985 resultados para Dense Ombrophilous Forest


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No estudo das comunidades florestais, estabelecer a importância relativa dos fatores que definem a composição e a distribuição das espécies é um desafio. Em termos de gradientes ambientais o estudo das respostas das espécies arbóreas são essenciais para a compreensão dos processos ecológicos e decisões de conservação. Neste sentido, para contribuir com a elucidação dos processos ecológicos nas principais formações florestais do Estado de São Paulo (Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Terras Baixas, Floresta Ombrófila Densa Submontana, Floresta Estacional Semidecidual e Savana Florestada) este trabalho objetivou responder as seguintes questões: (I) a composição florística e a abundância das espécies arbóreas, em cada unidade fitogeográfica, variam conforme o gradiente edáfico e topográfico?; (II) características do solo e topografia podem influenciar na previsibilidade de ocorrência de espécies arbóreas de ampla distribuição em diferentes tipos vegetacionais? (III) existe relação entre o padrão de distribuição espacial de espécies arbóreas e os parâmetros do solo e topografia? O trabalho foi realizado em parcelas alocadas em unidades de conservação (UC) que apresentaram trechos representativos, em termos de conservação e tamanho, das quatro principais formações florestais presentes no Estado de São Paulo. Em cada UC foram contabilizados os indivíduos arbóreos (CAP ≥ 15 cm), topografia, dados de textura e atributos químicos dos solos em uma parcela de 10,24 ha, subdividida em 256 subparcelas. Análises de correspodência canônica foram aplicadas para estabelecer a correspondência entre a abundância das espécies e o gradiente ambiental (solo e topografia). O método TWINSPAN modificado foi aplicado ao diagrama de ordenação da CCA para avaliar a influência das variáveis ambientais (solo e topografia) na composição de espécies. Árvores de regressão \"ampliadas\" (BRT) foram ajustadas para a predição da ocorrência das espécies segundo as variáveis de solo e topografia. O índice de Getis-Ord (G) foi utilizado para determinar a autocorrelação espacial das variáveis ambientais utilizadas nos modelos de predição da ocorrência das espécies. Nas unidades fitogeográficas analisadas, a correspondência entre o gradiente ambiental (solo e topografia) e a abundância das espécies foi significativa, especialmente na Savana Florestada onde observou-se a maior relação. O solo e a topografia também se relacionaram com a semelhança na composição florística das subparcelas, com exceção da Floresta Estacional Semicidual (EEC). As principais variáveis de solo e topografia relacionadas a flora em cada UC foram: (1) Na Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Terras Baixas (PEIC) - teor de alumínio na camada profunda (Al (80-100 cm)) que pode refletir os teor de Al na superfície, acidez do solo (pH(H2O) (5-25 cm)) e altitude, que delimitou as áreas alagadas; (2) Na Floresta Ombrófila Densa Submontana (PECB) - altitude, fator que, devido ao relevo acidentado, influencia a temperatura e incidência de sol no sub-bosque; (3) Na Savana Florestada (EEA) - fertilidade, tolerância ao alumínio e acidez do solo. Nos modelos de predição BRT, as variáveis químicas dos solos foram mais importantes do que a textura, devido à pequena variação deste atributo no solo nas áreas amostradas. Dentre as variáveis químicas dos solos, a capacidade de troca catiônica foi utilizada para prever a ocorrência das espécies nas quatro formações florestais, sendo particularmente importante na camada mais profunda do solo da Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Terras Baixas (PEIC). Quanto à topografia, a altitude foi inserida na maioria dos modelos e apresentou diferentes influências sobre as áreas de estudo. De modo geral, para presença das espécies de ampla distribuição observou-se uma mesma tendência quando à associação com os atributos dos solos, porém com amplitudes dos descritores edáficos que variaram de acordo com a área de estudo. A ocorrência de Guapira opposita e Syagrus romanzoffiana, cujo padrão variou conforme a escala, foi explicada por variáveis com padrões espaciais agregados que somaram entre 30% e 50% de importância relativa no modelo BRT. A presença de A. anthelmia, cujo padrão também apresentou certo nível de agregação, foi associada apenas a uma variável com padrão agregado, a altitude (21%), que pode ter exercido grande influência na distribuição da espécie ao delimitar áreas alagadas. T. guianensis se associou a variáveis ambientais preditoras com padrão espacial agregado que somaram cerca de 70% de importância relativa, o que deve ter sido suficiente para estabelecer o padrão agregado em todas as escalas. No entanto, a influência dos fatores ambientais no padrão de distribuição da espécie não depende apenas do ótimo ambiental da espécie, mas um resultado da interação espécie-ambiente. Concluiu-se que: (I) características edáficas e topográficas explicaram uma pequena parcela da composição florística, em cada unidade fitogeográfica, embora a ocorrência de algumas espécies tenha se associado ao gradiente edáfico e topográfico; (II) a partir de características dos solos e da topografia foi possível prever a presença de espécies arbóreas, que apresentaram particularidades em relação a sua associação com o solo de cada fitofisionomia; (III) a partir de associações descritivas o solo e a topografia influenciam o padrão de distribuição espacial das espécies, na proporção em que contribuem para a presença das mesmas.


