982 resultados para Construction machinery operators
Virtual environments and real-time simulators (VERS) are becoming more and more important tools in research and development (R&D) process of non-road mobile machinery (NRMM). The virtual prototyping techniques enable faster and more cost-efficient development of machines compared to use of real life prototypes. High energy efficiency has become an important topic in the world of NRMM because of environmental and economic demands. The objective of this thesis is to develop VERS based methods for research and development of NRMM. A process using VERS for assessing effects of human operators on the life-cycle efficiency of NRMM was developed. Human in the loop simulations are ran using an underground mining loader to study the developed process. The simulations were ran in the virtual environment of the Laboratory of Intelligent Machines of Lappeenranta University of Technology. A physically adequate real-time simulation model of NRMM was shown to be reliable and cost effective in testing of hardware components by the means of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations. A control interface connecting integrated electro-hydraulic energy converter (IEHEC) with virtual simulation model of log crane was developed. IEHEC consists of a hydraulic pump-motor and an integrated electrical permanent magnet synchronous motorgenerator. The results show that state of the art real-time NRMM simulators are capable to solve factors related to energy consumption and productivity of the NRMM. A significant variation between the test drivers is found. The results show that VERS can be used for assessing human effects on the life-cycle efficiency of NRMM. HIL simulation responses compared to that achieved with conventional simulation method demonstrate the advances and drawbacks of various possible interfaces between the simulator and hardware part of the system under study. Novel ideas for arranging the interface are successfully tested and compared with the more traditional one. The proposed process for assessing the effects of operators on the life-cycle efficiency will be applied for wider group of operators in the future. Driving styles of the operators can be analysed statistically from sufficient large result data. The statistical analysis can find the most life-cycle efficient driving style for the specific environment and machinery. The proposed control interface for HIL simulation need to be further studied. The robustness and the adaptation of the interface in different situations must be verified. The future work will also include studying the suitability of the IEHEC for different working machines using the proposed HIL simulation method.
L’exposition prolongée par inhalation à des poussières de taille respirable contenant de la silice cristalline est reconnue pour causer des maladies respiratoires dont le cancer du poumon et la silicose. De nombreuses études ont relevé la surexposition des travailleurs de la construction à la silice cristalline, puisque ce composé est présent dans de nombreux matériaux utilisés sur les chantiers. L’évaluation de l’exposition à la silice cristalline dans cette industrie constitue un défi en raison de la multitude de conditions de travail et de la nature éphémère des chantiers. Afin de mieux cerner cette problématique, une banque de données d’exposition professionnelle compilée à partir de la littérature a été réalisée par une équipe de l’Université de Montréal et de l’IRSST, et constitue le point de départ de ce travail. Les données présentes dans la banque ont été divisées en fonction de la stratégie d’échantillonnage, résultant en deux analyses complémentaires ayant pour objectif d’estimer les niveaux d’exposition sur le quart de travail en fonction du titre d’emploi, et selon la nature de la tâche exécutée. La méthode de Monte Carlo a été utilisée pour recréer les échantillons provenant de données rapportées sous forme de paramètres de synthèse. Des modèles Tobit comprenant les variables de titre d’emploi, tâche exécutée, durée, année et stratégie d’échantillonnage, type de projet, secteur d’activité, environnement et moyens de maîtrise ont été développés et interprétés par inférence multimodèle. L’analyse basée sur le quart de travail a été réalisée à partir de 1346 données d’exposition couvrant 11 catégories de titre d’emploi. Le modèle contenant toutes les variables a expliqué 22% de la variabilité des mesures et la durée, l’année et la stratégie d’échantillonnage étaient d’importants prédicteurs de l’exposition. Les chantiers de génie civil et les projets de nouvelle construction étaient associés à des expositions plus faibles, alors que l’utilisation de moyens de maîtrise diminuait les concentrations de 18% à l’extérieur et de 24% à l’intérieur. Les moyennes géométriques les plus élevées prédites pour l’année 1999 sur 8 heures étaient retrouvées chez les foreurs (0.214 mg/m3), les travailleurs souterrains (0.191 mg/m3), les couvreurs (0.146 mg/m3) et les cimentiers-applicateurs (0.125 mg/m3). 1566 mesures réparties en 27 catégories de tâches étaient contenues dans la seconde analyse. Le modèle contenant toutes les variables a expliqué 59% des niveaux d’exposition, et l’ensemble des variables contextuelles étaient fortement prédictives. Les moyennes géométriques prédites pour l’année 1998 et selon la durée médiane par tâche dans la banque de données étaient plus élevées lors du bouchardage du béton (1.446 mg/m3), du cassage de pièces de maçonnerie avec autres outils (0.354 mg/m3), du décapage au jet de sable (0.349 mg/m3) et du meulage de joints de brique (0.200 mg/m3). Une diminution importante des concentrations a été observée avec les systèmes d’arrosage (-80%) et d’aspiration des poussières (-64%) intégrés aux outils. L’analyse en fonction des titres d’emploi a montré une surexposition généralisée à la valeur guide de l’ACGIH et à la norme québécoise, indiquant un risque à long terme de maladies professionnelles chez ces travailleurs. Les résultats obtenus pour l’évaluation en fonction de la tâche exécutée montrent que cette stratégie permet une meilleure caractérisation des facteurs associés à l’exposition et ainsi de mieux cibler les priorités d’intervention pour contrôler les niveaux d’exposition à la silice cristalline sur les chantiers de construction durant un quart de travail.
