simulación para optimizar el proceso de diseño del amplificador de envolvente mediante la estimación de las figuras de mérito del RFPA, implementado mediante EER, basada en el diseño del amplificador de envolvente. La integración y caracterización del amplificador de envolvente basado en un convertidor reductor con red de cancelación de rizado en el transmisor de radiofrecuencia completo consiguiendo un elevado rendimiento, entre 57% y 70.6% para potencias de salida de 14.4W y 40.7W respectivamente. Esta tesis se divide en seis capítulos. El primer capítulo aborda la introducción enfocada en la aplicación, los amplificadores de potencia de radiofrecuencia, así como los principales problemas, retos y soluciones existentes. En el capítulo dos se desarrolla el estado del arte de amplificadores de potencia de RF, describiéndose las principales técnicas de diseño, las causas de no linealidad y las técnicas de optimización. El capítulo tres está centrado en las soluciones propuestas para el amplificador de envolvente. El modo de control se ha abordado en este capítulo y se ha presentado una optimización del diseño en lazo cerrado para el convertidor reductor convencional y para el convertidor reductor con red de cancelación de rizado. El capítulo cuatro se centra en el proceso de diseño del amplificador de envolvente. Se ha desarrollado una herramienta de diseño para evaluar la influencia del amplificador de envolvente en las figuras de mérito del RFPA. En el capítulo cinco se presenta el proceso de integración realizado y las pruebas realizadas para las diversas modulaciones, así como la completa caracterización y análisis del amplificador de RF. El capítulo seis describe las principales conclusiones de la tesis y las líneas futuras. ABSTRACT The trend in the telecommunications sector during the last years follow a high increase in the transmission rate of voice, video and mainly in data. To achieve the required levels of data rates, the new modulation standards demand higher bandwidths and have a higher peak to average power ratio (PAPR). These specifications have a direct impact in the low efficiency of the RFPA. An additional factor for the low efficiency of the RFPA is in the power amplifier design. Traditionally, linear classes have been used for the implementation of the power amplifier as they comply with the technical requirements. However, they have a low efficiency, especially in the operating range of signals with a high PAPR. The low efficiency of the transmitter has additional disadvantages as an increase in the cost and size as the cooling system needs to be increased for a base station and a temperature increase and a lower use time for portable devices. Several solutions have been proposed in the state of the art to improve the efficiency of the transmitter as Outphasing, power combiners or Doherty technique. However, the highest potential of efficiency improvement can be obtained using a modulated power supply for the power amplifier, as in the Envelope Tracking and EER techniques. The Envelope Tracking technique is based on the modulation of the power supply of a linear power amplifier to improve the overall efficiency compared to a fixed voltage supply. In the implementation of this technique an additional stage is needed, the envelope amplifier, that will increase the complexity of the RFPA. However, the efficiency of the linear power amplifier will increase and, if designed properly, the RFPA efficiency will be improved. The advantages of this technique are that the envelope amplifier design does not require such a high bandwidth as the envelope signal and that in the integration process a perfect synchronization between envelope and phase is not required. The Envelope Elimination and Restoration (EER) technique, known also as Kahn’s technique, is based on the simultaneous modulation of envelope and phase using a high efficiency switched power amplifier. This solution has the highest potential in terms of the efficiency improvement but also has the most challenging specifications. This solution, proposed in 1952, has not been successfully implemented until the last two decades due to the high demanding requirements for each of the stages as well as for the highly demanding processing and computation capabilities needed. At the system level, a very precise synchronization is required between the envelope and phase paths to avoid a linearity decrease of the system. Several techniques are used to compensate the non-linear effects in amplitude and phase and to improve the rejection of the out of band noise as predistortion, feedback and feed-forward. In order to obtain a high bandwidth and efficient RFPA using either ET or EER, the envelope amplifier stage will have a critical importance. The requirements for this stage are very demanding in terms of bandwidth, linearity and quality of the transmitted signal. Additionally the efficiency should be as high as possible, as the envelope amplifier has a direct impact in the efficiency of the overall system. This thesis is focused on the envelope amplifier stage and the main objective will be the development of high efficiency envelope amplifier solutions that comply with the requirements of the RFPA application. The design and optimization of an envelope amplifier for a RFPA application is a highly referenced research topic, and many solutions that address the envelope amplifier and the RFPA design and optimization can be found in the state of the art. From a high level classification, multiple and single stage envelope amplifiers can be identified. Envelope amplifiers for EER based on multiple stage architecture combine a linear assisted stage and a switched-mode stage, either in a series or parallel configuration, to achieve a very high performance RFPA. However, the complexity of the system increases and the efficiency improvement is limited. A single-stage envelope amplifier has the advantage of a lower complexity but in order to achieve the required bandwidth the switching frequency has to be highly increased, and therefore the performance and the efficiency are degraded. Several techniques are used to overcome this limitation, as the design of integrated circuits that are capable of switching at very high rates or the use of topological solutions, high order filters or a combination of both to reduce the switching frequency requirements. In this thesis it is originally proposed the use of the ripple cancellation technique, applied to a synchronous buck converter, to reduce the switching frequency requirements compared to a conventional buck converter for an envelope amplifier application. Three original proposals for the envelope amplifier stage, based on the ripple cancellation technique, are presented and one of the solutions has been experimentally validated and integrated in the complete amplifier, showing a high total efficiency increase compared to other solutions of the state of the art. Additionally, the proposed envelope amplifier has been integrated in the complete RFPA achieving a high total efficiency. The design process optimization has also been analyzed in this thesis. Due to the different figures of merit between the envelope amplifier and the complete RFPA it is very difficult to obtain an optimized design for the envelope amplifier. To reduce the design uncertainties, a design tool has been developed to provide an estimation of the RFPA figures of merit based on the design of the envelope amplifier. The main contributions of this thesis are: The application of the ripple cancellation technique to a synchronous buck converter for an envelope amplifier application to achieve a high efficiency and high bandwidth EER RFPA. A 66% reduction of the switching frequency, validated experimentally, compared to the equivalent conventional buck converter. This reduction has been reflected in an improvement in the efficiency between 12.4% and 16%, validated for the specifications of this work. The synchronous buck converter with two cascaded ripple cancellation networks (RCNs) topology and design to improve the robustness and the performance of the envelope amplifier. The combination of a phase-shifted multi-phase buck converter with the ripple cancellation technique to improve the envelope amplifier switching frequency to signal bandwidth ratio. The optimization of the control loop of an envelope amplifier to improve the performance of the open loop design for the conventional and ripple cancellation buck converter. A simulation tool to optimize the envelope amplifier design process. Using the envelope amplifier design as the input data, the main figures of merit of the complete RFPA for an EER application are obtained for several digital modulations. The successful integration of the envelope amplifier based on a RCN buck converter in the complete RFPA obtaining a high efficiency integrated amplifier. The efficiency obtained is between 57% and 70.6% for an output power of 14.4W and 40.7W respectively. The main figures of merit for the different modulations have been characterized and analyzed. This thesis is organized in six chapters. In Chapter 1 is provided an introduction of the RFPA application, where the main problems, challenges and solutions are described. In Chapter 2 the technical background for radiofrequency power amplifiers (RF) is presented. The main techniques to implement an RFPA are described and analyzed. The state of the art techniques to improve performance of the RFPA are identified as well as the main sources of no-linearities for the RFPA. Chapter 3 is focused on the envelope amplifier stage. The three different solutions proposed originally in this thesis for the envelope amplifier are presented and analyzed. The control stage design is analyzed and an optimization is proposed both for the conventional and the RCN buck converter. Chapter 4 is focused in the design and optimization process of the envelope amplifier and a design tool to evaluate the envelope amplifier design impact in the RFPA is presented. Chapter 5 shows the integration process of the complete amplifier. Chapter 6 addresses the main conclusions of the thesis and the future work.


