927 resultados para Difference frequency generation (DFG)


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The properties of combinatorial frequency generation by two-tone Gaussian pulses incident at oblique angles on quasiperiodic (Fibonacci and Thue-Morse) stacks of binary semiconductor layers are discussed. The analysis has been performed using the self-consistent model taking into account the nonlinear dynamics of mobile charges in the layers. The effects of the stack arrangements and constituent layer parameters on the combinatorial frequency waveforms are presented for the specific structures of both types


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The combinatorial frequency generation by the periodic stacks of magnetically biased semiconductor layers has been modelled in the self-consistent problem formulation, taking into account the nonlinear dynamics of carriers. It has been shown that the nonlinear response of the magnetoactive semiconductor periodic structure is strongly enhanced by magnetic bias and combinations of the layer physical and geometrical parameters. The effects of the pump wave nonreciprocal reflectance and field displacement on the efficiency of three-wave mixing process is illustrated by the simulation results


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Quasi-phase matching (QPM) can be used to increase the conversion efficiency of the high harmonic generation (HHG) process. We observed QPM with an improved dual-gas foil target with a 1 kHz, 10 mJ, 30 fs laser system. Phase tuning and enhancement were possible within a spectral range from 17 nm to 30 nm. Furthermore analytical calculations and numerical simulations were carried out to distinguish QPM from other effects, such as the influence of adjacent jets on each other or the laser gas interaction. The simulations were performed with a 3 dimensional code to investigate the phase matching of the short and long trajectories individually over a large spectral range.


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Für die Entwicklung selbstorganisierter Monoschichten (SAMs) auf Gold(111)-Oberflächen wurden neue, redox-funktionalisierte Schwefel-Tripodliganden synthetisiert. Um die tripodale Struktur zu realisieren, wurde Adamantan als vierbindiges Zentrum eingesetzt. Die Anbindung an die Goldoberfläche wurde durch Thioethereinheiten ermöglicht, eventuelle laterale Wechselwirkungen durch Alkylseitenketten an den Thioethereinheiten, sowie durch lineare, rigide Spacereinheiten wurden untersucht. Als redoxaktive, funktionelle Einheit wurde ein Ferrocenylrest an den Liganden eingeführt. Gebildete monomolekulare Filme der Liganden auf Gold wurden mit Hilfe von Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS), Nahkanten-Reflexions-Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie (NEXAFS) und Sum-Frequency-Generation (SFG) charakterisiert, um die Filmqualität, die Bindung ans Substrat und Orientierungsordnung im Film zu ermitteln.


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Solution behavior of carboxymethylcellulose acetate butyrate (CMCAB) in acetone and ethyl acetate has been investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and capillary viscometry and correlated with the characteristics of CMCAB films. Viscosity and SAXS measurements showed that ethyl acetate is a better solvent than acetone for CMCAB. Thin films of CMCAB were deposited onto silicon wafers (Si/SiO(2)) by spin coating. AFM images revealed that CMCAB spin coated films from solutions prepared in ethyl acetate were homogeneous and flat. However, films obtained from solutions in acetone were very rough. Contact angle measurements with polar and apolar test liquids characterized CMCAB surfaces as hydrophobic and allowed estimating the surface energy of CMCAB. Sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy was used to understand the role played by solvents and to gain insight about molecular orientation at Si/SiO(2)/CMCAB interface.


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The polysaccharide chitosan has been largely used in many biological applications as a fat and cholesterol reducer, bactericide agent, and wound healing material. While the efficacy for some of such uses is proven, little is known about the molecular-level interactions involved in these applications. In this study, we employ mixed Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of negatively charged dimyristoyl phosphatidic acid (DMPA) anti cholesterol as cell membrane models to investigate the role of cholesterol in the molecular-level action of chitosan. Chitosan does not remove cholesterol froth the monolayer. The interaction with chitosan tends to expand the DMPA monolayer due to its interpenetration within the film. On the other hand, cholesterol induces condensation of the DMPA monolayer. The competing effects cause the surface pressure isotherms of mixed DMPA-cholesterol films on a chitosan subphase to be unaffected by the cholesterol mole fraction, due to distinct degrees of chitosan penetration into the film in the presence of cholesterol. By combining polarization-modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS) and sum-frequency generation spectroscopy (SFG), we showed that chitosan induces order into negatively charged phospholipid layers, whereas the opposite occurs for cholesterol. In conclusion, chitosan has its penetration in the film modulated by cholesterol, and electrostatic interactions with negatively charged phospholipids, such as DMPA, are crucial for the action of chitosan.