Traduction du titre en anglais: Making sense of governance in non-formal education : A critical analysis of the Senegalese faire faire strategy
There are a number of challenges associated with managing knowledge and information in construction organizations delivering major capital assets. These include the ever-increasing volumes of information, losing people because of retirement or competitors, the continuously changing nature of information, lack of methods on eliciting useful knowledge, development of new information technologies and changes in management and innovation practices. Existing tools and methodologies for valuing intangible assets in fields such as engineering, project management and financial, accounting, do not address fully the issues associated with the valuation of information and knowledge. Information is rarely recorded in a way that a document can be valued, when either produced or subsequently retrieved and re-used. In addition there is a wealth of tacit personal knowledge which, if codified into documentary information, may prove to be very valuable to operators of the finished asset or future designers. This paper addresses the problem of information overload and identifies the differences between data, information and knowledge. An exploratory study was conducted with a leading construction consultant examining three perspectives (business, project management and document management) by structured interviews and specifically how to value information in practical terms. Major challenges in information management are identified. An through-life Information Evaluation methodology (IEM) is presented to reduce information overload and to make the information more valuable in the future.
Neurofuzzy modelling systems combine fuzzy logic with quantitative artificial neural networks via a concept of fuzzification by using a fuzzy membership function usually based on B-splines and algebraic operators for inference, etc. The paper introduces a neurofuzzy model construction algorithm using Bezier-Bernstein polynomial functions as basis functions. The new network maintains most of the properties of the B-spline expansion based neurofuzzy system, such as the non-negativity of the basis functions, and unity of support but with the additional advantages of structural parsimony and Delaunay input space partitioning, avoiding the inherent computational problems of lattice networks. This new modelling network is based on the idea that an input vector can be mapped into barycentric co-ordinates with respect to a set of predetermined knots as vertices of a polygon (a set of tiled Delaunay triangles) over the input space. The network is expressed as the Bezier-Bernstein polynomial function of barycentric co-ordinates of the input vector. An inverse de Casteljau procedure using backpropagation is developed to obtain the input vector's barycentric co-ordinates that form the basis functions. Extension of the Bezier-Bernstein neurofuzzy algorithm to n-dimensional inputs is discussed followed by numerical examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new data based modelling approach.
Construction professional services (CPSs), such as architecture, engineering, and consultancy, are not only high value-added profit centers in their own right but also have a knock-on effect on other businesses, such as construction and the export of materials and machinery. Arguably, competition in the international construction market has shifted to these knowledge-intensive CPS areas. Yet CPSs represent a research frontier that has received scant attention. This research aims to enrich the body of knowledge on CPSs by examining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of Chinese CPSs (CCPSs) in the international context. It does so by triangulating theories with quantitative and qualitative data gleaned from yearbooks, annual reports, interviews, seminars, and interactions with managers in major CCPS companies. It is found that CCPSs present both strengths and weaknesses in talents, administration systems, and development strategies in dealing with the external opportunities and threats brought about by globalization and market evolution. Low price, which has helped the Chinese construction business to succeed in the international market, is also a major CCPS strength. An opportunity for CCPSs is the relatively strong delivery capability possessed by Chinese contractors; by partnering with them CCPSs can better establish themselves in the international arena. This is probably the first ever comprehensive study on the performance of CCPSs in the international marketplace. The research is conducted at an opportune time, particularly when the world is witnessing the burgeoning force of Chinese businesses in many areas including manufacturing, construction, and, potentially, professional services. It adds new insights to the knowledge body of CPSs and provides valuable references to other countries faced with the challenge of developing CPS business efficiently in the international market.
