963 resultados para Diffusion process


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In this paper, we investigate the possibility to control a mobile robot via a sensory-motory coupling utilizing diffusion system. For this purpose, we implemented a simulation of the diffusion process of chemicals and the kinematics of the mobile robot. In comparison to the original Braitenberg vehicle in which sensorymotor coupling is tightly realised by hardwiring, our system employs the soft coupling. The mobile robot has two sets of independent sensory-motor unit, two sensors are implemented in front and two motors on each side of the robot. The framework used for the sensory-motor coupling was such that 1) Place two electrodes in the medium 2) Drop a certain amount of Chemical U and V related to the distance to the walls and the intensity of the light 3) Place other two electrodes in the medium 4) Measure the concentration of Chemical U and V to actuate the motors on both sides of the robot. The environment was constructed with four surrounding walls and a light source located at the center. Depending on the design parameters and initial conditions, the robot was able to successfully avoid the wall and light. More interestingly, the diffusion process in the sensory-motor coupling provided the robot with a simple form of memory which would not have been possible with a control framework based on a hard-wired electric circuit.


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The UK government is mandating the use of building information modelling (BIM) in large public projects by 2016. As a result, engineering firms are faced with challenges related to embedding new technologies and associated working practices for the digital delivery of major infrastructure projects. Diffusion of innovations theory is used to investigate how digital innovations diffuse across complex firms. A contextualist approach is employed through an in-depth case study of a large, international engineering project-based firm. The analysis of the empirical data, which was collected over a four-year period of close interaction with the firm, reveals parallel paths of diffusion occurring across the firm, where both the innovation and the firm context were continually changing. The diffusion process is traced over three phases: centralization of technology management, standardization of digital working practices, and globalization of digital resources. The findings describe the diffusion of a digital innovation as multiple and partial within a complex social system during times of change and organizational uncertainty, thereby contributing to diffusion of innovations studies in construction by showing a range of activities and dynamics of a non-linear diffusion process.


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The paper examines the adoption and diffusion of Digital Television (DTV) in Australia and the United States, identifying historical, technical, regulatory, marketing, and other commonalities and differences that appear to be most significant to its adoption, as both countries have experienced a 'sluggish' diffusion and adoption of DTV so far. Using library research and borrowing the cross-impact matrix method from futures research, the authors develop J J events related to the various influences and groups of stakeholders that had shaped the policy making and adoption of DTV. We then carry out a comparative analysis between the two countries to make evident their impacts, strengths, and directions of influence. The authors suggest that the implementation of DTV in these two developed countries appears to be nearly identical. Even though Australian and US broadcasting models are fundamentally different, the diffusion process for DTV is primarily affected by the nature of digital technology and globalisation, two trends that may be diminishing the import of the nation-state in the technology adoption process. The paper concludes that these broader economic and technical events may have greater import to DTV's successful diffusion than do traditional, cultural, and nationalistic factors suggested in earlier comparative broadcast studies.


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The hydrogen diffusion and phase transformation in a titanium particle were studied based on thermodynamic calculation. The mechanisms of hydrogen diffusion in different phases (alpha-Ti, beta-Ti and TiHx) were analyzed. A mobility database was developed for titanium– hydrogen system based on the experimental works on hydrogen diffusion coefficient reported in literature and the fundamental of diffusion. To implement the calculation, a commercial software package for the simulation of diffusion-controlled phase transformation was used. The hydrogen diffusion process, hydrogen distribution, phase transformation and phase growth rate during hydrogenization of a titanium particle at temperatures of 560 K, 800K and 1000K were discussed. The thermodynamics and kinetics analysis provided quantitative insight into the diffusion process and improved the understanding of diffusion mechanism and phase transformation.


