987 resultados para Configuration Management (CM)
Tutkimuksessa selvitetään millainen tietotekniikan liiketoiminta-alalla toimivan palvelutoimittajan konfiguraationhallinnan järjestelmän tulisi olla, ja mitä erilaisia tekijöitä sen suunnittelussa, käyttöönotossa ja hallinnassa pitää ottaa huomioon. Case-tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan vastaavia tekijöitä sovellushallintapalveluja toimittavan yksikön näkökulmasta. Yritysten toiminta perustuu nykyisin ITIL-ohjeistukseen, joka määrittelee yhdeksi ydintoiminnokseen konfiguraationhallinnan prosessin. Tämän prosessin perustana toimii erityinen CMDB-tietokanta. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan aluksi CMDB:n suunnitteluvaiheessa huomioon otettavia tekijöitä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan käytön mukanaan tuomia hyötyjä yritykselle ja myös haasteita, joihin käyttöönottoprojektin on pystyttävä vastaamaan. Tarkka tavoitteiden asettaminen, johdon ja henkilöstön sitoutuminen sekä vaiheittainen osa kerrallaan tapahtuva käyttöönotto ovat ne tekijät, joilla haasteisiin voidaan vastata. Hyvällä muutoshallinnalla voidaan varmistaa jatkuvan palvelun vaiheessa se, että järjestelmän tiedot pysyvät ajan tasalla ja oikeina.
IT service catalog is an increasingly important issue as many IT organizations have been realizing it as a central communication and visualization tool to bridge the gap between IT and the business. This study reviews relevant literature on IT service catalog and related issues on IT services delivery. Furthermore, the study shows how IT service catalog can enhance IT effectiveness as well as provide more benefits when integrating with Configuration Management Database. In order to analyze whether IT service catalog is needed to be implemented in a Pan-Nordic Insurance Company, this study also investigates the current IT services delivery of a case study. The findings of the study show the problems in the current situation of IT services delivery in the case. The characteristics of IT service catalog are recommended in order to help with the mentioned flaws.
Organisaation kyky hallita käytössään olevia tuotteita ja järjestelmiä läpi koko niiden elinkaaren on toiminnan kannalta eräs sen ydinkyvykkyyksistä. Konfiguraationhallinta on arvoa lisäävää toimintaa ja se on keskeinen tekijä tuotteen elinkaareen liittyville muille prosesseille. Järjestelmät ovat nykyisin monimutkaisia ja niiden elinkaarenaikainen muutostenhallinta vaatii täsmällisesti määritellyn toimintatavan jolla varmistetaan että tuotteen tiedot ja sen fyysiset komponentit sekä ominaisuudet ovat keskenään yhtäpitäviä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää kohdeorganisaation konfiguraationhallintaan liittyviä prosesseja ja luoda käytännöntoimijoille ohjeistus, jolla konfiguraationhallinnan parissa työskentelevä pääsee paremmin prosessin sisälle. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa konfiguraationhallinnan nykytila kohdeorganisaatiossa ja löytää sieltä hyviä käytäntöjä joita voisi levittää laajemmin käyttöön ja kehittää edelleen. Organisaation konfiguraationhallintaan liittyvää tietoa kerättiin useammalle eri menetelmällä aineistotriangulaatioon perustuen. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena jonka teoreettisina viitekehyksinä toimivat tuotteen elinkaaren ja konfiguraationhallinnan lähestymistavat. Konfiguraationhallinnan merkitys korostuu aloilla, joissa tuotteiden elinkaari on pitkä, tuotteet ovat monimutkaisia ja niiden toiminta voi aiheuttaa turvallisuuteen liittyviä riskejä. Tehokkaalla konfiguraationhallinnalla voidaan vähentää tuotteen välittömiä ja välillisiä elinkaarikustannuksia, mutta ilman systemaattista panostusta toiminnan kehittämiseen ja resursointiin tavoiteltuun tilaan on vaikea päästä. Konfiguraationhallinta on kiinteä osa projektin- ja laadunhallintaa ja sillä luodaan puitteet tuotteen kokonaisvaltaiselle elinkaarenhallinnalle.
