970 resultados para Cultural industries


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This paper focuses on a case study of local postcard production in a rural community in Western Australia. Drawing on in-depth interviews with key producers of these postcards, the analysis presented explores perceptions of and contexts for the emergence of this production, in turn examining the notion of ‘creativity’ articulated and privileged by this cultural work. Connections are identified between the making of postcards, the broader historical field of local cultural work and the construction of community. This, in turn, forms the basis for consideration of the role and relativity of ‘marginality’.


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The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a highly secretive trade agreement being negotiated between the US and eleven Pacific Rim countries, including Australia. Having obtained a fast-track authority from the United States Congress, US President Barack Obama is keen to finalise the deal. However, he was unable to achieve a resolution of the deal at recent talks in Hawaii on the TPP. A number of chapters of the TPP will affect the creative artists, cultural industries and internet freedom — including the intellectual property chapter, the investment chapter, and the electronic commerce chapter. Legacy copyright industries have pushed for longer and stronger copyright protection throughout the Pacific Rim. In the wake of the Hawaii talks, Knowledge Ecology International leaked the latest version of the intellectual property chapter of the TPP. Jamie Love of Knowledge Ecology International commented upon the leaked text about copyright law: ‘In many sections of the text, the TPP would change global norms, restrict access to knowledge, create significant financial risks for persons using and sharing information, and, in some cases, impose new costs on persons producing new knowledge goods.’ The recent leaked text reveals a philosophical debate about the nature of intellectual property law. There are mixed messages in respect of the treatment of the public domain under copyright law. In one part of the agreement on internet service providers, there is text that says that the parties recognise the need for ‘promoting innovation and creativity,’ ‘facilitating the diffusion of information, knowledge, technology, culture, and the arts’, and ‘foster competition and open and efficient markets.’ A number of countries suggested ‘acknowledging the importance of the public domain.’ The United States and Japan opposed the recognition of the public domain in this text.


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The role of the creative industries – arts and artists – in helping to drive the changes in laws and behaviours that are necessary to tackle climate change, while not superficially obvious, is a deep one. Arts and artists of all kinds, as cultural practitioners, have been closely entwined with social change and social control since time immemorial, in large part because they help shape our understanding of the world, framing ideas, prefiguring change, and opening hearts and minds to new ways of thinking. They have played a major role in campaigns for law reform on many issues, and climate change should be no exception. Indeed, with climate change increasingly being seen as a deeply cultural issue, and its solutions as cultural ones to do with changing the way we understand our world and our place in it, the role of cultural practitioners in helping to address it should also increasingly be seen as central. It is curious, then, how comparatively little artistic engagement with climate change has taken place, how little engagement with the arts the climate movement has attempted, and how little theoretical and critical analysis has been undertaken on the role of the creative arts in climate change action. Through a literature review and a series of interviews with individuals working in relevant fields in Australia, this study examines and evaluates the role of the creative industries in climate change action and places it in a historical and theoretical context. It covers examples of the kind of artistic and activist collaborations that have been undertaken, the different roles in communication, campaigning for law reform, and deep culture change that arts and artists can play, and the risks and dangers inherent in the involvement of artists, both to climate change action and to the artist. It concludes that, despite the risks, a deeper and more thoughtful engagement of and by the creative industries in climate action would not only be useful but is perhaps vital to the success of the endeavours.


