953 resultados para Daddi, Bernardo, fl. 1327-1348.
This book is a study on learning, teaching/counselling, and research on the two. My quest has been to find a pedagogically-motivated way of researching learning and teaching interaction, and in particular counselling, in an autonomous language-learning environment. I have tried to develop a method that would make room for lived experience, meaning-making and narrating, because in my view these all characterise learning encounters between language learners and counsellors, and learners and their peers. Lived experience as a source of meaning, telling and co-telling becomes especially significant when we try to listen to the diverse personal and academic voices of the past as expressed in autobiographical narratives. I have aimed at researching various ALMS dialogues (Autonomous Learning Modules, University of Helsinki Language Centre English course and programme), and autobiographical narratives within them, in a way that shows respect for the participants, and that is relevant, reflective and, most importantly, self-reflexive. My interest has been in autobiographical telling in (E)FL [(English as a) foreign language], both in students first-person written texts on their language- learning histories and in the sharing of stories between learners and a counsellor. I have turned to narrative inquiry in my quest and have written the thesis as an experiential narrative. In particular, I have studied learners and counsellors in one and the same story, as characters in one narrative, in an attempt to avoid the impression that I am telling yet another separate, anecdotal story, retrospectively. Through narrative, I have shed light on the subjective dimensions of language learning and experience, and have come closer to understanding the emotional aspects of learning encounters. I have questioned and rejected a distanced and objective approach to describing learning and teaching/counselling. I have argued for a holistic and experiential approach to (E)FL encounters in which there is a need to see emotion and cognition as intertwined, and thus to appreciate learners and counsellors emotionally-charged experiences as integral to their identities. I have also argued for a way of describing such encounters as they are situated in history, time, autobiography, and the learning context. I have turned my gaze on various constellations of lived experience: the data was collected on various occasions and in various settings during one course and consists of videotaped group sessions, individual counselling sessions between students and their group counsellor, biographic narrative interviews with myself, open-ended personally-inspired reflection texts written by the students about their language-learning histories, and student logs and diaries. I do not consider data collection an unproblematic occasion, or innocent practice, and I defend the integrity of the research process. Research writing cannot be separated from narrative field work and analysing and interpreting the data. The foci in my work have turned to be the following: 1) describing ALMS encounters and specifying their narrative aspects; 2) reconceptualising learner and teacher autonomy in ALMS and in (E)FL; 2) developing (E)FL methodologically through a teacher-researcher s identity work; 4) research writing as a dialogical narrative process, and the thesis as an experiential narrative. Identity and writing as inquiry, and the deeply narrative and autobiographical nature of the (E)FL teaching/counselling/researching have come to the fore in this research. Research writing as a relational activity and its implications for situated ways of knowing and knowledge turned out to be important foci. I have also focussed on the context-bound and local teacher knowledge and ways of knowing about being a teacher, and I have argued for personal ways of knowing about, and learning and studying foreign languages. I discuss research as auto/biography: as a practising counsellor I use my own life and (E)FL experience to understand and interpret the stories of the research participants even though I was not involved in their course work. The supposedly static binaries of learner/teacher, and also learner autonomy/teacher autonomy, are thus brought into the discussion. I have highlighted the infinite variability and ever-changing nature of learning and teaching English, but the book is also of relevance to foreign language education in general.
We conducted a field experiment between August 2001 and February 2002 in Kings Bay, FL, USA, designed to determine whether the amount of time allowed for wild celery (Vallisneria americana Michx) transplants to establish altered the effect of herbivorous manatees (Trichechus manatus L.)on their survival.