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Stability and interface properties of cellulose acetate propionate (CAP) and cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) films adsorbed from acetone or ethyl acetate onto Si wafers have been investigated by means of contact angle measurements and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Surface energy (gamma(total)(S)) values determined for CAP adsorbed from acetone are larger than those from ethyl acetate. In the case of CAB films adsorbed from ethyl acetate and acetone were similar. Dewetting was observed by AFM only for CAP films prepared from ethyl acetate. Positive values of effective Hamaker constant (A(eff)) were found only for CAP prepared from ethyl acetate, corroborating with dewetting phenomena observed by AFM. Oil the contrary, negative values of A(eff) were determined for CAP and CAB prepared from acetone and for CAB prepared from ethyl acetate, Corroborating with experimental observations. Sum frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectra indicated that CAP and CAB films prepared from ethyl acetate present more alkyl groups oriented perpendicularly to the polymer-air interface than those films prepared from acetone. Such preferential orientation corroborates with macroscopic contact angle measurements. Moreover, SFG spectra showed that acetone hinds strongly to Si wafers, creating a new surface for CAP and CAB films. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Multilayer films of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), a polyanion, and bromide salts of poly(4-vinylpyridine) quaternized with linear aliphatic chains of 2 (ethyl) and 5 (pentyl) carbon atoms, coded as QPVP-C2 and QPVP-C5, respectively, were fabricated by layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly onto Si/SiO2 wafers (hydrophilic substrate) or polystyrene, PS, films (hydrophobic substrate). The films were characterized by means of ex situ and in situ ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle measurements and sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG). Antimicrobial tests were used to assess the exposure of pyridinium moieties to the aqueous medium. In situ ellipsometry indicated that for Si/SiO2 the chains were more expanded than the PS films and both substrates systems composed of QPVP-C5 were thicker than those with QPVP-C2. For dried layers, the alkyl side group size had a small effect on the thickness evolution, regardless of the substrate. At pH 2 the multilayers showed high resistance, evidencing that the build-up is driven not only by cooperative polymer-polymer ion pairing, but also by hydrophobic interactions between the alkyl side chains. The LbL films became irregular as the number of depositions increased. After the last deposition, the wettability of QPVP-C2 or QPVP-C5 terminated systems on the Si/SiO2 wafers and PS films were similar, except for QPVP-C2 on Si/SiO2 wafers. Unlike the morphology observed for LbL films on Si/SiO2 wafers, PS induced the formation of porous structures. SFG showed that in air the molecular orientation of pyridinium groups in multilayers with QPVP-C5 was stronger than in those containing QPVP-C2. The exposure of pyridinium moieties to the aqueous medium was more pronounced when the LbL were assembled on Si/SiO2 wafers.


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Self-assembly of poly(4-vynil-N-alkyl)pyridinium bromide with alkyl side chains of 2, 5, 7, 10, or 16 carbons from ethanolic solutions onto flat silica surfaces was studied by means of ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle measurements, and sum-frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy in the CH3 and CH2 stretch region. Ab initio quantum-chemical calculations on the N-alkylpyridinium side-group with restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) method and 6-311G (d,p) basis set were C one to estimate the charge distribution along the pyridinium ring and the alkyl side-chain. SFG results showed that longer side chains promote the disorientation of the alkyl groups at the surface, corroborating with the contact angle values. AFM images revealed film homogeneity, regardless the alkyl side group. However, after 24 h contact with water, ringlike structures appeared on the film surfaces, when the polycation alkyl side chain had 7 or less carbons, and as the alkyl chain increased to 10 or 16 carbons, the films dewetted because the hydrophobic interactions prevailed over the electrostatic interactions between the pyridinium charged groups and the negatively charged SiO2 surface. Under acid conditions (HCl 0.1 mol.L-1), the film mean thickness values decreased up to 50% of original values when the alkyl side chains were ethyl or pentyl groups due to ion-pair disruption, but for longer groups they remained unchanged. Quantum-chemical optimization and Mulliken electron population showed that (i) from C2 to C15 the positive charge at the headgroup (HG) decreased 0.025, while the charge at combined HG + alpha-CH2 increased 0.037; and (ii) for C6 or longer, the alkyl side group presents a tilt in the geometry, moving away from the plane. Such effects summed up over the whole polymer chain give support to suggest that when the side chains are longer than 7 carbons, the hydrophobic interaction decreases film stability and increases acid resistance.