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We have introduced an in-situ Raman monitoring technique to investigate the crystallization process inside protein drops. In addition to a conventional vapour-diffusion process, a novel procedure which actively stimulates the evaporation from a protein drop during crystallization was also evaluated, with lysozyme as a model protein. In contrast to the conventional vapour-diffusion condition, the evaporation-stimulated growth of crystals was initiated in a simple dehydration scheme and completed within a significantly shorter time. To gain an understanding of crystallization behaviours under the conditions with and without such evaporation stimulation, confocal Raman spectroscopy combined with linear regression analysis was used to monitor both lysozyme and HEPES buffer concentrations in real time. The confocal measurements having a high spatial resolution and good linear response revealed areas of local inhomogeneity in protein concentration when the crystallization started. The acquired concentration profiles indicated that (1)ÿthe evaporation-stimulated crystallization proceeded with protein concentrations lower than those under conventional vapour diffusion, and (2)ÿcrystals under the evaporation-stimulated condition were noticeable within an early stage of crystallization before the protein concentration approached its maximum value. The HEPES concentration profiles, on the other hand, increased steadily towards the end of the process regardless of the conditions used for crystallization. In particular, the observed local inhomogeneities specific to protein distribution suggested an accumulation mechanism of protein molecules that initiates the nucleation of crystals.


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Polyaniline (PAni) thin films were deposited onto BK7 glass substrates using the in situ deposition technique. The control of the time and the aniline concentration in the PAni polymerization reaction on the film deposition allowed us to prepare films with different thickness, down to similar to 25 nm. The film growth process was monitored by measuring the UV-vis spectra and the AFM height profiles of the film surface. The curves of adsorption kinetics were analyzed with the Avrami's model, yielding an exponent it n = 3, thus indicating nucleation of spheroids at the initial stages of polymerization that grow through a diffusion process. AFM images of the surface height profiles corroborate this hypothesis, with spheroids growing with no preferred orientation during the in situ deposition. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper a new partial differential equation based method is presented with a view to denoising images having textures. The proposed model combines a nonlinear anisotropic diffusion filter with recent harmonic analysis techniques. A wave atom shrinkage allied to detection by gradient technique is used to guide the diffusion process so as to smooth and maintain essential image characteristics. Two forcing terms are used to maintain and improve edges, boundaries and oscillatory features of an image having irregular details and texture. Experimental results show the performance of our model for texture preserving denoising when compared to recent methods in literature. © 2009 IEEE.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Rahmen des BMWi-Verbundprojektes Wechselwirkung und Transport von Aktiniden im natürlichen Tongestein unter Berücksichtigung von Huminstoffen und Tonorganika – Wechselwirkung von Neptunium und Plutonium mit natürlichem Tongestein“ durchgeführt. Um die langfristige Sicherheit der nuklearen Endlager beurteilen zu können, muss eine mögliche Migration der radiotoxischen Abfälle in die Umwelt betrachtet werden. Wegen seiner langen Halbwertszeit (24000 a) leistet Pu-239 einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Radiotoxizität abgebrannter Kernbrennstoffe in einem Endlager. Das redox-sensitive Pu tritt in Lösung unter umweltrelevanten Bedingungen in den Oxidationsstufen +III bis +VI auf und kann nebeneinander in bis zu vier Oxidationsstufen vorliegen. Tonsteinformationen werden als mögliches Wirtsgestein für Endlager hoch-radioaktiver Abfälle betrachtet. Deshalb sind ausführliche Informationen zur Mobilisierung und Immobilisierung des Pu durch/in das Grundwasser aus einem Endlager von besonderer Bedeutung. In dieser Arbeit wurden neue Erkenntnisse über die Wechselwirkung zwischen Pu und dem natürlichen Tongestein Opalinuston (OPA, Mont Terri, Schweiz) mit Hinblick auf die Endlagerung wärmeentwickelnder radioaktiver Abfälle in einem geologischen Tiefenlager gewonnen.rnDer Fokus der Arbeit lag dabei auf der Bestimmung der Speziation von Pu an der Mineraloberfläche nach Sorptions- und Diffusionsprozessen mittels verschiedener synchrotronbasierter Methoden (µ-XRF, µ-XANES/EXAFS, µ-XRD, XANES/EXAFS). rnDie Wechselwirkung zwischen Pu und OPA wurde zunächst in Batch- und Diffusionsexperimenten in Abhängigkeit verschiedener experimenteller Parameter (u.a. pH, Pu-Oxidationsstufe) untersucht. In Sorptionsexperimenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass einige Parameter (z.B. Temperatur, Huminsäure) einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die Sorption von Pu haben.rnDie Speziationsuntersuchungen wurden zum einen an Pulverproben aus Batchexperimenten und zum anderen an OPA-Dünnschliffen bzw. Diffusionsproben in Abhängigkeit verschiedener experimenteller Parameter durchgeführt. Die EXAFS-Messungen an der Pu LIII-Kante der Pulverproben ergaben, dass eine innersphäriche Sorption von Pu(IV) an Tongestein unabhängig von dem Ausgangsoxidationszustand des Plutoniums in Lösung stattgefunden hat. Durch die Kombination der ortsaufgelösten Methoden wurde erstmalig mittels μ-XRF die Verteilung von Pu und anderen in OPA enthaltenen Elementen bestimmt. µ-XANES-Spektren an Pu-Anreicherungen auf OPA-Dünnschliffen und in Diffusionsproben bestätigen, dass das weniger mobile Pu(IV) die dominierende Spezies nach den Sorptions- und Diffusionsprozessen ist. Darüber hinaus wurde zum ersten Mal ein Diffusionsprofil von Pu in OPA mittels µ-XRF gemessen. Die Speziationsuntersuchungen mittels μ-XANES zeigten, dass das eingesetzte Pu(V) entlang seines Diffusionspfades zunehmend zu Pu(IV) reduziert wird. Mit µ-XRD wurde Illit als dominierende Umgebung, in der Pu angereichert wurde, identifiziert und Siderit als eine redoxaktive Phase auftreten kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass die Sicherheit von OPA als Wirtsgestein eines Endlagers hoch-radioaktiver Abfälle positiv zu bewerten ist. rn


