89 resultados para DMFC


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Chitosan (CS)-polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) cross-linked with sulfosuccinic acid (SSA) and modified with sulfonated polyethersulfone (SPES) mixed-matrix membranes are reported for their application in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). Polyethersulfone (PES) is sulfonated by chlorosulfonic acid and factors affecting the sulfonation reaction, such as time and temperature, are studied. The ion-exchange capacity, degree of sulfonation, sorption, and proton conductivity for the mixed-matrix membranes are investigated. The mixed-matrix membranes are also characterised for their mechanical and thermal properties. The methanol-crossover flux across the mixed-matrix membranes is studied by measuring the mass balance of methanol using the density meter. The methanol cross-over for these membranes is found to be about 33% lower in relation to Nafion-117 membrane. The DMFC employing CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membrane with an optimum content of 25 wt % SPES delivers a peak power-density of 5.5 mW cm-2 at a load current-density of 25 mA cm-2 while operating at 70 degrees C. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012


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A series of novel organic-inorganic hybrid membranes have been prepared employing Nafion and acid-functionalized meso-structured molecular sieves (MMS) with varying structures and surface area. Acid-functionalized silica nanopowder of surface area 60 m(2)/g, silica meso-structured cellular foam (MSU-F) of surface area 470 m(2)/g and silica meso-structured hexagonal frame network (MCM-41) of surface area 900 m(2)/g have been employed as potential filler materials to form hybrid membranes with Nafion framework. The structural behavior, water uptake, proton conductivity and methanol permeability of these hybrid membranes have been investigated. DMFCs employing Nafion-silica MSU-F and Nafion-silica MCM-41 hybrid membranes deliver peak-power densities of 127 mW/cm(2) and 100 mW/cm(2), respectively; while a peak-power density of only 48 mW/cm(2) is obtained with the DMFC employing pristine recast Nafion membrane under identical operating conditions. The aforesaid characteristics of the hybrid membranes could be exclusively attributed to the presence of pendant sulfonic acid groups in the filler, which provide fairly continuous proton-conducting pathways between filler and matrix in the hybrid membranes facilitating proton transport without any trade-off between its proton conductivity and methanol crossover. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.036211jes] All rights reserved.


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Organic-inorganic hybrid membranes are prepared from Nafion and acid functionalized aluminosilicate with varying structures and surface areas. Acid-functionalized mesostructured aluminosilicate with cellular foam framework (Al-MSU-F type) of surface area 463 m(2) g(-1), acid-functionalized aluminosilicate molecular sieves (Al-HMS type) of surface area 651 m(2) g(-1) and acid-functionalized mesostructured aluminosilicate with hexagonal network (Al-MCM-41 type) of surface area 799 m(2) g(-1) have been employed as potential filler materials to form hybrid membranes with Nafion. The structural behavior, water uptake, ion-exchange capacity, proton conductivity and methanol permeability of the hybrid membranes are extensively investigated. Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) with Al-HMS-Nafion and Al-MCM-41-Nafion hybrid membranes deliver respective peak power-densities of 170 mW cm(-2) and 246 mW cm(-2), while a peak power-density of only 48 mW cm(-2) is obtained for the DMFC employing pristine recast-Nafion membrane under identical operating conditions. The unique properties associated with hybrid membranes could be exclusively attributed to the presence of pendant sulfonic-acid groups in the filler materials, which provide proton-conducting pathways between the filler and matrix in the hybrid membranes, and facilitate proton transport with adequate balance between proton conductivity and methanol permeability. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Porous titanium oxide-carbon hybrid nanostructure (TiO2-C) with a specific surface area of 350 m(2)/g and an average pore-radius of 21 center dot 8 is synthesized via supramolecular self-assembly with an in situ crystallization process. Subsequently, TiO2-C supported Pt-Ru electro-catalyst (Pt-Ru/TiO2-C) is obtained and investigated as an anode catalyst for direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) have been employed to evaluate the crystalline nature and the structural properties of TiO2-C. TEM images reveal uniform distribution of Pt-Ru nanoparticles (d (Pt -aEuro parts per thousand Ru) = 1 center dot 5-3 center dot 5 nm) on TiO2-C. Methanol oxidation and accelerated durability studies on Pt-Ru/TiO2-C exhibit enhanced catalytic activity and durability compared to carbon-supported Pt-Ru. DMFC employing Pt-Ru/TiO2-C as an anode catalyst delivers a peak-power density of 91 mW/cm(2) at 65 A degrees C as compared to the peak-power density of 60 mW/cm(2) obtained for the DMFC with carbon-supported Pt-Ru anode catalyst operating under similar conditions.


