951 resultados para DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS


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Kia Motors Corporation (KMC) tiene como objetivo desde hace algunos años, la creación e implementación de una solución de negocios enfocada en una gestión empresarial estandarizada a todos los distribuidores de Kia a nivel latinoamericano: Colombia, Perú, Ecuador y Chile. El proceso actual con el que cuentan los distribuidores en América Latina con sus concesionarios es enviar toda la información relacionada con los estatutos financieros a través de correo electrónico junto con una base de datos física, la cual se va archivando. El proceso es manual siendo de mucha dedicación y tiempo requerido para cumplir con las funciones pedidas. El enfoque actual de este proceso es claro: analizar el desempeño y rendimiento de cada uno de los concesionarios de la red junto con la identificación de oportunidades para mejorar. KMC junto con todos sus distribuidores están interesados en buscar un sistema de gestión empresarial sencillo, adecuado y de fácil manejo que permitirá únicamente a todos los concesionarios presentar sus estados de cuenta y desarrollo de una manera estandarizada a su distribuidor directamente. Entonces, el sistema deseado debe ser capaz de generar resultados basándose en lo comunicado por los distribuidores y proporcionar un conjunto de características bajo una adecuada funcionalidad para permitir a todos los usuarios de la red (concesionarios, distribuidores y KMC) analizar el rendimiento y desempeño de la empresa e identificar las áreas que requieren una mejora. En el siguiente documento, podremos ver el desarrollo que ha tenido METROKIA S.A para la creación y aplicación de una herramienta tecnológica (software) enfocada en lo mencionado anteriormente. Ha sido un proceso de varias etapas en donde tanto las variables como los indicadores de desempeño han tenido correcciones con el fin de poder ser leídos y entendidos fácilmente por toda la organización y red de concesionarios afiliados.


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This paper attempts to address the interesting phenomenon of dominance of women in higher educational sector of Goa-a remarkable postcolonial event which occurred after Goa attained statehood in 1987. The Indian state of Goa has been experiencing a rapid socio-economic and cultural transformation. At present it enjoys many of the highest human development indicators in India, matching some of the developed countries. Its’ projected population at present is 1.45 million (Indian decennial census 2001 reported 1.348 million). When the Portuguese rule ended, the literacy was just 31 % whereas it stood at 82 % in 2001. Goa is a highly urbanized state in India. In 1960 there were just five towns and 15 % urban population. In 2001 the figures were, 44 towns and 50 % urban population. On economic front Goa has made tremendous progress mainly on account of the growth of mining, tourism and the service sector. Tourist arrivals in Goa have exceeded the state’s population from 2001. The Gross state domestic product (GSDP) at current prices in 2003-04 was Indian Rupees (Rs.) 96570 million, up from Rs. 3930 million when Goa became a full-fledged state. The banks are flush with funds indicating a booming economy. Goa has lowest birth and death rates and a life expectancy of 68 years for the males and 72 for females. The sex ratio however has shown a declining trend since 1960, from 1066 to 960 in 2001 (Table 1).The sex ratio for 0-6 years age group was 933. On this background we intend to examine the changing pattern of female education in Goa.


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After decades of growth and development, Iraq has become amongst the worst performing states worldwide as a legacy of successive wars and sanctions despite the rich endowment with ample natural resources and capable human resources. Many observers expected that the “new” Iraq after the US “liberation” in 2003 will be a tolerant and unified nation-state that “with a degree of civil society” will grant and secure the human rights for all the Iraqi people (Gresham 2006: 27). However, due to the external military intervention lead by the US, the Iraq state collapsed after the 2003 war (Diamond 2005) as well as its economic, educational, health systems and infrastructure; and, Iraq’s development indicators are amongst the lowest globally (Hassin 2010). Australia’s controversial joining of Bush’s Coalition of Willing has been discussed by various intellectual studies from different angles. It is discussed in the socio-political discourse from an international relations perspective (Verrier 2003), social resistance to war (Hil 2008), and the implications on the Australian internal politics (McAllister and Bean 2006) and federal elections (Kelton 2008). However, there is scarce evidence about any research engaging with Australia’s roles in post-conflict nation building in Iraq. This article explores developmental roles and initiatives played and funded by Australia in Iraq since the invasion in 2003. Based on Hippler’s (Hippler 2004- 2005) multi-faceted approach to nation building this paper will study Australia’s roles in the three interlinked dimensions or “starting points” for nation building: improvement of living conditions, structural reforms and integration of the national political system.