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Recent studies on the history of economic development demonstrate that concentration of power on a monarch or a ruling coalition impedes economic growth and that institutional changes that diffuse power, though beneficial to the society in general, are opposed by some social groups. In November 2005, Kenyans rejected a proposed constitution primarily because it did not reduce the powers of the executive to any significant degree. Using data of voting patterns in the constitutional referendum and following the rational choice framework, I estimate a model of the demand for power diffusion and demonstrate that groups voting decisions depend on expected gains and likelihood of monopolizing power. The results also reveal the importance of ethnic divisions in hindering the power diffusion process, and therefore the study establishes a channel through which ethnic fragmentation impacts on economic development.


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Studying diffusive transport in porous rocks is of fundamental importance in understanding a variety of geochemical processes including: element transfer, primary mineral dissolution kinetics and precipitation of secondary phases. Here we report new findings on the relationship between diffusive transport and textural characteristics of the pore systems on the example of mid-oceanic ridge basalts having different degree of alteration but very similar bulk pore volume. Diffusion processes in porous basalts were studied in situ using H2O -> D2O exchange experiments. The effective diffusion coefficients of water molecules increase systematically from 5.05*10**-11 to 1.19*10**-10 m**2/s for fresh and moderately altered basalts and from 2.40*10**-11 to 6.72*10**-11 m**2/s for completely altered basalt as temperature increases from 5 to 50 °C. The activation energy of the diffusion process increases from 12.29 ± 0.71 kJ/mol for fresh and moderately altered basalts to 14.3 ± 1.33 kJ/mol for completely altered basalt. The results indicate that neither the bulk porosity nor the degree of alteration can be used as proxies for the efficiency of element transport during MORB-water interaction. The formation of secondary phases that replace primary minerals and fill the pore space in the rock leads to the formation of tiny pores and phases with large specific surface area. These factors might have a dominant control on the transport properties of altered basaltic rocks.


