44 resultados para Dielectrophoresis


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This study presents the dielectrophoretic (DEP) assembly of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) between curved microelectrodes for the purpose of trapping polystyrene microparticles within a microfluidic system. Under normal conditions, polystyrene particles exhibit negative DEP behaviour and are repelled from microelectrodes. Interestingly, the addition of MWCNTs to the system alters this situation in two ways: first, they coat the surface of particles and change their dielectric properties to exhibit positive DEP behaviour; second, the assembled MWCNTs are highly conductive and after the deposition serve as extensions to the microelectrodes. They establish an array of nanoelectrodes that initiates from the edge of microelectrodes and grow along the electric field lines. These nanoelectrodes can effectively trap the MWCNT-coated particles, since they cover a large portion of the microchannel bottom surface and also create a much stronger electric field than the primary microelectrodes as confirmed by our numerical simulations. We will show that the presence of MWCNT significantly changes performance of the system, which is investigated by trapping sample polystyrene particles with plain, COOH and goat anti-mouse IgG surfaces.


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This article presents the numerical and experimental analysis of a dielectrophoretic-activated cell sorter (DACS), which is equipped with curved microelectrodes. Curved microelectrodes offer unique advantages, since they create strong dielectrophoretic (DEP) forces over the tips and maintain it over a large portion of their structure, as predicted by simulations. The performance of the system is assessed using yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells as model organisms. The separation of the live and dead cells is demonstrated at different medium conductivities of 0.001 and 0.14 S/m, and the sorting performance was assessed using a second array of microelectrodes patterned downstream the microchannel. Further, microscopic cell counting analysis reveals that a single pass through the system yields a separating efficiency of ~80% at low medium conductivities and ~85% at high medium conductivities.


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This work presents the dielectrophoretic manipulation of sub-micron particles suspended in water and the investigation of their optical responses using a microfluidic system. The particles are made of silica and have different diameters of 600, 450, and 250 nm. Experiments show a very interesting feature of the curved microelectrodes, in which the particles are pushed toward or away from the microchannel centerline depending on their levitation heights, which is further analyzed by numerical simulations. In doing so, applying an AC signal of 12 Vp-p and 5 MHz across the microelectrodes along with a flow rate of 1 μl/min within the microchannel leads to the formation of a tunable band of particles along the centerline. Experiments show that the 250 nm particles guide the longitudinal light along the microchannel due to their small scattering. This arrangement is employed to study the feasibility of developing an optofluidic system, which can be potentially used for the formation of particles-core/liquid-cladding optical waveguides.


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This article compares the operation of a dielectrophoretic (DEP) platform before and after pattering carbon nanotubes (CNTs) between its microelectrodes. The diverse performance of the DEP system is assessed by separating 1 and 5 μm polystyrene particles. In the absence of CNTs, both particles can only be trapped by operating the system at low medium conductivities, (<10-3 S/m) and frequencies (<75 kHz). Alternatively, applying CNTs to the system, some CNTs coat the surface of particles and increase their overall conductivity and permittivity, whereas the rest of them are patterned between the microelectrodes and induce strong DEP forces at their free ends, which can effectively trap the coated particles. The first development extends the range of medium conductivities and frequencies at which the trapping of both particles is achievable, whereas the second development facilitates the selective deposition of particles along the surface of curved microelectrodes. Setting the medium conductivity to 2×10-3 S/m and the frequency to 20 MHz, most of 5 μm particles are trapped at the entry region of the first microelectrode pair, whereas most of 1 μm particles are trapped at the tips, and this distinction facilitates their separation. The trapping of 1 μm particles can be improved by decreasing the frequency to 1.5 MHz. This study demonstrates how the integration of CNTs into microfluidic systems enables them to operate beyond their capabilities.


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This research presents the development of a microfluidic system which takes advantage of dielectrophoresis to manipulate particles. The system utilises curved microelectrodes to create strong dielectrophoretic forces within the microchannel, and exploits a novel operating strategy by patterning carbon nanotubes between the microelectrodes to trap low-conductive particles.