La computación evolutiva y muy especialmente los algoritmos genéticos son cada vez más empleados en las organizaciones para resolver sus problemas de gestión y toma de decisiones (Apoteker & Barthelemy, 2000). La literatura al respecto es creciente y algunos estados del arte han sido publicados. A pesar de esto, no hay un trabajo explícito que evalúe de forma sistemática el uso de los algoritmos genéticos en problemas específicos de los negocios internacionales (ejemplos de ello son la logística internacional, el comercio internacional, el mercadeo internacional, las finanzas internacionales o estrategia internacional). El propósito de este trabajo de grado es, por lo tanto, realizar un estado situacional de las aplicaciones de los algoritmos genéticos en los negocios internacionales.
The present work has as main objective the identification and impact analysis for the practice ITIL in the organizational flexibility of a multinational IT company, being this study of quali-quantitative and exploratory nature. To achieve this objective, some theoretical studies on bureaucracy, organization flexibility, control, IT governance and ITIL were done, as a form to better understand the research problem. For analysis effect a set of eleven ITIL process was considered in this research ¿ service desk, incident management, problem management, change management, configuration management, release management, service level management, availability management, capacity management, continuity management and finally IT financial services management ¿ grouped in its two core areas ¿ service support and service delivery. Then a scale was constructed and validated, on the basis of theoretical models developed by Volberda (1997), Tenório (2002) and Golden and Powell (1999), to measure the flexibility related to each process comprising the ITIL core. The dimensions adopted to measure flexibility were: organization design task, managerial task, IT impact on work force, HR management, efficiency impact, sensitivity, versatility and robustness. The instrument used in research was a semi-structured interview, which was divided in two parts. The data collection was performed with ten interviewed people from an IT multinational company, based on convenience, some were managers and there were users, some were ITIL certified and others not. The statistic tests of t student and Wilcoxon non-parametric were adopted. The result of the research indicated that the ITIL service support area, for possessing greater operational focus, presents flexibility trend. The opposite was found for the service delivery area, which has greater tactical focus. The results also suggest that the change management discipline was the one that contributed for the most flexibility inside the company, followed by incident management discipline and the service desk function.
Low flexibility and reliability in the operation of radial distribution networks make those systems be constructed with extra equipment as sectionalising switches in order to reconfigure the network, so the operation quality of the network can be improved. Thus, sectionalising switches are used for fault isolation and for configuration management (reconfiguration). Moreover, distribution systems are being impacted by the increasing insertion of distributed generators. Hence, distributed generation became one of the relevant parameters in the evaluation of systems reconfiguration. Distributed generation may affect distribution networks operation in various ways, causing noticeable impacts depending on its location. Thus, the loss allocation problem becomes more important considering the possibility of open access to the distribution networks. In this work, a graphic simulator for distribution networks with reconfiguration and loss allocation functions, is presented. Reconfiguration problem is solved through a heuristic methodology, using a robust power flow algorithm based on the current summation backward-forward technique, considering distributed generation. Four different loss allocation methods (Zbus, Direct Loss Coefficient, Substitution and Marginal Loss Coefficient) are implemented and compared. Results for a 32-bus medium voltage distribution network, are presented and discussed.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC
L'elaborato analizza gli strumenti utilizzati nella gestione di infrastrutture informatiche. In particolare: nel primo capitolo viene fatta una panoramica del Cloud Computing e relativi modelli infrastrutturali e di distribuzione. Nel secondo vengono analizzate le piattaforme di gestione di sistemi basati su architettura IaaS, quali OpenStack, OpenNebula ed Eucalyptus. Nel terzo capitolo vengono esaminati due dei Software Configuration Management maggiormente utilizzati: Puppet e Chef. Nel quarto ed ultimo capitolo viene descritto lo standard OCCI (Open Cloud Computing Interface).
La tesi inserita in un periodo di forte transizione dai sistemi Onpremises a sistemi Cloud ha avuto l'esigenza di risolvere alcune problematiche legate alla definizione delle infrastrutture. Come poter scalare le risorse all'evenienza ricreando gli stessi ambienti, monitorandoli e mettendo in sicurezza i dati critici delle applicazioni? La tesi ha risposto proprio a questa domanda definendo un nuovo paradigma nel concepire le infrastrutture chiamato Infrastructure as Code. La tesi ha approfondito le pratiche e le metodologie che si sono legate maggiormente all'Infrastructure as Code tra le quali Version Control, Configuration Management, Continuous Integration e Continuous Delivery. La tesi inoltre ha previsto la realizzazione di un prototipo finale nato dallo studio del flusso di sviluppo software aziendale, definendo gli ambienti in accordo ai sistemi di Version Control e Configuration Management, applicando pratiche di integrazione continua per giungere ad una deployment pipeline funzionale.
