880 resultados para Cruz e Sousa. Lyric. Laughter. Irony. Social issues


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This paper reports the results of a survey of north Queensland landholder attitudes with respect to a number of issues relating to participation in forestry. The survey explored the reasons why landholders plant trees, perceived obstacles to greater farm forestry, and attitudes to tree planting programs such as the Community Rainforest Reforestation Program (CRRP) and Private Joint Venture Scheme (PJVS). The results of the survey are discussed in the context of possible policy prescriptions that can be made at local, state and federal government levels to facilitate greater tree planting in the region. Many of the problems faced by local landholders are shared by landholders in other parts of Australia and throughout the world. This survey can thus serve as a case study, providing information on a number of issues concerning small-scale forestry policies that are of general relevance to the development of farm forestry programs.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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Brazil is the only country in South America to have an automotive supplier sector based on natural fibers. New opportunities are arising due to an increase demand by the car makers in applying natural fibers in their parts. Several crop fibers have been developed in Brazil. Among them can be listed caroa, piacava, pupunha, mutum and others of regional application. For the automotive industry, which requires large quantities with uniform quality, the alternatives are sisal (170,000 ton/yr), curaua (150 ton/yr in 2003), malva, 200 ton/yr; Brazil is the single largest producer country of sisal, and commercially, the only one in curaua. For South America, the alternatives are fique in Colombia, abaca in equator, flax in Argentina and curaua in Venezuela. It must be understood by the target countries of drugs, is that crop fiber can be an economic alternative to coca in the Andes region, therefore an instrument of land reform and drug reduction plantations. Several companies have a strong program of apply natural fibers based components in their products: Volkswagen do Brazil, DaimlerChrysler, General Motors do Brazil. Among their suppliers can be listed companies such Pematec (curaua), Toro (sisal, coir and jute), Incomer (sisal and jute), Ober (jute, curaua), Indaru (jute and sisal), Antolin (imported kenaf,) Tapetes Sao Carlos (sisal), Poematec (coir) and Art-Gore, with Woodstock'' wood and natural fibers). Figures about production and demand are discussed in the paper.


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Considerando a influência significativa do pensamento católico no cenário educacional e político brasileiro, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo desenvolver uma reflexão sobre as relações entre Igreja e Estado, situadas sob o primeiro governo Vargas (1930-1945) e, em particular, sob o Estado Novo, no que concerne às questões educacionais e sociais, e à atenção dispensada à família, compreendida como instituição imprescindível no processo de conformação da nação. Sob essa perspectiva, esse estudo se propõe a analisar as concepções católicas identificando os pontos de aproximação entre os interesses da Igreja e do Estado, que possam sugerir o estabelecimento de uma relação de aliança entre ambos, em prol de um projeto de reconstrução da nação, com base em princípios da doutrina cristã. Este estudo teve como base fundamental as representações católicas disseminadas a partir da revista A Ordem e a Revista Brasileira de Pedagogia, periódicos de expressiva relevância no âmbito católico.


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Este estudo volta-se para a análise da política de assistência social, sua histórica relação com a pobreza e algumas tendências do debate contemporâneo sobre seus paradigmas, do direito social de cidadania e do usuário. O exame atual da política de assistência social no Brasil, em um contexto legal de afirmação dos direitos sociais, impôs a necessidade de refletir sobre o lugar dos direitos de cidadania, colocando, no centro dessa reflexão, a relação entre a prioridade dada ao enfrentamento da pobreza e a perspectiva da garantia de direitos sociais de cidadania. A perspectiva de estudo é proposta com vistas à compreensão do lugar ocupado pelos usuários enquanto sujeitos de direitos. Para a aproximação desta compreensão, buscamos alguns suportes teóricos nas categorias direitos, cidadania e superpopulação relativa com o objetivo de pensá-las, na sua conformação contemporânea, a partir do perfil socioeconômico dos usuários. Optou-se pelos beneficiários do programa de transferência de renda Bolsa Família em três localidades do município de Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ, uma vez que este programa absorve mais de 50% das famílias cadastradas no CadÚnico, ou seja, são 28.985 mil famílias que recebem o benefício, totalizando mais de 100 mil pessoas em um universo de 463.731 mil habitantes A pesquisa qualitativa realizada com 30 mulheres-mães, titulares no programa, revelou suas expectativas, experiências e posições políticas ante o campo assistencial. Os registros históricos que trouxeram sobre as gerações que as antecederam confirmam a trajetória de reprodução da pobreza e de desigualdades diversas a que estiveram submetidas até os dias atuais. Conclui-se que a percepção que apresentam sobre a história de seus antepassados, de si mesmos e dos aparatos institucionais do Estado, reitera o potencial de suas lutas diárias pela sobrevivência, de negação do instituído, confirmado pela construção de formas próprias de relacionamento com as instituições de políticas sociais, públicas e privadas. Ainda que em perspectiva individual, suas práticas e lutas diárias, que chamam de correr atrás, expressam expectativas pela efetivação e ampliação de direitos. A finalização da tese aponta pela reafirmação da dimensão histórica dessas práticas e lutas que desenvolvem em prol dos direitos e da cidadania, os limites da perspectiva individual assim como a necessidade do aprofundamento da natureza política e pontual da política de Assistência Social como enfrentamento da pobreza.


