972 resultados para Constraint qualifications


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El batolito de Achala es uno de los macizos graníticos más grandes de las Sierras Pampeanas, el cual se localiza en las Sierras Grandes de Córdoba. Si bien el batolito de Achala ha sido objeto de diversos estudios geológicos, principalmente debido a sus yacimientos de uranio, el mismo todavía no posee un inequívoco modelo petrogéntico. Tampoco existe, en la actualidad, un inequívoco modelo que explique la preconcentración de uranio en las rocas graníticas portadores de este elemento. Este Proyecto tiene como objetivo general realizar estudios petrológicos y geoquímicos en la región conocida como CAÑADA del PUERTO, un lugar estratégicamente definido debido a la abundancia de granitos equigranulares de grano fino y/o grano medio biotíticos, emplazados durante el desarrollo de cizallas magmáticas tardías, y que constituirían las rocas fuentes de uranio. El objetivo específico requiere estudios detallados de las diferentes facies del batolito de Achala en el área seleccionada, incluyendo investigaciones petrológicas, geoquímicas de roca total, geoquímica de isótopos radiactivos y química mineral, con el fin de definir un MODELO PETROGENÉTICO que permita explicar: (a) el origen del magma padre y el subsiguiente proceso de cristalización de las diferentes facies graníticas aflorantes en el área de estudio, (b) identificar el proceso principal que condujo a la PRECONCENTRACIÓN uranífera de los magmas graníticos canalizados en las cizallas magmáticas tardías. Ambos objetivos se complementan y no son compartimentos estancos, ya que el logro combinado de estos objetivos permitirá comprender de mejor manera el proceso geoquímico que gobernó la distribución y concentración del U. De esta manera, se intentará definir un MODELO de PRECONCENTRACIÓN URANÍFERA EXTRAPOLABLE a otras áreas graníticas enriquecidas en uranio, constituyendo una poderosa herramienta de investigación aplicada a la exploración uranífera. En particular, el conocimiento de los recursos uraníferos es parte de una estrategia nacional con vistas a triplicar antes del 2025 la disponibilidad energética actual, en cuyo caso, el uranio constituye la materia prima de las centrales nucleares que se están planificando y en construcción. Por otro lado, la Argentina adhirió al Protocolo de Kioto y, junto a los países adherentes, deben disminuir de manera progresiva el uso de combustibles fósiles (que producen gases de efecto invernadero), reemplazándola por otras fuentes de energía, entre ellas, la ENERGÍA NUCLEAR. Este Proyecto, si bien NO es un Proyecto de exploración y/o prospección minera, es totalmente consistente con la política energética nacional promocionada desde el Ministerio de Planificación Federal, Inversión Pública y Servicios (v. sitio WEB CNEA), que ha invertido, desde 2006, importantes sumas de dinero, en el marco del Programa de Reactivación de la Actividad Nuclear.Los estudios referidos serán conducidos por los Drs. Dahlquist (CONICET-UNC) y Zarco (CNEA) quienes integrarán sus experiencias desarrolladas en el campo de las Ciencias Básicas con aquel logrado en el campo de las Ciencias Aplicadas, respectivamente. Se pretende, por tanto, aplicar conocimientos académicos-científicos a un problema de geología con potencial significado económico-energético, vinculando las instituciones referidas, esto es, CONICET-UNC y CNEA, con el fin de contribuir a la actividad socioeconómica de la provincia de Córdoba en particular y de Argentina en general.Finalmente, convencidos de que el progreso de la Ciencia y el Desarrollo Tecnológico está íntimamente vinculada con la sólida Formación de Recursos Humanos se pretende que este Proyecto contribuya SIGNIFICATIVAMENTE a las investigaciones de Doctorado que iniciará la Geóloga Carina Bello, actual Becaria de la CNEA.


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I consider the problem of assigning agents to objects where each agent must pay the price of the object he gets and prices must sum to a given number. The objective is to select an assignment-price pair that is envy-free with respect to the true preferences. I prove that the proposed mechanism will implement both in Nash and strong Nash the set of envy-free allocations. The distinguishing feature of the mechanism is that it treats the announced preferences as the true ones and selects an envy-free allocation with respect to the announced preferences.