The Environmental Health (EH) program of Peace Corps (PC) Panama and a non-governmental organization (NGO) Waterlines have been assisting rural communities in Panama gain access to improved water sources through the practice of community management (CM) model and participatory development. Unfortunately, there is little information available on how a water system is functioning once the construction is complete and the volunteer leaves the community. This is a concern when the recent literature suggests that most communities are not able to indefinitely maintain a rural water system (RWS) without some form of external assistance (Sara and Katz, 1997; Newman et al, 2002; Lockwood, 2002, 2003, 2004; IRC, 2003; Schweitzer, 2009). Recognizing this concern, the EH program director encouraged the author to complete a postproject assessment of the past EH water projects. In order to carry out the investigation, an easy to use monitoring and evaluation tool was developed based on literature review and the author’s three years of field experience in rural Panama. The study methodology consists of benchmark scoring systems to rate the following ten indicators: watershed, source capture, transmission line, storage tank, distribution system, system reliability, willingness to pay, accounting/transparency, maintenance, and active water committee members. The assessment of 28 communities across the country revealed that the current state of physical infrastructure, as well as the financial, managerial and technical capabilities of water committees varied significantly depending on the community. While some communities are enjoying continued service and their water committee completing all of its responsibilities, others have seen their water systems fall apart and be abandoned. Overall, the higher score were more prevalent for all ten indicators. However, even the communities with the highest scores requested some form of additional assistance. The conclusion from the assessment suggests that the EH program should incorporate an institutional support mechanism (ISM) to its sector policy in order to systematically provide follow-up support to rural communities in Panama. A full-time circuit rider with flexible funding would be able to provide additional technical support, training and encouragement to those communities in need.
La Ingeniería del Software (IS) Empírica adopta el método científico a la IS para facilitar la generación de conocimiento. Una de las técnicas empleadas, es la realización de experimentos. Para que el conocimiento obtenido experimentalmente adquiera el nivel de madurez necesario para su posterior uso, es necesario que los experimentos sean replicados. La existencia de múltiples replicaciones de un mismo experimento conlleva la existencia de numerosas versiones de los distintos productos generados durante la realización de cada replicación. Actualmente existe un gran descontrol sobre estos productos, ya que la administración se realiza de manera informal. Esto causa problemas a la hora de planificar nuevas replicaciones, o intentar obtener información sobre las replicaciones ya realizadas. Para conocer con detalle la dimensión del problema a resolver, se estudia el estado actual de la gestión de materiales experimentales y su uso en replicaciones, así como de las herramientas de gestión de materiales experimentales. El estudio concluye que ninguno de los enfoques estudiados proporciona una solución al problema planteado. Este trabajo persigue como objetivo mejorar la administración de los materiales experimentales y replicaciones de experimentos en IS para dar soporte a la replicación de experimentos. Para satisfacer este objetivo, se propone la adopción en experimentación de los paradigmas de Gestión de Configuración del Software (GCS) y Línea de Producto Software (LPS). Para desarrollar la propuesta se decide utilizar el método de investigación acción (en inglés action research). Para adoptar la GCS a experimentación, se comienza realizando un estudio del proceso experimental como transformación de productos; a continuación, se realiza una adopción de conceptos fundamentada en los procesos del desarrollo software y de experimentación; finalmente, se desarrollan un conjunto de instrumentos, que se incorporan a un Plan de Gestión de Configuración de Experimentos (PGCE). Para adoptar la LPS a experimentación, se comienza realizando un estudio de los conceptos, actividades y fases que fundamentan la LPS; a continuación, se realiza una adopción de los conceptos; finalmente, se desarrollan o adoptan las técnicas, simbología y modelos para dar soporte a las fases de la Línea de Producto para Experimentación (LPE). La propuesta se valida mediante la evaluación de su: viabilidad, flexibilidad, usabilidad y satisfacción. La viabilidad y flexibilidad se evalúan mediante la instanciación del PGCE y de la LPE en experimentos concretos en IS. La usabilidad se evalúa mediante el uso de la propuesta para la generación de las instancias del PGCE y de LPE. La satisfacción evalúa la información sobre el experimento que contiene el PGCE y la LPE. Los resultados de la validación de la propuesta muestran mejores resultados en los aspectos de usabilidad y satisfacción a los experimentadores. ABSTRACT Empirical software engineering adapts the scientific method to software engineering (SE) in order to facilitate knowledge generation. Experimentation is one of the techniques