200 resultados para DENY


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Machado de Assis, nas coletâneas de contos intituladas Papéis avulsos e Várias histórias, faz repetidas alusões à ficção e ao fazer ficcional, o que leva a pensar na possibilidade da escolha intencional de um eixo temático que percorra as narrativas, permitindo que sejam lidas na compreensão dessa intencionalidade, o que confere ao conjunto uma característica autorreferencial. As evocações de Diderot, Merimée e Edgar Allan Poe nessas famílias de contos situam literariamente um entendimento da ficção que a distingue do engano e da fraude, ao mesmo tempo em que não nega sua força e variedade de usos, enquanto supõe futuros e por vezes obscuros caminhos para os prazeres da sensação estética. No decorrer desta Tese procuro provar que o autor escolhe a narrativa curta para discorrer sobre o fazer ficcional, sendo esse tema um a mais dentre outros, apuradamente ordenados em camadas que não apenas se superpõem, mas interpenetram e reafirmam variadas vertentes de fios narrativos. Machado conta histórias, enquanto trata do próprio ato de contar, dos efeitos e da necessidade da ficção enquanto isso, reafirma-a como instrumento para a intelectualidade, num mundo onde a objetividade cartesiana já não supõe os olhos como fiéis receptores da realidade, mas precisa de outras maneiras de ver e de sentir


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We distinguish two general approaches to inner speech (IS) the "format" and the "activity" views and defend the activity view. The format view grounds the utility of IS on features of the representational format of language, and is related to the thesis that the proper function of IS is to make conscious thinking possible. IS appears typically as a product constituted by representations of phonological features. The view also has implications for the idea that passivity phenomena in cognition may be misat-tributed IS. The activity view sees IS as a speaking activity that does not have a proper function in cognition. It simply inherits the array of functions of outer speech. We argue that it is methodologically advisable to start from this variety of uses, which suggests commonalities between internal and external activities. The format view has several problems; it has to deny "unsymbolized thinking"; it cannot easily explain how IS makes thoughts available to consciousness, and it cannot explain those uses of IS where its format features apparently play no role. The activity view not only lacks these problems but also has explanatory advantages: construing IS as an activity allows it to be integrally constituted by its content; the view is able to construe unsymbolized thinking as part of a continuum of phenomena that exploit the same mechanisms, and it offers a simple explanation for the variety of uses of IS


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O presente trabalho pretende analisar a questão do descentramento do sujeito e da construção da subjetividade na (pós)modernidade a partir do objeto avatar digital e a virtualização para melhor entender de que maneira esse novo objeto se insere e se oferece como uma nova forma de sociabilidade. O mesmo se propõe abordar e desconstruir uma certa noção de indivíduo no que esta contribui para uma concepção de sujeitos como algo dotado de uma essência que enquanto tal negaria ao sujeito a sua dinamicidade e consequentemente a dimensão representacional das relações sociais tal como demonstrada por Goffman. Portanto, o intuito desse trabalho é o de tentar restituir ao objeto avatar digital a sua validade enquanto forma legítima de relação social ao compará-lo as demais formas de relações reais e/ou virtuais.


