40 resultados para E. Pultrusion
Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP) have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remoulded, and complex composition of the composite itself. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste, proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements at different load contents and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behavior over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of the GFRP industrial waste reuse into concrete-polymer composite materials.
Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP) have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: crosslinked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remoulded, and complex composition of the composite itself. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste, proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements at different load contents and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of the GFRP industrial waste reuse into concrete-polymer composite materials.
Recent Advances in Mechanics and Materials in Design
Durante as últimas décadas, os materiais compósitos têm substituído com sucesso os materiais tradicionais em muitas aplicações de engenharia, muito devido às excelentes propriedades que se conseguem obter com a combinação de materiais diferentes. Nos compósitos reforçados com fibras longas ou contínuas tem-se verificado, ao longo dos últimos anos, um aumento do uso de matrizes termoplásticas, fruto de várias vantagens associadas, como o facto de serem bastante mais ecológicas, comparativamente às termoendurecíveis. No entanto, este aumento está muito dependente do desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias de processamento, pois a elevada viscosidade dos termoplásticos, comparativamente aos termoendurecíveis, dificulta significativamente o processo. Muitos equipamentos de produção de termoplásticos são resultado de adaptações de equipamentos de produção de termoendurecíveis, onde normalmente é necessário adicionar fornos de pré-aquecimento. Neste trabalho, pretendeu-se produzir pré-impregnados de fibras contínuas com matriz termoplástica, por deposição a seco de polímero em pó sobre fibras de reforço (denominados por towpreg) para, posteriormente, serem transformados por pultrusão e caracterizados. As matérias-primas utilizadas foram: Polipropileno (PP) como matriz termoplástica e fibra de carbono como reforço. Por forma a melhorar as propriedades finais do compósito, foram otimizadas as condições de processamento na produção dos towpregs, estudando-se a influência da variação dos parâmetros de processamento no teor de polímero presente nestes, tendo como objetivo teores mássicos de polímero superiores a 30%. A condição ótima e a influência dos parâmetros de processamento foram obtidas com o auxílio do Método de Taguchi. Os perfis produzidos por pultrusão foram sujeitos a ensaios de flexão, de forma a obter as suas propriedades quando sujeitos a esse tipo de esforço. Foram também realizados ensaios de calcinação de forma a obter as frações mássicas de fibra e polímero presentes no compósito final. Sabidas as frações mássicas, converteramse em frações volúmicas e obtiveram-se as propriedades teoricamente esperadas através da Lei das Misturas e compararam-se com as obtidas experimentalmente. As propriedades obtidas foram também comparadas com as de outros compósitos pultrudidos.
A pultrusão é uma técnica já sobejamente conhecida de produção de perfis de secção constante, tais como barras, cantoneiras, perfis estruturais ou tubos, em materiais compósitos de matriz polimérica. A necessidade de, em determinadas aplicações, utilizar perfis que proporcionem melhor isolamento térmico, melhor isolamento acústico ou possuam um momento de inércia ligeiramente superior, sem que o peso próprio seja significativamente afectado, levou à produção de perfis pultrudidos híbridos, com núcleos baseados em pré-formas ou na alimentação contínua de resíduos. Realizados os protótipos seguindo as metodologias acima descritas, urge verificar se as propriedades dos perfis híbridos correspondem às expectativas inicialmente neles depositadas, através de testes destrutivos e não-destrutivos. Assim, foram realizados testes à tracção, à compressão e à flexão, no intuito de verificar os ganhos conseguidos e poder analisar o valor-acrescentado trazido por estes novos perfis em termos estruturais. Estes valores, depois de devidamente validados, permitirão a sua inserção em bases de dados agregadas a programas de cálculo estrutural, que efectuam de forma automática o dimensionamento de estruturas baseadas em perfis desta natureza. Complementarmente, foram realizados testes de isolamento térmico e acústico, com vista a quantificar a melhoria conseguida nestas propriedades, extremamente importantes em determinados tipos de aplicações ligadas à construção civil e obras públicas.
Pultrusion is a versatile continuous high speed production technology allowing the production of fibre reinforced complex profiles. Thermosetting resins are normally used as matrices in the production of structural constant cross section profiles. Although only recently thermoplastic matrices have been used in long and continuous fibre reinforced composites replacing with success thermosetting matrices, the number of their applications is increasing due to their better ecological and mechanical performance. Composites with thermoplastic matrices offers increased fracture toughness, higher impact tolerance, short processing cycle time and excellent environmental stability. They are recyclable, post-formable and can be joined by welding. The use of long/continuous fibre reinforced thermoplastic matrix composites involves, however, great technological and scientific challenges since thermoplastics present much higher viscosity than thermosettings, which makes much difficult and complex the impregnation of reinforcements and consolidation tasks. In this work continuous fibres reinforced thermoplastic matrix towpregs were produced using equipment developed by the Institute for Polymers and Composites (IPC). The processing of the towpregs was made by pultrusion, in a developed prototype equipment existing in the Engineering School of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ISEP). Different thermoplastic matrices and fibres raw-materials were used in this study to manufacture pultruded composites for commercial applications (glass and carbon fibre/ polypropylene) and for advanced markets (carbon fibre/Primospire). To improve the temperature distribution profile in heating die, different modifications were performed. In order to optimize both processes, towpregs production and pultruded composites profiles were analysed to determine the influence of the most relevant processing arameters in the final properties. The final pultruded composite profiles were submitted to mechanical tests to obtain the relevant properties.