used. For the knowledge generated experimentally to acquire the level of maturity necessary for later use, the experiments have to be replicated. As the same experiment is replicated more than once, there are numerous versions of all the products generated during a replication. These products are generally administered informally without control. This is troublesome when it comes to planning new replications or trying to gather information on replications conducted in the past. In order to grasp the size of the problem to be solved, this research examines the current state of the art of the management and use of experimental materials in replications, as well as the tools managing experimental materials. The study concludes that none of the analysed approaches provides a solution to the stated problem. The aim of this research is to improve the administration of SE experimental materials and experimental replications in support of experiment replication. To do this, we propose the adaptation of software configuration management (SCM) and software product line (SPL) paradigms to experimentation. The action research method was selected in order to develop this proposal. The first step in the adaptation of the SCM to experimentation was to analyse the experimental process from the viewpoint of the transformation of products. The concepts were then adapted based on software development and experimentation processes. Finally, a set of instruments were developed and added to an experiment configuration management plan (ECMP). The first step in the adaptation of the SPL to experimentation is to analyse the concepts, activities and phases underlying the SPL. The concepts are then adapted. Finally, techniques, symbols and models are developed or adapted in support of the experimentation product line (EPL) phases. The proposal is validated by evaluating its feasibility, flexibility, usability and satisfaction. Feasibility and flexibility are evaluated by instantiating the ECMP and the EPL in specific SE experiments. Usability is evaluated by using the proposal to generate the instances of the ECMP and EPL. The results of the validation of the proposal show that the proposal performs better with respect to usability issues and experimenter satisfaction.
Software Configuration Management is the discipline of managing large collections of software development artefacts from which software products are built. Software configuration management tools typically deal with artefacts at fine levels of granularity - such as individual source code files - and assist with coordination of changes to such artefacts. This paper describes a lightweight tool, designed to be used on top of a traditional file-based configuration management system. The add-on tool support enables users to flexibly define new hierarchical views of product structure, independent of the underlying artefact-repository structure. The tool extracts configuration and change data with respect to the user-defined hierarchy, leading to improved visibility of how individual subsystems have changed. The approach yields a range of new capabilities for build managers, and verification and validation teams. The paper includes a description of our experience using the tool in an organization that builds large embedded software systems.
Introdução: Existe uma extensa quantidade de investigação empírica relativa a efectividade de várias intervenções psicossociais em pacientes com doenca mental grave (DMG). No entanto, estes resultados mostram-se, por vezes, contraditórios, fruto de trabalhos com sérias limitações metodológicas, sendo difícil a sua integração e aplicação na prática clínica. Objetivo: Revisão da literatura atual relativa à efetividade das várias intervenções psicossociais no doente mental grave, no âmbito da Psiquiatria Comunitária. Foram utilizadas bases de dados online – Medline, Cochrane Library, Embase e PsycINFO. Resultados: Os programas de treino de atividades diárias não evidenciam diferenças clinicamente significativas face a intervenções usuais. Os programas residenciais na comunidade parecem melhorar o funcionamento social, a integração no meio e a satisfação dos utentes com doença mental grave, além de promover a adesão à terapia farmacológica. Os programas dirigidos ao lazer e ao tempo livre parecem melhorar o funcionamento social dos indivíduos com DMG, bem como a satisfação geral. Em termos de programas orientados para o emprego, existe boa evidência quanto a programas com tipologias de emprego protegido ou apoio no emprego - colocação rápida, com treino prévio curto, e apoio individual frequente. Relativamente às intervenções ao nível dos serviços, o tratamento assertivo na comunidade está associado a uma maior probabilidade de manter o doente em contacto com os serviços, com efetiva redução dos internamentos hospitalares. O doente com DMG integrado em programa de terapeuta de referência – ‘Case Management’ (CM) – tem maior possibilidade de se manter em contacto com os serviços e maior adesão à medicação psicotrópica. O Case Management de aplicação intensiva poderá ter um desempenho mais eficiente face ao CM convencional, prevendo-se um melhor desempenho no paciente com DMG que tende a utilizar frequentemente os cuidados hospitalares. Os Hospitais de Dia (não-agudos) não evidenciam eficácia superior às intervenções regulares em termos de taxas de internamento, psicopatologia ou funcionamento social.