77 resultados para Denounce


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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A partir da denúncia da contraditória presença de pressupostos morais dogmáticos na formulação dos princípios norteadores da atividade científica, Nietzsche concebe uma outra noção de cientificidade, compatível com a opção hegemônica pelo saber, que ele reconhece como presente na cultura ocidental. O presente artigo visa a discutir sob quais parâmetros Nietzsche, no período intermediário de sua produção filosófica, empreende sua interpretação da cientificidade ocidental e como, apresentando-se como seu fomentador, ele formula uma crítica desmistificadora desta.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O Diário cumpre a função de registrar a fala dos deputados da primeira Assembléia Constituinte do Brasil do ano 1823. Nas sessões parlamentares, procuram construir os acontecimentos e, a partir destes, um lugar específico para uma parcela dos indivíduos do Brasil, tais como os negros e os índios. Dessa forma o Diário é analisado como uma arma discursiva que ora produz práticas de não-cidadania, ora produz alteridades. Às vezes traz expresso nas suas entrelinhas denúncias de que estes indivíduos silenciados tentam negar o lugar a eles dedicados. Quando isso acontece, dá-se uma ruptura na tentativa da fabricação do acontecimento.


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Even though we have an advanced protective legislation regarding children, the maltreatment perpetrated against them is still considered a public health problem in our country, with significant rates in the 0 to 6 years old range. This practice results in serious damages to the development of the assaulted individual: mental health, social adaptation and integration, and even repetition of the learned model. The school, although required (art. 245, ECA) to denounce and notify suspected and/or proven cases of violence to the eligible public agencies, has a very low percentage of participation in these notifications. Therefore, the objective of this study was to map the conception, placement and forwarding done by kindergarten professional about suspected and/or proven cases of maltreatment in their students to determine how such phenomenon is known, recognized, (re)constructed and (re)produced in social relations. The surveyed institutions were five kindergarten public schools, located in a mid-size city in the state of São Paulo. The adopted methodological procedures were the collection and analysis of quantitative-qualitative data, based on the anthropological research method on urban social groups. To collect the data, we used the following instruments: the questionnaire (38) and the interviews (6), applied in the period of October/2009 to May/2010. The analysis of the obtained data indicated some factors that hinder an effective positioning in fighting violence: professionals report the presence of suspected maltreatment (45%), however, the allegations are not investigated; the lack of knowledge and/or distorted concepts about the legislation, and also indicators of the presence of maltreatment, of its negative consequences to the development of the child, the false belief in the sanctity of the family and that maltreatment only occurs in the ghetto, in the lower classes... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the conceptions of sexuality and female sexual behavior and conduct, formed from the merger of information and securities purchased under the eyes, rules and guidelines established relations with the Holy Office during his visit to Inquisitorial Brazil in the late sixteenth century. It is a survey of historical methodology in which we used as the exploratory research and literature. In the sixteenth century the Church increases the pressure to change the sexual mores that were free in the Middle Ages, a fact which influences the rules and regulations that are adopted by the Holy Office regarding the person's sex life. The first structure was based on Brazilian sexual alliance between Indians and settlers, which led to sugar, by the Portuguese, the customs of the land, which included sexual practices free since the Indians were out of Christian influence. Supported by the absence of white women, the settlers took them wives of the earth, usually more than one, creating conflict with the Jesuits who condemned Indian polygamy. In this context, in 1591, landed on Brazilian soil Heitor Furtado de Mendonca, and with it, the First Visitation of the Holy Office to investigate, arguing, exploring feelings and behaviors, to discover the true facts, finally, to demonstrate the errors Faith and punish them with the rigor of ecclesiastical law. His passing opens us to visualize traces of sexuality in the current "Tropic" a racist, misogynist world where black women and degraded land could be subject to the wishes of the white man, with whom he could mate at will. Alone and forgotten, women have not found the colony margin to denounce or to speak and were stigmatized by the look of travelers and writers have been through here.


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The researches on sexuality, especially from Foucault’s critical analysis, have been denouncing that the sexual repression also happens through the patterns that suggest a fixed happiness model to be followed, not considering the autonomous development of the subject. The aim of this descriptive-qualitative study was to make a critical analysis of the content of the book Sex and The City, which presents narratives about sexual and love relationships in New York. This analysis evidenciated the reproduction of outdated sexual concepts presented on the following thematic categories: (1) Comprehension of the single woman as lonely and unhappy; (2) Comprehension of the single woman as independent and consumerist; (3) Comprehension that the single woman needs a heterosexual relationship related to the happy romantic ideal; (4) Comprehension of the love relationships as commodities: people as objects of use and exchange. The sexual and love patterns presented by the book demonstrate the repression reproduced uncritically by the mass culture. The Psychology has been an important area of the science to denounce the control of the sexuality from these perverse and ideological patterns.