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A tese procura compreender quais ações sociais estão presentes na recepção e produção de obras de arte contemporânea. O ponto de vista da etnometodologia é de que os processos de interação são originários e formais, pois o sujeito fenomenológico não se percebe, é sempre o outro para o qual se dirige. E, ao mesmo tempo, as ações sociais e interpretações são orientadas por métodos (pressupostos e subentendidos) compartilhados entre agentes. Para investigar estes métodos, deve-se situá-los no contexto de uso, as circunstâncias concretas, que os tornam observáveis e relatáveis (accountable) por meio de operações de visibilização e/ou ocultamento, antecipação e/ou aguardo. A etnometodologia observa as ações sociais em situações rotineiras, nas quais os agentes lançam mão do conhecimento que compartilham e esperam que os outros façam o mesmo. É quando se age sem pensar. As artes são frequentemente analisadas segundo as diferenças produzidas nas relações cotidianas, oferecendo outros olhares e deslocamentos para o que já é habitual. Não negamos esta condição, mas compreendemos também que a observação de artes não se dá fora do mundo social. Cotidianamente, os agentes utilizam recursos de identificação das circunstâncias em que se encontram, do interlocutor com quem interage e do ambiente onde se insere. O que significa que estes recursos estão disponíveis a qualquer pessoa e são levados para o interior de galerias e museus, à revelia de observadores, artistas e instituições. Para qualquer um que ocupe a posição de observador da obra, as circunstâncias concretas da recepção (a obra, o texto da crítica, a fala do artista, a ação dos outros visitantes, etc.), exigem, deste agente, operações semelhantes às utilizadas no cotidiano. Estas operações foram investigadas nas entrevistas com público e artistas, nas quais se buscou reconhecer quais recursos e métodos compartilhados com a obra, o público, os outros artistas e a crítica, eles lançam mão quando ocupam as posições de observador ou produtor de obras de arte.


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Este estudo teve como temática a escolarização no sistema socioeducativo brasileiro. Buscou-se a partir de bibliografia especializada efetuar a análise da escolarização de adolescentes em conflito com a lei em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa de internação, ou seja, privados de liberdade. A dissertação foi construída prioritariamente a partir de documentos acadêmicos disponibilizadas no portal da CAPES e em sites de universidades brasileiras. Buscou-se realizar um balanço da produção científica sobre o tema no país, tendo como recorte os textos produzidos na área de concentração educação. O período temporal foi delimitado entre janeiro de 2010 e maio de 2015. A produção analisada é composta por 20 dissertações de mestrado e três teses de doutorado, totalizando 23 documentos acadêmicos. Após a seleção, os documentos foram sistematizados através do instrumento metodológico de pesquisa, Mapa Conceitual, e posteriormente, pelo software ATLAS.ti, o que colaborou para análise e comparação dos documentos estudados, permitindo identificar os temas discutidos, os autores utilizados e as temáticas e subtemáticas pouco estudadas ou não mencionadas no que tange a escolarização de adolescentes internados. O objetivo central do estudo foi analisar de que modo os documentos acadêmicos acessados apresentavam a escolarização dos adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa de internação. Percebeu-se que a escola acaba sendo, equivocadamente, responsabilizada pelo caráter pedagógico e educativo proposto pela socioeducação. Verificou-se que a escolarização para adolescentes institucionalizados em unidades socioeducativas de privação de liberdade apresenta todas as mazelas da escolarização extra-muros, e incorpora, na maioria das vezes, aspectos punitivos, repressivos e disciplinares das unidades de internação. A escolarização não tem sido realizada de forma a garantir esse direito aos adolescentes. O estudo sinalizou os encaminhamentos nacionais para a promulgação das Diretrizes Nacionais para a escolarização em unidades socioeducativas, que tendem a amenizar a situação. Ao escamotear a má qualidade da escola e negar o direito a uma educação escolar qualitativa, entende-se que os adolescentes vivenciam o não direito à escolarização, restando a estes apenas a inclusão precária no sistema de ensino, e posteriormente, o processo de culpabilização da vítima, pautado em um discurso meritocrático, que reafirma o adolescente como desinteressado pela escola, incapaz de seguir seu processo de escolarização e mal comportado, pois interessado apenas em novos atos infracionais.


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Current U.S. policy initiatives to improve the U.S. education system, including No Child Left Behind, test-based evaluation of teachers, and the promotion of competition are misguided because they either deny or set to the side a basic body of evidence documenting that students from disadvantaged households on average perform less well in school than those from more advantaged families. Because these policy initiatives do not directly address the educational challenges experienced by disadvantaged students, they have contributed little-and are not likely to contribute much in the future-to raising overall student achievement or to reducing achievement and educational attainment gaps between advantaged and disadvantaged students. Moreover, such policies have the potential to do serious harm. Addressing the educational challenges faced by children from disadvantaged families will require a broader and bolder approach to education policy than the recent efforts to reform schools. © 2012 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.


