60 resultados para Dashboard


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Elektroniikan alihankintapalveluiden (EMS) liiketoimintaympäristössä yritykset toimivat pääasiassa asiakkaiden projektien ja ulkoistamispäätösten keskellä. Tämän tyyppisessä liiketoimintaympäristössä on asiakas keskeisessä roolissa, kuten liiketoiminnassa yleensäkin. Termi EMS sisältää koko tuotteen elinkaaren aina suunnittelusta myynnin jälkeisiin palveluihin. Asiakkaan olessa erittäin tärkeä yritykselle, on myös selvitettävä mitkä asiakkaat ovat yrityksen kannalta arvokkaimmat. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää myyntijohdon tietotarpeet sekä löytää selkeä ja helppokäyttöinen tapa tuoda tarvittava informaatio heidän käyttöönsä. Tietotarpeet selvitettiin haastatteluilla ja kyselytutkimuksella ja sopivan järjestelmän löytämisessä käytettiin prototyyppi-lähestymistä, jotta saataisiin selville täyttääkö valittu järjestelmä myyntijohdon tarpeet. Nk. dashboard-mittaristot ovat hyvä tapa tuoda asiakasinformaatiota päätöksenteontueksi. Tälläisillä mittaristoilla voidaan myös yhdistellä eri lähteistä olevaa tietoa ja tuoda se ymmärrettävässä muodossa esiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa kuvataan mittariston suunnittelu myyntijohdon tarpeisiin. Ensimmäisenä tutkitaan kyselyn avulla myyntijohtajien tiedon tarpeet ja tämän jälkeen etsitään sopiva tekninen sovellus ja ratkaistaan tiedon siirtoihin liittyvät ongelmat. Kun ensimmäinen versio on valmis, esitellään se myyntijohdolle, jotta saadaan kerättyä kommentit seuraavaan versioon.


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This thesis deals with improving international airport baggage supply chain management (SCM) by means of information technology and new baggage handling system. This study aims to focus on supply chain visibility in practice and to suggest different ways to improve the supply chain performance through information sharing. The objective is also to define how radio frequency identification (RFID) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) can make processes more transparent. In order to get full benefits from processes, effective business process management and monitoring as well as the key performance indicators must be defined, implemented and visualized through e.g. dashboard views for different roles. As an outcome of the research the need for the use of information technology systems and more advanced technologies, e.g. RFID in the supply chain management is evident. Sophisticated ERP is crucial in boosting SCM business processes and profitability. This would be beneficial for dynamic decision making as well in the airport and airline supply chain management. In the long term, economic aspects support the actions I have suggested in order to make production more flexible in reacting to quick changes.


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Over the past decade, organizations worldwide have begun to widely adopt agile software development practices, which offer greater flexibility to frequently changing business requirements, better cost effectiveness due to minimization of waste, faster time-to-market, and closer collaboration between business and IT. At the same time, IT services are continuing to be increasingly outsourced to third parties providing the organizations with the ability to focus on their core capabilities as well as to take advantage of better demand scalability, access to specialized skills, and cost benefits. An output-based pricing model, where the customers pay directly for the functionality that was delivered rather than the effort spent, is quickly becoming a new trend in IT outsourcing allowing to transfer the risk away from the customer while at the same time offering much better incentives for the supplier to optimize processes and improve efficiency, and consequently producing a true win-win outcome. Despite the widespread adoption of both agile practices and output-based outsourcing, there is little formal research available on how the two can be effectively combined in practice. Moreover, little practical guidance exists on how companies can measure the performance of their agile projects, which are being delivered in an output-based outsourced environment. This research attempted to shed light on this issue by developing a practical project monitoring framework which may be readily applied by organizations to monitor the performance of agile projects in an output-based outsourcing context, thus taking advantage of the combined benefits of such an arrangement Modified from action research approach, this research was divided into two cycles, each consisting of the Identification, Analysis, Verification, and Conclusion phases. During Cycle 1, a list of six Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) was proposed and accepted by the professionals in the studied multinational organization, which formed the core of the proposed framework and answered the first research sub-question of what needs to be measured. In Cycle 2, a more in-depth analysis was provided for each of the suggested Key Performance Indicators including the techniques for capturing, calculating, and evaluating the information provided by each KPI. In the course of Cycle 2, the second research sub-question was answered, clarifying how the data for each KPI needed to be measured, interpreted, and acted upon. Consequently, after two incremental research cycles, the primary research question was answered describing the practical framework that may be used for monitoring the performance of agile IT projects delivered in an output-based outsourcing context. This framework was evaluated by the professionals within the context of the studied organization and received positive feedback across all four evaluation criteria set forth in this research, including the low overhead of data collection, high value of provided information, ease of understandability of the metric dashboard, and high generalizability of the proposed framework.