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This assignment aims to do a critical and interpretative review of the masterpiece Tempo e Eternidade, published by the Brazilian poets Jorge de Lima and Murilo Mendes in 1935. It is a result of a project called Restaurando a poesia em Cristo, created by many different Brazilian poets as Tristão de Ataíde, Augusto Schimdt, and others. It is worth highlighting the importance of these poems, because of the period when they were published and for the modern proposal, as the theme, which the poets denounce the bad aspects of modernity of the century through the Holly Bible, as also for the new esthetics. In the 30s, Brazil was passing through many changes; in aspects of history - the transition between the governments of Oligarchy to the New State, in governance of Getúlio Vargas; and in the literary context, it was the beginning of the second phase of Modernism, from 1930 to 1945. This period remains the consolidation of the literary movement, in terms of esthetics, since the major proposal of Modernism is freedom of the verse and, in this second phase, the search for a renovation of the language and the enlargement of the themes in poetry, such in the religious aspect or the social-political' themes. In this perspective, it aims to show the importance of the masterpiece for the history of Brazilian literature, coated as part of a turning point between the first and second phase of Modernism, also for the thematic renovation in religious poetry and esthetics, with a new proposal of esthetics. The methodology for the analyses of the poems will be through Antonio Candido's proposal, in O estudo analítico do poema, based on interpretation and comments. Therefore it intends showing through the analyses the relevance of the masterpiece written by the Brazilian poets, to the area of religious poetry and for the literary movement of that time


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This article discusses the need to deepen Psychology criticism as a science, unveiling its ideological commitment to the demands posed by the capitalism development and, at the same time, develop the critical thinking in Psychology. Taking the dialectical historical materialism as a basis, the main elements which should be contemplated by the critical thinking are presented: the dialectical reflection; the knowledge criticism; the denounce of degradation, alienation and human heteronomy in the conditions posed by capitalism and the possibility of being used as an instrument in the social transformation process. The incorporation of these elements can guide the constitution process of psychological knowledge which will be able to provide more satisfactory answers to questions concerning the dialectical relationship between individuals and society and the possibilities of human emancipation in nowadays society.


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Elísabeth de Austria (1837-1898) no pudo escapar a su destino de emperatriz y reina, pero eso no la detuvo en la búsqueda de la libertad que anhelaba y que desató la crítica de la sociedad vienesa. La artifícialidad y los intereses cortesanos tan diferentes a los suyos, hicieron que escapara cada vez más lejos y durante más tiempo. A los 22 años, seis después de su matrimonio, luego de haber dado a luz al heredero, y por una serie de desavenencias con su marido, comenzó la búsqueda de su individualidad y ya no se detuvo. Madeira, Corfú, Venecia, las termas de Austria y Alemania, su amada Hungría, las ruinas de Grecia y la pasión por los lugares que vieron al legendario Aquiles la llevaron de uno a otro lado. La escritura de sus poemas comenzó cuando ya casi contaba 50 años, y por cuatro años consecutivos llevó un Diario Poético que quedó inconcluso cuando su hijo fue encontrado muerto en Mayerling. Son poemas que denuncian la caducidad de la monarquía, la corrupción de la corte, la falta de amor y comprensión, y que logran su efecto cuando Elísabeth describe los lugares que la conectan con la naturaleza del mundo.


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La singular trayectoria de Julio Cortázar traza una parábola que parte de su inicial situación como escritor mentalmente colonizado (Jauretche) para arribar a una toma de conciencia político-histórica que lo impele a denunciar el genocidio cultural perpetrado por el imperialismo norteamericano y a defender las revoluciones socialistas de su tiempo. En este sentido, nuestro trabajo pretende indagar en la conversión de su antropología poética en poética histórica, entendiendo que los problemas metafísicos que plantea la primera desde una dimensión estrictamente literaria se abren al campo geopolítico a través de la confluencia entre política de la literatura y política del escritor (Rancière). Seleccionamos para ello un amplio corpus de textos y analizamos la evolución de la poética cortazariana en relación a la configuración de los sujetos populares. Observamos que éstos se muestran inicialmente como una alteridad radical (Baudrillard) respecto del yo enunciador, para constituir posteriormente la encarnación de un paradigma cultural que posibilita una existencia auténtica a través de la solidaridad y el encuentro con los otros (García Canclini). Finalmente, nos detendremos en el “sentimiento solar" y en los “hombres-puente" como símbolos de un Cortázar maduro y esperanzado que propone el equilibrio entre polaridades como condición necesaria para la verdadera revolución.


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En este trabajo se busca analizar aquellas presentaciones de las mujeres ante las autoridades judiciales de Tres Arroyos, un pueblo de reciente formación en el sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires, para denunciar la violencia a la que se veían expuestas, entre 1889 y 1904. Pretendemos encarar el tema con un enfoque que combine lo específicamente jurídico con una mirada de género y los aspectos culturales y sociales. Pretendemos adentrarnos en el valor simbólico de las situaciones de violencia en sí mismas, así como de su denuncia y exposición pública. En síntesis, lo que interesa es focalizar en el componente simbólico de algunas de estas acciones que, mas allá de las situaciones concretas que traslucen, tienen un fondo de racionalidad, comunican algo a una sociedad y, en algún punto, pretenden imponer o restaurar un orden.


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Este trabajo presenta un análisis de carácter tanto plástico como semántico de la producción visual expuesta a través de la técnica litográfica en dos periódicos de la prensa antirrosista: El Grito Arjentino y Muera Rosas, editados en Montevideo entre los años 1839 y 18421. Dadas las numerosas litografías que formaron parte de estos periódicos de circulación clandestina se ha realizado una selección temática en función del tratamiento y construcción de un tipo iconográfico de la figura de Rosas. Este tipo iconográfico se construye a partir de la selección de atributos que se relacionan directamente con las acciones que ambos periódicos se dedican a denunciar través de los recursos retóricos que constituyen el grotesco y la sátira.