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Abu Dhabi is one of the fastest developed cities in the region. On top of all the current and future environmental challenges, Abu Dhabi aims to be among the top governments in the world in sustainable development. Abu Dhabi plans to create an attractive, livable and sustainable managed urban environment in which all necessary services and infrastructure are provided in a sustainable and timely manner. Abu Dhabi is engaged in a difficult challenge to develop credible environmental indicators that would assess the ambitious environmental targets. The aim of those indicators is to provide reliable guidance to decision makers and the public concerning key factors that determine the state of urban environment and identify major areas for policy intervention. In order to ensure sustainable development in UAE in general, and of Abu Dhabi City in particular, relevant and contextual environmental indicators need to be carefully considered. These indicators provide a gauge at a national government scale of how close countries are to establish environmental policy goals. The environment indicators assist city decision-making in such areas as identification of significant environmental aspects and observation of environmental performance trends. Those can help to find ways of reducing environmental pollution and in improving eco-efficiency. This paper outlines recent strategies implemented in Abu Dhabi that aims to improve the sustainable performance of the city's built environment. The paper explores the variety of current and possible indicators at different levels and their roles in the development of the city.


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This paper studies the Bankruptcy Law in Latin America, focusing on the Brazilian reform. We start with a review of the international literature and its evolution on this subject. Next, we examine the economic incentives associated with several aspects of bankruptcy laws and insolvency procedures in general, as well as the trade-offs involved. After this theoretical discussion, we evaluate empirically the current stage of the quality of insolvency procedures in Latin America using data from Doing Business and World Development Indicators, both from World Bank and International Financial Statistics from IMF. We find that the region is governed by an inefficient law, even when compared with regions of lower per capita income. As theoretical and econometric models predict, this inefficiency has severe consequences for credit markets and the cost of capital. Next, we focus on the recent Brazilian bankruptcy reform, analyzing its main changes and possible effects over the economic environment. The appendix describes difficulties of this process of reform in Brazil, and what other Latin American countries can possibly learn from it.


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Uma das principais características da estratégia como campo de conhecimento é o seu foco no estudo da individualidade das empresas em contraste com a economia que foca prioritariamente os ramos de negócios. As empresas diferem entre si em várias dimensões e estas diferenças constituem a essência do interesse de pesquisa em estratégia. Uma destas dimensões é a velocidade com que as empresas crescem ou diminuem de tamanho. Esta tese analisou a estrutura de variabilidade das taxas de crescimento das empresas tendo como objetivo identificar grupos de fatores que influem nesta variabilidade e a magnitude relativa desta influência. O estudo foi feito sobre uma amostra internacional com 13.221 empresas de 47 países e 216 ramos de negócios diferentes no período 1994 a 2002. Os dados originais foram obtidos da base de dados Compustat Global, mantida pela Standard and Poor’s, e combinados com índices do World Bank Development Indicators para considerar o efeito de inflação e mudanças de moedas nos vários países. A técnica de componentes de variância, normalmente utilizada para analisar a variabilidade natural em áreas como genética e biologia, foi usada para entender a composição da variância das taxas de crescimento. O principal achado foi que os aspectos individuais, idiossincráticos a cada empresa, respondem pela maior parcela da variância. Outros fatores como o país e o ramo de negócios têm uma influência menor. No plano teórico, a predominância do efeito empresa individual na explicação da variabilidade das taxas de crescimento oferece suporte empírico à abordagem de Penrose (1959) que considera o crescimento como um processo natural, endógeno decorrente dos recursos da empresa e se contrapõe a abordagens econômicas que usam efeitos prioritariamente associados ao ramo de negócios como determinantes do crescimento das firmas. Estes resultados também permitem ver o crescimento como um dos resultados do uso de recursos superiores e, portanto, como uma dimensão adicional do construto vantagem competitiva, ligando o trabalho à visão baseada em recursos da estratégia (RBV). Uma das possíveis implicações gerenciais da pesquisa refere-se à eficácia de políticas públicas de crescimento. Sendo o efeito do ramo de negócios no crescimento tão pequeno, estes dados colocam em dúvida a eficácia de políticas setoriais e indica que políticas que dêem recursos à empresa individual ou que se direcionem ao fortalecimento de instituições de infraestrutura do país, como educação, transporte, saúde, possam ter maior eficácia em promover o crescimento das empresas através do efeito país. Além da contribuição principal o estudo permitiu várias conclusões secundárias sobre o a variabilidade das taxas de crescimento das empresas.


