865 resultados para Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental


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The increased prevalence of diabetic individuals has become a public health problem. Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by an increase in plasma glucose levels. It impairs the physiological equilibrium in utilization of carbohydrate by tissues. The persistent hyperglycemia can produce deleterious effects on bone formation due the microvascular complication. The present paper reviews the bibliography linking the impact of glycemic control at complications associated at diabetes mellitus on osseointegration. In experimental models of diabetes it was observed a reduced level of bone-implant contact. This failure can be reduced by means of hyperglycemia control. Also, several studies point the beneficial effect of coated implant on osseointegration process. It is necessary to take special care into account for the placement of implants in diabetic patient and improve the percentages of implant survival. A rigorous control of plasma glycaemia, together with other measures, like as absence of chronic complications, good oral hygiene and regular medical follow-up has been related to rising the percentages of successful in diabetic patients.


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The effects of pregestational and gestational low-to-moderate physical training on insulin secretion in undernourished mothers were evaluated. Virgin female Wistar rats were divided into four groups as follows: control (C, n = 5); trained (T, n = 5); low-protein diet (LP, n = 5); trained with a low-protein diet (T + LP, n = 5). Trained rats ran on a treadmill over a period of 4 weeks before mate (5 days week(-1) and 60 min day(-1), at 65% of VO2max). At pregnancy, the intensity and duration of the exercise were reduced. Low-protein groups were provided with an 8% casein diet, and controls were provided with a 17% casein diet. At third day after delivery, mothers and pups were killed and islets were isolated by collagenase digestion of pancreas and incubated for a further 1 h with medium containing 5.6 or 16.7 mM glucose. T mothers showed increased insulin secretion by isolated islets incubated with 16.7 mM glucose, whereas LP group showed reduced secretion of insulin by isolated islets when compared with both C and LP + T groups. Physical training before and during pregnancy attenuated the effects of a low-protein diet on the secretion of insulin, suggesting a potential role for compensation of insulin resistance and preventing gestational diabetes mellitus.


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Some mechanisms have been proposed to explain the role of bradykinin on glucose homeostasis and some studies reported that the BDKRB2 +9/-9 polymorphism was associated to the transcriptional activity of the receptor. In this scenario, the main aim of this study was to evaluate the association of the BDKRB2 +9/-9 polymorphism with diabetes mellitus risk in the Brazilian general population. This study included 1,032 subjects of the general urban population. Anthropometrical, blood pressure, biochemical, and genotype analyses for the BDKRB2 +9/-9 bp insertion/deletion polymorphism were performed. Individuals carrying +9/+9 or +9/-9 genotypes had higher glucose values (84.5 mg/dL versus 80.6 mg/dL, resp.) and higher frequency of diabetes mellitus (7.6% versus 3.6%, resp.) compared to individuals carrying -9/-9, adjusting for age and gender. In addition, higher diabetes mellitus risk was associated to presence of the +9/+9 or +9/-9 genotypes (OR = 1.91; 95% CI = 1.09-4.19; P = 0.03). Our data suggest that the BDKRB2 +9/-9 polymorphism may act as a genetic modulator of glucose homeostasis. It was previously associated to insulin sensitivity, glucose uptake, and insulin secretion, and, in this study, data suggest that the polymorphism may increase susceptibility to chronic metabolic conditions such as diabetes in the Brazilian population.


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Although low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is often normal in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, there is evidence for a reduced fractional catabolic rate and consequently an increased mean residence time (MRT), which can increase atherogenic risk. The dyslipidemia and insulin resistance of type 2 diabetes mellitus can be improved by aerobic exercise, but effects on LDL kinetics are unknown. The effect of 6-month supervised exercise on LDL apolipoprotein B kinetics was studied in a group of 17 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (mean age, 56.8 years; range, 38-68 years). Patients were randomized into a supervised group, who had a weekly training session, and an unsupervised group. LDL kinetics were measured with an infusion of 1-(13)C leucine at baseline in all groups and after 6 months of exercise in the patients. Eight body mass index-matched nondiabetic controls (mean age, 50.3 years; range, 40-67 years) were also studied at baseline only. At baseline, LDL MRT was significantly longer in the diabetic patients, whereas LDL production rate and fractional clearance rates were significantly lower than in controls. Percentage of glycated hemoglobin A(1c), body mass index, insulin sensitivity measured by the homeostasis model assessment, and very low-density lipoprotein triglyceride decreased (P < .02) in the supervised group, with no change in the unsupervised group. After 6 months, LDL cholesterol did not change in either the supervised or unsupervised group; but there was a significant change in LDL MRT between groups (P < .05) that correlated positively with very low-density lipoprotein triglyceride (r = 0.51, P < .04) and negatively with maximal oxygen uptake, a measure of fitness (r = -0.51, P = .035), in all patients. The LDL production and clearance rates did not change in either group. This study suggests that a supervised exercise program can reduce deleterious changes in LDL MRT.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Diabetes mellitus is a complex and progressive metabolic disease which is associated with multiple complications. Chronic hyperglycaemia is the defining characteristic of diabetes mellitus. Hyperglycaemia leads to generation of free radicals and induces oxidative stress, which has become the chief factor that leads to diabetic complications. This review supports the use of antioxidant vitamins as therapeutic agents in the management of diabetes mellitus and its complications, and also provides an insight into the potential pharmacological effects of natural antioxidant vitamins in diabetic conditions. These antioxidant vitamins can be used as safe supplements to manage the occurrence and complications of the disease. Selected studies have reported on the beneficial effects of antioxidant vitamins in experimental models. The involvement of oxidative stress in diabetes and its complications has made the use of natural antioxidant vitamins (free radical scavengers) from plants inevitable as they may be very effective and safer in the management of diabetes.