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Cette thèse porte sur l’émergence sur la scène chilienne d’un nouvel acteur dans la production du livre, acteur qui s’organise à la fin des années 1990 en se définissant lui-même en tant qu’éditeur indépendant et qui, au cours des premières années du XXIe siècle, élargit cette définition pour inclure le phénomène de l’édition autonome et le domaine de l’édition universitaire. Le point de ralliement de ces acteurs, organisés autour de l’association Editores de Chile, est la reprise et l’affirmation d’un rôle moderne des éditeurs de livres, au sens des Lumières. On peut constater l’articulation entre les revendications spécifiques du secteur et ses positions politiques sur la valeur symbolique de la production culturelle, sur son rôle en tant que facteur de construction identitaire et démocratique car l’accès aux livres ne peut pas être restreint par l’action sans contrepoids du marché. L’angle théorique que nous proposons est celui des théories des industries culturelles tout en intégrant aussi les contributions des études culturelles. En nous situant dans une perspective de l’économie politique des industries culturelles, nous chercherons à redéfinir le concept d’indépendance par le biais d’une analyse des stratégies d’unités économiques (les maisons d’édition) et des rapports entre ces unités et leurs contextes géographiques, politiques et culturels spécifiques. Nous tenons aussi en considération des éléments macrostructurels, mais en considérant que leur capacité d’influence est toujours relative et, en conséquence, doit faire l’objet d’une réévaluation en fonction des rapports de forces et des conjonctures politiques, économiques et sociales spécifiques. Nous pensons que l’indépendance n’est pas un phénomène qui n’est pas exclusif au monde de l’édition. Nous avons fait le constat qu’il existe aussi au sein des industries de l’enregistrement sonore, de l’audiovisuel et des médias comme la presse, la radio et, en moindre proportion, la télévision. En termes méthodologiques, nous proposons une approche qui combine des méthodes et des instruments quantitatifs et qualitatifs, c’est-à-dire, l’analyse des statistiques de l’édition au Chili (fréquences des titres, genres et auteurs), des entrevues semi-structurées et une analyse documentaire. Avant d’aborder la description et l’analyse de la production de livres au Chili et du sens que les éditeurs donnent à l’indépendance et à leurs prises de position dans le champ culturel, nous proposons une description historique et industrielle de l’édition du livre chilien. Cette description permet de comprendre la naissance et le développement du secteur en regard des processus politiques, économiques et sociaux du Chili et de l’Amérique latine, ainsi que sa situation actuelle en regard des nouvelles conditions politiques et économiques qui résultent du processus de globalisation et des transformations néolibérales locales et internationales. La recherche examine ensuite le caractère de la production de livres publiés au Chili entre les années 2000 et 2005 en considérant les titres produits, les auteurs et les genres. Cette analyse permet aussi d’établir des différences entre ces maisons d’édition et celles qui relèvent des grands conglomérats transnationaux de l’édition de livres. Cette analyse comparative nous permet d’établir de manière concluante des différences quant au nombre et á la diversité et l’intérêt culturel des livres publiés entre les éditeurs transnationaux et les éditeurs indépendants regroupés sous le nom de Editores de Chile. Cette analyse permet aussi d’établir des liens précis entre la production des éditeurs indépendants et leurs objectifs culturels et politiques explicites. Nous faisons ensuite état, par le biais de l’exposition et de l’analyse des entrevues réalisées avec les éditeurs, des trajectoires de ces organisations en tenant compte des périodes historiques spécifiques qui ont servi de contexte à leur création et à leur développement. Nous mettons ici en rapport ces trajectoires des éditeurs, les définitions de leurs missions et les stratégies mobilisées. Nous tenons aussi compte des dimensions internationales de ces définitions qui s’expriment dans leur participation au sein d’organisations internationales telle que l’Alliance internationale d’éditeurs indépendants (Gijón 2000 et Dakar 2003) et, spécifiquement, leur expression dans la coopération avec des maisons d’édition latino-américaines. Les entrevues et l’analyse documentaire nous permettent d‘entrevoir les tensions entre la politique culturelle de l’État chilien, en contraste avec des définitions, des objectifs et des actions politiques de Editores de Chile. Nous relions donc dans l’analyse, l’émergence de l’édition indépendante et les résistances qu’engendrent la globalisation des marchés culturels et les mouvements de concentration de la propriété, ainsi que les effets et réponses aux transformations néolibérales au plan des politiques culturelles publiques. Nous concluons alors à la nécessité d’une économie politique critique des industries culturelles qui puisse se pencher sur ces phénomènes et rendre compte non seulement de rapports entre conglomérats et indépendants et du développement des filières de la production culturelle, mais aussi du déploiement des logiques culturelles et politiques sous-jacentes, voire des projets historiques, qui se confrontent dans le champ des industries culturelles.


