982 resultados para DGGE microbial identification
Väitöskirjani käsittele mikrobien ja erilaisten kemikaalien rooleja saostumien ja biofilmien muodostumisessa paperi- ja kartonkikoneilla. "Saostuma" tässä työssä tarkoittaa kiinteän aineen kertymää konepinnoille tai rajapinnoille konekierroissa, jotka on tarkoitettu massasulppujen, lietteiden, vesien tai ilman kuljetukseen. Saostumasta tulee "biofilmi" silloin kun sen oleellinen rakennekomponentti on mikrobisolut tai niiden tuotteet. Väitöstyöni työhypoteesina oli, että i. tietämys saostumien koostumuksesta, sekä ii. niiden rakenteesta, biologisista, fysikaalis-kemiallisista ja teknisistä ominaisuuksista ohjaavat tutkijaa löytämään ympäristöä säästäviä keinoja estää epätoivottujen saostumien muodostus tai purkaa jo muodostuneita saostumia. Selvittääkseni saostumien koostumista ja rakennetta käytin monia erilaisia analytiikan työkaluja, kuten elektronimikroskopiaa, konfokaali-laser mikroskopiaa (CLSM), energiadispersiivistä röntgenanalyysiä (EDX), pyrolyysi kaasukromatografiaa yhdistettynä massaspektrometriaan (Py-GCMS), joninvaihtokromatografiaa, kaasukromatografiaa ja mikrobiologisia analyysejä. Osallistuin aktiivisesti innovatiivisen, valon takaisinsirontaan perustuvan sensorin kehittämistyöhön, käytettäväksi biofilmin kasvun mittaukseen suoraan koneen vesikierroista ja säiliöistä. Työni osoitti, että monet paperinvalmistuksessa käytetyistä kemikaaleista reagoivat keskenään tuottaen orgaanisia tahmakerroksia konekiertojen teräspinnoille. Löysin myös kerrostumia, jotka valomikroskooppisessa tarkastelussa oli tulkittu mikrobeiksi, mutta jotka elektronimikroskopia paljasti alunasta syntyneiksi, alumiinihydroksidiksi joka saostui pH:ssa 6,8 kiertokuitua käyttävän koneen viiravesistä. Monet paperintekijät käyttävät vieläkin alunaa kiinnitysaineena vaikka prosessiolot ovat muuttuneet happamista neutraaleiksi. Sitä pidetään paperitekijän "aspiriinina", mutta väitöstutkimukseni osoitti sen riskit. Löysin myös orgaanisia saostumia, joiden alkuperä oli aineiden, kuten pihkan, saippuoituminen (kalsium saippuat) niin että muodostui tahmankasvua ylläpitävä alusta monilla paperi- ja kartonkikoneilla. Näin solumuodoiltaan Deinococcus geothermalista muistuttavia bakteereita kasvamassa lujasti teräskoepalojen pintaan kiinnittyneinä pesäkkeinä, kun koepaloja upotettiin paperikoneiden vesikiertoihin. Nämä deinokokkimaiset pesäkkeet voivat toimia jalustana, tarttumisalustana muiden mikrobien massoille, joka selittäisi miksi saostumat yleisesti sisältävät deinokokkeja pienenä, muttei koskaan pääasiallisena rakenneosana. Kun paperikoneiden käyttämien vesien (raakavedet, lämminvesi, biologisesti puhdistettu jätevesi) laatua tutkitaan, mittausmenetelmällä on suuri merkitys. Koepalan upotusmenetelmällä todettu biofilmikasvu ja viljelmenetelmällä mitattu bakteerisaastuneisuus korreloivat toisiinsa huonosti etenkin silloin kun likaantumisessa oli mukana rihmamaiseti kasvavia bakteereja. Huoli ympäristöstä on pakottanut paperi- ja kartonkikoneiden vesikiertojen sulkemiseen. Vesien kierrätys ja prosessivesien uudelleenkäyttö nostavat prosessilämpötilaa ja lisäävät koneella kiertävien kolloidisten ja liuenneiden aineiden määriä. Tutkin kiertovesien pitoisuuksia kolmessa eriasteisesti suljetussa tehtaassa, joiden päästöt olivat 0 m3, 0,5 m3 ja 4 m3 jätevettä tuotetonnia kohden, perustuen puhdistetun jäteveden uudelleen käyttöön. Nollapäästöisellä tehtaalla kiertovesiin kertyi paljon orgaanisesti sidottua hiiltä (> 10 g L-1), etenkin haihtuvina happoina (maito-, etikka-, propioni- ja voi-). Myös sulfaatteja, klorideja, natriumia ja kalsiumia kertyi paljon, > 1 g L-1 kutakin. Pääosa (>40%) kaikista bakteereista oli 16S rRNA geenisekvenssianalyysien tulosten perusteella sukua, joskin etäistä (< 96%) ainoastaan Enterococcus cecorum bakteerille. 4 m3 päästävältä tehtaalta löytyi lisäksi Bacillus thermoamylovorans ja Bacillus coagulans. Tehtaiden saostumat sisälsivät arkkeja suurina pitoisuuksina, ≥ 108 g-1, mutta tunnistukseen riittävää sekvenssisamanlaisuutta löytyi vain yhteen arkkisukuun, Methanothrix. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat että tehtaan vesikiertojen sulkeminen vähensi rajusti mikrobiston monimuotoisuutta, muttei estänyt liuenneen aineen ja kiintoaineen mineralisoitumista.