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Although electrochemical oxidation of simple organic molecules on metal catalysts is the basic ingredient of fuel cells, which have great technological potential as a renewable source of electrical energy, the detailed reaction mechanisms are in most cases not completely understood. Here, we investigate the ethanol-platinum interface in acidic aqueous solution using infrared-visible sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy and theoretical calculations of vibrational spectra in order to identify the intermediates present during the electro-oxidation of ethanol. The complex vibrational spectrum in the fingerprint region imply on the coexistence of several adsorbates. Based on spectra in ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) and electrochemical environment from the literature and our density functional theory (DFT) calculations of vibrational spectra, new adsorbed intermediates, never before observed with conventional infrared (IR) spectroscopy, are proposed here: g2-acetaldehyde, g2-acetyl, ethylidyne, monodentate acetate, methoxy, tertiary methanol derivative, COH residue, g2-formaldehyde, mono and bidentate formate, CH3 and CH2 residues. In addition, we present new evidences for an ethoxy intermediate, a secondary ethanol derivative and an acetyl species, and we confirm the presence of previously observed adsorbates: a tertiary ethanol derivative, bidentate acetate, and COad. These results indicate that the platinum surface is much more reactive, and the reaction mechanism for ethanol electro-oxidation is considerably more complex than previously considered. This might be also true for many other molecule-catalyst systems.


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In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung und experimentelle Umsetzung einer kontinuierlichen, kohärenten Lichtquelle im vakuumultravioletten Wellenlängenbereich um 122 nm präsentiert. Diese basiert auf der nichtlinearen optischen Summenfrequenzmischung dreier Fundamentallaserstrahlen in einer mit Quecksilberdampf gefüllten Hohlfaser. Die Wellenlängen der fundamentalen Laser sind dabei an der Niveaustruktur des Quecksilbers orientiert, um eine mehrfach resonante Überhöhung der nichtlinearen Suszeptibilität zu erreichen. Der transversale Einschluss der Lichtfelder in der Faser verlängert die Wechselwirkungszone mit dem nichtlinearen Medium um mehrere Größenordnungen gegenüber dem Regime fokussierter Strahlen und erlaubt so signifikante Steigerungen der Mischeffizienz.rnrnIm Zuge dieser Arbeit wurde neben einer umfassenden mathematischen Analyse des nichtlinearen Mischprozesses unter Einfluss der Fasercharakteristika eine Apparatur zur Erzeugung und Detektion vakuumultravioletter Strahlung entwickelt. Die Generierung ausreichend hoher Dampfdichten innerhalb des 50 µm durchmessenden Faserkerns konnten spektroskopisch nachgewiesen werden.rnrnDas erste erfolgreiche Summenfrequenzmischen zu 121,26 nm in der Faser wurde demonstriert. Die erzielten Mischeffizienzen sind bereits mit denen vergleichbar, welche unter Verwendung fokussierter Strahlen erreicht werden, obwohl eine Phasenanpassung in der Faser bisher nicht möglich war. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit markieren damit einen wichtigen Schritt hin zu Leistungssteigerungen kohärenter, kontinuierlicher vakuumultravioletter Lichtquellen.rnrnEine solche Quelle wird für zukünftige Laserkühlung von magnetisch gefangenem Antiwasserstoff auf dem Lyman-Alpha Übergang, sowie die Rydberganregung von Calciumionen in einer Paulfalle zur Implementierung quantenlogischer Operationen benötigt.rnrnFerner hat eine Untersuchung der, für eine effiziente Konversion essentiellen, 6^1S_0 - 7^1S_0 Zwei-Photonen Resonanz in Quecksilber Hinweise auf eine bis dato experimentell nicht beobachtete, auf einer Mehr-Photonen Anregung beruhende Licht-induzierte Drift ergeben.