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This study, "Civil Rights on the Cell Block: Race, Reform, and Violence in Texas Prisons and the Nation, 1945-1990," offers a new perspective on the historical origins of the modern prison industrial complex, sexual violence in working-class culture, and the ways in which race shaped the prison experience. This study joins new scholarship that reperiodizes the Civil Rights era while also considering how violence and radicalism shaped the civil rights struggle. It places the criminal justice system at the heart of both an older racial order and within a prison-made civil rights movement that confronted the prison's power to deny citizenship and enforce racial hierarchies. By charting the trajectory of the civil rights movement in Texas prisons, my dissertation demonstrates how the internal struggle over rehabilitation and punishment shaped civil rights, racial formation, and the political contest between liberalism and conservatism. This dissertation offers a close case study of Texas, where the state prison system emerged as a national model for penal management. The dissertation begins with a hopeful story of reform marked by an apparently successful effort by the State of Texas to replace its notorious 1940s plantation/prison farm system with an efficient, business-oriented agricultural enterprise system. When this new system was fully operational in the 1960s, Texas garnered plaudits as a pioneering, modern, efficient, and business oriented Sun Belt state. But this reputation of competence and efficiency obfuscated the reality of a brutal system of internal prison management in which inmates acted as guards, employing coercive means to maintain control over the prisoner population. The inmates whom the prison system placed in charge also ran an internal prison economy in which money, food, human beings, reputations, favors, and sex all became commodities to be bought and sold. I analyze both how the Texas prison system managed to maintain its high external reputation for so long in the face of the internal reality and how that reputation collapsed when inmates, inspired by the Civil Rights Movement, revolted. My dissertation shows that this inmate Civil Rights rebellion was a success in forcing an end to the existing system but a failure in its attempts to make conditions in Texas prisons more humane. The new Texas prison regime, I conclude, utilized paramilitary practices, privatized prisons, and gang-related warfare to establish a new system that focused much more on law and order in the prisons than on the legal and human rights of prisoners. Placing the inmates and their struggle at the heart of the national debate over rights and "law and order" politics reveals an inter-racial social justice movement that asked the courts to reconsider how the state punished those who committed a crime while also reminding the public of the inmates' humanity and their constitutional rights.


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It is often assumed that membership in a stigmatized group has negative consequences for the self-concept. However, this relationship is neither straightforward nor inevitable, and there is evidence suggesting that negative consequences may not necessarily occur (Psychol. Rev. 96(4) (1989) 608). This paper argues that the relationship has not been sufficiently theorized, and that a more detailed analysis is called for in order to understand the relationship between stigma and the self. The paper presents a critical examination of modified labeling theory (Am. Sociol. Rev. 52 (1987) 96), with examples from a study examining perceptions of stigma and their relationship to self-evaluation in women with chronic mental health problems. Open-ended interviews and qualitative analyses were used in preference to global measures of self-esteem. It was found that although the women were aware of society's unfavorable representations of mental illness, and the effects this had on their lives, they did not accept these representations as valid and therefore rejected them as applicable to the self. The participants did not deny their mental health problems, but their acceptance of labels was critical and pragmatic. Labels were rejected when they were perceived as carrying an unrealistic and negative stereotype, or when the women felt that their symptoms did not fit with the diagnostic criteria. The research illustrates the importance of considering people's subjective understandings of stigmatized conditions and societal reactions in order to understand the relation between stigma and the self. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper explores the relevance of Pierre Bourdieu’s ‘epistemic reflexivity’ for the sociology of religion, in particular by examining his neglected address to the French Association for the Sociology of Religion in 1982. Whilst sociologists of religion have addressed some issues of reflexivity in their practice, less attention has been paid to the crucial scientific requirement, highlighted by Bourdieu, to break from the ‘illusio’ of that field and thus avoid alignments with positions taken by religious actors themselves. As a result, many sociologists inevitably participate in religious contestations and stakes, whether or not they affirm or deny their own religious identification with those they study. Although Bourdieu’s address was a response to a particular national and historical form of the sociology of religion, we argue that it retains much significance today and may lead to fruitful debate within the discipline.