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Colloidal stability and efficient interfacial charge transfer in semiconductor nanocrystals are of great importance for photocatalytic applications in aqueous solution since they provide long-term functionality and high photocatalytic activity, respectively. However, colloidal stability and interfacial charge transfer efficiency are difficult to optimize simultaneously since the ligand layer often acts as both a shell stabilizing the nanocrystals in colloidal suspension and a barrier reducing the efficiency of interfacial charge transfer. Here, we show that, for cysteine-coated, Pt-decorated CdS nanocrystals and Na2SO3 as hole scavenger, triethanolamine (TEOA) replaces the original cysteine ligands in situ and prolongs the highly efficient and steady H2 evolution period by more than a factor of 10. It is shown that Na2SO3 is consumed during H2 generation while TEOA makes no significant contribution to the H2 generation. An apparent quantum yield of 31.5%, a turnover frequency of 0.11 H2/Pt/s, and an interfacial charge transfer rate faster than 0.3 ps were achieved in the TEOA stabilized system. The short length, branched structure and weak binding of TEOA to CdS as well as sufficient free TEOA in the solution are the keys to enhancing colloidal stability and maintaining efficient interfacial charge transfer at the same time. Additionally, TEOA is commercially available and cheap, and we anticipate that this approach can be widely applied in many photocatalytic applications involving colloidal nanocrystals.