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The development of microlectronic lab-on-a-chip devices (LOACs) can now be pursued thanks to the continous advances in silicon technology. LOACs are miniaturized devices whose aim is to perform in a more efficient way specific chemical or biological analysis protocols which are usually carried out with traditional laboratory equipment. In this application area, CMOS technology has the potential to integrate LOAC functionalities for cell biology applications in single chips, e.g. sensors, actuators, signal conditioning and processing circuits. In this work, after a review of the state of the art, the development of a CMOS prototype chip for individual cell manipulation and detection based on dielectrophoresis will be presented. Issues related to the embedded optical and capacitive detection of cells will be discussed together with the main experimental results obtained in manipulation and detection of living cells and microparticles.


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Molecules are the smallest possible elements for electronic devices, with active elements for such devices typically a few Angstroms in footprint area. Owing to the possibility of producing ultrahigh density devices, tremendous effort has been invested in producing electronic junctions by using various types of molecules. The major issues for molecular electronics include (1) developing an effective scheme to connect molecules with the present micro- and nano-technology, (2) increasing the lifetime and stabilities of the devices, and (3) increasing their performance in comparison to the state-of-the-art devices. In this work, we attempt to use carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as the interconnecting nanoelectrodes between molecules and microelectrodes. The ultimate goal is to use two individual CNTs to sandwich molecules in a cross-bar configuration while having these CNTs connected with microelectrodes such that the junction displays the electronic character of the molecule chosen. We have successfully developed an effective scheme to connect molecules with CNTs, which is scalable to arrays of molecular electronic devices. To realize this far reaching goal, the following technical topics have been investigated. 1. Synthesis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by thermal chemical vapor deposition (T-CVD) and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) techniques (Chapter 3). We have evaluated the potential use of tubular and bamboo-like MWCNTs grown by T-CVD and PE-CVD in terms of their structural properties. 2. Horizontal dispersion of MWCNTs with and without surfactants, and the integration of MWCNTs to microelectrodes using deposition by dielectrophoresis (DEP) (Chapter 4). We have systematically studied the use of surfactant molecules to disperse and horizontally align MWCNTs on substrates. In addition, DEP is shown to produce impurityfree placement of MWCNTs, forming connections between microelectrodes. We demonstrate the deposition density is tunable by both AC field strength and AC field frequency. 3. Etching of MWCNTs for the impurity-free nanoelectrodes (Chapter 5). We show that the residual Ni catalyst on MWCNTs can be removed by acid etching; the tip removal and collapsing of tubes into pyramids enhances the stability of field emission from the tube arrays. The acid-etching process can be used to functionalize the MWCNTs, which was used to make our initial CNT-nanoelectrode glucose sensors. Finally, lessons learned trying to perform spectroscopic analysis of the functionalized MWCNTs were vital for designing our final devices. 4. Molecular junction design and electrochemical synthesis of biphenyl molecules on carbon microelectrodes for all-carbon molecular devices (Chapter 6). Utilizing the experience gained on the work done so far, our final device design is described. We demonstrate the capability of preparing patterned glassy carbon films to serve as the bottom electrode in the new geometry. However, the molecular switching behavior of biphenyl was not observed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), mercury drop or fabricated glassy carbon/biphenyl/MWCNT junctions. Either the density of these molecules is not optimum for effective integration of devices using MWCNTs as the nanoelectrodes, or an electroactive contaminant was reduced instead of the ionic biphenyl species. 5. Self-assembly of octadecanethiol (ODT) molecules on gold microelectrodes for functional molecular devices (Chapter 7). We have realized an effective scheme to produce Au/ODT/MWCNT junctions by spanning MWCNTs across ODT-functionalized microelectrodes. A percentage of the resulting junctions retain the expected character of an ODT monolayer. While the process is not yet optimized, our successful junctions show that molecular electronic devices can be fabricated using simple processes such as photolithography, self-assembled monolayers and dielectrophoresis.