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Hunter-gatherers are often ascribed a “monistic” worldview at odds with the nature-society dichotomy. The centerpiece of this claim is that they view hunting as similar to sharing within the band and prey animals as part of a common sphere of sociality. This article challenges this thesis. An examination of the work of its main proponents shows that it conflates two different senses of “animal”—the flesh-and-blood animals of the hunt and the animal Spirit that is said to control the animals. The sharing motif in hunting makes sense with respect to the anthropomorphic Spirit but not to the animals hunted. The conditions of the hunt as a spatiotemporal event provide further grounds for skepticism toward the idea of hunting-as-sharing. Drawing on biologist Robert Hinde’s model of relationships, I argue that hunting represents an anonymous one-off interaction that cannot develop into a personal relationship, in stark contrast to the durable forms of personalized sociality associated with the hunter-gatherer band. This is not to deny the possibility of human-animal cosociality in the form of personal relationships but rather to redirect the search away from the hunt to the interface with domesticated animals.


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This paper is concerned with the methodology underlying attempts to understand the nature and impact of racism among young children. In drawing upon data gathered from a year-long ethnographic study of five- and six-year-old children in an English multi-ethnic, inner-city primary school, the paper provides a critique of traditional approaches to the study of racial attitudes among young children. It is argued that such research has been conceived through the articulation of two, inter-related discourses on children and on 'race'; the former couched in traditional socialisation and developmental models of childhood with their tendency to neglect the agency and social competency of young children and the latter being embedded within essentialist notions of 'race' and ethnicity that tend to deny the contingent and context-specific nature of racialised identities. The paper argues that the result of this has been that while children have often been the objects of research they have rarely been the subjects; in other words they are often seen but never heard. The paper argues for the need to move beyond the methodological confines set by these discourses and rethink alternative approaches that begin with the assumption that young children are socially competent. One such approach, drawing upon ethnographic methods and fore-grounding the importance of largely unstructured small group interviews with young children, is illustrated. Through the use of a number of examples, it is shown how this approach can help to emphasise the ability of children as young as five and six to respond to and negotiate their social worlds and more specifically within this the competency with which they are able to appropriate, rework and reproduce a number of discourses on 'race' to make sense of their own social experiences. In doing this the paper also illustrates the way in which it provides a methodology able to draw out and highlight the contradictions, contingency and complexity of racialised identities among young children. Ultimately, it is an approach concerned with placing the children themselves central within the research processes and foregrounding their voices and experiences.


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The alleged problem of the dirty hands of politicians has been much discussed since Michael Walzer’s original piece (Walzer 1974). The discussion has concerned the precise nature of the problem or sought to dissolve the apparent paradox. However there has been little discussion of the putative complicity, and thus also dirtying of hands, of a democratic public that authorizes politicians to act in its name. This article outlines the sense in which politicians do get dirty hands and the degree to which a democratic public may also get dirty hands. It separates the questions of secrecy, authorisation, and wrongfulness in order to spell out the extent of public complicity. Finally it addresses the ways in which those who do and those who do not acknowledge the problem of dirty hands erroneously discount or deny the problem of complicity by an appeal to the nature of democracy, a putatively essential need for political openness or to the scope of ideal theory.


