996 resultados para Dynamic games


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The construction field is dynamic and dominated by complex, ill-defined problems for which myriad possible solutions exist. Teaching students to solve construction-related problems requires an understanding of the nature of these complex problems as well as the implementation of effective instructional strategies to address them. Traditional approaches to teaching construction planning and management have long been criticized for presenting students primarily with well-defined problems - an approach inconsistent with the challenges encountered in the industry. However, growing evidence suggests that employing innovative teaching approaches, such as interactive simulation games, offers more active, hands-on and problem-based learning opportunities for students to synthesize and test acquired knowledge more closely aligned with real-life construction scenarios. Simulation games have demonstrated educational value in increasing student problem solving skills and motivation through critical attributes such as interaction and feedback-supported active learning. Nevertheless, broad acceptance of simulation games in construction engineering education remains limited. While recognizing benefits, research focused on the role of simulation games in educational settings lacks a unified approach to developing, implementing and evaluating these games. To address this gap, this paper provides an overview of the challenges associated with evaluating the effectiveness of simulation games in construction education that still impede their wide adoption. An overview of the current status, as well as the results from recently implemented Virtual Construction Simulator (VCS) game at Penn State provide lessons learned, and are intended to guide future efforts in developing interactive simulation games to reach their full potential.


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Dynamic soundtracking presents various practical and aesthetic challenges to composers working with games. This paper presents an implementation of a system addressing some of these challenges with an affectively-driven music generation algorithm based on a second order Markov-model. The system can respond in real-time to emotional trajectories derived from 2-dimensions of affect on the circumplex model (arousal and valence), which are mapped to five musical parameters. A transition matrix is employed to vary the generated output in continuous response to the affective state intended by the gameplay.


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It is challenging to teach supply chain management (SCM) practices and technologies to tertiary students. This is because the back-end and highly dynamic processes can be difficult to visualise and because many students only have experience as a consumer. This paper reports the authors' experiences using a variety of multimedia and interactive enhancements we have used with our SCM learning materials: SCM business simulations; online learning modules with interactive games; and multimedia resources such as videos and animations. The paper also provides an overview of the challenges faced using these approaches, which gives rise to a number of future research opportunities. It also argues that these approaches can support educators with any epistemological view of learning. The paper makes a significant contribution because there has been little if any research into the use of these approaches in SCM education.


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We investigate a dynamic advertising model where product quality is endogenous. In the differential game between single-product firms, there exists a parameter range where the low-quality firm uses a more efficient advertising technology and earns higher profits than the rival. Moreover, we show that equilibrium qualities are the same under duopoly, multiproduct monopoly, and social planning, the only distortion being concerned with the output levels.


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The use of virtual reality games (known as "exergaming") as a neurorehabilitation tool is gaining interest. Therefore, we aim to collate evidence for the effects of exergaming on the balance and postural control of older adults and people with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD). Six electronic databases were searched, from inception to April 2015, to identify relevant studies. Standardized mean differences (SMDs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used to calculate effect sizes between experimental and control groups. I (2) statistics were used to determine levels of heterogeneity. 325 older adults and 56 people with IPD who were assessed across 11 -studies. The results showed that exergaming improved static balance (SMD 1.069, 95% CI 0.563-1.576), postural control (SMD 0.826, 95% CI 0.481-1.170), and dynamic balance (SMD -0.808, 95% CI -1.192 to -0.424) in healthy older adults. Two IPD studies showed an improvement in static balance (SMD 0.124, 95% CI -0.581 to 0.828) and postural control (SMD 2.576, 95% CI 1.534-3.599). Our findings suggest that exergaming might be an appropriate therapeutic tool for improving balance and postural control in older adults, but more -large-scale trials are needed to determine if the same is true for people with IPD.


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Includes bibliography


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Although dynamic and stretching exercises have been widely investigated, there is little information about warm up performed by tag games. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to verify the acute effect of dynamic exercises compared to a tag game warm up on agility and vertical jump in children. 25 boys and 24 girls participated in this study and performed the agility and vertical jump tests after warm up based on dynamic exercises or as a tag game lasting 10 min each in two different days randomly. Dynamic exercises warm up consisted in a run lasting 2.5 min followed by 2 series of 8 dynamic exercises lasting 10 seconds each interspersed with 20s of light run to recovery. Tag game warm up was performed by a tag game with two variations lasting 5 min each. The first variation there was a single cather, which aimed to get the other participants by touching hands. In the second part of the game, the rules were the same except that the participant that was caught had to help the catcher forming a team of catchers. Warm up intensity was monitored by OMNI perceived exertion scale. ANOVA 2x2 for repeated measures (Warm up x Sex) demonstrated no significant differences between dynamic exercises and tag game for agility and vertical jump (P>0.05) for boys and girls. Perceived exertion was significantly higher in tag game compared to dynamic exercises on girls (P<0.05). Both warm up models showed similar acute effects on agility and vertical jump in children. © Faculty of Education. University of Alicante.


