949 resultados para Delay tolerant networks


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The proliferation of wireless sensor networks in a large spectrum of applications had been spurered by the rapid advances in MEMS(micro-electro mechanical systems )based sensor technology coupled with low power,Low cost digital signal processors and radio frequency circuits.A sensor network is composed of thousands of low cost and portable devices bearing large sensing computing and wireless communication capabilities. This large collection of tiny sensors can form a robust data computing and communication distributed system for automated information gathering and distributed sensing.The main attractive feature is that such a sensor network can be deployed in remote areas.Since the sensor node is battery powered,all the sensor nodes should collaborate together to form a fault tolerant network so as toprovide an efficient utilization of precious network resources like wireless channel,memory and battery capacity.The most crucial constraint is the energy consumption which has become the prime challenge for the design of long lived sensor nodes.


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This paper presents a new approach to implement Reed-Muller Universal Logic Module (RM-ULM) networks with reduced delay and hardware for synthesizing logic functions given in Reed-Muller (RM) form. Replication of single control line RM-ULM is used as the only design unit for defining any logic function. An algorithm is proposed that does exhaustive branching to reduce the number of levels and modules required to implement any logic function in RM form. This approach attains a reduction in delay, and power over other implementations of functions having large number of variables.


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The K-Means algorithm for cluster analysis is one of the most influential and popular data mining methods. Its straightforward parallel formulation is well suited for distributed memory systems with reliable interconnection networks, such as massively parallel processors and clusters of workstations. However, in large-scale geographically distributed systems the straightforward parallel algorithm can be rendered useless by a single communication failure or high latency in communication paths. The lack of scalable and fault tolerant global communication and synchronisation methods in large-scale systems has hindered the adoption of the K-Means algorithm for applications in large networked systems such as wireless sensor networks, peer-to-peer systems and mobile ad hoc networks. This work proposes a fully distributed K-Means algorithm (EpidemicK-Means) which does not require global communication and is intrinsically fault tolerant. The proposed distributed K-Means algorithm provides a clustering solution which can approximate the solution of an ideal centralised algorithm over the aggregated data as closely as desired. A comparative performance analysis is carried out against the state of the art sampling methods and shows that the proposed method overcomes the limitations of the sampling-based approaches for skewed clusters distributions. The experimental analysis confirms that the proposed algorithm is very accurate and fault tolerant under unreliable network conditions (message loss and node failures) and is suitable for asynchronous networks of very large and extreme scale.


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This letter presents an accurate delay analysis in prioritised wireless sensor networks (WSN). The analysis is an enhancement of the existing analysis proposed by Choobkar and Dilmaghani, which is only applicable to the case where the lower priority nodes always have packets to send in the empty slots of the higher priority node. The proposed analysis is applicable for any pattern of packet arrival, which includes the general case where the lower priority nodes may or may not have packets to send in the empty slots of the higher priority nodes. Evaluation of both analyses showed that the proposed delay analysis has better accuracy over the full range of loads and provides an excellent match to simulation results.


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Multi-Processor SoC (MPSOC) design brings to the foreground a large number of challenges, one of the most prominent of which is the design of the chip interconnection. With a number of on-chip blocks presently ranging in the tens, and quickly approaching the hundreds, the novel issue of how to best provide on-chip communication resources is clearly felt. Scaling down of process technologies has increased process and dynamic variations as well as transistor wearout. Because of this, delay variations increase and impact the performance of the MPSoCs. The interconnect architecture inMPSoCs becomes a single point of failure as it connects all other components of the system together. A faulty processing element may be shut down entirely, but the interconnect architecture must be able to tolerate partial failure and variations and operate with performance, power or latency overhead. This dissertation focuses on techniques at different levels of abstraction to face with the reliability and variability issues in on-chip interconnection networks. By showing the test results of a GALS NoC testchip this dissertation motivates the need for techniques to detect and work around manufacturing faults and process variations in MPSoCs’ interconnection infrastructure. As a physical design technique, we propose the bundle routing framework as an effective way to route the Network on Chips’ global links. For architecture-level design, two cases are addressed: (I) Intra-cluster communication where we propose a low-latency interconnect with variability robustness (ii) Inter-cluster communication where an online functional testing with a reliable NoC configuration are proposed. We also propose dualVdd as an orthogonal way of compensating variability at the post-fabrication stage. This is an alternative strategy with respect to the design techniques, since it enforces the compensation at post silicon stage.