This thesis deals with the response of biodegradation of selected anthropogenic organic contaminants and natural autochthonous organic matter to low temperature in boreal surface soils. Furthermore, the thesis describes activity, diversity and population size of autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in a boreal soil used for landfarming of oil-refinery wastes, and presents a new approach, in which the particular AOB were enriched and cultivated in situ from the landfarming soil onto cation exchange membranes. This thesis demonstrates that rhizosphere fraction of natural forest humus soil and agricultural clay loam soil from Helsinki Metropolitan area were capable of degrading of low to moderate concentrations (0.2 50 µg cm-3) of PCP, phenanthrene and 2,4,5-TCP at temperatures realistic to boreal climate (-2.5 to +15 °C). At the low temperatures, the biodegradation of PCP, phenanthrene and 2,4,5-TCP was more effective (Q10-values from 1.6 to 7.6) in the rhizosphere fraction of the forest soil than in the agricultural soil. Q10-values of endogenous soil respiration (carbon dioxide evolution) and selected hydrolytic enzyme activities (acetate-esterase, butyrate-esterase and β-glucosidase) in acid coniferous forest soil were 1.6 to 2.8 at temperatures from -3 to +30 °C. The results indicated that the temperature dependence of decomposition of natural autochthonous soil organic matter in the studied coniferous forest was only moderate. The numbers of AOB in the landfarming (sandy clay loam) soil were determined with quantitative polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR) and with Most Probable Number (MPN) methods, and potential ammonium oxidation activity was measured with the chlorate inhibition technique. The results indicated presence of large and active AOB populations in the heavily oil-contaminated and urea-fertilised landfarming soil. Assessment of the populations of AOB with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiling and sequence analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA genes showed that Nitrosospira-like AOB in clusters 2 and 3 were predominant in the oily landfarming soil. This observation was supported by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of the AOB grown on the soil-incubated cation-exchange membranes. The results of this thesis expand the suggested importance of Nitrosospira-like AOB in terrestrial environments to include chronically oil-contaminated soils.
The rapid increase in genome sequence information has necessitated the annotation of their functional elements, particularly those occurring in the non-coding regions, in the genomic context. Promoter region is the key regulatory region, which enables the gene to be transcribed or repressed, but it is difficult to determine experimentally. Hence an in silico identification of promoters is crucial in order to guide experimental work and to pin point the key region that controls the transcription initiation of a gene. In this analysis, we demonstrate that while the promoter regions are in general less stable than the flanking regions, their average free energy varies depending on the GC composition of the flanking genomic sequence. We have therefore obtained a set of free energy threshold values, for genomic DNA with varying GC content and used them as generic criteria for predicting promoter regions in several microbial genomes, using an in-house developed tool `PromPredict'. On applying it to predict promoter regions corresponding to the 1144 and 612 experimentally validated TSSs in E. coli (50.8% GC) and B. subtilis (43.5% GC) sensitivity of 99% and 95% and precision values of 58% and 60%, respectively, were achieved. For the limited data set of 81 TSSs available for M. tuberculosis (65.6% GC) a sensitivity of 100% and precision of 49% was obtained.
