960 resultados para Cooperação Ibero-Americana


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A criação de redes institucionais na história recente da América Latina tem sido um resultado crucial nos processos de construção e consolidação das ciências sociais e educação. Estes processos são explicados no quadro da chamada sociedade do conhecimento e da reflexividade social. Ambos os fenómenos - a configuração de uma sociedade em rede e o acesso crescente à informação - são o produto de um tempo em que produtores de redes sociais e conhecimento são também refletidas em experiências concretas na esfera educativa. Apresentam-se neste artigo - a título exemplificativo e sem tentar esgotar o inventário - alguns casos relevantes de redes institucionais dentro do campo das ciências sociais e da educação no contexto da América Latina. Todos eles são expressão de uma forma de trabalho colaborativo e de um modo dialógico de construir e gerir o conhecimento. Em primeiro lugar, descrevem-se as contribuições de três iniciativas que começam e se desenvolvem a partir da segunda metade do século XX: o Conselho Latino-americano de Ciências sociais (CLACSO), criado em Buenos Aires, em 1964; a Faculdade Latino-americana de Ciências Sociais (FLACSO), criada em 1957, por iniciativa da UNESCO e alguns governos da região; A Rede Latino-americana de Informação e Documentação em Educação (REDUC), fundada em 1977 com o objetivo de preservar a memória da produção educacional na região. Por último, apresentam-se, como uma experiência singular que começa na primeira década do século XXI, as iniciativas em curso da Rede Ibero-americana de investigação em políticas educativas (RIAIPE), criada em 2006, com a participação de instituições de educação superior na América Latina e da Europa.


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En este artículo se presenta una serie de publicaciones relacionadas con la detención del ex dictador Augusto Pinochet en Londres, que tuvo lugar en 1998. A lo largo del artículo se van analizando cada una de las obras y, asimismo, se revisa su valor historiográfico.


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Esta dissertação se constitui em um estudo exploratório para reconhecimento de cenário sobre a cobertura de temas científicos em jornais do Pará, por isso, nossa atenção se voltou para a análise de três importantes jornais diários paraenses ao longo de 130 anos: A Província do Pará (1876-2002), Folha do Norte (1896-1974) e O Liberal (1946-atual). Para selecionar os textos sobre ciência desses periódicos, investigamos as edições de janeiro e julho de dez em dez anos de cada jornal, desde 1876 até 2006. Foram feitas adaptações no protocolo da Rede Ibero-Americana de Monitoramento e Capacitação em Jornalismo Científico – voltado para materiais televisivos – para tornar possível a pesquisa em jornais impressos. O protocolo se baseia no método de análise de conteúdo e possibilitou a caracterização e sistematização de informações dos 496 textos encontrados com questões científicas a partir da metodologia escolhida. Identificamos dados como a data de publicação do material, a presença de manchetes e chamadas na primeira página do jornal, o gênero jornalístico dos textos, a área do conhecimento predominante, os recursos visuais utilizados, os enquadramentos, a contextualização das questões científicas, as explicações de termos científicos, os benefícios e malefícios e as promessas e riscos da ciência, as controvérsias científicas e não científicas, fontes e vozes, e os locais das pesquisas e dos pesquisadores presentes nos textos selecionados. Os dados evidenciaram que a ciência já era pauta dos jornais paraenses no fim do século XIX, mas ganharam mais espaço a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Houve um grande destaque para as questões científicas relacionadas à saúde, apesar das pesquisas espaciais também terem tido forte presença. Observamos ainda expressiva contextualização e explicações de termos científicos. De forma geral, a ciência foi divulgada a partir do seu lado “positivo”, mostrando os seus benefícios, e com ênfase nas descobertas científicas. Por outro lado, foi dado pouco espaço para a discussão de suas controvérsias. Os recursos visuais também foram raros. As principais fontes e vozes identificadas no corpus foram dos cientistas e instituições de pesquisa e a maioria dos pesquisadores foi constituída por homens. Houve ainda um equilíbrio entre as pesquisas e pesquisadores do Brasil e aqueles de fora do país. A Província do Pará destacou temas da saúde, de forma predominante, mas também das ciências exatas e engenharias e deu espaço diferenciado a fontes e vozes não científicas. A Folha do Norte publicou textos mais longos e com bastante contextualização. Já O Liberal enfatizou questões de medicina e ciências humanas e foi o único periódico que deu mais destaque à pesquisa e aos pesquisadores brasileiros e, em especial, aos paraenses.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The project, developed at the Health and Education Studies´ Center, in the Unity of the Science and Philosophy’s College, UNESP, Marilia´s campus, had as goal the development of a study about the appropriation of writing by children with Down ’s syndrome. Five children, from 10 to 13 years old, on different situations of scholar levels, were took part in the project. As research procedure, it was developed weekly pedagogical interventions, based on HistoricalCultural Theory. At the beginning, the group presented different dimensions of approximation with the writing universe. It was observed advances on the graphic representation and on the individual trials of writing. Two childrens began to build small texts, one of the children is on the beginning of the alphabetic writing and two other children continue to present difficulties, getting close of the writing in a very not confortable way, stuck on the scholar formality and a direct mediation to the words constitution is needed.