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For those who make and admire artistic works, there is no question of their value. However, for others interested in economic development, the value of the arts is often more tangential, contested and questionable. While the post-modern world of consumption and spectacle suggests to some academics and governments that the arts and cultural industries are the way of the future, others remain sceptical about their social and economic value. This is a theoretical as well as a practical issue this paper explores by offering a reconceptualisation of Pierre Bourdieu's concept of cultural capital as a way of re-assessing the value of the arts. The paper then applies this framework to quantify and qualify the value of the arts in one regional city in Australia – Geelong in Victoria – focusing on the work of two artists. The aim is to describe the interconnected processes by which the arts generate cultural capital in the form of confidence, image, individual well-being, social cohesion and economic viability. The analysis also highlights the ongoing power relations which prescribe artistic production, circulation and valuation. The implications of such a rethinking and application go well beyond one city and region to other places grappling with the relationship between artistic production and urban well being. By focusing on the broad-ranging process by which artistic value is created for individuals, groups, professionals, communities and governments, a model becomes available for other places to use in realising their cultural capital.


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Cultural developments in Victoria represent an example of the industry approach to the arts, which guides contemporary public cultural policy. This approach evolved many years back but it is clearly expressed in the Kennett government’s cultural policy document.


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This paper critiques recent research on innovation in the cultural and creative industries. In particular, this paper examines Paul Stoneman’s idea of ‘soft innovation’ as a jumping off point for discussing theories of cultural innovation more broadly. Three critiques are advanced. Firstly, soft innovation is a theoretical perspective that has developed from neoclassical economics, and is therefore vulnerable to criticisms levelled at neoclassical explanations of economic behaviour. Secondly, the theory of soft innovation can be criticised for being contin- gently inaccurate: the observed reality of cultural industries and marketplaces may not reflect the theory’s premises. Thirdly, because soft innovation defines the significance of an innovation in terms of marketplace success, it implies that only high-selling cultural products are significant, a difficult claim to substantiate. This paper concludes by arguing that our understanding of innovation in the cultural sphere can benefit from a multi-disciplinary approach grounded in the full gamut of human creativity.


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 In recent years, Australian cultural policy-makers have begun to pay more attention to innovation policy. Several of the Australian states specifically address issues of innovation in their formal cultural policies, and the Australia Council for the Arts has published an Innovation Strategy which purports to constitute 'a coordinated approach to supporting creativity as one of Australia's most valuable assets' (Australia Council 2006).

However, despite this prima facie policy commitment to supporting and fostering innovation in the arts and cultural industries, there remains a disconnect between cultural and innovation policies in Australia. On the one hand, cultural policies in Australia are confused and incoherent in their approach to cultural innovation, and many policy settings as they apply to cultural industries are antithetical to the aims of fostering innovation and R&D. Meanwhile, innovation policies continue to pay only marginal attention to the creative arts and cultural industries. This disconnect will be briefly examined in three fields of cultural policy: arts and cultural funding; copyright and intellectual property policy; and broadcast media policy.

It is argued that rather than promoting innovation, existing policy frameworks in all three areas, when not specifically framed around the protection of vested interests, are often contradictory and inimical to the disruptive influence of innovative artists, technologies and firms. Possible reasons for the disconnect include pragmatic matters of busy ministers and low policy priorities, and conceptual confusion over the status and value of culture.