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Nowadays, telecommunications is one of the most dynamic and strategic areas in the world. Organizations are always seeking to find new management practices within an ever increasing competitive environment where resources are getting scarce. In this scenario, data obtained from business and corporate processes have even greater importance, although this data is not yet adequately explored. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) appears then, as an option to allow the study of complex problems in different areas of management. This work proposes both a systematization of KDD activities using concepts from different methodologies, such as CRISP-DM, SEMMA and FAYYAD approaches and a study concerning the viability of multivariate regression analysis models to explain corporative telecommunications sales using performance indicators. Thus, statistical methods were outlined to analyze the effects of such indicators on the behavior of business productivity. According to business and standard statistical analysis, equations were defined and fit to their respective determination coefficients. Tests of hypotheses were also conducted on parameters with the purpose of validating the regression models. The results show that there is a relationship between these development indicators and the amount of sales


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This study started from the hypothesis of the existence of a relation between the type of the urban occupation concerning to the sustainability conditions at the proximity of Environment Protected Zones and the occurrence of vectors insects in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This research, which used data available by the City Administration Health and Urbanization Secretaries (respectively SMS and SEMURB), in the time period of 2006 to 2008, aimed to characterize the study site in terms of urban occupation, relating it to social environmental aspects of land occupation and the occurrence of vectors insects. This study is presented in two papers, the first one linking the occurrence of vectors insects and sustainable development indicators and the second relating the incidence of reported cases of Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and the occurrence of larvae infection indexes of Aedes aegypti, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State. In the first paper, was made a correlation between Dengue Fever vectors and Visceral and Tegumentar Leishmaniasis vectors and sustainable development indicators, selected from IDS Brasil- 2008. Through factorial analysis a Sustainability Index (SI) was acquired for each region, the northern region of the municipality obtained lower numbers than southern region, which, in its turn, presented better sustainability conditions. Linking this index to vector infestation parameters shows a high significant correlation between the SI and the Breteau Index of Aedes aegypti (p=0,028) as well as with SI and sand flies infestation index (p=0,01). Higher rates in vectors infestation in regions with a lower Sustainable Development Index demonstrates that this index can be used to determine the increasing of probability of Aedes and sand flies occurrence in urban environment. The second paper analyzed the occurrence of the main vector of Dengue and DHF, the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and the relation between larvae infection indexes of this insect and reported cases of the diseases. This study revealed unexpected relation where areas with higher Breteau s Indexes showed lower infection rates of Dengue Fever, although showing high incidence of DHF


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OBJETIVOS: recupera-se síntese dos principais aspectos das publicações referentes a projeto conduzido pela equipe, na década passada, com o objetivo de subsidiar a avaliação de política pública setorial de suplementação alimentar na infância. MÉTODOS: acompanharam-se trimestralmente, durante um ano, indicadores de crescimento e desenvolvimento em populações periféricas de dois a 72 meses de idade, em Sorocaba, São Paulo. Após realização do censo infantil de duas regiões da cidade, as crianças freqüentes a creches (em número de 164) foram comparadas às demais (280). O impacto nutricional foi quantificado através de análises univariadas (testes inferenciais Kappa e de Goodman) e multivariadas. Vieses e confundimento foram averiguados e controlados. RESULTADOS: observou-se, entre muitas outras informações obtidas, que o grupo assistido apresentou: 1) idade média superior; 2) menor taxa de aleitamento natural; 3) menores valores de peso/altura à admissão, com maiores ganhos durante a evolução; 4) essa melhora aumentou com a duração da exposição e foi maior entre os mais velhos. CONCLUSÕES: avalia-se que assistir apropriadamente pré-escolares constitui hoje, em nosso meio, relevante imperativo de ordem social.


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The quality and the power of human activities affect the external environment in different ways that can be measured and evaluated by means of several approaches and indicators. While the scientific community has been publishing several proposals for sustainable development indicators, there is still no consensus regarding the best approach to the use of these indicators and their reliability to measure sustainability. It is important, therefore, to question the effectiveness of sustainable development indicators in an effort to continue in the search for sustainability. This paper compares the results obtained with emergy accounting with five global Sustainability Metrics (SMs) proposed in the literature to verify if metrics are communicating coherent and similar information to guide decision makers towards sustainable development. Results obtained using emergy indices are discussed with the aid of emergy ternary diagrams. Metrics are confronted with emergy results, and the degree of variability among them is analyzed using a correlation matrix created for the Mercosur nations. The contrast of results clearly shows that metrics arrive at different interpretations about the sustainability of the nations studied, but also that some metrics may be grouped and used more prudently. Mercosur is presented as a case study to highlight and explain the discrepancies and similarities among Sustainability Metrics, and to expose the extent of emergy accounting. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Includes bibliography


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Summary Activities outlined under the Caribbean Council for Science and Technology (CCST); work programme fall under the headings: regional science and technology policy; renewable energy; science teaching; agro-processing; determination of priorities for science and technology for development; indicators on science and technology; follow-up to water resources meeting; CCST newsletter; competitiveness and industrial development programme; the five-year work programme 2000-2004; meeting of Ministers responsible for Science and Technology; and resource mobilization.