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In most agroecosystems, nitrogen (N) is the most important nutrient limiting plant growth. One management strategy that affects N cycling and N use efficiency (NUE) is conservation agriculture (CA), an agricultural system based on a combination of minimum tillage, crop residue retention and crop rotation. Available results on the optimization of NUE in CA are inconsistent and studies that cover all three components of CA are scarce. Presently, CA is promoted in the Yaqui Valley in Northern Mexico, the country´s major wheat-producing area in which from 1968 to 1995, fertilizer application rates for the cultivation of irrigated durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) at 6 t ha-1 increased from 80 to 250 kg ha-1, demonstrating the high intensification potential in this region. Given major knowledge gaps on N availability in CA this thesis summarizes the current knowledge of N management in CA and provides insights in the effects of tillage practice, residue management and crop rotation on wheat grain quality and N cycling. Major aims of the study were to identify N fertilizer application strategies that improve N use efficiency and reduce N immobilization in CA with the ultimate goal to stabilize cereal yields, maintain grain quality, minimize N losses into the environment and reduce farmers’ input costs. Soil physical and chemical properties in CA were measured and compared with those in conventional systems and permanent beds with residue burning focusing on their relationship to plant N uptake and N cycling in the soil and how they are affected by tillage and N fertilizer timing, method and doses. For N fertilizer management, we analyzed how placement, time and amount of N fertilizer influenced yield and quality parameters of durum and bread wheat in CA systems. Overall, grain quality parameters, in particular grain protein concentration decreased with zero-tillage and increasing amount of residues left on the field compared with conventional systems. The second part of the dissertation provides an overview of applied methodologies to measure NUE and its components. We evaluated the methodology of ion exchange resin cartridges under irrigated, intensive agricultural cropping systems on Vertisols to measure nitrate leaching losses which through drainage channels ultimately end up in the Sea of Cortez where they lead to algae blooming. A throughout analysis of N inputs and outputs was conducted to calculate N balances in three different tillage-straw systems. As fertilizer inputs are high, N balances were positive in all treatments indicating the risk of N leaching or volatilization during or in subsequent cropping seasons and during heavy rain fall in summer. Contrary to common belief, we did not find negative effects of residue burning on soil nutrient status, yield or N uptake. A labeled fertilizer experiment with urea 15N was implemented in micro-plots to measure N fertilizer recovery and the effects of residual fertilizer N in the soil from summer maize on the following winter crop wheat. Obtained N fertilizer recovery rates for maize grain were with an average of 11% very low for all treatments.


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To obtain minimum time or minimum energy trajectories for robots it is necessary to employ planning methods which adequately consider the platform’s dynamic properties. A variety of sampling, graph-based or local receding-horizon optimisation methods have previously been proposed. These typically use simplified kino-dynamic models to avoid the significant computational burden of solving this problem in a high dimensional state-space. In this paper we investigate solutions from the class of pseudospectral optimisation methods which have grown in favour amongst the optimal control community in recent years. These methods have high computational efficiency and rapid convergence properties. We present a practical application of such an approach to the robot path planning problem to provide a trajectory considering the robot’s dynamic properties. We extend the existing literature by augmenting the path constraints with sensed obstacles rather than predefined analytical functions to enable real world application.


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Seaport container terminals are an important part of the logistics systems in international trades. This paper investigates the relationship between quay cranes, yard machines and container storage locations in a multi-berth and multi-ship environment. The aims are to develop a model for improving the operation efficiency of the seaports and to develop an analytical tool for yard operation planning. Due to the fact that the container transfer times are sequence-dependent and with the large number of variables involve, the proposed model cannot be solved in a reasonable time interval for realistically sized problems. For this reason, List Scheduling and Tabu Search algorithms have been developed to solve this formidable and NP-hard scheduling problem. Numerical implementations have been analysed and promising results have been achieved.


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Focusing on the conditions that an optimization problem may comply with, the so-called convergence conditions have been proposed and sequentially a stochastic optimization algorithm named as DSZ algorithm is presented in order to deal with both unconstrained and constrained optimizations. The principle is discussed in the theoretical model of DSZ algorithm, from which we present the practical model of DSZ algorithm. Practical model efficiency is demonstrated by the comparison with the similar algorithms such as Enhanced simulated annealing (ESA), Monte Carlo simulated annealing (MCS), Sniffer Global Optimization (SGO), Directed Tabu Search (DTS), and Genetic Algorithm (GA), using a set of well-known unconstrained and constrained optimization test cases. Meanwhile, further attention goes to the strategies how to optimize the high-dimensional unconstrained problem using DSZ algorithm.


