996 resultados para Design Exhibition


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Lean product design has the potential to reduce the overall product development time and cost and can improve the quality of a product. However, it has been found that no or little work has been carried out to provide an integrated framework of "lean design" and to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of lean practices/principles in product development process. This research proposed an integrated framework for lean design process and developed a dynamic decision making tool based on Methods Time Measurement (MTM) approach for assessing the impact of lean design on the assembly process. The proposed integrated lean framework demonstrates the lean processes to be followed in the product design and assembly process in order to achieve overall leanness. The decision tool consists of a central database, the lean design guidelines, and MTM analysis. Microsoft Access and C# are utilized to develop the user interface to use the MTM analysis as decision making tool. MTM based dynamic tool is capable of estimating the assembly time, costs of parts and labour of various alternatives of a design and hence is able to achieve optimum design. A case study is conducted to test and validate the functionality of the MTM Analysis as well as to verify the lean guidelines proposed for product development.


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After state-wide flooding and a category-5 tropical cyclone, three-quarters of the state of Queensland was declared a disaster zone in early 2011. This deluge of adversity had a significant impact on university students, a few weeks prior to the start of the academic semester. The purpose of this paper is to examine the role that design plays in facilitating students to understand and respond to, adversity. The participants of this study were second and fourth year architectural design students at a large Australian University, in Queensland. As a part of their core architectural design studies, students were required to provide architectural responses to the recent catastrophic events in Queensland. Qualitative data was obtained through student surveys, work design work submitted by students and a survey of guests who attending an exhibition of the student work. The results of this research showed that the students produced more than just the required set of architectural drawings, process journals and models, but also recognition of the important role that the affective dimension of the flooding event and the design process played in helping them to both understand and respond to, adversity. They held the ‘real world’ experience and practical aspect of the assessment in higher regard than their typical focus on aesthetics and the making of iconic design. Perhaps most importantly, the students recognised that this process allowed them to have a voice, and a means to respond to adversity through the powerful language of design.


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This paper describes the vulnerability of masonry under shear; first the mechanisms of in-plane and out-of-plane shear performance of masonry are reviewed; both the unreinforced and lightly reinforced masonry wall systems are considered. Factors affecting the response of unreinforced and reinforced masonry to shear are described and the effect of the variability of those factors to the failure mode of masonry shear walls is also discussed. Some critique is provided on the existing design provisions in various masonry standards.


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goDesign Travelling Workshop Program for Regional Secondary Students was an initiative of Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and the Design Institute of Australia (DIA) Queensland Branch, which aligned with the DIA unleashed: Queensland design on tour 2010 Exhibition. It was designed be delivered by university design academics in state secondary schools in Chinchilla, Mt Isa, Quilpie, Emerald, Gladstone and Bundaberg between February and September 2010, to approximately 95 secondary students and 24 teachers from the subject areas of visual art, graphics and industrial technology and design. A talk by a visiting design practitioner whose work was displayed in the exhibition, also features in the final day of the program in each town, and student work from the workshop was displayed in the exhibition alongside the professional design work. The three-day workshop is a design immersion program for regional Queensland Secondary Schools, which responds to specific actions outlined in the Queensland Government Design Strategy 2020 to ‘Build Design Knowledge and Learning’ and ‘Foster a Design Culture’. Underpinned by a place-based approach and the integration of Dr Charles Burnette’s IDESIGN teaching model, the program gives students and teachers the opportunity to explore, analyse and reimagine their local town through a series of scaffolded problem solving activities around the theme of ‘place’. The program allows students to gain hands-on experience designing graphics, products, interior spaces and architecture to assist their local community, with the support of design professionals. Students work individually and in groups on real design problems learning sketching, making, communication, presentation and collaboration skills to improve their design process, while considering social, cultural and environmental opportunities. The program was designed to facilitate an understanding of the value of design thinking and its importance to regional communities, to give students more information about various design disciplines as career options, and provide a professional development opportunity for teachers. Advisory assistance for the program was gained through Kelvin Grove State College, Queensland Studies Authority and QMI/Manufacturing Skills Queensland Manager, Manufacturing & Engineering Gateway Schools Project.


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The Learning by Design Workshop Program 2010, a part of the Queensland Government Unlimited: Designing for the Asia Pacific Event Program, was a one-day professional development design thinking workshop run on October 9, 2011 at The Edge, State Library of Queensland for self-selected public and private secondary school teachers from the subject areas of Visual Art, Graphics and Industrial Technology and Design. Participants were drawn from a database of Brisbane and regional Queensland schools from the goDesign and Living City Workshop Programs. It aimed to generate leadership within schools for design-led education and creative thinking and give teachers a rare opportunity to work with professional designers to generate future strategies for design-based learning. Teachers were introduced to the concept of design thinking in education by international keynote speakers CJ Lim (Studio 8 Architects) and Jeb Brugmann (The Next Practice), national speaker Oliver Freeman (NevilleFreeman Agency) and three Queensland speakers, Alexander Loterztain, David Williams and Keith Holledge. Inspired by the Unlimited showcase exhibition Make Change: Design Thinking in Action and ‘Idea Starters’/teaching resources provided, teachers worked with a professional designer (from a discipline of architecture, interior design, industrial design, urban design, graphic design or landscape architecture) in ten random teams, to generate optimistic ideas for the Ideal City of tomorrow, each considering a theme – Food, Water, Transport, Ageing, Growth, Employment, Shelter, Health, Education and Energy. They then discussed how this process could be best activated and expanded on to build interest and knowledge in design thinking in the classroom. Assisted by illustrators, the teams prepared a visual presentation of their ideas and process from art materials provided. The workshop culminated in a video-taped interactive design charette to the larger group, which is intended to be utilised as a toolkit and praxis for teachers as part of the State Library of Queensland Design Minds Website Project.