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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La creciente dinamización de las IDE's genera una demanda de la construcción de Geoportales y por ende la demanda de herramientas que además de facilitar su construcción, configuración e implementación, ofrezcan la posibilidad de contratar un soporte técnico profesionalizado. OpenGeo Suite, paquete de software libre profesional e integrado, que permite desde el almacenamiento de datos geográficos, hasta su publicación utilizando estándares OGC e implementación de soluciones web GIS con librerías de código abierto Javascript. OpenGeo Suite permite un despliegue multiplataforma (Linux, Windows y OSX), con cuatro componentes de software libre fuertemente integrados basados en el uso de estándares OGC. Los componentes del lado del servidor están orientados al almacenamiento, configuración y publicación de datos por parte de usuarios técnicos en SIG: PostgreSQL+ la extensión espacial PostGIS que se encarga del almacenamiento de la información geográfica dando soporte a funciones de análisis espacial. pgAdmin como sistema de gestión de base de datos, facilitando la importación y actualización de datos. Geoserver se encarga de la publicación de la información geográfica proveniente de diferentes orígenes de datos: PostGIS, SHP, Oracle Spatial, GeoTIFF, etc. soportando la mayoría de estándares OGC de publicación de información geográfica WMS, WFS, WCS y de formatos GML, KML, GeoJSON, SLD. Además, ofrece soporte a cacheado de teselas a través de Geowebcache. OpenGeo Suite ofrece dos aplicaciones: GeoExplorer y GeoEditor, que permiten al técnico construir un Geoportal con capacidades de edición de geometrías.OpenGeo Suite ofrece una consola de administración (Dashboard) que facilita la configuración de los componentes de administración. Del lado del cliente, los componentes son librerías de desarrollo JavaScript orientadas a desarrolladores de aplicaciones Web SIG. OpenLayers con soporte para capas raster, vectoriales, estilos, proyecciones, teselado, herramientas de edición, etc. Por último, GeoExt para la construcción del front-end de Geoportales, basada en ExtJS y fuertemente acoplada a OpenLayers


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Denna rapport behandlar vilka egenskaper som är viktiga att ta hänsyn till vid val av rapportverktyg inom området Business Intelligence. Begreppet BI är relativt omfattande och syftar till färdigheter, teknologier, applikationer och metoder av systematisk och vetenskaplig art som en organisation använder för att bättre förstå sin verksamhet, sin omgivning och omvärld. Rapportverktyg utgör således en mindre del i en större kedja av processer för att stödja beslutstagande.Landstinget Dalarna har anlitat Sogeti, som har varit vår uppdragsgivare för detta examensarbete, för att implementera BI i sin verksamhet och vår studie har sitt ursprung i att Landstinget Dalarna idag har ett stort behov av olika typer av rapporter i många olika delar av organisationen. Rapportbehovet har visat sig vara omfattande och för att lätta på arbetsbördan för de systemutvecklare som skapar rapporter har funderingar framkommit att det skulle kunna vara en bra lösning att låta användarna inom Landstinget Dalarna själva skapa en del av sina egna rapporter. Målet med arbetet är att ge de systemutvecklare som arbetar i projektet riktlinjer kring vilka egenskaper olika rapportverktyg innehar för att de enklare skall kunna avgöra vilket som är lämpligast att använda. De verktyg som i denna studie jämförs med varandra är Report Builder 3.0, PowerPivot samt Dashboard Designer 2010, samtliga från Microsoft.För att göra denna jämförelse mellan olika rapportverktyg krävs bra underlag för att kunna förstå vilka egenskaper som är relevanta att fokusera på samt om några egenskaper väger tyngre än andra.Efter att ha utfört intervjuer med systemutvecklare som arbetar med BI har vi kunnat skapa oss en tydligare bild av detta område. Egenskaperna har sammanställts för att användas i vår jämförelse mellan de olika rapportverktygen. Att dessa egenskaper är av vikt bekräftas till viss del av den teori som finns på området. De egenskaper som främst visar sig vara viktiga i valet är vilken befintlig plattform som används, verktygets möjlighet att skapa interaktiva rapporter samt vilken typ av användare verktyget riktar sig till. Även andra egenskaper visar sig vara viktiga att ta hänsyn till, men då främst beroende på vilka krav som ställs. Resultatet av den praktiska jämförelsen mellan de olika rapportverktygen visar att verktygen till viss del överlappar varandra i funktionalitet samtidigt som de är anpassade för olika typer av användare och plattformar. De utgör allihop delar i Microsofts BI-pussel som på olika sätt skall bidra till att alltid kunna täcka upp de krav som kan finnas beroende på behov och förutsättningar. Samtidigt visar det sig att jämförda rapportverktyg besitter vissa generella egenskaper som gör att verktygen i stora drag klarar, om än på olika sätt, att skapa snarlika rapporter.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Progetto di tesi svolto in azienda. Studio dei principali concetti di Business Intelligence (BI) e degli strumenti per la BI. Confronto tra i principali vendor nel mercato dell'analisi dei dati e della Business Intelligence. Studio e reigegnerizzazione di un modello per l'analisi economico finanziaria dei fornitori/clienti di un'azienda. Realizzazione di un prototipo del modello utilizzando un nuovo strumento per la reportistica: Tableau. Il prototipo si basa su dati economici finanziari estratti da banche dati online e forniti dall'azienda cliente. Implementazione finale del database e di un flusso automatico per la riclassificazione dei dati di bilancio.