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In 1968, Herbert Marcuse believed that a Great Refusal was possible, one that would deny the exploitative power of corporate capitalism. Marcuse's vision was never realised. This essay argues that society today is in an advanced state of that which the Frankfurt School termed repressive desublimation and questions whether a liberationary praxis is still possible. It claims that Bret Easton Ellis's fiction choreographs an internalising of the forms of critique that marked 1968 and about which Marcuse writes. It is Ellis's act of double voicing that allows him to develop a duplicitous recalcitrant voice within the state of assimilation and it is double voicing which emerges as the key technique in Ellis's work that effects an ongoing critique in commodity society. Looking at Slavoj iek's recent revisionism of the notion of repressive desublimation, which connects Marxism and psychoanalysis, the essay considers how Ellis's novels, American Psycho, Glamorama and Lunar Park, function to address and reconfigure the relationship between the status of the Marxist fetishised object and the psychoanalytic phobic object in the present-day era of late capitalism. This essay seeks to illuminate how Ellis's fiction, through an involution of Marcuse's political theories, enacts a contemporary refusal from within the state of reification.


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Contient : 1 Journal autographe de JEHAN DE LA FOSSE, où sont notés mois par mois les principaux événements des années 1557 à 1590, arrivés en France et particulièrement à Paris, où vivait l'auteur, curé de St-Leu et de St-Barthélemy ; 2 Recueil d'épitaphes ; « Cavendish,... general Norris,... docter Story,... mylord Treasurer,... Frier Andrew,... Ellis,... earle of Essex, beheaded in the tower », Joannes Rekingale, episcopus Cicestriensis, Gulielmus de Blitz, archidiaconus Nodovicensis ; Thomas Linaerus, regis Henrici VIII medicus, Antonius Riccius Faventiae, « Mr Hofkins », Lucretia Borgia, Honorius P. M., Johannes Riberius ; Galfridus Chaucer, Corythus, filius Oenones et Paridis, Ninus, Assyriae monarcha, Pyramis, lateritia Asychis, Aegypti regis ; Bartholomaeus Platina, Petrus Pomponatius, Pompeius Magnus, Capys, Ennius, Hannibal ; Marcus Antonius Turrianus, Marcus Antonius Coccius, Marcus Antonius Casanova, Sardanapalus, Rufus, Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar ; Petrus Ciaconius, Nicolaus Macchiavellus, Gulielmus Rondeletus, medicus, Anicia, foemina romana, Callicratea ; Johannes Coletus, Rembertus Dodonaeus, medicus Maximiliani II et Rodolphi imperatorum, Alcaeus poeta, Scipio Africanus ; Paracelsus, Gerardus Noviomagus et Andreas Hyperius, Didacus de Valdes, Albericus de Vere et Gulielmus, primus comes Oxoniensis, Robertus Buc ; Hieronymus Cagnolus Vercellensis, Johannes Stofflerus, mathematicus Tubingae, Remigius Bellaqueus, Pallas, Evandri filius, Zarmanochegas indus, de Bargosa ; Johannes Rivius Attbend, Petrus Bembus, Lucius P. M. Veronae, Gulielmus Norselez, decanus quondam ecclesiae S. Pauli Londini, Mathias Corvinus, rex Pannoniae ; Philippus Callimachus Cracoviae, in aede S. Trinitatis, Ludovicus Bologninus, Bononiae, Rachel, uxor Jacobi Bethleem, Aratus, Plato, Aeschylus ; Joannes Zonaras, Homerus, Menander, Epictetus ; Berengarius, archidiaconus