In contrast to their bustling construction counterparts, Chinese construction professional services (CPS) such as architecture, engineering, and consultancy, seem still to be stagnant in the international market. CPS are not only high value-added profit centers in their own right, but also have a knock-on effect on subsequent businesses such as construction, and the export of materials and machinery. Arguably, competition in the international construction market has shifted to knowledge-intensive CPS. Yet,CPS represent a research area that has been paid scant attention. This research aims to add to the body of knowledge of CPS by examining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of Chinese CPS (CCPS) in the international context. It does so by triangulating theories with quantitative and qualitative data gleaned from yearbooks, annual reports, interviews, seminars, and interactions with managers in major CCPS companies. It is found that CCPS present both strengths and weaknesses in talents, administration systems, and development strategies in dealing with the external opportunities and threats brought about by globalization and market evolvement. Low price, which has helped the Chinese construction business to succeed in the international market, is also a CCPS major strength. An opportunity for CCPS is the relatively strong delivery capability possessed by Chinese contractors. By partnering with them CCPS can better edge into the international arena. This is probably the first ever comprehensive study in investigating the performance of CCPS in the international market. The research is also timely, particularly when the world is witnessing the burgeoning force of Chinese businesses in many areas including manufacturing, construction, and potentially, professional services.
The construction of Lie algebras in terms of Jordan algebra generators is discussed. The key to the construction is the triality relation already incorporated into matrix products. A generalisation to Kac-Moody algebras in terms of vertex operators is proposed and may provide a clue for the construction of new representations of Kac-Moody algebras in terms of Jordan fields. © 1988.
Vertex operators in string theory me in two varieties: integrated and unintegrated. Understanding both types is important for the calculation of the string theory amplitudes. The relation between them is a descent procedure typically involving the b-ghost. In the pure spinor formalism vertex operators can be identified as cohomology classes of an infinite-dimensional Lie superalgebra formed by covariant derivatives. We show that in this language the construction of the integrated vertex from an unintegrated vertex is very straightforward, and amounts to the evaluation of the cocycle on the generalized Lax currents.
The present study aimed to develop a methodology for the collection, transfer, storage and processing of vibration levels emitted in jobs occupied in agricultural machinery. The reason of this work is the study the vibration dose applied to operators of heavy vehicles and its relation to occupational health, linking the still high number of accidents involving farm machinery in relation to overturning (tipping). There is a need for the development and improvement of efficient tools in measuring vibration and tilt machine work, which minimize damage to health and accident risks for operators.
The present thesis is a contribution to the multi-variable theory of Bergman and Hardy Toeplitz operators on spaces of holomorphic functions over finite and infinite dimensional domains. In particular, we focus on certain spectral invariant Frechet operator algebras F closely related to the local symbol behavior of Toeplitz operators in F. We summarize results due to B. Gramsch et.al. on the construction of Psi_0- and Psi^*-algebras in operator algebras and corresponding scales of generalized Sobolev spaces using commutator methods, generalized Laplacians and strongly continuous group actions. In the case of the Segal-Bargmann space H^2(C^n,m) of Gaussian square integrable entire functions on C^n we determine a class of vector-fields Y(C^n) supported in complex cones K. Further, we require that for any finite subset V of Y(C^n) the Toeplitz projection P is a smooth element in the Psi_0-algebra constructed by commutator methods with respect to V. As a result we obtain Psi_0- and Psi^*-operator algebras F localized in cones K. It is an immediate consequence that F contains all Toeplitz operators T_f with a symbol f of certain regularity in an open neighborhood of K. There is a natural unitary group action on H^2(C^n,m) which is induced by weighted shifts and unitary groups on C^n. We examine the corresponding Psi^*-algebra A of smooth elements in Toeplitz-C^*-algebras. Among other results sufficient conditions on the symbol f for T_f to belong to A are given in terms of estimates on its Berezin-transform. Local aspects of the Szegö projection P_s on the Heisenbeg group and the corresponding Toeplitz operators T_f with symbol f are studied. In this connection we apply a result due to Nagel and Stein which states that for any strictly pseudo-convex domain U the projection P_s is a pseudodifferential operator of exotic type (1/2, 1/2). The second part of this thesis is devoted to the infinite dimensional theory of Bergman and Hardy spaces and the corresponding Toeplitz operators. We give a new proof of a result observed by Boland and Waelbroeck. Namely, that the space of all holomorphic functions H(U) on an open subset U of a DFN-space (dual Frechet nuclear space) is a FN-space (Frechet nuclear space) equipped with the compact open topology. Using the nuclearity of H(U) we obtain Cauchy-Weil-type integral formulas for closed subalgebras A in H_b(U), the space of all bounded holomorphic functions on U, where A separates points. Further, we prove the existence of Hardy spaces of holomorphic functions on U corresponding to the abstract Shilov boundary S_A of A and with respect to a suitable boundary measure on S_A. Finally, for a domain U in a DFN-space or a polish spaces we consider the symmetrizations m_s of measures m on U by suitable representations of a group G in the group of homeomorphisms on U. In particular,in the case where m leads to Bergman spaces of holomorphic functions on U, the group G is compact and the representation is continuous we show that m_s defines a Bergman space of holomorphic functions on U as well. This leads to unitary group representations of G on L^p- and Bergman spaces inducing operator algebras of smooth elements related to the symmetries of U.