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Questo progetto di tesi è lo sviluppo di un sistema distribuito di acquisizione e visualizzazione interattiva di dati. Tale sistema è utilizzato al CERN (Organizzazione Europea per la Ricerca Nucleare) al fine di raccogliere i dati relativi al funzionamento dell'LHC (Large Hadron Collider, infrastruttura ove avvengono la maggior parte degli esperimenti condotti al CERN) e renderli disponibili al pubblico in tempo reale tramite una dashboard web user-friendly. L'infrastruttura sviluppata è basata su di un prototipo progettato ed implementato al CERN nel 2013. Questo prototipo è nato perché, dato che negli ultimi anni il CERN è diventato sempre più popolare presso il grande pubblico, si è sentita la necessità di rendere disponibili in tempo reale, ad un numero sempre maggiore di utenti esterni allo staff tecnico-scientifico, i dati relativi agli esperimenti effettuati e all'andamento dell'LHC. Le problematiche da affrontare per realizzare ciò riguardano sia i produttori dei dati, ovvero i dispositivi dell'LHC, sia i consumatori degli stessi, ovvero i client che vogliono accedere ai dati. Da un lato, i dispositivi di cui vogliamo esporre i dati sono sistemi critici che non devono essere sovraccaricati di richieste, che risiedono in una rete protetta ad accesso limitato ed utilizzano protocolli di comunicazione e formati dati eterogenei. Dall'altro lato, è necessario che l'accesso ai dati da parte degli utenti possa avvenire tramite un'interfaccia web (o dashboard web) ricca, interattiva, ma contemporaneamente semplice e leggera, fruibile anche da dispositivi mobili. Il sistema da noi sviluppato apporta miglioramenti significativi rispetto alle soluzioni precedentemente proposte per affrontare i problemi suddetti. In particolare presenta un'interfaccia utente costituita da diversi widget configurabili, riuitilizzabili che permettono di esportare i dati sia presentati graficamente sia in formato "machine readable". Un'alta novità introdotta è l'architettura dell'infrastruttura da noi sviluppata. Essa, dato che è basata su Hazelcast, è un'infrastruttura distribuita modulare e scalabile orizzontalmente. È infatti possibile inserire o rimuovere agenti per interfacciarsi con i dispositivi dell'LHC e web server per interfacciarsi con gli utenti in modo del tutto trasparente al sistema. Oltre a queste nuove funzionalità e possbilità, il nostro sistema, come si può leggere nella trattazione, fornisce molteplici spunti per interessanti sviluppi futuri.