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This position paper considers the devolution of further fiscal powers to the Scottish Parliament in the context of the objectives and remit of the Smith Commission. The argument builds on our discussion of fiscal decentralization made in our previous published work on this topic. We ask what sort of budget constraint the Scottish Parliament should operate with. A soft budget constraint (SBC) allows the Scottish Parliament to spend without having to consider all of the tax and, therefore, political consequences, of that spending, which is effectively the position at the moment. The incentives to promote economic growth through fiscal policy – on both the tax and spending sides are weak to non-existent. This is what the Scotland Act, 1998, and the continuing use of the Barnett block grant, gave Scotland. Now other budget constraints are being discussed – those of the Calman Commission (2009) and the Scotland Act (2012), as well as the ones offered in 2014 by the various political parties – Scottish Conservatives, Scottish Greens, Scottish Labour, the Scottish Liberal Democrats and the Scottish Government. There is also the budget constraint designed by the Holtham Commission (2010) for Wales that could just as well be used in Scotland. We examine to what extent these offer the hard budget constraint (HBC) that would bring tax policy firmly into the realm of Scottish politics, asking the Scottish electorate and Parliament to consider the costs to them of increasing spending in terms of higher taxes; or the benefits to them of using public spending to grow the tax base and own-sourced taxes? The hardest budget constraint of all is offered by independence but, as is now known, a clear majority of those who voted in the referendum did not vote for this form of budget constraint. Rather they voted for a significant further devolution of fiscal powers while remaining within a political and monetary union with the rest of the UK, with the risk pooling and revenue sharing that this implies. It is not surprising therefore that none of the budget constraints on offer, apart from the SNP’s, come close to the HBC of independence. However, the almost 25% fall in the price of oil since the referendum, a resource stream so central to the SNP’s economic policy making, underscores why there is a need for a trade off between a HBC and risk pooling and revenue sharing. Ranked according to the desirable characteristic of offering something approaching a HBC the least desirable are those of the Calman Commission, the Scotland Act, 2012, and Scottish Labour. In all of these the ‘elasticity’ of the block grant in the face of failure to grow the Scottish tax base is either not defined or is very elastic – meaning that the risk of failure is shuffled off to taxpayers outside of Scotland. The degree of HBC in the Scottish Conservative, Scottish Greens and Scottish Liberal Democrats proposals are much more desirable from an economic growth point of view, the latter even embracing the HBC proposed by the Holtham Commission that combines serious tax policy with welfare support in the long-run. We judge that the budget constraint in the SNP’s proposals is too hard as it does not allow for continuation of the ‘welfare union’ in the UK. We also consider that in the case of a generalized UK economic slow requiring a fiscal stimulus that the Scottish Parliament be allowed increased borrowing to be repaid in the next economic upturn.


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The use of Geographic Information Systems has revolutionalized the handling and the visualization of geo-referenced data and has underlined the critic role of spatial analysis. The usual tools for such a purpose are geostatistics which are widely used in Earth science. Geostatistics are based upon several hypothesis which are not always verified in practice. On the other hand, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) a priori can be used without special assumptions and are known to be flexible. This paper proposes to discuss the application of ANN in the case of the interpolation of a geo-referenced variable.


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Amalgamation of Qualifications and Quality Assurance Bodies - Consultation Paper on Implementation (May 2009). Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.


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The estimation of camera egomotion is a well established problem in computer vision. Many approaches have been proposed based on both the discrete and the differential epipolar constraint. The discrete case is mainly used in self-calibrated stereoscopic systems, whereas the differential case deals with a unique moving camera. The article surveys several methods for mobile robot egomotion estimation covering more than 0.5 million samples using synthetic data. Results from real data are also given


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The k-symplectic formulation of field theories is especially simple, since only tangent and cotangent bundles are needed in its description. Its defining elements show a close relationship with those in the symplectic formulation of mechanics. It will be shown that this relationship also stands in the presymplectic case. In a natural way,one can mimick the presymplectic constraint algorithm to obtain a constraint algorithmthat can be applied to k-presymplectic field theory, and more particularly to the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations offield theories defined by a singular Lagrangian, as well as to the unified Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formalism (Skinner--Rusk formalism) for k-presymplectic field theory. Two examples of application of the algorithm are also analyzed.