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Medical microdevices have gained popularity in the past few decades because they allow the medical laboratory to be taken out into the field and for disease diagnostics to happen with a smaller sample volume, at a lower cost and much faster. Blood is the human body's most readily available and informative diagnostic fluid because of the wealth of information it provides about the body's general health including enzymatic, proteomic and immunological states. The purpose of this project is to optimize operating conditions and study ABO-Rh erythrocytes dielectrophoretic responses to alternating current electric signals. The end goal of this project is the creation of a relatively inexpensive microfluidic device, which can be used for the ABO-Rh typing of a blood sample. This dissertation presents results showing how blood samples of a known ABO- Rh blood type exhibit differing behavior to the same electrical stimulus based on their blood type. The first panel of donors and experiments, presented in Chapter 4 occurred when a sample of known blood type was injected into a microdevice with a T-shaped electrode configuration and the erythorcytes were found to rupture at a rate specific to their ABO-Rh blood type. The second set of experiments, presented in Chapter 5, were originally published in Electrophoresis in 20111. Novel in this work was the discovery that treatment of human erythrocytes with β-galactosidase successfully removed ABO surface antigens such that native A and B blood no longer agglutinated with the proper antibodies. This work was performed in a medium of conductivity 0.9S/m which is close to the measured conductivity of pooled plasma (~1.1S/m). The ability to perform dielectrophoresis experiments at physiological conductivities conditions is advantageous for future portable devices because the device/instrument would not need to store dilution buffers. The final results of this project, presented in Chapter 6, explore the entire dielectrophoretic spectra of the ABO-Rh erythrocytes including the cross-over frequency and the magnitudes of the positive or negative dielectrophoretic response. These were completed at lower medium conductivities of 0.1S/m and 0.01-0.04S/m. These results show that by using the sweep function built into the Agilent alternating current generator it is possible to explore how a single group of blood cells will react to rapid changes in frequency and will provide the user with curve that can be matched the theoretical dielectrophoretic response curves. As a whole this project shows that it is possible to distinguish human erythrocytes by their ABO-Rh blood type via three different dielectrophoretic methods. This work builds on the foundation of that it is possible to distinguish healthy from infected cells2-7, similar cell types1,7-14 and other work regarding the dielectrophoresis of human erythrocytes1,10,11. This work has implications in both medical diagnostics and future dielectrophoretic work because it has shown that ABO-Rh blood type is now a factor, which must be identified when working with a human blood sample. It also shows that the creation of a microfluidic device that subjects human erythrocytes to a dielectrophoretic impulse and then exports an ABO-Rh blood type is a near future possibility.


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Dielectrophoresis (DEP) has been used to manipulate cells in low-conductivity suspending media using AC electrical fields generated on micro-fabricated electrode arrays. This has created the possibility of performing automatically on a micro-scale more sophisticated cell processing than that currently requiring substantial laboratory equipment, reagent volumes, time, and human intervention. In this research the manipulation of aqueous droplets in an immiscible, low-permittivity suspending medium is described to complement previous work on dielectrophoretic cell manipulation. Such droplets can be used as carriers not only for air- and water-borne samples, contaminants, chemical reagents, viral and gene products, and cells, but also the reagents to process and characterize these samples. A long-term goal of this area of research is to perform chemical and biological assays on automated, micro-scaled devices at or near the point-of-care, which will increase the availability of modern medicine to people who do not have ready access to large medical institutions and decrease the cost and delays associated with that lack of access. In this research I present proofs-of-concept for droplet manipulation and droplet-based biochemical analysis using dielectrophoresis as the motive force. Proofs-of-concept developed for the first time in this research include: (1) showing droplet movement on a two-dimensional array of electrodes, (2) achieving controlled dielectric droplet injection, (3) fusing and reacting droplets, and (4) demonstrating a protein fluorescence assay using micro-droplets. ^


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SiGe nanowires of different Ge atomic fractions up to 15% were grown and ex-situ n-type doped by diffusion from a solid source in contact with the sample. The phenomenon of dielectrophoresis was used to locate single nanowires between pairs of electrodes in order to carry out electrical measurements. The measured resistance of the as-grown nanowires is very high, but it decreases more than three orders of magnitude upon doping, indicating that the doping procedure used has been effective