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I dispositivi mobili, dagli smartphone ai tablet, sono entrati a far parte della nostra quotidianità. Controllando l’infrastruttura delle comunicazioni, rispetto a qualsiasi altro settore, si ha un maggiore accesso a informazioni relative alla geo-localizzazione degli utenti e alle loro interazioni. Questa grande mole di informazioni può aiutare a costruire città intelligenti e sostenibili, che significa modernizzare ed innovare le infrastrutture, migliorare la qualità della vita e soddisfare le esigenze di cittadini, imprese e istituzioni. Vodafone offre soluzioni concrete nel campo dell’info-mobilità consentendo la trasformazione delle nostre città in Smart City. Obiettivo della tesi e del progetto Proactive è cercare di sviluppare strumenti che, a partire da dati provenienti dalla rete mobile Vodafone, consentano di ricavare e di rappresentare su cartografia dati indicanti la presenza dei cittadini in determinati punti d’interesse, il profilo di traffico di determinati segmenti viari e le matrici origine/destinazione. Per fare questo verranno prima raccolti e filtrati i dati della città di Milano e della regione Lombardia provenienti dalla rete mobile Vodafone per poi, in un secondo momento, sviluppare degli algoritmi e delle procedure in PL/SQL che siano in grado di ricevere questo tipo di dato, di analizzarlo ed elaborarlo restituendo i risultati prestabiliti. Questi risultati saranno poi rappresentati su cartografia grazie a QGis e grazie ad una Dashboard aziendale interna di Vodafone. Lo sviluppo delle procedure e la rappresentazione cartografica dei risultati verranno eseguite in ambiente di Test e se i risultati soddisferanno i requisiti di progetto verrà effettuato il porting in ambiente di produzione. Grazie a questo tipo di soluzioni, che forniscono dati in modalità anonima e aggregata in ottemperanza alle normative di privacy, le aziende di trasporto pubblico, ad esempio, potranno essere in grado di gestire il traffico in modo più efficiente.


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Teaching is a dynamic activity. It can be very effective, if its impact is constantly monitored and adjusted to the demands of changing social contexts and needs of learners. This implies that teachers need to be aware about teaching and learning processes. Moreover, they should constantly question their didactical methods and the learning resources, which they provide to their students. They should reflect if their actions are suitable, and they should regulate their teaching, e.g., by updating learning materials based on new knowledge about learners, or by motivating learners to engage in further learning activities. In the last years, a rising interest in ‘learning analytics’ is observable. This interest is motivated by the availability of massive amounts of educational data. Also, the continuously increasing processing power, and a strong motivation for discovering new information from these pools of educational data, is pushing further developments within the learning analytics research field. Learning analytics could be a method for reflective teaching practice that enables and guides teachers to investigate and evaluate their work in future learning scenarios. However, this potentially positive impact has not yet been sufficiently verified by learning analytics research. Another method that pursues these goals is ‘action research’. Learning analytics promises to initiate action research processes because it facilitates awareness, reflection and regulation of teaching activities analogous to action research. Therefore, this thesis joins both concepts, in order to improve the design of learning analytics tools. Central research question of this thesis are: What are the dimensions of learning analytics in relation to action research, which need to be considered when designing a learning analytics tool? How does a learning analytics dashboard impact the teachers of technology-enhanced university lectures regarding ‘awareness’, ‘reflection’ and ‘action’? Does it initiate action research? Which are central requirements for a learning analytics tool, which pursues such effects? This project followed design-based research principles, in order to answer these research questions. The main contributions are: a theoretical reference model that connects action research and learning analytics, the conceptualization and implementation of a learning analytics tool, a requirements catalogue for useful and usable learning analytics design based on evaluations, a tested procedure for impact analysis, and guidelines for the introduction of learning analytics into higher education.


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PanDOI works as Windows Desktop Gadget on Windows Vista and higher or as a Widget for OS X Dashboard. It resolves persistent identifiers like Digital Object Identifier (DOI), Handel (hdl), Uniform Resource Name (URN), and sRef IDs. It is possible to open a PANGAEA dataset by its ID, to show the latest PANGAEA datasets, and to search through PANGAEA. See further details for the manual of PanDOI.