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L'argomento di questa tesi è l'architettura di rete Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN), progettata per operare nelle reti “challenged”, dove la suite di protocolli TCP/IP risulta inefficace a causa di lunghi ritardi di propagazione del segnale, interruzioni e disturbi di canale, ecc. Esempi di reti “challenged” variano dalle reti interplanetarie alle Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs). Le principali implementazioni dell'architettura DTN sono DTN2, implementazione di riferimento, e ION, sviluppata da NASA JPL per applicazioni spaziali. Una grande differenza tra reti spaziali e terrestri è che nello spazio i movimenti dei nodi sono deterministici, mentre non lo sono per i nodi mobili terrestri, i quali generalmente non conoscono la topologia della rete. Questo ha portato allo sviluppo di diversi algoritmi di routing: deterministici per le reti spaziali e opportunistici per quelle terrestri. NASA JPL ha recentemente deciso di estendere l'ambito di applicazione di ION per supportare anche scenari non deterministici. Durante la tesi, svolta presso NASA JPL, mi sono occupato di argomenti diversi, tutti finalizzati a questo obiettivo. Inizialmente ho testato la nuova implementazione dell'algoritmo IP Neighbor Discovery (IPND) di ION, corretti i bug e prodotta la documentazione ufficiale. Quindi ho contribuito ad integrare il Contact Graph Routing (CGR) di ION nel simulatore DTN “ONE” utilizzando la Java Native Interface (JNI) come ponte tra il codice Java di ONE e il codice C di ION. In particolare ho adattato tutte le librerie di ION necessarie per far funzionare CGR all'interno dell'ambiente di ONE. Infine, dopo aver analizzato un dataset di tracce reali di nodi mobili, ho contribuito a progettare e a sviluppare OCGR, estensione opportunistica del CGR, quindi ne ho curato l'integrazione in ONE. I risultati preliminari sembrano confermare la validità di OCGR che, una volta messo a punto, può diventare un valido concorrente ai più rinomati algoritmi opportunistici.


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Propagation of discharges in cortical and thalamic systems, which is used as a probe for examining network circuitry, is studied by constructing a one-dimensional model of integrate-and-fire neurons that are coupled by excitatory synapses with delay. Each neuron fires only one spike. The velocity and stability of propagating continuous pulses are calculated analytically. Above a certain critical value of the constant delay, these pulses lose stability. Instead, lurching pulses propagate with discontinuous and periodic spatio-temporal characteristics. The parameter regime for which lurching occurs is strongly affected by the footprint (connectivity) shape; bistability may occur with a square footprint shape but not with an exponential footprint shape. For strong synaptic coupling, the velocity of both continuous and lurching pulses increases logarithmically with the synaptic coupling strength gsyn for an exponential footprint shape, and it is bounded for a step footprint shape. We conclude that the differences in velocity and shape between the front of thalamic spindle waves in vitro and cortical paroxysmal discharges stem from their different effective delay; in thalamic networks, large effective delay between inhibitory neurons arises from their effective interaction via the excitatory cells which display postinhibitory rebound.