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A Diabetes Mellitus é uma patologia fortemente associada ao processo de envelhecimento, afectando cada vez mais pessoas em todo o mundo. Uma das maiores complicações observadas nesta população prende-se com a diminuição do controlo postural e da capacidade funcional relacionada com a locomoção. O exercício físico tem sido apontado como uma das formas de prevenção e tratamento deste problema, no entanto existe ainda uma lacuna no conhecimento sobre o modo mais indicado de exercício. O presente pretende avaliar os efeitos de um programa de exercício físico aeróbio sobre o controlo postural e a capacidade funcional de pacientes portadores de Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 30 sujeitos de ambos os sexos, distribuídos por um grupo experimental (n=16) a quem foi aplicado o programa de exercício físico, e por um grupo de controlo (n=14), o qual não usufruiu de qualquer programa de exercício físico. O programa teve a duração de 12 semanas de treino, e uma frequência de 3 vezes por semana. Os participantes mantiveram-se em movimento constante durante as sessões tendo os exercícios realizados possuído uma forte componente dinâmica. Foi avaliado o controlo postural através de uma plataforma de forças e a capacidade funcional através de um conjunto de cinco testes funcionais. Os resultados obtidos revelam não terem existido diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05) na interacção entre grupos e momentos de avaliação nas variáveis analisadas, com excepção para a performance no Timed Get Up & Go Test, a qual melhorou significativamente (p<0,05) no grupo experimental. Estes dados sugerem que a especificidade tanto estática como dinâmica dos exercícios e a intensidade a que são realizados são factores fundamentais a ter em consideração no planeamento de programas de exercício físico, com vista à melhoria quer do controlo postural quer da capacidade funcional em portadores de Diabetes Mellius Tipo 2. ABSTRACT: Diabetes Mellitus is a disease associated with aging, affecting a growing number of people all over the world. One of the major concerns in this population relates to the decline of postural control and functional capacity. Exercise has been suggested as one way of preventing and treating this problem, however little is known about the most appropriate mode of exercise. This study evaluates the effect of an aerobic exercise program on postural control and functional capacity of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The sample consisted of 30 subjects, over an experimental group (n = 16) applied to an exercise program, and a control group (n = 14), that received no treatment. The program lasted 12 weeks, three times a week. Participants remained in constant motion during the sessions and the exercises performed had a strong dynamic component. Postural control was assessed using a force platform and functional capacity through a set of five functional tests. The results show that there were no statistically significant differences (p>O, O5) in group/moment interaction in the variables analyzed, except for the Timed Get Up & Go Test, which improved significantly (p <0,05) in the experimental group. These data suggest that both static and dynamic specificity and intensity of exercises are key factors in exercises programs planning, targeted to improve both postural control and functional capacity in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellius.