CONTENTS: I. U.S.-Japan Cooperation Open Ocean Aquaculture – A Venue for Cooperative Research Between the United States and Japan.............................................................................. 1 C. Helsley II. Growth, Nutrition and Genetic Diversity Daily Ration of Hatchery-Reared Japanese Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus as an Indicator of Release Place, Time and Fry Quality. In situ Direct Estimation and Possibility of New Methods by Stable Isotope............................ 7 O. Tominaga, T. Seikai, T. Tsusaki, Y. Hondo, N. Murakami, K. Nogami, Y. Tanaka and M. Tanaka Nucleic Acids and Protein Content as a Measure to Evaluate the Nutritional Condition of Japanese Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus Larvae and Juveniles........................................................................................................ 25 W. Gwak Genetic Diversity Within and Between Hatchery Strains of Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus Assessed by Means of Microsatellite and Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing Analysis...................................................................... 43 M. Sekino, M. Hara and N. Taniguchi Tracking Released Japanese Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus by Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing................................................................................ 51 T. Fujii Preliminary Aspects of Genetic Management for Pacific Threadfin Polydactylus sexfilis Stock Enhancement Research in Hawaii........................................ 55 M. Tringali, D. Ziemann and K. Stuck Enhancement of Pacific Threadfin Polydactylus sexfilis in Hawaii: Interactions Between Aquaculture and Fisheries............................................................. 75 D. Ziemann Aquaculture and Genetic Structure in the Japanese Eel Anguilla japonica..................... 87 M. Katoh and M. Kobayashi Comparative Diets and Growth of Two Scombrid Species, Chub Mackerel Scomber japonicus and Japanese Spanish Mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius, in the Central Seto Inland Sea, Japan.................................. 93 J. Shoji, M. Tanaka and Tsutomu Maehara iii Evaluating Stock Enhancement Strategies: A Multi-disciplinary Approach................... 105 T. M. Bert, R.H. McMichael, Jr., R.P. Cody, A. B. Forstchen, W. G. Halstead, K. M. Leber, J. O’Hop, C. L. Neidig, J. M. Ransier, M. D. Tringali, B. L. Winner and F. S. Kennedy III. Physiological and Ecological Applications Predation on Juvenile Chum Salmon Oncorhynchus keta by Fishes and Birds in Rivers and Coastal Oceanic Waters of Japan................................... 127 K. Nagasawa and H. Kawamura Interaction Between Cleaner and Host: The Black Porgy Cleaning Behavior of Juvenile Sharpnose Tigerfish Rhyncopelates Oxyrhynchus in the Seto Inland Sea, Western Japan............................................................................. 139 T. Shigeta, H. Usuki and K. Gushima IV. Case Studies Alaska Salmon Enhancement: A Successful Program for Hatchery and Wild Stocks............................................................................................... 149 W. Heard NMFS Involvement with Stock Enhancement as a Management Tool........................... 171 T. McIlwain Stock Enhancement Research with Anadromous and Marine Fishes in South Carolina...................................................................................... 175 T. I. J. Smith, W. E. Jenkins, M. R. Denson and M. R. Collins Comparison of Some Developmental, Nutritional, Behavioral and Health Factors Relevant to Stocking of Striped Mullet, (Mugilidae), Sheepshead (Sparidae), Common Snook (Centropomidae) and Nassau Groupers (Serranidae)........................... 191 J. W. Tucker Jr. and S. B. Kennedy Participants in the Thirtieth U.S.-Japan Meeting on Aquaculture................. Inside Back Cover iv (PDF has 204 pages.)