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To enhance Chinese agricultural production, improve food quality, build consumer trust, and encourage the export of agricultural products, the Chinese government designed the Chinese version of Good Agricultural Practice (ChinaGAP) based on the main principles of the GlobalGAP combining the current Chinese agricultural production situation. This paper studies the characteristics of the ChinaGAP and focusing on the diffusion of the standard using qualitative analysis. Relevant policy recommendations are given based on the Chinese agricultural production status. Previous studies mainly focused on the role of the government. However this paper makes specific suggestions to particular stakeholders in the standard making and diffusion process.


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In this work we present results of zinc diffusion in GaAs using the liquid phase epitaxy technique from liquid solutions of Ga‐As‐Zn and Ga‐As‐Al‐Zn. Using silicon‐doped n‐GaAs substrates, working at a diffusion temperature of 850 °C, and introducing a dopant concentration ranging 1018–1019 cm−3, the most important findings regarding the diffusion properties are as follows: (a) zinc concentration in the solid depends on the square root of zinc atomic fraction in the liquid; (b) the diffusion is dominated by the interstitial‐substitutional process; (c) the diffusivity D varies as about C3 in the form D=2.9×10−67C3.05; (d) aluminum plays the role of the catalyst of the diffusion process, if it is introduced in the liquid solution, since it is found that D varies as (γAsXlAs)−1; (e) the zinc interstitial is mainly doubly ionized (Zn++i); (f) the zinc diffusion coefficient in Al0.85 Ga0.15 As is about four times greater than in GaAs; (g) by means of all these results, it is possible to control zinc diffusion processes in order to obtain optimized depth junctions and doping levels in semiconductor device fabrication.


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With the increasing availability of effective, evidence-based physical activity interventions, widespread diffusion is needed. We examine conceptual foundations for research on dissemination and diffusion of physical activity interventions; describe two school-based program examples; review examples of dissemination and diffusion research on other health behaviors; and examine policies that may accelerate the diffusion process. Lack of dissemination and diffusion evaluation research and policy advocacy is one of the factors limiting the impact of evidence-based physical activity interventions on public health. There is the need to collaborate with policy experts from other fields to improve the interdisciplinary science base for dissemination and diffusion. The promise of widespread adoption of evidence-based physical activity interventions to improve public health is sufficient to justify devotion of substantial resources to the relevant research on dissemination and diffusion.


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Consider a haploid population and, within its genome, a gene whose presence is vital for the survival of any individual. Each copy of this gene is subject to mutations which destroy its function. Suppose one member of the population somehow acquires a duplicate copy of the gene, where the duplicate is fully linked to the original gene's locus. Preservation is said to occur if eventually the entire population consists of individuals descended from this one which initially carried the duplicate. The system is modelled by a finite state-space Markov process which in turn is approximated by a diffusion process, whence an explicit expression for the probability of preservation is derived. The event of preservation can be compared to the fixation of a selectively neutral gene variant initially present in a single individual, the probability of which is the reciprocal of the population size. For very weak mutation, this and the probability of preservation are equal, while as mutation becomes stronger, the preservation probability tends to double this reciprocal. This is in excellent agreement with simulation studies.


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Purpose – In the 1990s, a growing number of companies adopted value-based management (VBM) techniques in the UK. The purpose of this paper is to explore the motivations for the adoption or non-adoption of VBM for managing a business. Design/methodology/approach – An interview-based study of 37 large UK companies. Insights from diffusion theory and institutional theory are utilised to theorise these motivations. Findings – It was found that the rate of adoption of VBM in the sample companies does follow the classical S-shape. It also suggests that the supply-side of the diffusion process, most notably the role played by consultants, was an influence on many companies. This was not, however, a sufficient condition for companies to adopt the technique. The research also finds evidence of relocation diffusion, as several adopters are influenced by new officers, for example chief executive officers and finance directors, importing VBM techniques that they have used in organizations within which they have previously worked. Research limitations/implications – It is quite a small scale study and further work would be needed to develop the findings. Practical implications – Understanding and theorising the adoption of new management techniques will help understand the management of a business. Originality/value – This research adds further evidence to the value of studying management accounting, and more specifically management accounting change, in practice. It shows the developments in the adoption of a new technique and hence how a technique becomes accepted in practice.