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 Research Report commissioned by the City of Sydney


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This article describes some of the current transformations regarding the processes by which information and culture are generated, from the point of view of developing countries. In this brief analysis, the article discusses the role of projects such as Creative Commons for developing countries. It also discusses the idea of legal commons and social commons. While the idea of legal commons can be understood as the voluntary use of licenses such as Creative Commons in order to create a “commons”, the idea of social commons has to do with the tensions between legality and illegality in developing countries. These tensions appear prominently in the so-called global “peripheries”, and in many instances make the legal structure of intellectual property irrelevant, unfamiliar, or unenforceable, for various reasons. With the emergence of digital technology and the Internet, in many places and regions in developing countries (especially in the “peripheries”), technology ended up arriving earlier than the idea of intellectual property. Such a de facto situation propitiated the emergence of cultural industries that were not driven by intellectual property incentives. In these cultural businesses, the idea of “sharing” and of free dissemination of the content is intrinsic to the social circumstances taking place in these peripheries. Also, the appropriation of technology on the part of the “peripheries” ends up promoting autonomous forms of bridging the digital divide, such as the “LAN house” phenomenon discussed below. This paper proposes that many lessons can be learned from the business models emerging from social commons practices in developing countries. The tension between legality and illegality in “peripheral” areas in developing countries is not new. The work of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and others in the 1970s was paradigmatic for the discussion of legal pluralism regarding the occupation of land in Brazil. This paper aims to follow in that same pioneer tradition of studies about legal pluralism, and to apply those principles to the discussion of “intellectual property” rather than the ownership of land.


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Digital technologies and the Internet in particular have transformed the ways we create, distribute, use, reuse and consume cultural content; have impacted on the workings of the cultural industries, and more generally on the processes of making, experiencing and remembering culture in local and global spaces. Yet, few of these, often profound, transformations have found reflection in law and institutional design. Cultural policy toolkits, in particular at the international level, are still very much offline/analogue and conceive of culture as static property linked to national sovereignty and state boundaries. The article describes this state of affairs and asks the key question of whether there is a need to reform global cultural law and policy and if yes, what the essential elements of such a reform should be.


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This study examines the contribution that artists from a non-EU background make towards cultural life and cultural industries in Europe and beyond. In particular, it looks at how such artists form "diasporas" which in turn create networks of cultural exchange inside the EU and with third countries. It provides examples of these activities in three broad diaspora groups of African, Balkan and Turkish background.


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El objetivo de este artículo es doble: por un lado explorar la habilidad de la Unión Europea para llevar a cabo una política audiovisual dirigida al Mercosur y promover las normas de la Convención sobre la diversidad de las expresiones culturales; por otro, analizar el impacto del modelo de política audiovisual de la UE en el desarrollo de la cooperación audiovisual con el Mercosur y centrarse en los principales vectores que configuran el paisaje audiovisual del Mercosur. El texto pretende destacar cómo y por qué la UE persigue una política audiovisual con esa región, cuáles son los propósitos y los límites de actuación. En este sentido, se preocupa por entender cómo la diplomacia audiovisual de la UE interactúa con otros actores, como las acciones gubernamentales llevadas a cabo desde la propia UE y el Mercosur, así como las prácticas del sector privado (Hollywwod y los grandes conglomerados de medios).


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This text analyzes the speeches of a group of cultural mediators working in Madrid in public and private institutions of arts. The group was organized as part of the activities of the European Project Divercity: Diving into Diversity in Museums and the City of the Complutense University in March 2015. The aim of the interview was to unravel what they mean by diversity in the profession, and analyze the contradictions and objectives professions that arise in this new field of work.


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El texto es el resultado del trabajo de investigación con dos agrupaciones musicales de la ciudad de Cali, durante el 2013 y el 2015. Hace una reflexión sociológica sobre la relación entre economía y cultura, a través de las apropiaciones que hacen estos músicos de las músicas de marimba del Pacífico del sur de Colombia, para posicionarse en escenarios de industria cultural. Con una metodología cualitativa basada en la interacción, estudia las trayectorias, prácticas y discursos de estos grupos que se consolidan en las estrategias que utilizan para ingresar en estos escenarios construidos como producto de fenómenos macrosociales globales y locales que permiten la transformación de la música como una herramienta mediadora para contar la cotidianidad que estas bandas viven en su ciudad.