Coral reefs exist in warm, clear, and relatively shallow marine waters worldwide. These complex assemblages of marine organisms are unique, in that they support highly diverse, luxuriant, and essentially self-sustaining ecosystems in otherwise nutrient-poor and unproductive waters. Coral reefs are highly valued for their great beauty and for their contribution to marine productivity. Coral reefs are favorite destinations for recreational diving and snorkeling, as well as commercial and recreational fishing activities. The Florida Keys reef tract draws an estimated 2 million tourists each year, contributing nearly $800 million to the economy. However, these reef systems represent a very delicate ecological balance, and can be easily damaged and degraded by direct or indirect human contact. Indirect impacts from human activity occurs in a number of different forms, including runoff of sediments, nutrients, and other pollutants associated with forest harvesting, agricultural practices, urbanization, coastal construction, and industrial activities. Direct impacts occur through overfishing and other destructive fishing practices, mining of corals, and overuse of many reef areas, including damage from souvenir collection, boat anchoring, and diver contact. In order to protect and manage coral reefs within U.S. territorial waters, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce has been directed to establish and maintain a system of national marine sanctuaries and reserves, and to monitor the condition of corals and other marine organisms within these areas. To help carry out this mandate the NOAA Coastal Services Center convened a workshop in September, 1996, to identify current and emerging sensor technologies, including satellite, airborne, and underwater systems with potential application for detecting and monitoring corals. For reef systems occurring within depths of 10 meters or less (Figure 1), mapping location and monitoring the condition of corals can be accomplished through use of aerial photography combined with diver surveys. However, corals can exist in depths greater than 90 meters (Figure 2), well below the limits of traditional optical imaging systems such as aerial or surface photography or videography. Although specialized scuba systems can allow diving to these depths, the thousands of square kilometers included within these management areas make diver surveys for deeper coral monitoring impractical. For these reasons, NOAA is investigating satellite and airborne sensor systems, as well as technologies which can facilitate the location, mapping, and monitoring of corals in deeper waters. The following systems were discussed as having potential application for detecting, mapping, and assessing the condition of corals. However, no single system is capable of accomplishing all three of these objectives under all depths and conditions within which corals exist. Systems were evaluated for their capabilities, including advantages and disadvantages, relative to their ability to detect and discriminate corals under a variety of conditions. (PDF contains 55 pages)
Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds.)
A workshop was held 3-5 October 2002 in Gainesville, Florida, USA to discuss management, conservation and trade in Caiman yacare. Twenty five official participants represented the four yacare range states (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay), Venezuela, USA, the meeting sponsors (US Fish and Wildlife Service, CITES Secretariat, Louisiana Fur and Alligator Council), TRAFFIC Sur America and Crocodile Specialist Group. A series of country reports detailing yacare management in the four range states were distributed in Spanish and English prior to the meeting and presentations on these and on general principles of crocodilian harvest, conservation and management provided the basis for the discussions. Three working groups considered: • Requirements and field techniques for field data collection. • Requirements and techniques for regulation of harvest. • Requirements and processes for regulation of trade and export. Written reports of working groups and a plenary drafting session were finalized during the meeting and distributed, with the country reports, to participants. The workshop drafted a framework for caiman management and regulation that could be used as a template and adapted for use in each range state. The meeting agreed to convene an ad-hoc working group of range state representatives to continue discussions on the harmonization of caiman management into the future.
Os reis, tanto portugueses como espanhóis, variaram muito na determinação de impedir o cativeiro dos índios, até que, em 1741, o Papa Benedito XIV expediu uma bula proibindo terminantemente que qualquer pessoa, secular ou eclesiástica, possuísse como escravos os índio, sob pena de excomunhão latae sentiae.
603 p.
Alligator mississippiensis (American Alligators) demonstrated low hatchrate success and increased adult mortality on Lake Griffin, FL, between 1998 and 2003. Dying Lake Griffin alligators with symptoms of poor motor coordination were reported to show specific neurological impairment and brain lesions. Similar lesions were documented in salmonines that consumed clupeids with high thiaminase levels. Therefore, we investigated the diet of Lake Griffin alligators and compared it with alligator diets from two lakes that exhibited relatively low levels of unexplained alligator mortality to see if consumption of Dorosoma cepedianum (gizzard shad) could be correlated with patterns of mortality. Shad in both lakes Griffin and Apopka had high levels of thiaminase and Lake Apopka alligators were consuming greater amounts of shad relative to Lake Griffin without showing mortality rates similar to Lake Griffin alligators. Therefore, a relationship between shad consumption alone and alligator mortality is not supported.