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In this project a research both in finding predictors via clustering techniques and in reviewing the Data Mining free software is achieved. The research is based in a case of study, from where additionally to the KDD free software used by the scientific community; a new free tool for pre-processing the data is presented. The predictors are intended for the e-learning domain as the data from where these predictors have to be inferred are student qualifications from different e-learning environments. Through our case of study not only clustering algorithms are tested but also additional goals are proposed.


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The speed of fault isolation is crucial for the design and reconfiguration of fault tolerant control (FTC). In this paper the fault isolation problem is stated as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) and solved using constraint propagation techniques. The proposed method is based on constraint satisfaction techniques and uncertainty space refining of interval parameters. In comparison with other approaches based on adaptive observers, the major advantage of the presented method is that the isolation speed is fast even taking into account uncertainty in parameters, measurements and model errors and without the monotonicity assumption. In order to illustrate the proposed approach, a case study of a nonlinear dynamic system is presented


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Business processes designers take into account the resources that the processes would need, but, due to the variable cost of certain parameters (like energy) or other circumstances, this scheduling must be done when business process enactment. In this report we formalize the energy aware resource cost, including time and usage dependent rates. We also present a constraint programming approach and an auction-based approach to solve the mentioned problem including a comparison of them and a comparison of the proposed algorithms for solving them


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The analysis of conservation between the human and mouse genomes resulted in the identification of a large number of conserved nongenic sequences (CNGs). The functional significance of this nongenic conservation remains unknown, however. The availability of the sequence of a third mammalian genome, the dog, allows for a large-scale analysis of evolutionary attributes of CNGs in mammals. We have aligned 1638 previously identified CNGs and 976 conserved exons (CODs) from human chromosome 21 (Hsa21) with their orthologous sequences in mouse and dog. Attributes of selective constraint, such as sequence conservation, clustering, and direction of substitutions were compared between CNGs and CODs, showing a clear distinction between the two classes. We subsequently performed a chromosome-wide analysis of CNGs by correlating selective constraint metrics with their position on the chromosome and relative to their distance from genes. We found that CNGs appear to be randomly arranged in intergenic regions, with no bias to be closer or farther from genes. Moreover, conservation and clustering of substitutions of CNGs appear to be completely independent of their distance from genes. These results suggest that the majority of CNGs are not typical of previously described regulatory elements in terms of their location. We propose models for a global role of CNGs in genome function and regulation, through long-distance cis or trans chromosomal interactions.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: One central concept in evolutionary ecology is that current and residual reproductive values are negatively linked by the so-called cost of reproduction. Previous studies examining the nature of this cost suggested a possible involvement of oxidative stress resulting from the imbalance between pro- and anti-oxidant processes. Still, data remain conflictory probably because, although oxidative damage increases during reproduction, high systemic levels of oxidative stress might also constrain parental investment in reproduction. Here, we investigated variation in oxidative balance (i.e. oxidative damage and antioxidant defences) over the course of reproduction by comparing female laboratory mice rearing or not pups. RESULTS: A significant increase in oxidative damage over time was only observed in females caring for offspring, whereas antioxidant defences increased over time regardless of reproductive status. Interestingly, oxidative damage measured prior to reproduction was negatively associated with litter size at birth (constraint), whereas damage measured after reproduction was positively related to litter size at weaning (cost). CONCLUSIONS: Globally, our correlative results and the review of literature describing the links between reproduction and oxidative stress underline the importance of timing/dynamics when studying and interpreting oxidative balance in relation to reproduction. Our study highlights the duality (constraint and cost) of oxidative stress in life-history trade-offs, thus supporting the theory that oxidative stress plays a key role in life-history evolution.