Euroopan unioni on tiukentanut teiden laitteiden ja tukirakenteiden törmäysturvallisuusvaatimuksia. Uuden standardoinnin tarkoituksena on lieventää ajoneuvon kuljettajan ja matkustajan vammojen vakavuutta ajoneuvon törmätessä tielaitteiden pysyviin rakenteisiin. Käytännössä rakenteiden tulee hidastaa ajoneuvon nopeutta hallitusti eri törmäysnopeuksilla, jolloin matkustajaan kohdistuvat kiihtyvyydet eivät aiheuta vakavaa loukkaantumisriskiä. Vuonna 2005 Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun YTI-tutkimuskeskus ja Tehomet Oy kehittivät ensimmäisen version törmäysystävällisestä valaisinpylväästä. Tässä diplomityössä tavoitteena oli kehittää aikaisemmin tehdystä versiosta helpommin valmistettava versio sekä parantaa pylvään törmäyskäyttäytymistä. Valmistusmenetelmistä valittiin pultruusio, kuitukelaus, alipaineinjektio ja RTM. Menetelmille suunniteltiin soveltuvat rakenteet ja laskettiin rakenteiden valmistuskustannukset. Pultruusiolla, alipaineinjektiolla ja RTM:11ä valmistettiin koe-erä esitörmäyskokeita varten. Esitörmäyskokeiden jälkeen valittiin valmistusmenetelmäksi RTM. TKK/Tielaboratorion virallisissa testeissä kehitetylle pylväälle myönnettiin HE2-turvaluokitus. Hanketta jatketaan kehittämällä valmistusprosessia tehokkaammaksi uudistamalla muottitekniikkaa sekä ottamalla käyttöön lujiteaihiot. Tavoitteena on käynnistää tuotanto keväällä 2008. Kehitetty pylväs esitellään kansainvälisillä "Sähkö, Tele, Valo- ja AV 2008"-messuilla Jyväskylän Paviljongissa 6.-8.2.2008.
One of the key processing parameters in thermoset composites manufacturing is to have an optimum balance between open time and cure time. Long open times followed with a fast cure profile (also referred as snap cure or “hockey stick” shaped profiles) are required on applications like Pultrusion, Filament Winding, Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) and Infusion. In this work, several factors affecting the reactivity of a base line polyurethane formulation were studied. The addition of different components such as internal mold release agents, cross-linker, polyols having different molecular structure and isocyanates having different functionality were studied. A literature search was conducted to identify the main catalyst packages existing in the market. The reactivity of catalyst based on tertiary amines, orgamometallic salts, and co-catalyst of amine-organometallic complexes was characterized. Addition of quelants agents such as thioglycerol and acetyl acetone to delay the catalyst activity were also considered. As a consequence of this work a vast reactivity map was generated. This should guide the formulation designer in future product generations for the further development of the mentioned applications. Recommendations on measurements systems and further areas of exploration are also given.
In vielen Anwendungen der Intralogistik lassen sich Führungssysteme mit Stützrollen finden, die hohen Belastungen ausgesetzt sind. Hierbei werden oftmals Profilträger aus Stahlwerkstoffen als führende Bauteile eingesetzt. Deren Bewegung erfordert aufgrund der hohen Eigenmassen einen erheblichen Energiebedarf. Im vorliegenden Artikel wird die Entwicklung von derartigen Komponenten aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen beschrieben. Der Fokus liegt auf der Eintragung hoher Kontaktkräfte in das Bauteil. Es werden die notwendigen Anforderungen dargestellt sowie die Entwicklung eines speziellen Rollenprüfstandes erläutert. Zudem beinhaltet der Artikel die systematische Entwicklung neuer Funktionselemente und die Herleitung einer Methodik zur Untersuchung der Belastbarkeit des faserverstärkten Kunststoffes beim Einwirken einer Rolle als Teilergebnisse des Forschungsvorhabens.
Every year in the US and other cold-climate countries considerable amount of money is spent to restore structural damages in conventional bridges resulting from (or “caused by”) salt corrosion in bridge expansion joints. Frequent usage of deicing salt in conventional bridges with expansion joints results in corrosion and other damages to the expansion joints, steel girders, stiffeners, concrete rebar, and any structural steel members in the abutments. The best way to prevent these damages is to eliminate the expansion joints at the abutment and elsewhere and make the entire bridge abutment and deck a continuous monolithic structural system. This type of bridge is called Integral Abutment Bridge which is now widely used in the US and other cold-climate countries. In order to provide lateral flexibility, the entire abutment is constructed on piles. Piles used in integral abutments should have enough capacity in the perpendicular direction to support the vertical forces. In addition, piles should be able to withstand corrosive environments near the surface of the ground and maintain their performance during the lifespan of the bridge. Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) piles are a new type of pile that can not only accommodate large displacements, but can also resist corrosion significantly better than traditional steel or concrete piles. The use of FRP piles extends the life of the pile which in turn extends the life of the bridge. This dissertation studies FRP piles with elliptical shapes. The elliptical shapes can simultaneously provide flexibility and stiffness in two perpendicular axes. The elliptical shapes can be made using the filament winding method which is a less expensive method of manufacturing compared to the pultrusion or other manufacturing methods. In this dissertation a new way is introduced to construct the desired elliptical shapes with the filament winding method. Pile specifications such as dimensions, number of layers, fiber orientation angles, material, and soil stiffness are defined as parameters and the effects of each parameter on the pile stresses and pile failure have been studied. The ANSYS software has been used to model the composite materials. More than 14,000 nonlinear finite element pile models have been created, each slightly different from the others. The outputs of analyses have been used to draw curves. Optimum values of the parameters have been defined using generated curves. The best approaches to find optimum shape, angle of fibers and types of composite material have been discussed.