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Mid-Cretaceous sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 183 (Cores 183-1138A-69R to 73R) on the central Kerguelen Plateau have been analyzed palynologically and paleobotanically to determine the age of the strata and to reconstruct vegetational development and paleoecology. The lower strata (Cores 183-1138A-71R to 73R), a dark, organic-rich silty claystone with many wood fragments and fern remains (sedimentary Unit VI), certainly of terrestrial origin, directly overlies the volcanic basement, which is dated as latest Albian (~95 to 103 Ma) to earliest Cenomanian. The age of the terrestrial strata can be determined by sporomorphs as late Albian to earliest Cenomanian as well. This shows that parts of the central Kerguelen Plateau must have been subaerial at least until the late Albian and were covered with a diverse high-latitude flora, probably dense conifer forest with various fern taxa in the undergrowth. Early angiosperms are also present. The vegetational character represented in Unit VI did not change significantly through time. However, varying percentages of several sporomorph groups seem to show recurring abundance variations, which might possibly be cyclic, caused by Milankovitch-type cyclic events. Cores 183-1138A-67R through 69R, of open marine origin, contain medium- to high-diversity dinocyst assemblages. Based on previous stratigraphic zonation schemes, the ages of these strata range within the Heterosphaeridium Superzone, from the Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides Zone to the Conosphaeridium striatoconus Zone, which correlates to the latest Cenomanian to Coniacian.


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O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar a composição florística e a estrutura do componente arbóreo em fragmento de Floresta Ombrófila Mista Alto-Montana e avaliar a influência do efeito de borda sobre a organização, estrutura, riqueza e diversidade de espécies. Foram alocadas 50 parcelas permanentes de 10 x 20 m, divididas em cinco transeções distanciadas, no mínimo, 100 m entre si, em um fragmento florestal, no município de Bom Jardim da Serra - SC. As árvores com circunferência ≥ 15,7 cm na altura do peito (CAP) foram mensuradas (CAP e altura total), identificadas e classificadas quanto às guildas de regeneração (pioneiras, climácicas exigentes em luz e climácicas tolerantes à sombra). Os dados foram analisados por meio dos índices de valor de importância (IVI), NMDS (Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling), modelo aditivo generalizado e regressões lineares simples. Foram observados 1.457 indivíduos arbóreos, distribuídos em 29 famílias, 43 gêneros e 55 espécies. A espécie com maior valor de importância foi Dicksonia sellowiana Hook. Não foi observada influência do efeito de borda sobre a organização, a estrutura (diâmetro médio, altura média e densidade) da comunidade e participação relativa das guildas de regeneração. No entanto, ficaram evidenciados maiores valores de diversidade, riqueza e equabilidade nas áreas de borda. Desta forma, concluí-se que parte das variações dos valores relativos à diversidade de espécies arbóreas na Floresta Ombrófila Mista Ato-Montana foi determinada pela distância da borda.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, 2016.


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This study aimed to map phytophysiognomies of an area of Ombrophilous Dense Forest at Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar and characterize their floristic composition. Photointerpretation of aerial photographs in scale of 1:35,000 was realized in association with field work. Thirteen physiognomies were mapped and they were classified as Montane Ombrophilous Dense Forest, Alluvial Ombrophilous Dense Forest or Secondary System. Three physiognomies identified at Casa de Pedra streamlet's basin were studied with more details. Riparian forest (RF), valley forest (VF), and hill forest (HF) presented some floristic distinction, as confirmed by Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Indicator Species Analysis (ISA) conducted here. Anthropic or natural disturbances and heterogeneity of environmental conditions may be the causes of physiognomic variation in the vegetation of the region. The results presented here may be useful to decisions related to management and conservation of Núcleo Santa Virgínia forests, in general.