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Time delay is an important aspect in the modelling of genetic regulation due to slow biochemical reactions such as gene transcription and translation, and protein diffusion between the cytosol and nucleus. In this paper we introduce a general mathematical formalism via stochastic delay differential equations for describing time delays in genetic regulatory networks. Based on recent developments with the delay stochastic simulation algorithm, the delay chemical masterequation and the delay reaction rate equation are developed for describing biological reactions with time delay, which leads to stochastic delay differential equations derived from the Langevin approach. Two simple genetic regulatory networks are used to study the impact of' intrinsic noise on the system dynamics where there are delays. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The fabrication of in-fibre Bragg gratings, and the application of arrays of such gratings as strain sensors and as true time delay elements for the control of phased array antennas is reported. Chirped period Bragg gratings were produced using the fibre deformation fabrication technique, with chirps of between 2.9nm and 17.3nm achieved. Arrays of 5mm and 2mm long uniform period Bragg gratings were fabricated using the inscription method, for use as true time delay elements,dissimilar wavefronts and their spectral characteristics recorded. The uniform period grating arrays were used to create minimum time delays of 9.09ps, 19.02ps and 31ps; making them suitable for controlling phased array antennas operating at RF frequencies of up to 3GHz, with 10° phase resolution. Four 4mm long chirped gratings were produced using the dissimilar wavefronts fabrication method, having chirps of 7nm, 12nm, 20nm and 30nm, and were used to create time delays of between 0.3ps and 59ps. Hence they are suitable for controlling phased array antennas at RF frequencies of up to 48GHz. The application of in fibre Bragg gratings as strain sensors within smart structure materials was investigated, with their sensitivity to applied strain and compression measured for both embedded and surface mounted uniform period and fibre Fabry-Perot filter gratings. A fibre Bragg grating sensor demultiplexing scheme based on a liquid crystal filled Fabry-Perot etalon tuneable transmission filter was proposed, successfully constructed and fully characterised. Three characteristics of the LCFP etalon were found to pose operational limitations to its application in a Bragg grating sensor system; most significantly, the resonance peak wavelength was highly (-2,77nm/°C) temperature dependent. Several methods for minimising this temperature sensitivity were investigated, but enjoyed only limited success. It was therefore concluded that this type (E7 filled) of LCFP etalon is unsuitable for use as a Bragg grating sensor demultiplexing element.


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Recently underwater sensor networks (UWSN) attracted large research interests. Medium access control (MAC) is one of the major challenges faced by UWSN due to the large propagation delay and narrow channel bandwidth of acoustic communications used for UWSN. Widely used slotted aloha (S-Aloha) protocol suffers large performance loss in UWSNs, which can only achieve performance close to pure aloha (P-Aloha). In this paper we theoretically model the performances of S-Aloha and P-Aloha protocols and analyze the adverse impact of propagation delay. According to the observation on the performances of S-Aloha protocol we propose two enhanced S-Aloha protocols in order to minimize the adverse impact of propagation delay on S-Aloha protocol. The first enhancement is a synchronized arrival S-Aloha (SA-Aloha) protocol, in which frames are transmitted at carefully calculated time to align the frame arrival time with the start of time slots. Propagation delay is taken into consideration in the calculation of transmit time. As estimation error on propagation delay may exist and can affect network performance, an improved SA-Aloha (denoted by ISA-Aloha) is proposed, which adjusts the slot size according to the range of delay estimation errors. Simulation results show that both SA-Aloha and ISA-Aloha perform remarkably better than S-Aloha and P-Aloha for UWSN, and ISA-Aloha is more robust even when the propagation delay estimation error is large. © 2011 IEEE.


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During the last few years, the evolution of fieldbus and computers networks allowed the integration of different communication systems involving both production single cells and production cells, as well as other systems for business intelligence, supervision and control. Several well-adopted communication technologies exist today for public and non-public networks. Since most of the industrial applications are time-critical, the requirements of communication systems for remote control differ from common applications for computer networks accessing the Internet, such as Web, e-mail and file transfer. The solution proposed and outlined in this work is called CyberOPC. It includes the study and the implementation of a new open communication system for remote control of industrial CNC machines, making the transmission delay for time-critical control data shorter than other OPC-based solutions, and fulfilling cyber security requirements.


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Considering the increasing popularity of network-based control systems and the huge adoption of IP networks (such as the Internet), this paper studies the influence of network quality of service (QoS) parameters over quality of control parameters. An example of a control loop is implemented using two LonWorks networks (CEA-709.1) interconnected by an emulated IP network, in which important QoS parameters such as delay and delay jitter can be completely controlled. Mathematical definitions are provided according to the literature, and the results of the network-based control loop experiment are presented and discussed.


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Fieldbus communication networks aim to interconnect sensors, actuators and controllers within process control applications. Therefore, they constitute the foundation upon which real-time distributed computer-controlled systems can be implemented. P-NET is a fieldbus communication standard, which uses a virtual token-passing medium-access-control mechanism. In this paper pre-run-time schedulability conditions for supporting real-time traffic with P-NET networks are established. Essentially, formulae to evaluate the upper bound of the end-to-end communication delay in P-NET messages are provided. Using this upper bound, a feasibility test is then provided to check the timing requirements for accessing remote process variables. This paper also shows how P-NET network segmentation can significantly reduce the end-to-end communication delays for messages with stringent timing requirements.