95 resultados para Cuntz semigroup


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The simplest multiplicative systems in which arithmetical ideas can be defined are semigroups. For such systems irreducible (prime) elements can be introduced and conditions under which the fundamental theorem of arithmetic holds have been investigated (Clifford (3)). After identifying associates, the elements of the semigroup form a partially ordered set with respect to the ordinary division relation. This suggests the possibility of an analogous arithmetical result for abstract partially ordered sets. Although nothing corresponding to product exists in a partially ordered set, there is a notion similar to g.c.d. This is the meet operation, defined as greatest lower bound. Thus irreducible elements, namely those elements not expressible as meets of proper divisors can be introduced. The assumption of the ascending chain condition then implies that each element is representable as a reduced meet of irreducibles. The central problem of this thesis is to determine conditions on the structure of the partially ordered set in order that each element have a unique such representation.

Part I contains preliminary results and introduces the principal tools of the investigation. In the second part, basic properties of the lattice of ideals and the connection between its structure and the irreducible decompositions of elements are developed. The proofs of these results are identical with the corresponding ones for the lattice case (Dilworth (2)). The last part contains those results whose proofs are peculiar to partially ordered sets and also contains the proof of the main theorem.


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M. Hieber, I. Wood: Asymptotics of perturbations to the wave equation. In: Evolution Equations, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 234, Marcel Dekker, (2003), 243-252.


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A Feller–Reuter–Riley function is a Markov transition function whose corresponding semigroup maps the set of the real-valued continuous functions vanishing at infinity into itself. The aim of this paper is to investigate applications of such functions in the dual problem, Markov branching processes, and the Williams-matrix. The remarkable property of a Feller–Reuter–Riley function is that it is a Feller minimal transition function with a stable q-matrix. By using this property we are able to prove that, in the theory of branching processes, the branching property is equivalent to the requirement that the corresponding transition function satisfies the Kolmogorov forward equations associated with a stable q-matrix. It follows that the probabilistic definition and the analytic definition for Markov branching processes are actually equivalent. Also, by using this property, together with the Resolvent Decomposition Theorem, a simple analytical proof of the Williams' existence theorem with respect to the Williams-matrix is obtained. The close link between the dual problem and the Feller–Reuter–Riley transition functions is revealed. It enables us to prove that a dual transition function must satisfy the Kolmogorov forward equations. A necessary and sufficient condition for a dual transition function satisfying the Kolmogorov backward equations is also provided.


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Local computation in join trees or acyclic hypertrees has been shown to be linked to a particular algebraic structure, called valuation algebra.There are many models of this algebraic structure ranging from probability theory to numerical analysis, relational databases and various classical and non-classical logics. It turns out that many interesting models of valuation algebras may be derived from semiring valued mappings. In this paper we study how valuation algebras are induced by semirings and how the structure of the valuation algebra is related to the algebraic structure of the semiring. In particular, c-semirings with idempotent multiplication induce idempotent valuation algebras and therefore permit particularly efficient architectures for local computation. Also important are semirings whose multiplicative semigroup is embedded in a union of groups. They induce valuation algebras with a partially defined division. For these valuation algebras, the well-known architectures for Bayesian networks apply. We also extend the general computational framework to allow derivation of bounds and approximations, for when exact computation is not feasible.


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A tuple $(T_1,\dots,T_n)$ of continuous linear operators on a topological vector space $X$ is called hypercyclic if there is $x\in X$ such that the the orbit of $x$ under the action of the semigroup generated by $T_1,\dots,T_n$ is dense in $X$. This concept was introduced by N.~Feldman, who have raised 7 questions on hypercyclic tuples. We answer those 4 of them, which can be dealt with on the level of operators on finite dimensional spaces. In
particular, we prove that the minimal cardinality of a hypercyclic tuple of operators on $\C^n$ (respectively, on $\R^n$) is $n+1$ (respectively, $\frac n2+\frac{5+(-1)^n}{4}$), that there are non-diagonalizable tuples of operators on $\R^2$ which possess an orbit being neither dense nor nowhere dense and construct a hypercyclic 6-tuple of operators on $\C^3$ such that every operator commuting with each member of the tuple is non-cyclic.