The present thesis is concerned with certain aspects of differential and pseudodifferential operators on infinite dimensional spaces. We aim to generalize classical operator theoretical concepts of pseudodifferential operators on finite dimensional spaces to the infinite dimensional case. At first we summarize some facts about the canonical Gaussian measures on infinite dimensional Hilbert space riggings. Considering the naturally unitary group actions in $L^2(H_-,gamma)$ given by weighted shifts and multiplication with $e^{iSkp{t}{cdot}_0}$ we obtain an unitary equivalence $F$ between them. In this sense $F$ can be considered as an abstract Fourier transform. We show that $F$ coincides with the Fourier-Wiener transform. Using the Fourier-Wiener transform we define pseudodifferential operators in Weyl- and Kohn-Nirenberg form on our Hilbert space rigging. In the case of this Gaussian measure $gamma$ we discuss several possible Laplacians, at first the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator and then pseudo-differential operators with negative definite symbol. In the second case, these operators are generators of $L^2_gamma$-sub-Markovian semi-groups and $L^2_gamma$-Dirichlet-forms. In 1992 Gramsch, Ueberberg and Wagner described a construction of generalized Hörmander classes by commutator methods. Following this concept and the classical finite dimensional description of $Psi_{ro,delta}^0$ ($0leqdeltaleqroleq 1$, $delta< 1$) in the $C^*$-algebra $L(L^2)$ by Beals and Cordes we construct in both cases generalized Hörmander classes, which are $Psi^*$-algebras. These classes act on a scale of Sobolev spaces, generated by our Laplacian. In the case of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator, we prove that a large class of continuous pseudodifferential operators considered by Albeverio and Dalecky in 1998 is contained in our generalized Hörmander class. Furthermore, in the case of a Laplacian with negative definite symbol, we develop a symbolic calculus for our operators. We show some Fredholm-criteria for them and prove that these Fredholm-operators are hypoelliptic. Moreover, in the finite dimensional case, using the Gaussian-measure instead of the Lebesgue-measure the index of these Fredholm operators is still given by Fedosov's formula. Considering an infinite dimensional Heisenberg group rigging we discuss the connection of some representations of the Heisenberg group to pseudo-differential operators on infinite dimensional spaces. We use this connections to calculate the spectrum of pseudodifferential operators and to construct generalized Hörmander classes given by smooth elements which are spectrally invariant in $L^2(H_-,gamma)$. Finally, given a topological space $X$ with Borel measure $mu$, a locally compact group $G$ and a representation $B$ of $G$ in the group of all homeomorphisms of $X$, we construct a Borel measure $mu_s$ on $X$ which is invariant under $B(G)$.