A tese tem por objetivo primordial observar a construção identitária de mestiças fidalgas nos romances Wide Sargasso Sea (1966), de Jean Rhys, True Women (1993), de Janice Windle, e Rosaura: a enjeitada (1883), de Bernardo Guimarães, considerando três fatores distintos: o multiculturalismo e a interracialização no século XIX; a tentativa de as protagonistas se passarem como caucasianas perante elites locais; a reprimida identificação das mestiças escravocratas com classes menos abastadas. Observam-se os pontos de convergência e divergência entre as obras estudadas, uma vez que o autor brasileiro discute a identidade como fator hereditário e nacional, enquanto as demais autoras a interpretam como construto cultural subjetivo. De modo geral, a pesquisa demonstra como estes autores resistem ao cientificismo que vislumbra o mestiço como ser degenerado, metabólica e ontologicamente desequilibrado, procurando advogar-lhe a imagem de modo distinto. Visto que Wide Sargasso Sea e True Women são releituras de obras oitocentistas, o trabalho também contempla relações intertextuais em dois vetores: o primeiro, voltado para relação entre hipertexto e hipotexto, e o segundo, voltado para a eventual relação entre Guimarães e as obras relidas por Rhys e Windle
Esta dissertação estuda o papel do sujeito na literatura e sua relação com a cultura e alteridade através da análise de duas obras: Nove noites, de Bernardo de Carvalho e Coração das Trevas de Joseph Conrad. As obras estudadas mostram a crise que atinge os protagonistas dos dois livros depois do encontro com outras culturas. Em Nove noites o outro é representado pelo índio e em Coração das Trevas pelos africanos. Em Nove noites o antropólogo Buell Quain se suicida depois de uma estada entre os índios Krahô, e em Coração das Trevas vemos a deterioração do homem branco representada pelo personagem de Kurtz. Considerado um homem notável e um altruísta na Europa, Kurtz teria se corrompido no contato com a realidade do Congo e se torna, nas palavras do narrador Marlow, um dos demônios da terra. A dissolução da personalidade e código moral do homem branco, representada pelos dois personagens, será estudada analisando a relação entre personalidade e cultura e como a falta de apoio e controle grupal desarticula valores até então considerados estáveis, assim como o contato com o outro. Esta desarticulação do sujeito causada pelo choque cultural se soma à crise geral do sujeito moderno e ao mal-estar na civilização, como descrito por Freud. A posição paradoxal do antropólogo, que se situa entre duas culturas, faz parte desta análise, do mesmo modo questões pertinentes a posição dos índios e africanos no Congo. No caso específico de Coração das Trevas trabalha-se a interseção entre a análise do sujeito, e suas implicações, e a construção do personagem de Kurtz como símbolo da violência colonial. O trabalho analisa também as semelhanças entre as duas obras, tanto temáticas como em suas técnicas narrativas e a influência da obra de Conrad nos romances de Carvalho
A presente dissertação parte da leitura do Livro do Desassossego de Fernando Pessoa (composto por Bernardo Soares ou Vicente Guedes, dependendo da fase de escrita do Livro), estabelecendo com ele uma relação dialógica, buscando gerar um pensamento sobre o livro a partir dele próprio. A pesquisa realizada procurou, sobretudo, tratar da encenação da palavra Desassossego na obra e a sua importância como elemento de coesão no ambiente partido que é o Livro. Para isso, efetivou-se uma análise da palavra desassossego e as suas diversas formas de escrita durante a interminável feitura da obra. Este trabalho, no entanto, não pretende expor uma definição para o que seria desassossego. Laborando exatamente no viés oposto, visa-se à encenação do desassossego através da aproximação, ou seja, da experiência do desassossego na própria escrita sobre ele. O estudo aqui apresentado constrói-se como uma forma de narrativa de pensamento, realizando-se como registro da reflexão sobre a palavra desassossego, sobre o livro e sobre questões a ele pertinentes e por ele levantadas, como a problematização da heteronímia, do gênero autobiográfico, da editoração e das ideias de vida e literatura