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In this thesis we investigate some problems in set theoretical topology related to the concepts of the group of homeomorphisms and order. Many problems considered are directly or indirectly related to the concept of the group of homeomorphisms of a topological space onto itself. Order theoretic methods are used extensively. Chapter-l deals with the group of homeomorphisms. This concept has been investigated by several authors for many years from different angles. It was observed that nonhomeomorphic topological spaces can have isomorphic groups of homeomorphisms. Many problems relating the topological properties of a space and the algebraic properties of its group of homeomorphisms were investigated. The group of isomorphisms of several algebraic, geometric, order theoretic and topological structures had also been investigated. A related concept of the semigroup of continuous functions of a topological space also received attention


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Mathematicians who make significant contributions towards development of mathematical science are not getting the recognition they deserve, according to Cusat Vice Chancellor Dr. J. Letha. She was delivering the inaugural address at the International Conference on Semigroups, Algebras and Applications (ICSA 2015) organized by Dept. of Mathematics, Cochin university of Science and Technology on Thursday. Mathematics plays an important role in the development of basic science. The academic community should not delay in accepting and appreciating this, Dr. Letha added. Dr. Godfrey Louis, Dean, Faculty of Science presided over the inaugural function. Prof. P. G. Romeo, Head, Dept. of Mathematics, Prof. John C. Meakin, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, Prof. A. N. Balchand, Syndicate Member, Prof. K. A. Zakkariya, Syndicate Member, Prof. A. R. Rajan, Emeritus Professor, University of Kerala and Prof. A. Vijayakumar, Dept. of Mathematics, Cusat addressed the gathering. Around 50 research papers will be presented at the Conference.Prof. K. S. S. Nambooripad, the internationally famous mathematician with enormous contributions in the field of semigroup theory, who has attained eighty years of age will be felicitated on 18th at 5.00 pm during a function presided over by Dr. K. Poulose Jacob, Pro-Vice Chancellor. Dr. Suresh Das, Executive President, KSCSTE, Dr. A. M. Mathai, Director, CMSS and President, Indian Mathematical Society, Dr. P. G. Romeo, Head, Dept. of Mathematics and Dr. B. Lakshmi, Dept. of Mathematics will speak on the occasion.


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Bei der Bestimmung der irreduziblen Charaktere einer Gruppe vom Lie-Typ entwickelte Lusztig eine Theorie, in der eine sogenannte Fourier-Transformation auftaucht. Dies ist eine Matrix, die nur von der Weylgruppe der Gruppe vom Lie-Typ abhängt. Anhand der Eigenschaften, die eine solche Fourier- Matrix erfüllen muß, haben Geck und Malle ein Axiomensystem aufgestellt. Dieses ermöglichte es Broue, Malle und Michel füur die Spetses, über die noch vieles unbekannt ist, Fourier-Matrizen zu bestimmen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist eine Untersuchung und neue Interpretation dieser Fourier-Matrizen, die hoffentlich weitere Informationen zu den Spetses liefert. Die Werkzeuge, die dabei entstehen, sind sehr vielseitig verwendbar, denn diese Matrizen entsprechen gewissen Z-Algebren, die im Wesentlichen die Eigenschaften von Tafelalgebren besitzen. Diese spielen in der Darstellungstheorie eine wichtige Rolle, weil z.B. Darstellungsringe Tafelalgebren sind. In der Theorie der Kac-Moody-Algebren gibt es die sogenannte Kac-Peterson-Matrix, die auch die Eigenschaften unserer Fourier-Matrizen besitzt. Ein wichtiges Resultat dieser Arbeit ist, daß die Fourier-Matrizen, die G. Malle zu den imprimitiven komplexen Spiegelungsgruppen definiert, die Eigenschaft besitzen, daß die Strukturkonstanten der zugehörigen Algebren ganze Zahlen sind. Dazu müssen äußere Produkte von Gruppenringen von zyklischen Gruppen untersucht werden. Außerdem gibt es einen Zusammenhang zu den Kac-Peterson-Matrizen: Wir beweisen, daß wir durch Bildung äußerer Produkte von den Matrizen vom Typ A(1)1 zu denen vom Typ C(1) l gelangen. Lusztig erkannte, daß manche seiner Fourier-Matrizen zum Darstellungsring des Quantendoppels einer endlichen Gruppe gehören. Deswegen ist es naheliegend zu versuchen, die noch ungeklärten Matrizen als solche zu identifizieren. Coste, Gannon und Ruelle untersuchen diesen Darstellungsring. Sie stellen eine Reihe von wichtigen Fragen. Eine dieser Fragen beantworten wir, nämlich inwieweit rekonstruiert werden kann, zu welcher endlichen Gruppe gegebene Matrizen gehören. Den Darstellungsring des getwisteten Quantendoppels berechnen wir für viele Beispiele am Computer. Dazu müssen unter anderem Elemente aus der dritten Kohomologie-Gruppe H3(G,C×) explizit berechnet werden, was bisher anscheinend in noch keinem Computeralgebra-System implementiert wurde. Leider ergibt sich hierbei kein Zusammenhang zu den von Spetses herrührenden Matrizen. Die Werkzeuge, die in der Arbeit entwickelt werden, ermöglichen eine strukturelle Zerlegung der Z-Ringe mit Basis in bekannte Anteile. So können wir für die meisten Matrizen der Spetses Konstruktionen angeben: Die zugehörigen Z-Algebren sind Faktorringe von Tensorprodukten von affinen Ringe Charakterringen und von Darstellungsringen von Quantendoppeln.