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The present studies adopted the theoretical framework of activity- and purpose-related incentives (Rheinberg, 2008) to explain the maintenance of physical activity. We hypothesized that activity-related incentives (e.g., “fun”) increase more than purpose-related incentives (e.g., “health”) between the initiation and maintenance phase of physical activity. Additionally, change in activity-related incentives was hypothesized to be a better predictor of maintenance of physical activity than change in purpose-related incentives. Two correlative field studies with rehabilitation patients (Study 1) and Nordic Walkers (Study 2) were conducted to test the hypotheses. Participants’ incentives of physical activity were measured at the beginning of exercising and two weeks (Study 1; T2) and three months (Study 2; T2) later. At T2, participants were asked for their current physical activity. Both studies showed a greater change of activity-related incentives than purpose-related incentives. Furthermore, change in activity-related incentives was more predictive of the maintenance of physical activity than change in purpose-related incentives. The results showed the important role of activity-related incentives in maintenance of physical activity. The theoretical contribution to physical activity maintenance research and practical implications for health promotion programs were discussed.


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Einleitung Aktuelle empirische Befunde deuten darauf hin, dass Sportler/innen durch Stress und erhöhte Angst eine reduzierte Effizienz bei der Entscheidungsfindung aufweisen (Wilson, 2008). Erklärt werden kann dieser Befund durch die Attentional-Control-Theory (ACT, Eysenck et al., 2007), die postuliert, dass aufmerksamkeitslenkende Prozesse unter Angst gestört werden. Um diese Annahme für komplexe Situationen im Sport zu prüfen, wurden Fußballspieler unter erhöhten und regulären Druckbedingungen verglichen. Methode Je 11 Experten und Nicht-Experten hatten aus der Perspektive des Abwehrspielers die Aufgabe, in zwei mal 24 Spielsituationen so schnell und korrekt wie möglich verbal anzugeben, welche Aktion der ballführende Spieler (in naher vs. ferner Spielsituation) nach Ausblendung der Szene ausführen wird. Während im ersten Block der Druck nicht erhöht wurde, wurden Druckbedingungen im zweiten Block u.a. durch eine Wettkampfsituation und „falscher“ Ergebnisrückmeldung gesteigert. Entscheidungs- und Blickverhalten (u.a. Anzahl Fixationen), Pupillengröße, Zustandsangst und „Mental Effort“ (Wilson, 2008) wurden erfasst. Neben Expertiseunterschieden wurde erwartet, dass erhöhte Angst die Entscheidungseffizienz sowie das Blickverhalten stört (ACT-Annahme), was mit 2 (Experten/Nicht-Experten) x 2 (nahe/ferne Spielsituation) x 2 (hohe/reguläre Druckbedingung) ANOVAs (? = .05) mit Messwiederholungen auf den letzten beiden Faktoren geprüft wurde. Ergebnisse Druckmanipulationen führten zu höherer Zustandsangst und größeren Pupillendurchmessern. Neben Expertiseunterschieden – Experten antworteten schneller, korrekter und zeigten ein situationsangepasstes visuelles Suchverhalten – wiesen beide Gruppen in Drucksituationen längere Antwortzeiten und höheren Mental Effort auf. Erhöhter Druck führte bei Experten zur Reduktion der Fixationsortwechsel für ferne Spielsituationen. Nicht-Experten differenzierten ihr Suchverhalten weder zwischen Bedingungen noch für Spielsituationen. Diskussion Die Resultate bestätigen die ACT-Annahme, dass Angst und Stress die sportliche Leistung durch längere Reaktionszeiten, höhere kognitive Anstrengung und ein teilweise ineffizientes visuelles Suchverhalten negativ beeinflusst. Eine gestörte Balance zwischen Top-Down und Bottom-Up-Prozessen könnte die Ursache sein (Eysenck et al., 2007). Literatur Eysenck, M. W., Derakshan, N., Santos, R., & Calvo, M. G. (2007). Anxiety and cognitive performance: Attentional control theory. Emotion, 7, 336–353. Wilson, M. (2008). From processing efficiency to attentional control: A mechanistic account of the anxiety-performance relationship. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1, 184– 201. 2 Vorträge und Poster


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We tested the predictions of Attentional Control Theory (ACT) by examining how anxiety affects visual search strategies, performance efficiency, and performance effectiveness using a dynamic, temporal-constrained anticipation task. Higher and lower skilled players viewed soccer situations under 2 task constraints (near vs. far situation) and were tested under high (HA) and low (LA) anxiety conditions. Response accuracy (effectiveness) and response time, perceived mental effort, and eye-movements (all efficiency) were recorded. A significant increase in anxiety was evidenced by higher state anxiety ratings on the MRF-L scale. Increased anxiety led to decreased performance efficiency because response times and mental effort increased for both skill groups whereas response accuracy did not differ. Anxiety influenced search strategies, with higher skilled players showing a decrease in number of fixation locations for far situations under HA compared with LA condition when compared with lower skilled players. Findings provide support for ACT with anxiety impairing processing efficiency and, potentially, top-down attentional control across different task constraints.