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains of diffused adherent (DA) and localised adherent (LA) phenotypes were tested for their ability to bind to glycolipids. DA strains did not bind to the glycolipids tested, while LA strains bound to asialo GM1, asialo GM2, globoside and lacto-N-neotetraose in decreasing order of avidity. The minimum common sequence among the four glycolipids could be delineated as GalNac β 1–4 Gal as the binding epitope with GalNac β 1–3 Gal and GlcNac β 1–3 Gal serving as relatively weaker binders. The binding was not inhibited by a variety of free oligosaccharides or by the neoglycoproteins tested. Adhesion-negative mutants of an enteropathogenic LA strain showed a markedly reduced binding to asialo GM1 indicating that the recognition of GalNac β 1–4 Gal was correlated with the ability to adhere to HeLa cells. Thus recognition and binding to glycolipids could play an important role in colonisation through adherence to intestinal surfaces.
Epidemiological studies have shown an elevation in the incidence of asthma, allergic symptoms and respiratory infections among people living or working in buildings with moisture and mould problems. Microbial growth is suspected to have a key role, since the severity of microbial contamination and symptoms show a positive correlation, while the removal of contaminated materials relieves the symptoms. However, the cause-and-effect relationship has not been well established and knowledge of the causative agents is incomplete. The present consensus of indoor microbes relies on culture-based methods. Microbial cultivation and identification is known to provide qualitatively and quantitatively biased results, which is suspected to be one of the reasons behind the often inconsistent findings between objectively measured microbiological attributes and health. In the present study the indoor microbial communities were assessed using culture-independent, DNA based methods. Fungal and bacterial diversity was determined by amplifying and sequencing the nucITS- and16S-gene regions, correspondingly. In addition, the cell equivalent numbers of 69 mould species or groups were determined by quantitative PCR (qPCR). The results from molecular analyses were compared with results obtained using traditional plate cultivation for fungi. Using DNA-based tools, the indoor microbial diversity was found to be consistently higher and taxonomically wider than viable diversity. The dominant sequence types of fungi, and also of bacteria were mainly affiliated with well-known microbial species. However, in each building they were accompanied by various rare, uncultivable and unknown species. In both moisture-damaged and undamaged buildings the dominant fungal sequence phylotypes were affiliated with the classes Dothideomycetes (mould-like filamentous ascomycetes); Agaricomycetes (mushroom- and polypore-like filamentous basidiomycetes); Urediniomycetes (rust-like basidiomycetes); Tremellomycetes and the family Malasseziales (both yeast-like basidiomycetes). The most probable source for the majority of fungal types was the outdoor environment. In contrast, the dominant bacterial phylotypes in both damaged and undamaged buildings were affiliated with human-associated members within the phyla Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. Indications of elevated fungal diversity within potentially moisture-damage-associated fungal groups were recorded in two of the damaged buildings, while one of the buildings was characterized by an abundance of members of the Penicillium chrysogenum and P. commune species complexes. However, due to the small sample number and strong normal variation firm conclusions concerning the effect of moisture damage on the species diversity could not be made. The fungal communities in dust samples showed seasonal variation, which reflected the seasonal fluctuation of outdoor fungi. Seasonal variation of bacterial communities was less clear but to some extent attributable to the outdoor sources as well. The comparison of methods showed that clone library sequencing was a feasible method for describing the total microbial diversity, indicated a moderate quantitative correlation between sequencing and qPCR results and confirmed that culture based methods give both a qualitative and quantitative underestimate of microbial diversity in the indoor environment. However, certain important indoor fungi such as Penicillium spp. were clearly underrepresented in the sequence material, probably due to their physiological and genetic properties. Species specific qPCR was a more efficient and sensitive method for detecting and quantitating individual species than sequencing, but in order to exploit the full advantage of the method in building investigations more information is needed about the microbial species growing on damaged materials. In the present study, a new method was also developed for enhanced screening of the marker gene clone libraries. The suitability of the screening method to different kinds of microbial environments including biowaste compost material and indoor settled dusts was evaluated. The usability was found to be restricted to environments that support the growth and subsequent dominance of a small number microbial species, such as compost material.