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A number of Game Strategies (GS) have been developed in past decades. They have been used in the fields of economics, engineering, computer science and biology due to their efficiency in solving design optimization problems. In addition, research in multi-objective (MO) and multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) has focused on developing robust and efficient optimization methods to produce a set of high quality solutions with low computational cost. In this paper, two optimization techniques are considered; the first optimization method uses multi-fidelity hierarchical Pareto optimality. The second optimization method uses the combination of two Game Strategies; Nash-equilibrium and Pareto optimality. The paper shows how Game Strategies can be hybridised and coupled to Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEA) to accelerate convergence speed and to produce a set of high quality solutions. Numerical results obtained from both optimization methods are compared in terms of computational expense and model quality. The benefits of using Hybrid-Game Strategies are clearly demonstrated


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This study investigates the application of two advanced optimization methods for solving active flow control (AFC) device shape design problem and compares their optimization efficiency in terms of computational cost and design quality. The first optimization method uses hierarchical asynchronous parallel multi-objective evolutionary algorithm and the second uses hybridized evolutionary algorithm with Nash-Game strategies (Hybrid-Game). Both optimization methods are based on a canonical evolution strategy and incorporate the concepts of parallel computing and asynchronous evaluation. One type of AFC device named shock control bump (SCB) is considered and applied to a natural laminar flow (NLF) aerofoil. The concept of SCB is used to decelerate supersonic flow on suction/pressure side of transonic aerofoil that leads to a delay of shock occurrence. Such active flow technique reduces total drag at transonic speeds which is of special interest to commercial aircraft. Numerical results show that the Hybrid-Game helps an EA to accelerate optimization process. From the practical point of view, applying a SCB on the suction and pressure sides significantly reduces transonic total drag and improves lift-to-drag (L/D) value when compared to the baseline design.


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A number of game strategies have been developed in past decades and used in the fields of economics, engineering, computer science, and biology due to their efficiency in solving design optimization problems. In addition, research in multiobjective and multidisciplinary design optimization has focused on developing a robust and efficient optimization method so it can produce a set of high quality solutions with less computational time. In this paper, two optimization techniques are considered; the first optimization method uses multifidelity hierarchical Pareto-optimality. The second optimization method uses the combination of game strategies Nash-equilibrium and Pareto-optimality. This paper shows how game strategies can be coupled to multiobjective evolutionary algorithms and robust design techniques to produce a set of high quality solutions. Numerical results obtained from both optimization methods are compared in terms of computational expense and model quality. The benefits of using Hybrid and non-Hybrid-Game strategies are demonstrated.


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Software as a Service (SaaS) is gaining more and more attention from software users and providers recently. This has raised many new challenges to SaaS providers in providing better SaaSes that suit everyone needs at minimum costs. One of the emerging approaches in tackling this challenge is by delivering the SaaS as a composite SaaS. Delivering it in such an approach has a number of benefits, including flexible offering of the SaaS functions and decreased cost of subscription for users. However, this approach also introduces new problems for SaaS resource management in a Cloud data centre. We present the problem of composite SaaS resource management in Cloud data centre, specifically on its initial placement and resource optimization problems aiming at improving the SaaS performance based on its execution time as well as minimizing the resource usage. Our approach differs from existing literature because it addresses the problems resulting from composite SaaS characteristics, where we focus on the SaaS requirements, constraints and interdependencies. The problems are tackled using evolutionary algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and the scalability of the proposed algorithms.


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A baculovirus-insect cell expression system potentially provides the means to produce prophylactic HIV-1 virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines inexpensively and in large quantities. However, the system must be optimized to maximize yields and increase process efficiency. In this study, we optimized the production of two novel, chimeric HIV-1 VLP vaccine candidates (GagRT and GagTN) in insect cells. This was done by monitoring the effects of four specific factors on VLP expression: these were insect cell line, cell density, multiplicity of infection (MOI), and infection time. The use of western blots, Gag p24 ELISA, and four-factorial ANOVA allowed the determination of the most favorable conditions for chimeric VLP production, as well as which factors affected VLP expression most significantly. Both VLP vaccine candidates favored similar optimal conditions, demonstrating higher yields of VLPs when produced in the Trichoplusia ni Pro insect cell line, at a cell density of 1 × 106 cells/mL, and an infection time of 96 h post infection. It was found that cell density and infection time were major influencing factors, but that MOI did not affect VLP expression significantly. This work provides a potentially valuable guideline for HIV-1 protein vaccine optimization, as well as for general optimization of a baculovirus-based expression system to produce complex recombinant proteins. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.