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En los últimos tiempos, los radares han dejado de ser instrumentos utilizados únicamente en aviación, defensa y detección de velocidad. El avance de la tecnología de radiofrecuencia ha permitido la reducción de coste, tamaño y consumo de los componentes radar. Esto ha permitido que cada sea más frecuente el uso del radar en elementos de nuestra vida cotidiana tales como la automoción, la seguridad, la medida de líquidos… Este proyecto se basa en uno de estos nuevos componentes de bajo coste y pequeño tamaño, el transceptor BGT24MTR11. El BGTR24MTR11 integra transmisor, VCO y receptor, los elementos principales para la creación de un radar Doppler en la banda de frecuencia ISM 24-24,25 GHz. A partir de la placa de evaluación de ese transceptor, se aborda el diseño de un prototipo/demostrador de radar Doppler CW en la banda de 24 GHz. Para la generación de frecuencia se utiliza la placa de evaluación del PLL HMC702 y se ha diseñado un PCB a medida cuyas funciones son las de alimentación, programación y amplificación de las señales recibidas por el prototipo. Por último, se comprueba el correcto funcionamiento del prototipo y se verifica su funcionamiento mediante la simulación de dos escenarios de prueba. ABSTRACT. In the recent times, radar systems have changed of being tools used only in aviation, defence and speed detection. Radiofrequency technology improvements have allowed a cost, size and power consumption of the radar components. This is the reason because each time is more frequent the use of radar in elements of our daily life such as automotive, security, liquid measurements… This Project is base don one of this low power and size components, the MMIC transceptor BGT24MTR11. This transceptor integrates the main components needed to make a Doppler radar in the ISM Band (24-24 GHz), the transmitter, the receiver with the low noise amplifier and the VCO. Using the evaluation board of this transceptor, this Project approach the design of a CW Doppler radar prototype/demonstrator in the frequency band of 24 GHz. The frequency generation is based on the use of the HMC702 PLL evaluation board. Moreover, it has been designed a custom PCB whose funcionts are the power supply, programation and amplification of the signals received by the prototype. At the end, the correct operation of the prototype is verified and it is tested simulating two different test scenarios.


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As a second-order nonlinear optical process, sum-frequency generation is highly surface-specific and accordingly has been developed into a very powerful and versatile surface spectroscopic tool. It has found many unique applications in different disciplines and thus provided many exciting new research opportunities in surface and surface-related science. Selected examples are discussed here to illustrate the power of the technique.


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A broad review of technologically focused work concerning biomolecules at interfaces is presented. The emphasis is on developments in interfacial biomolecular engineering that may have a practical impact in bioanalysis, tissue engineering, emulsion processing or bioseparations. We also review methods for fabrication in an attempt to draw out those approaches that may be useful for product manufacture, and briefly review methods for analysing the resulting interfacial nanostructures. From this review we conclude that the generation of knowledge and-innovation at the nanoscale far exceeds our ability to translate this innovation into practical outcomes addressing a market need, and that significant technological challenges exist. A particular challenge in this translation is to understand how the structural properties of biomolecules control the assembled architecture, which in turn defines product performance, and how this relationship is affected by the chosen manufacturing route. This structure-architecture-process-performance (SAPP) interaction problem is the familiar laboratory scale-up challenge in disguise. A further challenge will be to interpret biomolecular self- and directed-assembly reactions using tools of chemical reaction engineering, enabling rigorous manufacturing optimization of self-assembly laboratory techniques. We conclude that many of the technological problems facing this field are addressable using tools of modem chemical and biomolecular engineering, in conjunction with knowledge and skills from the underpinning sciences. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.