Innovative research relating oceans and human health is advancing our understanding of disease-causing organisms in coastal ecosystems. Novel techniques are elucidating the loading, transport and fate of pathogens in coastal ecosystems, and identifying sources of contamination. This research is facilitating improved risk assessments for seafood consumers and those who use the oceans for recreation. A number of challenges still remain and define future directions of research and public policy. Sample processing and molecular detection techniques need to be advanced to allow rapid and specific identification of microbes of public health concern from complex environmental samples. Water quality standards need to be updated to more accurately reflect health risks and to provide managers with improved tools for decision-making. Greater discrimination of virulent versus harmless microbes is needed to identify environmental reservoirs of pathogens and factors leading to human infections. Investigations must include examination of microbial community dynamics that may be important from a human health perspective. Further research is needed to evaluate the ecology of non-enteric water-transmitted diseases. Sentinels should also be established and monitored, providing early warning of dangers to ecosystem health. Taken together, this effort will provide more reliable information about public health risks associated with beaches and seafood consumption, and how human activities can affect their exposure to disease-causing organisms from the oceans.
Isolation of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) was carried out from gastro intestinal tract of beluga and Persian sturgeon at international sturgeon research institute and PCR has been used for bacteria Identification. Two species of LAB including Enterococcus seriolicida and Leuconostoc mesenteroides were isolated from Gastrointestinal tract (GI) of persian sturgeon in this study and the counts of Leu. mesenteroides (4.63×102 CFU/gr of GI) was significantly higher than other species. Lactobacillus curvatus, Lactococcus raffinolactis, Lactococcus lactis and Streptococcus sp. were also isolated from GI of beluga and maximum counts was belonged to Lb. curvatus (4.63×102 CFU/gr of GI) in this species. Dominant species were lyophilized and adding to the water since start of mix feeding of sturgeon with different counts including 2×109, 5×109 and 9×109 CFU/gr of live food, 4 times a day. The results revealed that the maximum and minimum growth rate and protease, amylase, and lipase activity in beluga was gained by using of Lb. curvatus with total viable count of 9×10 9 CFU/gr of live food and Leu. mesenteroides with total viable count of 9×109 CFU/gr of live food. According to the results of this study, the maximum and minimum growth rate and protease, amylase, and lipase activity in Persian sturgeon was gained by using of Leu. mesenteroides with total viable count of 2×10 9 CFU/gr of live food and Lb. curvatus with total viable count of 9×109 CFU/gr of live food. Histological study showed that gastrointestinal development was same during larva rearing in control and other treatments but the size of liver was bigger in treatments that received nonspecific LAB in both species. According to the results, positive effects of using dominant specific LAB bacteria for larviculture of sturgeon has been proved in this study.
Fish sauce is a popular fermented product used in south Asian countries which is made from different small fishes in this research work it was attempted to produce fish sauce from kilka of the Caspian sea, the fish sauce was made from three models of kilka ,such as whole kilka , cooked whole kilka and dressed kilka , each of these models treated it four different fashions of fermentation such as:1- Traditional method, 2- Enzymatic method 3- Microbial method, 4- Mixture of enzyme and microb The results of this investigation showed that time of fermentation for the traditional method was six month, enzymatic method one month, microbial method 3 month and the mixture of enzyme and microb 1 month. The rate of fermentation was least for dressed Kilka, microbial and biochemical changes of Kilka fish sauce were evaluated, total bacterial count was 2.1-6.15 log cfu/ml total volatile nitrogen (TVN) in samples recorded was 250 mg /100g, the amount of protein varied between 10-13 percent, the name of commercial enzymes added was Protamex and Flavourzyme, the bacteria added was L act ob acillus and Pediococous, fish sauce containers fish and 20% salt, temperature of keeping for fermentation was 37 degree c for 6 month.