The main goal of this thesis is to understand and link together some of the early works by Michel Rumin and Pierre Julg. The work is centered around the so-called Rumin complex, which is a construction in subRiemannian geometry. A Carnot manifold is a manifold endowed with a horizontal distribution. If further a metric is given, one gets a subRiemannian manifold. Such data arise in different contexts, such as: - formulation of the second principle of thermodynamics; - optimal control; - propagation of singularities for sums of squares of vector fields; - real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds; - ideal boundaries of rank one symmetric spaces; - asymptotic geometry of nilpotent groups; - modelization of human vision. Differential forms on a Carnot manifold have weights, which produces a filtered complex. In view of applications to nilpotent groups, Rumin has defined a substitute for the de Rham complex, adapted to this filtration. The presence of a filtered complex also suggests the use of the formal machinery of spectral sequences in the study of cohomology. The goal was indeed to understand the link between Rumin's operator and the differentials which appear in the various spectral sequences we have worked with: - the weight spectral sequence; - a special spectral sequence introduced by Julg and called by him Forman's spectral sequence; - Forman's spectral sequence (which turns out to be unrelated to the previous one). We will see that in general Rumin's operator depends on choices. However, in some special cases, it does not because it has an alternative interpretation as a differential in a natural spectral sequence. After defining Carnot groups and analysing their main properties, we will introduce the concept of weights of forms which will produce a splitting on the exterior differential operator d. We shall see how the Rumin complex arises from this splitting and proceed to carry out the complete computations in some key examples. From the third chapter onwards we will focus on Julg's paper, describing his new filtration and its relationship with the weight spectral sequence. We will study the connection between the spectral sequences and Rumin's complex in the n-dimensional Heisenberg group and the 7-dimensional quaternionic Heisenberg group and then generalize the result to Carnot groups using the weight filtration. Finally, we shall explain why Julg required the independence of choices in some special Rumin operators, introducing the Szego map and describing its main properties.
We introduce a version of operational set theory, OST−, without a choice operation, which has a machinery for Δ0Δ0 separation based on truth functions and the separation operator, and a new kind of applicative set theory, so-called weak explicit set theory WEST, based on Gödel operations. We show that both the theories and Kripke–Platek set theory KPKP with infinity are pairwise Π1Π1 equivalent. We also show analogous assertions for subtheories with ∈-induction restricted in various ways and for supertheories extended by powerset, beta, limit and Mahlo operations. Whereas the upper bound is given by a refinement of inductive definition in KPKP, the lower bound is by a combination, in a specific way, of realisability, (intuitionistic) forcing and negative interpretations. Thus, despite interpretability between classical theories, we make “a detour via intuitionistic theories”. The combined interpretation, seen as a model construction in the sense of Visser's miniature model theory, is a new way of construction for classical theories and could be said the third kind of model construction ever used which is non-trivial on the logical connective level, after generic extension à la Cohen and Krivine's classical realisability model.
This cross-sectional analysis of the data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey was conducted to determine the prevalence and determinants of asthma and wheezing among US adults, and to identify the occupations and industries at high risk of developing work-related asthma and work-related wheezing. Separate logistic models were developed for physician-diagnosed asthma (MD asthma), wheezing in the previous 12 months (wheezing), work-related asthma and work-related wheezing. Major risk factors including demographic, socioeconomic, indoor air quality, allergy, and other characteristics were analyzed. The prevalence of lifetime MD asthma was 7.7% and the prevalence of wheezing was 17.2%. Mexican-Americans exhibited the lowest prevalence of MD asthma (4.8%; 95% confidence interval (CI): 4.2, 5.4) when compared to other race-ethnic groups. The prevalence of MD asthma or wheezing did not vary by gender. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that Mexican-Americans were less likely to develop MD asthma (adjusted odds ratio (ORa) = 0.64, 95%CI: 0.45, 0.90) and wheezing (ORa = 0.55, 95%CI: 0.44, 0.69) when compared to non-Hispanic whites. Low education level, current and past smoking status, pet ownership, lifetime diagnosis of physician-diagnosed hay fever and obesity were all significantly associated with MD asthma and wheezing. No significant effect of indoor air pollutants on asthma and wheezing was observed in this study. The prevalence of work-related asthma was 3.70% (95%CI: 2.88, 4.52) and the prevalence of work-related wheezing was 11.46% (95%CI: 9.87, 13.05). The major occupations identified at risk of developing work-related asthma and wheezing were cleaners; farm and agriculture related occupations; entertainment related occupations; protective service occupations; construction; mechanics and repairers; textile; fabricators and assemblers; other transportation and material moving occupations; freight, stock and material movers; motor vehicle operators; and equipment cleaners. The population attributable risk for work-related asthma and wheeze were 26% and 27% respectively. The major industries identified at risk of work-related asthma and wheeze include entertainment related industry; agriculture, forestry and fishing; construction; electrical machinery; repair services; and lodging places. The population attributable risk for work-related asthma was 36.5% and work-related wheezing was 28.5% for industries. Asthma remains an important public health issue in the US and in the other regions of the world. ^