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Harmonic analysis on configuration spaces is used in order to extend explicit expressions for the images of creation, annihilation, and second quantization operators in L2-spaces with respect to Poisson point processes to a set of functions larger than the space obtained by directly using chaos expansion. This permits, in particular, to derive an explicit expression for the generator of the second quantization of a sub-Markovian contraction semigroup on a set of functions which forms a core of the generator.


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During each of the late Pleistocene glacial–interglacial transitions, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations rose by almost 100 ppm. The sources of this carbon are unclear, and efforts to identify them are hampered by uncertainties in the magnitude of carbon reservoirs and fluxes under glacial conditions. Here we use oxygen isotope measurements from air trapped in ice cores and ocean carbon-cycle modelling to estimate terrestrial and oceanic gross primary productivity during the Last Glacial Maximum. We find that the rate of gross terrestrial primary production during the Last Glacial Maximum was about 40±10 Pg C yr−1, half that of the pre-industrial Holocene. Despite the low levels of photosynthesis, we estimate that the late glacial terrestrial biosphere contained only 330 Pg less carbon than pre-industrial levels. We infer that the area covered by carbon-rich but unproductive biomes such as tundra and cold steppes was significantly larger during the Last Glacial Maximum, consistent with palaeoecological data. Our data also indicate the presence of an inert carbon pool of 2,300 Pg C, about 700 Pg larger than the inert carbon locked in permafrost today. We suggest that the disappearance of this carbon pool at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum may have contributed to the deglacial rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.


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We study the inuence of the intrinsic curvature on the large time behaviour of the heat equation in a tubular neighbourhood of an unbounded geodesic in a two-dimensional Riemannian manifold. Since we consider killing boundary conditions, there is always an exponential-type decay for the heat semigroup. We show that this exponential-type decay is slower for positively curved manifolds comparing to the at case. As the main result, we establish a sharp extra polynomial-type decay for the heat semigroup on negatively curved manifolds comparing to the at case. The proof employs the existence of Hardy-type inequalities for the Dirichlet Laplacian in the tubular neighbourhoods on negatively curved manifolds and the method of self-similar variables and weighted Sobolev spaces for the heat equation.


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In this article we introduce the concept of a gradient-like nonlinear semigroup as an intermediate concept between a gradient nonlinear semigroup (those possessing a Lyapunov function, see [J.K. Hale, Asymptotic Behavior of Dissipative Systems, Math. Surveys Monogr., vol. 25, Amer. Math. Soc., 1989]) and a nonlinear semigroup possessing a gradient-like attractor. We prove that a perturbation of a gradient-like nonlinear semigroup remains a gradient-like nonlinear semigroup. Moreover, for non-autonomous dynamical systems we introduce the concept of a gradient-like evolution process and prove that a non-autonomous perturbation of a gradient-like nonlinear semigroup is a gradient-like evolution process. For gradient-like nonlinear semigroups and evolution processes, we prove continuity, characterization and (pullback and forwards) exponential attraction of their attractors under perturbation extending the results of [A.N. Carvalho, J.A. Langa, J.C. Robinson, A. Suarez, Characterization of non-autonomous attractors of a perturbed gradient system, J. Differential Equations 236 (2007) 570-603] on characterization and of [A.V. Babin, M.I. Vishik, Attractors in Evolutionary Equations, Stud. Math. Appl.. vol. 25, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992] on exponential attraction. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we prove that gradient-like semigroups (in the sense of Carvalho and Langa (2009 J. Diff. Eqns 246 2646-68)) are gradient semigroups (possess a Lyapunov function). This is primarily done to provide conditions under which gradient semigroups, in a general metric space, are stable under perturbation exploiting the known fact (see Carvalho and Langa (2009 J. Diff. Eqns 246 2646-68)) that gradient-like semigroups are stable under perturbation. The results presented here were motivated by the work carried out in Conley (1978 Isolated Invariant Sets and the Morse Index (CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics vol 38) (RI: American Mathematical Society Providence)) for groups in compact metric spaces (see also Rybakowski (1987 The Homotopy Index and Partial Differential Equations (Universitext) (Berlin: Springer)) for the Morse decomposition of an invariant set for a semigroup on a compact metric space).