Using artificial systems to simulate natural lake environments with cyanobacterial blooms, we investigated plankton community succession by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) fingerprinting and morphological method. With this approach, we explored potential ecological effects of a newly developed cyanobacterial blooms removal method using chitosan-modified soils. Results of PCR-DGGE and morphological identification showed that plankton communities in the four test systems were nearly identical at the beginning of the experiment. After applying the newly developed and standard removal methods, there was a shift in community composition, but neither chemical conditions nor plankton succession were significantly affected by the cyanobacteria removal process. The planted Vallisneria natans successfully recovered after cyanobacteria removal, whereas that in the box without removal process did not. Additionally, canonical correspondence analysis indicated that other than for zooplankton abundance, total phosphorus was the most important environmental predictor of planktonic composition. The present study and others suggest that dealing with cyanobacteria removal using chitosan-modified soils can play an important role in controlling cyanobacterial blooms in eutrophicated freshwater systems.
To collect information about the genetic diversity of the plankton community and to study how plankton respond to environmental conditions, plankton samples were collected from five stations representing different trophic levels in a shallow, eutrophic lake (Lake Donghu), and investigated by PCR-DGGE fingerprinting. A total of 100 bands (61 of 16S rDNA bands and 39 of 18S rDNA bands) were detected. The DGGE bands unique to any single station accounted for 38% of the total bands, whereas common bands detected at all five stations accounted for only 11%. Using UPGMA clustering and MDS ordination of DGGE fingerprints, stations I and II were found to initially group together into one cluster, which was later joined by station V. Stations III and IV were isolated into two separate groups of one station each. Some differences in grouping relationships were found when analysis was completed on the basis of chemical characteristics and morphological composition, with zooplankton composition showing the greatest variability. However, the most similar stations (I and II) were always initially grouped into one cluster. Moreover, stations that exhibited the same or similar trophic level (stations III and IV), but different concentrations of heavy metals, were further differentiated by the DGGE method. Results of the present study indicated that PCR-DGGE fingerprinting was more sensitive than the traditional methods, as other studies suggested. Additionally, PCR-DGGE appears to be more appropriate for diversity characterization of the plankton community, as it is more canonical, systematic, and effective. Most importantly, fingerprinting results are more convenient for the comparative analyses between different studies. Therefore, the use of the described fingerprinting analysis may provide an operable and sensitive biomonitoring approach to identify critical, and potentially negative, stress within an aquatic ecosystem.
辽宁省是以石油化工、煤炭化工和钢铁工业为主的重工业基地。辽河流域近年来经济发展迅速,城市化水平不断提高,但由于产业结构的不合理和污染治理水平的相对滞后,致使辽河流域水体污染严重。对辽河流域水体污染状况、污染物化学与生物学的相互作用、微生物群落结构与功能的关系开展调查研究,对开展污染水体的生物生态修复具有重要的指导意义。 本论文选取辽河流域干流8个水文监测站点的不同时期(丰水期和平水期)底质为研究对象,调查了有机污染物(总油TPHs)和有毒污染物(多环芳烃PAHs)污染程度以及主要来源;采用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)和磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)两种分析方法,对其微生物群落结构及多样性进行了分析;并以13C标记的菲和芘为代谢底物,以PLFA为生物标记物,采用气相色谱-稳定同位素比率质谱(GC-c-IRMS)分析技术,鉴定了底质样品中参与菲和芘代谢的主要微生物类群;并利用不同的吸附性载体进行了芘降解菌的富集和筛选。 研究结果表明: 1)平水期总石油烃污染比丰水期严重,TPH 含量分别在276.1~560.6mg/kg(平水期)和157.9~462.2mg/kg(丰水期)之间,辽河入海口TPH污染最重;PAHs含量分别在124.1~270.4ug/kg(平水期)和93.5~209.1ug/kg(丰水期)之间;主要来源于石油类污染物和化石燃料的热解,汽车尾气的污染等。 2) 采用DGGE和PLFA两种方法分析微生物群落结构得到基本一致的结果。微生物多样性与总石油烃含量、总多环芳烃含量无显著相关性,多样性指数是多种污染物和环境因子综合影响的结果。 3) 稳定同位素代谢示踪实验表明,底质中存在菲和芘的降解菌群;参与菲和芘降解的微生物均以G-细菌为主,真菌次之;G+细菌和放线菌也参与代谢;参与菲和芘代谢的菌群有一定的相似性。 4) 利用不同吸附性载体从污染底质样品中筛选到6株降解菌。