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Given the pedagogical practices in respect of acts of reading in the current context of education institutions in primary education, it is clear that they are connected to decipher and not the search for meaning and understanding. In thinking about the use of new technologies that can contribute to the formation of the reader, it is believed that reading subtitles allows such training since it requires a quick read that does not cling to every word and attribution of meaning to monitor all the course of the film. This makes the children learn to read and make sense using the expertise of its cultural heritage. This research aimed to analyze the contribution of film subtitles to the formation of the reader from elementary school. Thus, students were invited, between the ages of six and ten years, with interest to see subtitled films, and they learn to read subtitles. The film sessions were held fortnightly at the school, in an adapted room. After the sessions, held group discussions to see what the problems in understanding the plot this paper presents data on the session of the film "Coração de Tinta". Children, assisted by the researchers could understand the story and learned to articulate their knowledge in situations of movies. The research is ongoing, but we can see that during the projection there are indications that they are able to read the subtitles, sometimes lose the timing of reading, but gradually evolve in the field of reading this kind of discourse.


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Prostitution is an activity that generates constant conflict and controversy. The way it is practiced leads, in some specific situations, the legal framework. For the analysis of the role of school and sex education, this research aimed to: identify and analyze the views of managers and teachers living with sexual exploitation of children in two schools in the state schools of a city of the State of São Paulo and to determine whether the subject is part of school curricula in the schools surveyed and discussed how teachers. The research is part of qualitative research in education and had the strategy of data collection a questionnaire with managers and teachers of educational institutions surveyed. The data collected and analyzed showed that the school, being a place that works with multiculturalism is that, as a place where the "Sex Education" should be worked out, mainly to educate their students not to enter the world of sexual exploitation. Therefore, the school is the place for fundamental change in mentality of children and adolescents who are forced to surrender to sexual exploitation.


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Recent years have seen a movement toward school inclusion of children with special educational needs. In Brazil, there is the formulation of laws guaranteeing rights for disabled people, giving you free access to regular classroom complemented by specialized educational services. In the case of students with deafness, the Federal Decree No. 5626 of 2005, recommends that schools offer the Brazilian sign language as language support, and should take into classrooms, an interpreter. In this study we conducted a mapping of the educational situation of students with hearing loss of 35 municipalities. There was a mode of education in which deaf students are enrolled, and also the municipalities have organized the specialized educational services for such students. Data were collected through interviews with managers of 35 municipalities. The results showed that the vast majority of municipalities participating in the study opted for the enrollment of deaf students in regular class. Only a few municipalities managers reported the existence of classes and enrollment in special schools or even the existence of deaf students out of schools. It also found that all municipalities have organized the specialized educational services, like additional offering in the resource rooms. We conclude that despite the existing difficulties, the Brazilian municipalities are gradually adjusting to the prospect of inclusive education. Continuing education courses should be offered in order to prepare more teachers to work with diversity.


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The Policy Pedagogical Project can be understand like a guide element of education actions, that links itself to a history social project, bringing an specific way to understand the school and its function in society. The actual brazilian legislation is based on inclusive educational policy defended since 1990 by Ministry of Education. Faced this situation the present research intends verify if the schools are organized to act into this new paradigm, using analisis of the Policy Pedagogical Projects. That's why were analized the projects of 6 public schools of basic study that attend impaired students in regular classes. Those projects were analized based on a inclusive school indicators purposed by the Ministry of Education, that is based on a specific theorical reference and on determined actions that favor the impaired student learning. The data pointed that the majority of schools shows in theorical camp assumptions vinculated to Inclusive Education Policy. However, the presented actions are still shy and limited, so there is no differentiated purpose that attend the educational needs of impaired students. It concludes that the speech about inclusive education have already been assimilated by the school, however the actions are still begginers. The Pedagogical Project colectively built, could constitute an effective instrument to think about an make a quality school, an emancipatory school for all.