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The QUT Design Lecture Series 2010 was a partnered event between QUT School of Design and the State Library of Queensland. The series, spanning from July to September 2010, involved 10 lectures delivered by international, national and local academics, researchers and practitioners. The QUT Design Lecture series 2010 was a public event which examined the cross over between design, digital technologies and artistic practices focusing upon research themes of intangible media, experimental eco-technologies and artistic-design production. Gold Medal Australian Institute of Architects, Clare Design opened the series, whilst internationally awarded and recognised Spanish design group Cloud 9 concluded the series, both focusing on new eco-technologies in the development of contemporary architecture.


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The QUT Team developed an idea for a new residential housing typology that is appropriate for sites where the best views are in the opposing direction to the preferable climatic orientation. The interlocking configuration creates a double height external living space in every apartment, creating further opportunities for cross ventilation and natural daylight. Unlike conventional double loaded housing typologies, the interlocking configuration only requires a continuous public circulation corridor every second level. The cores that service this corridor are separated to either end of the tower and open areas. The configuration of the interlocking apartments creates an interesting composition of solid and void when viewed externally. This undulating facade petternation assists in articulating the large building mass. The project was evaluated by independent consultants and found to be cost effective, and at the same time delivering energy efficient high density liveability. The project was presented to a meeting of the Australian Council on Tall Buildings seminar on 15 September 2010.


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Although Design Led Innovation activities aim to raise the value of design within the business, knowledge about which tools are available to support companies and how to apply them to make the connection between design for new product development and design as a strategic driver of growth is needed. This paper presents a conceptual method to supplement existing process and tools to assist companies to grow through design. The model extends the authors’ previous work to explore how through storytelling, customer observation can be captured and translated into new meaning, then creating new design propositions shaped into product needs, which can drive internal business activities, brand and the strategic vision. The paper contributes to a gap in the theoretical frameworks and literature by highlighting the need to align and scale design processes which match the needs of SME’s as they transition along a trajectory to become design led businesses.


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Business education leaders have expressed interest in learning more about design and design thinking and their contributions to better problem framing, problem solving and to generating new solutions. Many business schools have engaged in educational programs with students from multiple disciplines, applying design thinking to business problems around workplace issues. This paper investigates a range of educational programs that teach design thinking to students in business education, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels around the world. We identify four patterns of program delivery that are emerging: human-centered design, integrative thinking, design management and design as strategy and discuss contributions from each. We expect that these four patterns of program delivery will continue and predict an increasing focus on programs around design as strategy in the near future.


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The annual YODEX (Young Designers Exhibition) in Taipei as the largest student design show in Asia presents a substantial opportunity as a profiling event for QUT. In 2011 an interactive and highly engaging QUT exhibition ensured direct communication with participants and first hand exposure to innovative design approaches.


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Despite major inroads in demystifying creativity for the non-design disciplines, there has been very little movement in the design disciplines themselves beyond traditional paradigms. As argued in this paper, this is particularly noticeable in design education where traditional pedagogical approaches persist despite the emergence of new experimental pedagogies and the possibilities and opportunities they offer. In response, this paper describes what is revealed when a ‘pedagogy of desire’ is used as a critical lens to reflect on an experience of developing and implementing a first year interior design program involving first and second year undergraduate interior design and architecture students. Implications drawn from the review are presented and a case made for continuing experimentation and development of a pedagogy of desire for design learning and teaching.


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Businesses will learn how design integration can increase growth and productivity, and gain a sustainable competitive advantage. This hands on two-day workshop will demystify design thinking and introduce you to both theory and practice for the latest, world-class design integration methods. Design integration will transform your business and boost resilience in the face of current global, social and economic challenges.


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The EMAGN2012 exhibition, a partnership between the Australian Institute of Architects ‘2012 National Architecture Conference: EXPERIENCE’ and State Library of Queensland’s Asia Pacific Design Library. The exhibition was held in the Asia Pacific Design Library from the 10 May-10 June 2012. The EMAGN2012 exhibition celebrates the diversity, quality and experimental nature of emerging architectural work undertaken in Australia in the last 10 years. The annual exhibition is an initiative of the Emerging Architects and Graduate Network (EMAGN) currently active in all Australian states and territories. The EMAGN national group established in 2006, seeks to provide a vehicle through which the practice and production of architecture can be engaged with and reflected upon by the public, with the aim of fostering a much broader cultural awareness of Australian architecture.


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Architectural education is beginning to recognise the potential of a more intensive relationship between the tasks of designing and building (Erdman et al., 2002) within a work integrated learning environment. The Bouncing Back Project, began after the Queensland, Australia floods in January 2011, and has organically grown through a number of architectural student exhibitions, initially displaying flood responsive designs. In September 2011, 10 Queensland University of Technology architecture students travelled to Sydney to work together in helping to construct a shelter in the Emergency Shelter Exhibition, at Customs House in Circular Quay. The construction and making of the shelter, was filmed. This film documents the student experience, of making, working with industry professionals, community engagement and it reveals how this activity promotes informal work integrated learning in a real world context.


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Many of the more extreme bushfire prone landscapes in Australia are located in colder climate regions. For such sites, the National Construction Code regulates that houses satisfy both the Australian Standard for Bushfire (AS 3959:2009) and achieve a 6 Star energy rating. When combined these requirements present a considerable challenge to the construction of affordable housing - a problem which is often exacerbated by the complex topography of bushifre prone landscapes. Dr Weir presents a series of case studies from his architetcural practice which highlight the need for further design-led research into affordable housing - a ground up holistic approach to design which recolciles energy performance, human behaviourm, bushland conservation and bushfire safety.