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This paper addresses an uplink power control dynamic game where we assume that each user battery represents the system state that changes with time following a discrete-time version of a differential game. To overcome the complexity of the analysis of a dynamic game approach we focus on the concept of Dynamic Potential Games showing that the game can be solved as an equivalent Multivariate Optimum Control Problem. The solution of this problem is quite interesting because different users split the activity in time, avoiding higher interferences and providing a long term fairness.


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Recent theoretical advances have dramatically increased the relevance of game theory for predicting human behavior in interactive situations. By relaxing the classical assumptions of perfect rationality and perfect foresight, we obtain much improved explanations of initial decisions, dynamic patterns of learning and adjustment, and equilibrium steady-state distributions.


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Music plays an enormous role in today's computer games; it serves to elicit emotion, generate interest and convey important information. Traditional gaming music is fixed at the event level, where tracks loop until a state change is triggered. This behaviour however does not reflect musically the in-game state between these events. We propose a dynamic music environment, where music tracks adjust in real-time to the emotion of the in-game state. We are looking to improve the affective response to symbolic music through the modification of structural and performative characteristics through the application of rule-based techniques. In this paper we undertake a multidiscipline approach, and present a series of primary music-emotion structural rules for implementation. The validity of these rules was tested in small study involving eleven participants, each listening to six permutations from two musical works. Preliminary results indicate that the environment was generally successful in influencing the emotion of the musical works for three of the intended four directions (happier, sadder & content/dreamier). Our secondary aim of establishing that the use of music-emotion rules, sourced predominantly from Western classical music, could be applied with comparable results to modern computer gaming music was also largely successfully.


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A kooperatív játékelmélet egyik legjelentősebb eredménye, hogy számos konfliktushelyzetben stabil megoldást nyújt. Ez azonban csak statikus és determinisztikus környezetben alkalmazható jól. Most megmutatjuk a mag egy olyan kiterjesztését - a gyenge szekvenciális magot -, amely képes valós, dinamikus, bizonytalan környezetben is eligazítást nyújtani. A megoldást a csődjátékok példájára alkalmazzuk, és segítségével megvizsgáljuk, hogy a pénzügyi irodalom ismert elosztási szabályai közül melyek vezetnek stabil, fenntartható eredményre. _______ One of the most important achievements of cooperative game theory is to provide a stable solution to numerous conflicts. The solutions it presents, on the other hand, have been limited to situations in a static, deterministic environment. The paper examines how the core can be extended to a more realistic, dynamic and uncertain scenario. The bankruptcy games studied are ones where the value of the estate and of the claims are stochastic, and a Weak Sequential Core is used as the solution concept for them. The author tests the stability of a number of well known division rules in this stochastic setting and finds that most are unstable, except for the Constrained Equal Awards rule, which is the only one belonging to the Weak Sequential Core.


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Digital games offer enormous potential for learning and engagement in mathematics ideas and processes. This volume offers multidisciplinary perspectives—of educators, cognitive scientists, psychologists and sociologists—on how digital games influence the social activities and mathematical ideas of learners/gamers. Contributing authors identify opportunities for broadening current understandings of how mathematical ideas are fostered (and embedded) within digital game environments. In particular, the volume advocates for new and different ways of thinking about mathematics in our digital age—proposing that these mathematical ideas and numeracy practices are distinct from new literacies or multiliteracies. The authors acknowledge that the promise of digital games has not always been realised/fulfilled. There is emerging, and considerable, evidence to suggest that traditional discipline boundaries restrict opportunities for mathematical learning. Throughout the book, what constitutes mathematics learnings and pedagogy is contested. Multidisciplinary viewpoints are used to describe and understand the potential of digital games for learning mathematics and identify current tensions within the field.Mathematics learning is defined as being about problem solving; engagement in mathematical ideas and processes; and social engagement. The artefact, which is the game, shapes the ways in which the gamers engage with the social activity of gaming. In parallel, the book (as a textual artefact) will be supported by Springer’s online platform—allowing for video and digital communication (including links to relevant websites) to be used as supplementary material and establish a dynamic communication space.