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The theme Corporate Social Responsibility is relatively recent both in the academic field and in the business practice. Because of the lack of socialization of experiences and precision of concepts, there are gaps regarding the understanding of the subject and, also, how to conduct operations. This study just seeks to investigate such matter, focusing applications of social responsibility in business. It takes, as empirical field, winners of the PSQT - SESI Prize of Quality at Work in Rio Grande do Norte (2002-2007) in order to systematize the various approaches on the issue, aiming to reveal subjective visions and perspectives of the theme. It is characterized as a qualitative study, carried out by structured interview. The universe was composed by 15 companies. It was used analysis of content categorical as an axis for the interpretation of the information. Three approaches guided the analysis: Business Ethics, (normative); Business & Society (contractual); Social Issues Management (strategic). The findings are related in three ways: 1) reasons for the CSR practice; 2) the results obtained; 3) the means of CSR. It was found that the award participation occurs, mostly, linked to SESI invitations, so, as an articulated movement of industrial corporations in Brazil it occurs, also, because of the organizational commitment with the society and the possibility of internal and social growths and because of the importance attributed to the report as an instrument of consultancy. There are no indicators to check impacts of organizational interventions, in spite of the existence of planning for the actions. Social responsibility appears as a tool to reinforce the organizational image and to increase satisfaction of the employees. There is a tendency of large and medium firms to a contractual commitment while the small and the micros firms are on strategic or normative level. The analysis of the perspectives of social responsibility future revealed trends towards for strategic approach


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Facing environmental problems the planet appears several alternative preventive and control on behalf of the equation between development and environmental protection. One of the alternatives implemented in Brazil to conservation of biodiversity was the creation of protected natural areas regulated by the National System of Conservation Units (SNUC). This is an integrated study of the Comunication / Environmental Conservation, which prioritizes social participation as a complementary in the conservation process, the particular case of the Dunas do Natal State Park, the first conservation area in Rio Grande do Norte, for full protection. It takes into account the roles environmental, scientific and Park, which harbors a unique biodiversity, including endemic species and the fact being located in an urban area. It proposes the use of two complementary instruments, such as strategies for conservation. Considering the various individual experiences, it was analyzed the perception that the community is directly related to the Park. From this promoted the democratization of information about the park, its biodiversity and conservation. As another conservation tool, it was suggested the use of a flagship species for the park, or a body chosen symbol for environmental or social reasons, in order to protect and conserve certain natural environments, from the understanding and co -community participation. In this case, as proposed flag Coleodactylus natalensis species, the lizard-the-litter, to be endemic remnants of Atlantic Forest Park as having the type locality, be one of the smallest species of the world, South America's lowest-dependent shadow of the forest, sensitive to human action and therefore very vulnerable. This suggestion finds support in the degree of public acceptance that interacts directly with the Park, as a result of the evaluation of their perceptions. It was further observed in this study that this symbology to be used in order to promote the democratization of the Park and its biodiversity has an identification result, curiosity and probable involvement of the population with the issues of the Park


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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The theme Corporate Social Responsibility is relatively recent both in the academic field and in the business practice. Because of the lack of socialization of experiences and precision of concepts, there are gaps regarding the understanding of the subject and, also, how to conduct operations. This study just seeks to investigate such matter, focusing applications of social responsibility in business. It takes, as empirical field, winners of the PSQT - SESI Prize of Quality at Work in Rio Grande do Norte (2002-2007) in order to systematize the various approaches on the issue, aiming to reveal subjective visions and perspectives of the theme. It is characterized as a qualitative study, carried out by structured interview. The universe was composed by 15 companies. It was used analysis of content categorical as an axis for the interpretation of the information. Three approaches guided the analysis: Business Ethics, (normative); Business & Society (contractual); Social Issues Management (strategic). The findings are related in three ways: 1) reasons for the CSR practice; 2) the results obtained; 3) the means of CSR. It was found that the award participation occurs, mostly, linked to SESI invitations, so, as an articulated movement of industrial corporations in Brazil it occurs, also, because of the organizational commitment with the society and the possibility of internal and social growths and because of the importance attributed to the report as an instrument of consultancy. There are no indicators to check impacts of organizational interventions, in spite of the existence of planning for the actions. Social responsibility appears as a tool to reinforce the organizational image and to increase satisfaction of the employees. There is a tendency of large and medium firms to a contractual commitment while the small and the micros firms are on strategic or normative level. The analysis of the perspectives of social responsibility future revealed trends towards for strategic approach


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The theme Corporate Social Responsibility is relatively recent both in the academic field and in the business practice. Because of the lack of socialization of experiences and precision of concepts, there are gaps regarding the understanding of the subject and, also, how to conduct operations. This study just seeks to investigate such matter, focusing applications of social responsibility in business. It takes, as empirical field, winners of the PSQT - SESI Prize of Quality at Work in Rio Grande do Norte (2002-2007) in order to systematize the various approaches on the issue, aiming to reveal subjective visions and perspectives of the theme. It is characterized as a qualitative study, carried out by structured interview. The universe was composed by 15 companies. It was used analysis of content categorical as an axis for the interpretation of the information. Three approaches guided the analysis: Business Ethics, (normative); Business & Society (contractual); Social Issues Management (strategic). The findings are related in three ways: 1) reasons for the CSR practice; 2) the results obtained; 3) the means of CSR. It was found that the award participation occurs, mostly, linked to SESI invitations, so, as an articulated movement of industrial corporations in Brazil it occurs, also, because of the organizational commitment with the society and the possibility of internal and social growths and because of the importance attributed to the report as an instrument of consultancy. There are no indicators to check impacts of organizational interventions, in spite of the existence of planning for the actions. Social responsibility appears as a tool to reinforce the organizational image and to increase satisfaction of the employees. There is a tendency of large and medium firms to a contractual commitment while the small and the micros firms are on strategic or normative level. The analysis of the perspectives of social responsibility future revealed trends towards for strategic approach