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直接甲醇燃料电池( DMFC )具有甲醇来源丰富,价格低廉,在常温常压下是液体,易于携带储存;体积小,重量轻,结构简单,容易操作;维修方便,价格低等优点,近年来得到普遍的关注。然而,要达到DMFC的商品化还存在一些问题。其中一个是阳极催化剂的电催化活性低和易被甲醇氧化的中间产物,如CO毒化。对于甲醇阳极电催化剂人们进行了大量的研究,比较有效的都是Pt-过渡金属或金属氧化物复合催化剂,如Pt-Ru、 Pt-Sn、Pt佩Rh、Pt-Pd、Pt佩Re、Pt-Ru-Sn-W、Pt-WO。和Pt-TIO。等。本文研究了电解液中的稀土离子和与Pt形成复合催化剂的稀土氧化物对甲醇电催化氧化反应的促进作用,得到了如下的结果:1.电解液中的稀土Ho, Eu, Gd或Dy离子对甲醇在光滑Pt电极或DMFC中使用的Pt/C电极上的电催化氧化反应有促进作用,主要表现在的起始氧化电位负移和氧化电流增加。而电解液中加入其它种类的稀土离子对甲醇在光滑Pt电极或Pt/C电极上的电催化氧化反应有阻碍作用,如起始氧化电位正移,峰电流降低。Fu、H食Dy或Gd离子对一甲醇在Pt上的电催化氧化反应有促进作用的主要原因可能与这些稀土离子与甲醇生成配合物能力有关。2.不同Pt一稀土氧化物/C催化剂对甲醇电催化氧化反应有不同的影响。当稀土氧化物是Eu, Ho, Dy或Gd的氧化物时,甲醇在Pt一稀土氧化物/C催化剂上甲醇电催化氧化反应的极化性能和稳定性要优于在Pt/C催化剂上,而在其它的Pt-稀土氧化物/C催化剂上,甲醇电催化氧化的极化性能和稳定性要差于Pt/C电极。用不同方法制备的Pt一稀土氧化物/C催化剂对甲醇电催化氧化反应的促进作用取决于催化剂的制备方法。如先在活性碳上还原沉积Pt,再沉积上稀土氧化物所得的Pt-稀土氧化物/C催化剂的促进作用要优于先在稀土氧化物上还原沉积Pt,再一起沉积到活性碳上或先再活性碳上沉积稀土氧化物,再还原沉积上Pt的方法。另外,Pt和稀上氧化物的原子比为2:1时,pt-稀土氧化物/c催化剂对甲醇电催化氧化反应的催化活性最佳。稀土氧化物对pt/C催化剂对甲醇氧化反应的电催化性质的影响与稀土离子相似。但用稀土离子的方法比较简便,因此,相比之下,用稀土离子来促进甲醇在Pt上的电催化氧化反应方法较好。3.用Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho的氧化物制得的Pt-稀土氧化物/C复合催化剂对co的电催化氧化反应的催化活性要高于Pt/C催化剂。相对于的情况,在co在Eu, Gd, Dy,Ho的氧化物的Pt/稀土氧化物/C复合催化剂电极上的循环伏安图中,CO的氧化峰峰电位比在Pt/C电极的有不同程度的负移。吸.初步确定了电极和单体电池制备的较好的工艺参数和工作条件。在发明一种薄电极制备方法,确定最佳的电极催化层配方等的基础上,制得的单体电池,在25℃工作时,输出功率密度峰值达到28 mW/cm~2。


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Experimental study of a liquid fed direct methanol fuel cell has been conducted in different gravity environments. A small single cell with 5 cm x 5 cm active area has single serpentine channel on the graphite cathode polar plate and 11 parallel straight channels on the graphite anode flow bed. Cell voltage and current have been measured and two-phase flow in anode channels has been in situ visually observed. The experimental results indicate that the effect of gravity on power performance of the direct methanol fuel cell is large when the concentration polarization governs fuel cells operation. Gravitational effect becomes larger at higher current density. Increasing methanol feeding molarity is conducive to weaken the influence of gravity on performance of liquid fed direct methanol fuel cells. Increasing feeding flow rate of methanol solution from 6 to 15 ml/min could reduce the size of carbon dioxide bubbles, while the influence of gravity still exist. Transport phenomena inside direct methanol fuel cells in microgravity is also analyzed and discussed.