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Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is a condition that is frequently seen but seldom investigated. Until recently, NAFLD was considered benign, self-limiting and unworthy of further investigation. This opinion is based on retrospective studies with relatively small numbers and scant follow-up of histology data. (1) The prevalence for adults, in the USA is, 30%, and NAFLD is recognized as a common and increasing form of liver disease in the paediatric population (1). Australian data, from New South Wales, suggests the prevalence of NAFLD in “healthy” 15 year olds as being 10%.(2) Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a condition where fat progressively invades the liver parenchyma. The degree of infiltration ranges from simple steatosis (fat only) to steatohepatitis (fat and inflammation) steatohepatitis plus fibrosis (fat, inflammation and fibrosis) to cirrhosis (replacement of liver texture by scarred, fibrotic and non functioning tissue).Non-alcoholic fatty liver is diagnosed by exclusion rather than inclusion. None of the currently available diagnostic techniques -liver biopsy, liver function tests (LFT) or Imaging; ultrasound, Computerised tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are specific for non-alcoholic fatty liver. An association exists between NAFLD, Non Alcoholic Steatosis Hepatitis (NASH) and irreversible liver damage, cirrhosis and hepatoma. However, a more pervasive aspect of NAFLD is the association with Metabolic Syndrome. This Syndrome is categorised by increased insulin resistance (IR) and NAFLD is thought to be the hepatic representation. Those with NAFLD have an increased risk of death (3) and it is an independent predictor of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (1). Liver biopsy is considered the gold standard for diagnosis, (4), and grading and staging, of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Fatty-liver is diagnosed when there is macrovesicular steatosis with displacement of the nucleus to the edge of the cell and at least 5% of the hepatocytes are seen to contain fat (4).Steatosis represents fat accumulation in liver tissue without inflammation. However, it is only called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease when alcohol - >20gms-30gms per day (5), has been excluded from the diet. Both non-alcoholic and alcoholic fatty liver are identical on histology. (4).LFT’s are indicative, not diagnostic. They indicate that a condition may be present but they are unable to diagnosis what the condition is. When a patient presents with raised fasting blood glucose, low HDL (high density lipoprotein), and elevated fasting triacylglycerols they are likely to have NAFLD. (6) Of the imaging techniques MRI is the least variable and the most reproducible. With CT scanning liver fat content can be semi quantitatively estimated. With increasing hepatic steatosis, liver attenuation values decrease by 1.6 Hounsfield units for every milligram of triglyceride deposited per gram of liver tissue (7). Ultrasound permits early detection of fatty liver, often in the preclinical stages before symptoms are present and serum alterations occur. Earlier, accurate reporting of this condition will allow appropriate intervention resulting in better patient health outcomes. References 1. Chalasami N. Does fat alone cause significant liver disease: It remains unclear whether simple steatosis is truly benign. American Gastroenterological Association Perspectives, February/March 2008 www.gastro.org/wmspage.cfm?parm1=5097 Viewed 20th October, 2008 2. Booth, M. George, J.Denney-Wilson, E: The population prevalence of adverse concentrations with adiposity of liver tests among Australian adolescents. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health.2008 November 3. Catalano, D, Trovato, GM, Martines, GF, Randazzo, M, Tonzuso, A. Bright liver, body composition and insulin resistance changes with nutritional intervention: a follow-up study .Liver Int.2008; February 1280-9 4. Choudhury, J, Sanysl, A. Clinical aspects of Fatty Liver Disease. Semin in Liver Dis. 2004:24 (4):349-62 5. Dionysus Study Group. Drinking factors as cofactors of risk for alcohol induced liver change. Gut. 1997; 41 845-50 6. Preiss, D, Sattar, N. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: an overview of prevalence, diagnosis, pathogenesis and treatment considerations. Clin Sci.2008; 115 141-50 7. American Gastroenterological Association. Technical review on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Gastroenterology.2002; 123: 1705-25


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Objectives: This study examines the accuracy of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) case-ascertainment in routinely collected data. Methods: Retrospective cohort study analysed routinely collected data from all births at Cairns Base Hospital, Australia, from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2010 in the Cairns Base Hospital Clinical Coding system (CBHCC) and the Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC). GDM case ascertainment in the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) and Cairns Diabetes Centre (CDC) data were compared. Results: From 2004 to 2010, the specificity of GDM case-ascertainment in the QPDC was 99%. In 2010, only 2 of 225 additional cases were identified from the CDC and CBHCC, suggesting QPDC sensitivity is also over 99%. In comparison, the sensitivity of the CBHCC data was 80% during 2004–2010. The sensitivity of CDC data was 74% in 2010. During 2010, 223 births were coded as GDM in the QPDC, and the NDSS registered 247 women with GDM from the same postcodes, suggesting reasonable uptake on the NDSS register. However, the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women was lower than expected. Conclusion: The accuracy of GDM case ascertainment in the QPDC appears high, with lower accuracy in routinely collected hospital and local health service data. This limits capacity of local data for planning and evaluation, and developing structured systems to improve post-pregnancy care, and may underestimate resources required. Implications: Data linkage should be considered to improve accuracy of routinely collected local health service data. The accuracy of the NDSS for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women requires further evaluation.