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The use of semantic and Linked Data technologies for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is increasing in recent years. Linked Data and Semantic Web technologies such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data model provide several key advantages over the current de-facto Web Service and XML based integration approaches. The flexibility provided by representing the data in a more versatile RDF model using ontologies enables avoiding complex schema transformations and makes data more accessible using Web standards, preventing the formation of data silos. These three benefits represent an edge for Linked Data-based EAI. However, work still has to be performed so that these technologies can cope with the particularities of the EAI scenarios in different terms, such as data control, ownership, consistency, or accuracy. The first part of the paper provides an introduction to Enterprise Application Integration using Linked Data and the requirements imposed by EAI to Linked Data technologies focusing on one of the problems that arise in this scenario, the coreference problem, and presents a coreference service that supports the use of Linked Data in EAI systems. The proposed solution introduces the use of a context that aggregates a set of related identities and mappings from the identities to different resources that reside in distinct applications and provide different views or aspects of the same entity. A detailed architecture of the Coreference Service is presented explaining how it can be used to manage the contexts, identities, resources, and applications which they relate to. The paper shows how the proposed service can be utilized in an EAI scenario using an example involving a dashboard that integrates data from different systems and the proposed workflow for registering and resolving identities. As most enterprise applications are driven by business processes and involve legacy data, the proposed approach can be easily incorporated into enterprise applications.


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Following recent accounting and ethical scandals within the Telecom Industry like Gowex case, old cards are laid on the table: what kind of management and control are we doing on our businesses and what use do we give to the specific tools we have at our disposition? There are indicators, that on a very specific, concise and accurate manner, aside from brief, allow us to analyze and capture the complexity of a business and also they constitute an important support when making optimal decisions. These instruments or indicators show, a priori, all relevant data from a purely economic perspective, while there also exist, the possibility of including factors that are not of this nature strictly. For instance, there are indicators that take into account the customer?s satisfaction, the corporate reputation among others. Both kind of performance indicators form, together, an integral dashboard while the pure economic side of it could be considered as a basic dashboard. Based on DuPont?s methodology, we will be able to calculate the ROI (Return on Investment) of a company from the disaggregation of very useful and much needed indicators like the ROE (Return on Equity) or the ROA (Return on Assets); thereby, we will be able to get to know, to control and, hence, to optimize the company?s leverage level, its liquidity ratio or its solvency ratio, among others; as well as the yield we will be able to obtain if our decisions and management are optimal related to the bodies of assets. Bear in mind and make the most of the abovementioned management tools and indicators that we have at our disposition, allow us to act knowing our path and taking full responsibility, as well as, to obtain the maximum planned benefits, instead of leaving them to be casual. We will be able to avoid errors that can lead the company to an unfortunate and non-desirable situation and, of course, we will detect, way in advance, the actual needs of the business in terms of accounting and financial sanitation before irreversible situations are reached.


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Este proyecto consiste en la construcción de un prototipo para la gestión de proyectos, destinada a usuarios del entorno profesional. La herramienta pretende servir de soporte a los equipos que realicen un proyecto dotando al usuario con la posibilidad de gestionar los tiempos del proyecto, gestión de requisitos, gestión de recursos, gestión de la documentación, etc. Adicionalmente, este trabajo llevará asociado un plan de negocio para poder estudiar la viabilidad del proyecto, en este plan de negocio se analizará; el entorno externo (competencia); análisis de las debilidades, fortalezas, amenazas y oportunidades; plan de marketing; plan económicofinanciero; análisis de riesgos del proyecto. A grandes rasgos, la herramienta desarrollada se compone de dos bases de datos (una relacional y otra no relacional), un conjunto de módulos que implementan la funcionalidad y una interfaz gráfica que proporciona a los usuarios una forma cómoda de interactuar con el sistema, principalmente ofrecerá las siguientes opciones:  Gestión de proyectos  Gestión de usuarios.  Gestión de recursos  Gestión de tiempos  Cuadro de mando y notificaciones. ---ABSTRACT---This Project consist of the construction of a prototype for Project management, intended for users of the profesional environment. The software aims to support teams conducting a project by providing the user with the ability to manage time, requirements management, resource management, document management, etc. In addition, this work includes a business plan to study the viability of the project. This business plan addresses the following; analysis of the external enviroment; analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; marketing plan; economic and financial plan; analysis of project risks. In general terms, the developed tools are composed of two databases (relational and nonrelational), a set of modules that implement the functionality and a web interface that gives users a convenient way to interact with the system. The options that the system offers are:  Project management  User management  Resource management  Time management  Dashboard and notifications