水华暴发是一个世界性的问题,近年来在发展中国家显得尤其严重。水华暴发给环境和公众健康带来巨大灾难,一些蓝藻产生的毒素可以造成鱼类、鸟禽和家畜的死亡,而臭名昭著的微囊藻产生的微囊藻毒素更是有强烈致癌效应。因此,寻找控制水华藻类的有效方法非常迫切。在利用物理和化学方法处理不甚理想的情况下,利用溶藻细菌控藻成为一个新的研究方向。溶藻细菌一般直接从富营养化水体中分离,杀藻活力对有害蓝藻具有较强的选择性而不危害其它生物,尤其适合在水华发生初期使用,可以在短时间内达到阻止藻类增殖的效果。本研究富集分离到一个高效溶解铜绿微囊藻的溶藻菌群,对其溶藻效应和溶藻机制进行了探索研究。 1溶藻菌群的富集筛选及其溶微囊藻效果 富集筛选得到一个有明显抑藻效果的菌群,它对铜绿微囊藻有显著溶藻效果。与对照组相比,加入富集的溶藻菌后,第4 d开始出现溶藻现象,6~8 d出现明显的溶藻效果,8 d后测得叶绿素去除率在85%以上。 2 溶藻菌群的作用范围及溶藻特性 富集分离到的溶藻菌群对铜绿微囊藻和念珠藻有显著溶藻作用,对水华微囊藻和其它几株受试微囊藻没有明显溶藻效应。该溶藻菌群不仅可以在液体中溶解铜绿微囊藻,生长在固体平板上的藻苔也有一定的溶藻效应,生成溶藻空斑。保证快速溶藻的最大稀释度可以达到1/100, 000。 3 环境因子对菌群溶藻效力的影响 试验发现,不同的pH、温度、和光照条件下,溶藻菌群溶藻效力明显不同,且不同种类的氮源对其溶藻作用也有一定影响。这些条件对该菌群溶藻作用的影响,在相当的程度上可能取决于它们对藻和细菌两者的生长状况的影响综合。 4 溶藻菌群的溶藻作用机理 溶藻菌液过滤除菌和煮沸灭菌处理后溶藻液,未见明显的溶藻效果,只有原液具有很好的溶藻效果。因此可初步确定,蓝藻细胞的溶解可能是由溶藻菌直接接触藻细胞产生的作用效果。显微镜观察发现,细菌在溶藻的过程中频繁地接触藻细胞并侵入藻细胞,破坏进而裂解杀死藻细胞。这也进一步说明了此溶藻菌是通过直接方式杀藻。 5 溶藻菌群的菌群结构解析 分离有溶藻效果的纯菌的多次尝试都没有成功。结合DGGE和16S rDNA文库综合分析发现:Rubritepida菌,假单胞菌和鞘氨醇单胞菌是存在于铜绿微囊藻中的三种伴生细菌。加入富集的溶藻菌群后,菌群结构发生明显的变化,Rubritepida菌、假单胞菌消失,混合菌群则包含未培养黄杆菌,鞘氨醇单胞菌和噬氢菌,其中黄杆菌是优势菌群,并且细菌种群结构的变化与藻细胞消亡之间有显著的相关性。通过菌种的分离鉴定与DGGE和16S rDNA文库的测序结果比较,一些未培养菌可能在溶藻过程中起重要调控作用。 6 溶藻细菌控藻应用基础 (1) 扩大规模的模拟水华实验进一步确定了细菌对微囊藻的强烈溶解作用。 (2) 铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa 905, zc)、微囊藻(Microcystis spp., zd)和溶藻菌群共培养试验表明,zc可以抑制zd生长,而溶藻菌群可以溶zc。 本研究是第一次报道混合菌群的溶藻效应。该溶藻菌群对带有藻际细菌的铜绿微囊藻具有高效的溶藻效力,表明它对自然界中存在的带菌铜绿微囊藻和其它一些蓝藻的生消具有一定的控制作用。对进一步研究菌藻关系与生态学作用,以及对富营养化湖泊和水库水体中蓝藻暴发的防控,该菌群具有一定的应用潜力。 Cyanobacterial blooms break out frequently all over the world, especially in developing countries. Blooms create enormous disasters to public health and to the environment. Some cyanobacterial blooms produce extremely toxic substances that have killed fish, domestic animals and birds. It has been well known that microcystins, a hepatoxin produced by Microcystis, can promote tumors in humans. So it is very important to find an effective method for controlling the growth of the bloom-forming algae. Measures for controlling such kind of algae include physical, chemic and biologic means, but the former two may damage the aquatic environment and require high-energy inputs. The alternative approach for the elimination of nuisance algae involves the application of algicidal bacteria. The algicidal bacteria, which are nontoxic to other organisms and most of which are isolated from the eutrophic lake in situ, may be potential microbial algaecides. In the initial stages of the water blooms, they are able to restrain the biomass or multiplication of the bloom-forming algae in a short time. In order to use algicidal bacteria to suppress blooms of M. aeruginosa, we isolated a bacterial culture capable of lysing the noxious cyanobacteria M. aeruginosa. In this paper we described some properties of the bacterial culture and its growth-inhibiting or algicidal effects on the growth of M. aeruginosa, and investigated its algicidal mechanisms. 1 Enrichment of a microbial culture that lyses Microcystis aeruginosa A mixed bacterial culture was isolated from a hypereutrophic pond and showed significant algicidal activity against the noxious Microcystis aeruginosa. Algae lysis would be seen obviously 4 days later when the algae culture was killed and became yellow contrast to no-addition controls, and chlorophyll a (chl-a) reduction went beyond 85% 8 days later. 