[EUS] Artikulu honen xedea Bernardo Atxagaren Etiopia liburuan mamituriko ideia poetikoak berraztertzea da, abiapuntutzat hartuz haietan Paradisuaren desioak eta Distopiaren esperientziak egiten duten talka. Azkerketa burutzeko, kritika-ildo semiotikoa jarraituko da, eta Ikasketa Kulturalen laguntzaz, testuaren irakurketa berritua proposatu nahi da. Horretarako, lehenik ildo pragmatikoa berrikusiko da, neobanguardiaren sustrai sozio-politikoak azaleratu eta, diktadurak idazleen literatura-poetiketan izandako eraginaren haritik, egilearen elkarrizketa eta hitzaldietan adieraziriko poetikaren zantzuetan ezarriko da fokua. Artikuluaren bigarren zatian, Etiopiaren irakurketa testualari eta transtestualari ekingo zaio ; horretarako lehenik, enuntziazio lirikoan eginiko hautu esanguratsuak deskribatuko dira. Hirugarrenik, liburuak bere osotasunean duen makrotestu-izaera hartuko da kontuan testuaren irakurketa sinboliko eta interpetatiborantz egiteko, horretarako, egitura, paratestuak eta topografia esanguratsuei buruzko irakurketa burutuz.
O período de transição da década de 20 para a de 30 dentro do Modernismo brasileiro é muito estudado por críticos. Por um lado, defende-se a ideia de que ambas as décadas pertencem a um mesmo movimento, mas com perspectivas diferentes. Por outro, cogita-se que os dois momentos constituem movimentos literários distintos. Para João Luiz Lafetá, a geração de 20 e a de 30 fazem parte de um mesmo movimento, contudo, há uma distinção entre elas: a década de 20 caracterizou-se por uma ênfase em um projeto estético, em que predomina o trabalho com a língua e a sua forma, e a geração de 30, por uma proeminência de um projeto ideológico, que priorizou a discussão social. Luís Bueno defende a ideia de que a literatura produzida nos dois decênios se comportou de forma muito divergente e que as duas décadas não são parte de um mesmo momento literário, ainda que se reconheça o valor da geração de 20 para a subsequente. Nesse trabalho, veremos como na obra de Graciliano Ramos esses dois projetos que Lafetá propõe são indissociáveis, sobretudo pelo trabalho do autor com a metalinguagem, entendida como um processo presente em todos os atos da consciência, como defende Harald Weinrich. Observar-se-á em São Bernardo e Vidas secas como a reflexão metalinguística por meio dos narradores e personagens evidencia o trabalho com a língua estética e ideologicamente
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o valor expressivo das frases nominais no romance Pedro Pedra, de Gustavo Bernardo. No ensino de língua materna, comumente as frase nominais só recebem a classificação de construção que dispensa o uso do verbo. Desse modo, pouco é explorado dessa construção linguística. A presente pesquisa estabelece, portanto, como objetivo uma proposta de leitura que busca não só o valor gramatical das frases nominais, mas também o valor expressivo que elas podem desempenhar no texto. Além disso, procura estreitar o elo indispensável, na Educação Básica, entre as aulas de língua materna e as de literatura , a fim de articular a leitura do texto literário com o ensino de Língua Portuguesa. Durante a pesquisa, observou-se que as frases nominais possuem variações e que cada uma delas apresenta uma característica própria, expressando, nas passagens em que são utilizadas, uma especificidade. É no universo descritivo que as construções nominais ganham maior destaque, contribuindo para a representação mental do elemento descrito, dando-lhe realce e propiciando impressões sensoriais. Desse modo, a presente dissertação trabalha as frases nominais como um recurso expressivo da língua. Com isso, pretende-se a reflexão sobre a produtividade do trabalho com a leitura literária nas aulas de língua materna, levando em conta de que o texto literário possui todas as possiblidades da língua em potencial.