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微重力条件下的气液两相流动与传热现象不仅在航天科技领域有重要的应用前景,而且由于抑制了重力和两相密度差所引起的浮力分层与相间滑移等因素的干扰,能够简化流动复杂性,突出流动中经由液气界面产生的相互作用,对揭示气液两相流动与传热现象内在控制机理极为有利,因此得到国际航天工程界和微重力流体力学界的高度重视,是目前相当活跃的研究前沿领域之一。中国科学院国家微重力实验室自20世纪90年代中期创建伊始,即将微重力气液两相流动与传热作为主要研究方向之一,先后完成了"和平号"空间站气液两相流实验、IL-76失重飞机气液两相流实验、第22颗返回式卫星和实践8号育种卫星搭载池内沸腾实验、NML落塔池内沸腾实验、NML落塔燃料电池内部气液两相流动及其电性能实验(与北京工业大学合作)等微重力实验研究项目,并通过地面对比实验及深入的数据分析和理论探索,得到如下结果:\newline (1)管内绝热气液两相流:首个长期、稳定微重力条件下圆管气液两相流型图和低重力条件下方管气液两相流型图,预测微重力气液两相弹状流-环状流转换的半理论Weber数模型,低重力条件下方管气液两相流摩擦压降数据及一个新的预测微重力气液两相泡状流压降的均相流模型等。\newline (2)池内沸腾:不同压力和过冷度条件下丝状表面和平板表面上的微重力池内沸腾传热曲线,临界热流(CHF)数据及其与重力相关的尺度关系,微重力池内沸腾现象中的气泡动力学行为及一个计入Marangoni效应的气泡脱落模型等。\newline (3)燃料电池微细通道气液两相流动:直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)内CO$_2$气泡生成与运动规律及其对燃料电池电性能的影响,H$_2$质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)内水滴的生成与两相流动的发展及其对燃料电池电性能的影响等。\newline 本文首先对上述成果予以详细评述,然后结合该领域国际发展现状与我国航天(尤其是载人航天)事业的发展需求,对我国微重力气液两相流动与传热研究近期的发展趋势予以探讨。


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Low-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells directly fed by methanol and ethanol were investigated employing carbon supported Pt, PtSn and PtRu as anode catalysts, respectively. Employing Pt/C as anode catalyst, both direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) and direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC) showed poor performances even in presence of high Pt loading on anode. It was found that the addition of Ru or Sn to the Pt dramatically enhances the electro-oxidation of both methanol and ethanol. It was also found that the single cell adopting PtRu/C as anode shows better DMFC performance, while PtSn/C catalyst shows better DEFC performance. The single fuel cell using PtSn/C as anode catalyst at 90degreesC shows similar power densities whenever fueled by methanol or ethanol. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) and single fuel cell tests indicated that PtRu is more suitable for DMFC while PtSn is more suitable for DEFC. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Multiwalled carbon nanotube-supported Pt (Pt/MWNT) nanocomposites were prepared by both the aqueous solution reduction of a Pt salt (HCHO reduction) and the reduction of a Pt ion salt in ethylene glycol solution. For comparison, a Pt/XC-72 nanocomposite was also prepared by the EG method. The Pt/MWNT catalyst prepared by the EG method has a high and homogeneous dispersion of spherical Pt metal particles with a narrow particle-size distribution. TEM images show that the Pt particle size is in the range of 2-5 nm with a peak at 2.6 nm, which is consistent with 2.5 nm obtained from the XRD broadening calculation. Surface chemical modifications of MWNTs and water content in EG solvent are found to be the key factors in depositing Pt particles on MWNTs. In the case of the direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) test, the Pt/MWNT catalyst prepared by EG reduction is slightly superior to the catalyst prepared by aqueous reduction and displays significantly higher performance than the Pt/XC-72 catalyst. These differences in catalytic performance between the MWNT-supported or the carbon black XC-72-supported catalysts are attributed to a greater dispersion of the supported Pt particles when the EG method is used, in contrast to aqueous HCHO reduction and to possible unique structural and higher electrical properties when contrasting MWNTs to carbon black XC-72 as a support.


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This work reports on the design and performance evaluation of a miniature direct methanol fuel cell(DMFC)integrated with an electro_osmotic(EO)pump for methanol delivery.Electro-osmotic pumps require minimal parasitic power while boasting no moving parts and simple fuel cell integration.Here ,aneletro-osmotic pump is realized from a commercially available porous glass frit.We characterize a custom-fabricated DMFC with a free convection cathode and coupled to an extennal electro-osmotic pump operated at applied potentials of 4.0,7.0,and 10V.Maximum gross power density of our free convection DMFC(operated at 50°)is 55 mW/cm2 using 4.0 mol/L concentration methanol solution supplied by the EO pump.Experimental results show that electro-osmotic pumps can deliver 2.0,4.0 and 8.0mol/L methanol/water mixtures to DMFCs while utilizing ~5.0% of the fuel cell power.Furthermore ,we discuss pertinent design considerations when using electro-osmotic pumps with DMFCs and areas of further study.


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The sulphonated phenol novolac (PNBS) which was used as a curing agent of epoxy was synthesised from phenol novolac (PN) and 1,4-butane sultone and confirmed by FTIR and H-1 NMR. The degree of sulphonation (DS) in PNBS was calculated by H-1 NMR. The semi-IPN membranes composed of sulphonated tetramethyl poly(ether ether ketone) (STMPEEK) (the value of ion exchange capacity is 2.01 meq g(-1)), epoxy (TMBP) and PNBS were successfully prepared. The semi-IPN membranes showed high thermal properties which were measured by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) With the introduction of the corss-linked TMBP/PNBS, the mechanical properties, dimensional stability, methanol resistance and oxidative stability of the membranes were improve in comparison to the pristine STMPEEK membrane.