2 The host range and some other algicidal feature of the mixed algicidal culture. Microcystis aeruginosa, Nostoc sp., were susceptible to the mixed algicidal culture, while the lytic effects of this mixed culture on Microcystis flos-aquae and some other tested Microcystis were feeble.The algicidal culture can not only lyse M. aeruginosa in liquid media, but aslo lyse M. aeruginosa lawns on soft agar plates and form plaques. The maximun dilution of the mixed culture required for rapid Microcystis lysis is 1/100, 000. 3 Influences of environmental factors such as pH, temperature, illumination, and the nitrogen source on the lytic activity of the mixed bacterial culture on Microcystis aeruginosa. In our investigations, it was shown that the lytic activity of the mixed bacterial culture on Microcystis aeruginosa was straightly correlated with pH, temperature, illumination, as well as the nitrogen source in the medium. The impacts of these environmental factors on the algicidal activity of the mixed bacterial culture, to a certain extent, may depend on both the algal and the bacterial growth rates under the tested environmental conditions. 4 The mechanisms of algal cell lysis by the algicidal bacteria Death was detected when the mixed bacterial culture was added to the algal culture, but not when only the culture filtrate or autoclaved bacterial culture was added. This indicates that the mixed bacterial culture did not release extracellular products inhibitory to Microcystis aeruginosa. In addition, under the microscope, we observed frequent contacts btween bacteria and algae cells, and some bacteria can even penetrate into target algal cells and destroyed them. These results may suggest that the bacterium kill the alga by direct contact. 5 Molecular Characterization of the algicidal bacterial culture Attempts for isolation of pure bacterium or bacteria from the enrichment culture responsible for Microcystis lysis have so far been failed. Based on PCR-DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) and 16S rDNA clone library analysis, Rubritepida sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Sphingomonas sp., as accompanying bacteria, were existed in M. aeruginosa. The bacterial community in M. aeruginosa showed significant change after adding the enrichment culture, where uncultured Flavorbacterium sp., Sphingomonas sp. and Hydrogenophaga sp. were observed, and the uncultured Flavorbacterium sp. became a dominant species. The obvious correlation can be seen between change of bacterial population and extinction of M. aeruginosa. Compared identification of pure bacterium with sequencing of DGGE bands and the clone distribution of the clone libraries, it was inferred that some uncultured bacteria were probably play an important role in controlling the growth and abundance of M. aeruginosa. This report is the first example of a mixed bacterial culture with the ability to lyse M. aeruginosa. 6 Further study for algae control by applications of algicidal bacteria (1) Algae lysis would be seen obviously 6 days later when the algae culture was killed and became yellow contrast to no-addition controls, and chlorophyll a (chl-a) was reducted to a low level 20 days later in the simulated water bloom experiments. (2) The growth of Microcystis sp. (zd) was restrained by Microcystis aeruginosa 905 (zc) when they were co-cultured together, and zc was lysed by the algicidal bacterial culture. This report is the first example of a mixed bacterial culture with the ability to lyse M. aeruginosa, and its algicidal activity remained high against non-axenic tested M. aeruginosa, suggesting that bacteria in the natural environment could play a role in controlling the growth and abundance of M. aeruginosa and other cyanobacteria. Such bacteria could also potentially be used as agents to prevent the mass development of cyanobacteria in eutrophic lakes and reservoirs.