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Analysis of floristic similarity relationships between plant communities can detect patterns of species occurrence and also explain conditioning factors. Searching for such patterns, floristic similarity relationships among Atlantic Forest sites situated at Ibiuna Plateau, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, were analyzed by multivariate techniques. Twenty one forest fragments and six sites within a continuous Forest Reserve were included in the analyses. Floristic composition and structure of the tree community (minimum dbh 5 cm) were assessed using the point centered quarter method. Two methods were used for multivariate analysis: Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN). Similarity relationships among the study areas were based on the successional stage of the community and also on spatial proximity. The more similar the successional stage of the communities, the higher the floristic similarity between them, especially if the communities are geographically close. A floristic gradient from north to south was observed, suggesting a transition between biomes, since northern indicator species are mostly heliophytes, occurring also in cerrado vegetation and seasonal semideciduous forest, while southern indicator species are mostly typical ombrophilous and climax species from typical dense evergreen Atlantic Forest.


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Metrodorea nigra (Rutaceae) is an endemic Brazilian tree of great ecological importance, frequently found in the submontane regions of ombrophilous dense and semideciduous forests. This tree is useful for reforesting degraded areas and the wood can be employed in construction. We developed 12 microsatellite markers from a genomic library enriched for GA/CA repeats, for this species. Polymorphisms were assessed in 40 trees of a highly fragmented population found in Cravinhos, State of Sao Paulo, in southeastern Brazil. Among the 12 loci, 8 were polymorphic and only one had fixed alleles in this population. The number of alleles per locus and expected heterozygosity ranged from 2 to 11 and from 0.190 to 0.889, respectively. These results revealed moderate levels of genetic variation in M. nigra population when compared to other tropical species. Additionally, transferability of the 12 primers was tested in seven other Brazilian Rutaceae tree species (endemics: M. stipularis, Galipea jasminiflora, Esenbeckia leiocarpa and non-endemics: E. febrifuga, E. grandiflora, Balfourodendron riedelianum, Zanthoxylum riedelianum). Transferability ranged among species, but at least 8 loci (similar to 67%) amplified in M. stipularis, demonstrating a high potential for transferring microsatellite markers between species of the same genus in the Rutaceae family.


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The Mt Garnet Landcare Group commissioned a survey of landholders within the Upper Herbert and Upper Burdekin River Catchments to assess the density of native woodlands and to gauge the extent of exotic weed infestation. Twenty-four of 49 landholders responded, representing an area of nearly 500 000 ha or 47% of the total area. Dense native woodland covers 24% (>117 000 ha) of the area surveyed, while a further 30% (140 000 ha) supports moderately dense stands. The dense stands are largely confined to the highly fertile alluvial soils (26% dense woodland) and the lower fertility sandy-surfaced soils (33% or >96 000 ha). Moderate and dense infestations of exotic weeds, principally Lantana camara, occur on 54% (20 000 ha) of alluvial soils and on 13% of sandy-surfaced soils (39 000 ha), where praxelis (Praxelis clematidia) is the major weed. Basaltic soils have low levels of both dense woodland and exotic weed infestation. Some implications of the results are discussed.