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The present work aims to bring up a discussion around the viability of traditional teaching methods in a world predominantly technological and imagetic. A project conducted in the discipline of history, in a state school through the Núcleo de Ensino (Center for Teaching) UNESP Marília, we applied questionnaires that aimed to map aspects of the visual culture of the students, and their perception of everyday reality in school. Using the SPSS software, the issues of quantitative trait were analyzed, providing a critique of the teaching methods used by teachers, whereas the use of images has been revealed as a proposal capable of stimulating an education based on interaction and dialogue, approaching the socio-cultural reality of learners.


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Decisions are made constantly in organizational contexts; however, a wrong decision can bring undesirable consequences for organizations. In this sense, access to organic information becomes essential considering that decreases the uncertainties of managers in relation to decision making process. In this perspective, the identification of documental types from its production provides a consistent documental cycle, which will result in the recovery of information at the time requested by managers. Based on the above it was intended to verify what documental types recurrently used in the decision making process of a hospital company in the Bauru region, Sao Paulo State. For that, we applied the method 'Case Study' of Yin. We analyzed the information type that provided more security to the decision maker during the decision making. As a result, we elaborated a systematic documental organic types most used and most relevant to the decision-making process of the company, showing that when they are defined from the production of documents, the benefits for both the professional as archivist for the organization are significant.


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The way teachers will coordinate the writing appropriation process assumes an especial importance, sharing their knowledge with the deaf student, assigning importance and meaning for what this student was capable to produce, even if his production isn’t resembled to the idealized pattern of an adult writing. This study is proposed to investigate the mediation in rewriting activities, along with deaf students, held by eight trainee students of a Pedagogy course, with ages between 20 and 28 years old. Thereunto, this activities were recorded on video, for later transcription and descriptive analysis, subsided by a new model proposed in the literature. The results indicate: the importance of the rewriting in the understanding of write contents produce by deaf students, the participants’ attitudinal change about their role like coordinator and interlocutor in such activities and the greater teacher’s comprehension about notational and discursive aspects involved in the deaf student write production. These results allowed to conclude the future teachers’ need that will work in inclusive classes or in multifunctional classes, understand and use rewriting activities in their daily pedagogical practice for the appropriation for the promotion of the Portuguese write by the deaf student, user of LIBRAS. It should be noted these teachers’ need to know the LIBRAS’ grammar and have access to linguistic knowledge enabling them to comprehend the nature of the occurrences present in the texts produced by deaf students.


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The process of inclusion of deaf students at regular and specialized educational institution is a complex issue, which has the main point of discussion its specificity linguistic represented by Brazilian Sign Language. Whereupon, this research analyzed how the discourses of young students with deafness on this type of education at regular and specialized educational institution from a city situated in the State of São Paulo. The aim of this study was analyze the relations between the discourses of deaf students and their production conditionals, using the dimension of Discourse Analysis and the historical-cultural psychology. As parts of this research, were used four deaf students enrolled in schools belong in the city of São Paulo, which two schools are regular and two are specialized to deaf people. The collection instruments build themselves in observation of dialogue situations in classroom and interview semistructured. The interviews were made by video recording, researcher and an interpreter. The results showed that discourse of the student enrolled in the specialized school differs in relation to the ideals of bilingual education, in this case defended by users of the Brazilian Sign Language, fact not observed in the context of the regular school.


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Since 1990, in Brazil, the paradigm of inclusive education has influenced public policies and educational systems. Continuing education courses for teachers are spreading with the intention of preparing them to face the challenge of working with students with disabilities. But what factor has motivated teachers to participate in these courses? This study sought to answer this question by identifying and mapping the aspects that led to 105 regular education teachers from municipal schools in São Paulo to participate during the year 2010/2011, the third edition of the specialization course called "Teacher Education in Special Education." Data was collected through a questionnaire applied to teachers who attend the course. The results revealed that motivation is intrinsically related to the characteristics of the teachers’ age and where they stand in the cycle of teaching career, as well as aspects related to professional activities. Moreover, from this research were pointed reflections on the importance of training teachers for the improvement of the educational system in order to effectively meet the principles of inclusive education, as suggested by the legislation in our country.