We describe a new molecular approach to analyzing the genetic diversity of complex microbial populations. This technique is based on the separation of polymerase chain reaction-amplified fragments of genes coding for 16S rRNA, all the same length, by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). DGGE analysis of different microbial communities demonstrated the presence of up to 10 distinguishable bands in the separation pattern, which were most likely derived from as many different species constituting these populations, and thereby generated a DGGE profile of the populations. We showed that it is possible to identify constituents which represent only 1% of the total population. With an oligonucleotide probe specific for the V3 region of 16S rRNA of sulfate-reducing bacteria, particular DNA fragments from some of the microbial populations could be identified by hybridization analysis. Analysis of the genomic DNA from a bacterial biofilm grown under aerobic conditions suggests that sulfate-reducing bacteria, despite their anaerobicity, were present in this environment. The results we obtained demonstrate that this technique will contribute to our understanding of the genetic diversity of uncharacterized microbial populations.
The most biological diversity on this planet is probably harbored in soils. Understanding the diversity and function of the microbiological component of soil poses great challenges that are being overcome by the application of molecular biological approaches. This review covers one of many approaches being used: separation of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicons using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Extraction of nucleic acids directly from soils allows the examination of a community without the limitation posed by cultivation. Polymerase chain reaction provides a means to increase the numbers of a target for its detection on gels. Using the rRNA genes as a target for PCR provides phylogenetic information on populations comprising communities. Fingerprints produced by this method have allowed spatial and temporal comparisons of soil communities within and between locations or among treatments. Numerous samples can be compared because of the rapid high throughput nature of this method. Scientists now have the means to begin addressing complex ecological questions about the spatial, temporal, and nutritional interactions faced by microbes in the soil environment.
Penaeid shrimp, as an invertebrate, relies on the innate immunity to oppose the microbial invaders. Antimicrobial peptides (AMP) are an integral component of the innate immune system in most organisms and function as an early first line of defense against pathogens, but the knowledge about the pathways to regulate the shrimp AMP gene expression is still absent up to date. In the current study, a Relish homolog (FcRelish) was cloned from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The full length cDNA of FcRelish consists of 2157 bp, including 1512 bp open reading frame, encoding 504 amino acids. The predicted molecular weight of FcRelish is 57 kDa, and the theoretical PI is 7.00. Spatial expression profiles showed that FcRelish had the highest expression levels in the hemocytes and lymphoid organ. Both Vibrio anguillarium and Micrococcus lysodeikticus stimulation to shrimp can affect the transcription profile of FcRelish. Silencing of FcRelish through DsRNA interference can greatly change the transcription profile of AMP. Therefore, we suggest that FcRelish identified in the present study is closely related to the transcription of AMP, and then we inferred that Imd pathway might exist in shrimp. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.