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Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon R. Br.) is a valuable leguminous cabinetwood species which is commonly found as a canopy or subcanopy tree in a broad range of mixed-species moist forests on tablelands and coastal escarpments in eastern Australia. This paper reports on the competitive light environment of a commercially valuable multi-species regrowth forest in NW Tasmania, in order to define some of the functional interactions and competitive dynamics of these stands. Comparative observations were made of the internal forest light environment in response to small-gap silvicultural treatments, in a young regenerative mix of three codominant tree species. Light measurements were made during periods of maximum external irradiance of the regrowth Eucalyptus obliqua/A. melanoxylon forest canopy at age 10.5 years. This was at a time of vigourous stand development, 4.5 years following the application of three experimental silvicultural treatments whose effects were observed in comparison with an untreated canopy sample designed as a control. Minimal irradiance was observed within and beneath the dense subcanopy of the native nurse species (Pomaderris apetala) which closely surrounds young blackwood regeneration. Unlike current plantation nurse systems, the dense foliage of the native broadleaved Pomaderris all but eliminated direct side-light and low-angle illumination of the young blackwood, from the beginning of tree establishment. The results demonstrated that retention of these densely stocked native codominants effectively suppressed both size and frequency of blackwood branches on the lower bole, through effective and persistent interception of sunlight. Vigorous young blackwood crowns later overtopped the codominant nurse species, achieving a predictable height of branch-free bole. This competitive outcome offers a valuable tool for management of blackwood crown dynamics, stem form and branch habit through manipulation of light environment in young native regrowth systems. Results demonstrate that effective self-pruning in the lower bole of blackwood is achieved through a marked reduction in direct and diffuse sunlight incident on the lower crown, notably to less than 10-15% of full sunlight intensity during conditions of maximum insolation. The results also contain insights for the improved design of mixed-species plantation nurse systems using these or functionally similar species' combinations. Based on evidence presented here for native regrowth forest, plantation nurse systems for blackwood will need to achieve 85-90% interception of external side-light during early years of tree development if self-pruning is to emulate the results achieved in the native nurse system.


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Originally from Asia, Rubus niveus has become one of the most widespread invasive plant species in the Galapagos Islands. It has invaded open vegetation, shrubland and forest alike. It forms dense thickets up to 4 m high, appearing to displace native vegetation, and threaten the integrity of several native communities. This study used correlation analysis between a R. niveus cover gradient and a number of biotic (vascular plant species richness, cover and vegetation structure) and abiotic (light and soil properties) parameters to help understand possible impacts in one of the last remaining fragments of the Scalesia forest in Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos. Higher cover of R. niveus was associated with significantly lower native species richness and cover, and a different forest structure. Results illustrated that 60% R. niveus cover could be considered a threshold for these impacts. We suggest that a maximum of 40% R. niveus cover could be a suitable management target.


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Aims of this thesis This study is part of a larger hare project in Finland, which provides answers to basic ecological questions regarding the mountain hare. This study of the ecology of the mountain hare focuses in particular on different levels of managed boreal forest. The feeding habits and intensity of mountain hares in winter are explored, and the connections between mountain hares versus the forest structure are also studied (e.g. habitat use and the importance of different forest layers for hares). The use of the environment by hares at the landscape level was examined (forest patch structures), and the home ranges of mountain hares were studied. Finally, the productivity and survival rate of mountain hare populations were also studied (discussion e.g. predator effects on hare populations). Conclusions Feeding intensity seemed to be highest in the spring-winter, when home ranges were also largest. Favourable food species are covered by snow in winter and the mobility of hares is highest during late winter. A shortage of suitable food species may be problematic for hares, especially during the winter period. In this study mountain hares preferred a dense shrub layer at local level and deciduous and mixed tree forest over coniferous forest at the landscape level. Food and shelter are vital for hares and the preference for particular habitats may also affect the population dynamics of the mountain hare. It would be possible to improve the quality of food and shelter or at least prevent the most negative habitat changes through forest management. At a local level it is also possible to add supplementary food for hares through the winter period. The intensive clearing of young sapling stands and especially the removal of deciduous shrubs and trees reduces the quality of habitats for the mountain hare. Mountain hares primarily live in forest habitat and it is possible that changes in the forest structure play a crucial role in mountain hare habitat preference. Ecological knowledge of the mountain hare is vital to create habitat structure more suitable for the species. More deciduous trees should be saved in managing forests and the mechanical clearing of the shrub layer should be done carefully.


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Due to large scale afforestation programs and forest conservation legislations, India's total forest area seems to have stabilized or even increased. In spite of such efforts, forest fragmentation and degradation continues, with forests being subject to increased pressure due to anthropogenic factors. Such fragmentation and degradation is leading to the forest cover to change from very dense to moderately dense and open forest and 253 km(2) of very dense forest has been converted to moderately dense forest, open forest, scrub and non-forest (during 2005-2007). Similarly, there has been a degradation of 4,120 km(2) of moderately dense forest to open forest, scrub and non-forest resulting in a net loss of 936 km(2) of moderately dense forest. Additionally, 4,335 km(2) of open forest have degraded to scrub and non-forest. Coupled with pressure due to anthropogenic factors, climate change is likely to be an added stress on forests. Forest sector programs and policies are major factors that determine the status of forests and potentially resilience to projected impacts of climate change. An attempt is made to review the forest policies and programs and their implications for the status of forests and for vulnerability of forests to projected climate change. The study concludes that forest conservation and development policies and programs need to be oriented to incorporate climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation.