Andegavensis, Andreas Fanzonius, Cyrus, Persarum monarcha, Midas ; Hugo S. Victoris Parisiensis, S. Bernardus, abbas claraevallensis, Petrus de Toledo, Psittacus, Musaeus poeta, Linus, thebanus poeta, Orpheus ; Petrus Lombardus, Petrus Comestor, Pallas, libertus Romae, Megista, Spartanus vates ; Aegidius de Roma, archiepiscopus Bituricensis, Johannes Gerson, Aristocrates, perfidus in Lycaei Jovis luco, Setho, sacerdos Vulcani et Aegypti rex, Rosamunda Cliffordensis, Petrus Aretinus ; Nicolaus de Lyra, Jacobus Pisaurus, Paphi episcopus, Cedwalla, rex Sussexiae ; Alphonsus Tostadus, hispanus, Abulensis episcopus, Albertus Pius de Sabaudia, princeps Carporum, Similis, praefectus praetorianorum, Jupiter, Osyris, Isis ; Aeneas Sylvius, Christophorus Colombus, Hermes, Apollo, Timon, Darius ; Robertus Gaguinus, Johannes de Sacro Busto, Darius, Hystaspis filius, Simandius, Aegypti rex, Idomeneus et Myrio, filii Deucalionis, Semiramis ; Alexander Piccolomineus, Justina, pulchra foemina, quam maritus zelotypus nefarie decollavit, Claudia, nobilis foemina Romae, Carolus Magnus, Carolus V, imperator ; Actius Plautus, Johannes Boccacius, Franciscus Ximenes, cardinalis Hispaniae, Federicus imperator, Sylla, Ricardus I, rex Anglorum ; Johannes Stadius, math. belga, C. Manlia camertina, Johannes de Mandeville, Patricius, Brigida et Columda in Hibernia, la reine d'Angleterre, femme de Jacques Ier ; Johannes Glandorp, Jodocus, medicus Romae, Urandus, sive Durandus, Johannes Jacobus Trivultius, Ludovicus VIII, rex Francorum ; Antonius quidam italus, Fin dal Finale, Battistina Senensis, puella elegantissima ; Chalonerus Dubliniae, Askew Lincolniensis, Christophorus Hatton, Robertus, comes Leicestriae ; Johannes Chidley, Walterus Ralegh, Arturus Gorges, Johannes Parkar, Maria Stafford, Charitas et Carolus Ho., Thomas Wals, Sylvanus Scorus, Johannes Horo et Edwardus Nymark, Edwardus Stanhop, Franciscus Wal ; Philippus Sydney, Franciscus Walsinghan, N. Marsonius, jurisconsultus, Christophorus H, Gulielmus, comes Penbrok, Angliae marescallus, Antonius Deny, frater Lubinus ; Fratislaus, dux Bohemiae, countess of Penbrok, Edward Spenser, Henry Abyngdon, Thomas Nash, N. Dobson ; Dr Hugh a price, Johannes Vitulus, Dr Bently, Hor. Pallavicin, Margaret Ratcliff ; Howlet, Elian, Henry Barron ; James Stuart, Thomas Sackville, Penelope d'Evreux, uxor domini Bar. Rich, pellicis comitis Devonshire, Robert Cecil, Ricardus Bancroft, archiepiscopus Cantuariensis ; Godefridus de Bulion, Balduinus, rex Jerusalem, Allicia, pulchra foemina anglica et forte meretrix, Theobaldus, comes Campaniae, qui vixit tempore regis Angliae Stephani ; Fernandus de Castro, hispanus in Anglia exulans et moriens ob fidem in Dominum Petrum, regem Castellae, Johannes Taylor de Colman street, usurarius, Petrus Miago Vallisoleti, in templo Sancti Stephani, Franciscus Duarte de Mendico, a proveedor de los exercitos y armadas del emperador Carlo V, Henricus, Walliae princeps ; Milo, comes de Anglera, pater Rolandi, a Mauris juxta ripam Ceae occisus, Hecuba, S. Edmundus, rex et martyr, Pindarus, poeta lyricus, Stesichorus, Anacreon, poeta vinosus, Leonidas, dux Lacedemoniorum ad Thermopylas occisus contra Persas, Timotheus, citharedus milesius ; Timocreon Rhodius, Laïs, meretrix Corinthia, sepulta in Thessalia, juxta Peneum fluvium, Acron, antiquissimus medicus Agrigentinus