972 resultados para E.L.I.S.A.
Foram conduzidos dois experimentos de campo, um em solo areno-barrento e outro em solo argiloso, com a finalidade de estudar o efeito de trifluralin, aplicado nas doses de 0,60 e 0,96.kg/ha e vernolate, nas doses de 2,52 e 3,60 kg/ha, incorporados ao solo, sobre o desenvolvimento de amendoim e teor de macronutrientes em folhas no início do florescimento e sementes na colheita, e o teor de óleo nestas. O desenvolvimento da cultura foi observado por meio de pesos de matéria seca de folhas, caules e vagens, durante o ciclo, obtendo -se, também, a produção de vagens no fim do ciclo. Houve pequena redução no desenvolvimento, nos estágios iniciais do ciclo, pelas doses mais elevadas de trifluralin e vernolate em solo argiloso apenas. Os teores de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S, não foram afetados em folhas nem nos grãos por nenhum tratamento, nos dois experimentos, assim como o teor de óleo. As produções de grãos em casca não foram afetadas por nenhum tratamento, sendo elevadas nos dois experimentos.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60738
The main benefit of Jeevan Saathi policy is that, it is a joint life policy which covers the life of both husband and wife under a single policy. And they also get double benefit if any one of them dies during the term of the policy. The Jeevan Mitra policy is a single life policy, the main advantage of which is that the dependents get double benefit in case of normal death and triple benefit in case of accidental death during the term of policy. so both the policies have their own attractions but when compared with the annual sales of other policies, the additional increase in the sales of these policies are decreasing. It is a fact finding study concerned with market performance of these two policies by conducting a survey among the Jeevan Saathi and Jeevan Mitra policy holders, and a thorough analysis of the various information or data collected from them. This study is an attempt to present an integrated picture of the main features of the policy holders who have bought these policies, the major factors responsible for making them purchase these policies, the various difficulties faced by them at present and further modification needed in the plans of these policies according to the opinion of policy holders. For increasing accuracy of the conclusions, information is also collected from Agents and Development Officers by using interview schedule. The main purpose of this study is to draw attention of LIC to introduce new plans of policies taking into consideration the drawbacks or defects of the existing policies and present needs of policy holders. It will also help to make new plans in order to suit the needs of more people who want to buy life insurance policies
Un resumen de este documento está publicado en la revista Guix, Barcelona, 1993, n 192, octubre; p. 59-60
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Paranoplocephala etholeni n. sp, parasitizing the meadow vole Microtus pennsylvanicus in Alaska and Wisconsin, USA. is described Paranaplocephala etholeni is morphologically most closely related to the Nearctic Paranoplocephala ondatrae (Rausch, 1948). Available data suggest that P. etholeni is a host-specific, locally rare species that may have a wide but sporadic geographical distribution in North America. The finding of P. ondatrae-like cestodes in Microtus spp. suggests that this poorly known species may actually be a parasite of voles rather than muskrat (type host). A tabular synopsis of all the known species of Paranoplocephala s. I. in the Holarctic region with their main morphological features is presented.
Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main
Trägerband: Ms. Praed. 97; Inc. oct. 29 Bd. 1 und 2; Inc. oct. 134; Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main