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Lantana camara, a shrub of Central and South American origin, has become invasive across dry forests worldwide. The effect of the thicket-forming habit of L. camara as a dispersal and recruitment barrier in a community of native woody seedlings was examined in a 50-ha permanent plot located in the seasonally dry forest of Mudumalai, southern India. Sixty 100-m(2) plots were enumerated for native woody seedlings between 10-100 cm in height. Of these, 30 plots had no L. camara thickets, while the other 30 had dense thickets. The frequency of occurrence and abundance of seedlings were modelled as a function of dispersal mode (mammal, bird or mechanical) and affinities to forest habitats (dry forest, moist forest or ubiquitous) as well as presence or absence of dense L. camara thickets. Furthermore, frequency of occurrence and abundance of individual species were also compared between thickets and no L. camara. At the community level, L. camara density, dispersal mode and forest habitat affinities of species determined both frequency of occurrence and abundance of seedlings, with the abundance of dry-forest mammal-dispersed species and ubiquitous mechanically dispersed species being significantly lower under L. camara thickets. Phyllanthus emblica and Kydia calycina were found to be significantly less abundant under L. camara, whereas most other species were not affected by the presence of thickets. It was inferred that, by affecting the establishment of native tree seedlings, L. camara thickets could eventually alter the community composition of such forests.


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Native species' response to the presence of invasive species is context specific. This response cannot be studied in isolation from the prevailing environmental stresses in invaded habitats such as seasonal drought. We investigated the combined effects of an invasive shrub Lantana camara L. (lantana), seasonal rainfall and species' microsite preferences on the growth and survival of 1,105 naturally established seedlings of native trees and shrubs in a seasonally dry tropical forest. Individuals were followed from April 2008 to February 2010, and growth and survival measured in relation to lantana density, seasonality of rainfall and species characteristics in a 50-ha permanent forest plot located in Mudumalai, southern India. We used a mixed effects modelling approach to examine seedling growth and generalized linear models to examine seedling survival. The overall relative height growth rate of established seedlings was found to be very low irrespective of the presence or absence of dense lantana. 22-month growth rate of dry forest species was lower under dense lantana while moist forest species were not affected by the presence of lantana thickets. 4-month growth rates of all species increased with increasing inter-census rainfall. Community results may be influenced by responses of the most abundant species, Catunaregam spinosa, whose growth rates were always lower under dense lantana. Overall seedling survival was high, increased with increasing rainfall and was higher for species with dry forest preference than for species with moist forest preference. The high survival rates of naturally established seedlings combined with their basal sprouting ability in this forest could enable the persistence of woody species in the face of invasive species.


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Invasive species, local plant communities and invaded ecosystems change over space and time. Quantifying this change may lead to a better understanding of the ecology and the effective management of invasive species. We used data on density of the highly invasive shrub Lantana camara (lantana) for the period 1990-2008 from a 50 ha permanent plot in a seasonally dry tropical forest of Mudumalai in southern India. We used a cumulative link mixed-effects regression approach to model the transition of lantana from one qualitative density state to another as a function of biotic factors such as indicators of competition from local species (lantana itself, perennial grasses, invasive Chromolaena odorata, the native shrub Helicteres isora and basal area of native trees) and abiotic factors such as fire frequency, inter-annual variability of rainfall and relative soil moisture. The density of lantana increased substantially during the study period. Lantana density was negatively associated with the density of H. isora, positively associated with basal area of native trees, but not affected by the presence of grasses or other invasive species. In the absence of fire, lantana density increased with increasing rainfall. When fires occurred, transitions to higher densities occurred at low rainfall values. In drier regions, lantana changed from low to high density as rainfall increased while in wetter regions of the plot, lantana persisted in the dense category irrespective of rainfall. Lantana seems to effectively utilize resources distributed in space and time to its advantage, thus outcompeting local species and maintaining a population that is not yet self-limiting. High-risk areas and years could potentially be identified based on inferences from this study for facilitating management of lantana in tropical dry forests.