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Increasing useof nanomaterials in consumer products and biomedical applications creates the possibilities of intentional/unintentional exposure to humans and the environment. Beyond the physiological limit, the nanomaterialexposure to humans can induce toxicity. It is difficult to define toxicity of nanoparticles on humans as it varies by nanomaterialcomposition, size, surface properties and the target organ/cell line. Traditional tests for nanomaterialtoxicity assessment are mostly based on bulk-colorimetric assays. In many studies, nanomaterials have found to interfere with assay-dye to produce false results and usually require several hours or days to collect results. Therefore, there is a clear need for alternative tools that can provide accurate, rapid, and sensitive measure of initial nanomaterialscreening. Recent advancement in single cell studies has suggested discovering cell properties not found earlier in traditional bulk assays. A complex phenomenon, like nanotoxicity, may become clearer when studied at the single cell level, including with small colonies of cells. Advances in lab-on-a-chip techniques have played a significant role in drug discoveries and biosensor applications, however, rarely explored for nanomaterialtoxicity assessment. We presented such cell-integrated chip-based approach that provided quantitative and rapid response of cellhealth, through electrochemical measurements. Moreover, the novel design of the device presented in this study was capable of capturing and analyzing the cells at a single cell and small cell-population level. We examined the change in exocytosis (i.e. neurotransmitterrelease) properties of a single PC12 cell, when exposed to CuOand TiO2 nanoparticles. We found both nanomaterials to interfere with the cell exocytosis function. We also studied the whole-cell response of a single-cell and a small cell-population simultaneously in real-time for the first time. The presented study can be a reference to the future research in the direction of nanotoxicity assessment to develop miniature, simple, and cost-effective tool for fast, quantitative measurements at high throughput level. The designed lab-on-a-chip device and measurement techniques utilized in the present work can be applied for the assessment of othernanoparticles' toxicity, as well.


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The heart is a non-regenerating organ that gradually suffers a loss of cardiac cells and functionality. Given the scarcity of organ donors and complications in existing medical implantation solutions, it is desired to engineer a three-dimensional architecture to successfully control the cardiac cells in vitro and yield true myocardial structures similar to native heart. This thesis investigates the synthesis of a biocompatible gelatin methacrylate hydrogel to promote growth of cardiac cells using biotechnology methodology: surface acoustic waves, to create cell sheets. Firstly, the synthesis of a photo-crosslinkable gelatin methacrylate (GelMA) hydrogel was investigated with different degree of methacrylation concentration. The porous matrix of the hydrogel should be biocompatible, allow cell-cell interaction and promote cell adhesion for growth through the porous network of matrix. The rheological properties, such as polymer concentration, ultraviolet exposure time, viscosity, elasticity and swelling characteristics of the hydrogel were investigated. In tissue engineering hydrogels have been used for embedding cells to mimic native microenvironments while controlling the mechanical properties. Gelatin methacrylate hydrogels have the advantage of allowing such control of mechanical properties in addition to easy compatibility with Lab-on-a-chip methodologies. Secondly in this thesis, standing surface acoustic waves were used to control the degree of movement of cells in the hydrogel and produce three-dimensional engineered scaffolds to investigate in-vitro studies of cardiac muscle electrophysiology and cardiac tissue engineering therapies for myocardial infarction. The acoustic waves were characterized on a piezoelectric substrate, lithium niobate that was micro-fabricated with slanted-finger interdigitated transducers for to generate waves at multiple wavelengths. This characterization successfully created three-dimensional micro-patterning of cells in the constructs through means of one- and two-dimensional non-invasive forces. The micro-patterning was controlled by tuning different input frequencies that allowed manipulation of the cells spatially without any pre- treatment of cells, hydrogel or substrate. This resulted in a synchronous heartbeat being produced in the hydrogel construct. To complement these mechanical forces, work in dielectrophoresis was conducted centred on a method to pattern micro-particles. Although manipulation of particles were shown, difficulties were encountered concerning the close proximity of particles and hydrogel to the microfabricated electrode arrays, dependence on conductivity of hydrogel and difficult manoeuvrability of scaffold from the surface of electrodes precluded measurements on cardiac cells. In addition, COMSOL Multiphysics software was used to investigate the mechanical and electrical forces theoretically acting on the cells. Thirdly, in this thesis the cardiac electrophysiology was investigated using immunostaining techniques to visualize the growth of sarcomeres and gap junctions that promote cell-cell interaction and excitation-contraction of heart muscles. The physiological response of beating of co-cultured cardiomyocytes and cardiac fibroblasts was observed in a synchronous and simultaneous manner closely mimicking the native cardiac impulses. Further investigations were carried out by mechanically stimulating the cells in the three-dimensional hydrogel using standing surface acoustic waves and comparing with traditional two-dimensional flat surface coated with fibronectin. The electrophysiological responses of the cells under the effect of the mechanical stimulations yielded a higher magnitude of contractility, action potential and calcium transient.