976 resultados para Computational geometry
En aquesta tesi es solucionen problemes de visibilitat i proximitat sobre superfícies triangulades considerant elements generalitzats. Com a elements generalitzats considerem: punts, segments, poligonals i polígons. Les estrategies que proposem utilitzen algoritmes de geometria computacional i hardware gràfic. Comencem tractant els problemes de visibilitat sobre models de terrenys triangulats considerant un conjunt d'elements de visió generalitzats. Es presenten dos mètodes per obtenir, de forma aproximada, mapes de multi-visibilitat. Un mapa de multi-visibilitat és la subdivisió del domini del terreny que codifica la visibilitat d'acord amb diferents criteris. El primer mètode, de difícil implementació, utilitza informació de visibilitat exacte per reconstruir de forma aproximada el mapa de multi-visibilitat. El segon, que va acompanyat de resultats d'implementació, obté informació de visibilitat aproximada per calcular i visualitzar mapes de multi-visibilitat discrets mitjançant hardware gràfic. Com a aplicacions es resolen problemes de multi-visibilitat entre regions i es responen preguntes sobre la multi-visibilitat d'un punt o d'una regió. A continuació tractem els problemes de proximitat sobre superfícies polièdriques triangulades considerant seus generalitzades. Es presenten dos mètodes, amb resultats d'implementació, per calcular distàncies des de seus generalitzades sobre superfícies polièdriques on hi poden haver obstacles generalitzats. El primer mètode calcula, de forma exacte, les distàncies definides pels camins més curts des de les seus als punts del poliedre. El segon mètode calcula, de forma aproximada, distàncies considerant els camins més curts sobre superfícies polièdriques amb pesos. Com a aplicacions, es calculen diagrames de Voronoi d'ordre k, i es resolen, de forma aproximada, alguns problemes de localització de serveis. També es proporciona un estudi teòric sobre la complexitat dels diagrames de Voronoi d'ordre k d'un conjunt de seus generalitzades en un poliedre sense pesos.
In this paper, the concept of Matching Parallelepiped (MP) is presented. It is shown that the volume of the MP can be used as an additional measure of `distance' between a pair of candidate points in a matching algorithm by Relaxation Labeling (RL). The volume of the MP is related with the Epipolar Geometry and the use of this measure works as an epipolar constraint in a RL process, decreasing the efforts in the matching algorithm since it is not necessary to explicitly determine the equations of the epipolar lines and to compute the distance of a candidate point to each epipolar line. As at the beginning of the process the Relative Orientation (RO) parameters are unknown, a initial matching based on gradient, intensities and correlation is obtained. Based on this set of labeled points the RO is determined and the epipolar constraint included in the algorithm. The obtained results shown that the proposed approach is suitable to determine feature-point matching with simultaneous estimation of camera orientation parameters even for the cases where the pair of optical axes are not parallel.
This article presents a quantitative and objective approach to cat ganglion cell characterization and classification. The combination of several biologically relevant features such as diameter, eccentricity, fractal dimension, influence histogram, influence area, convex hull area, and convex hull diameter are derived from geometrical transforms and then processed by three different clustering methods (Ward's hierarchical scheme, K-means and genetic algorithm), whose results are then combined by a voting strategy. These experiments indicate the superiority of some features and also suggest some possible biological implications.
An improvement to the quality bidimensional Delaunay mesh generation algorithm, which combines the mesh refinement algorithms strategy of Ruppert and Shewchuk is proposed in this research. The developed technique uses diametral lenses criterion, introduced by L. P. Chew, with the purpose of eliminating the extremely obtuse triangles in the boundary mesh. This method splits the boundary segment and obtains an initial prerefinement, and thus reducing the number of necessary iterations to generate a high quality sequential triangulation. Moreover, it decreases the intensity of the communication and synchronization between subdomains in parallel mesh refinement. © 2008 IEEE.
We discuss the thermal dependence of the zero-bias electrical conductance for a quantum dot embedded in a quantum wire, or side-coupled to it. In the Kondo regime, the temperature-dependent conductances map linearly onto the conductance for the symmetric Anderson Hamiltonian. The mapping fits accurately numerical renormalization-group results for the conductance in each geometry. In the side-coupled geometry, the conductance is markedly affected by a gate potential applied to the wire; in the embedded geometry, it is not. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Visualisation in the field of dentistry has nor, thus far, reached the same development as other medical fields. Potential applications of visualisation techniques in this area, however, are many, ranging from educational displays to training for delicate procedures. This paper reports on the investigation of techniques for handling three-dimensional models of teeth, aiming at investigation of dental structures. An algorithm was implemented for this purpose, which reconstructs three-dimensional teeth models from two-dimensional contour slices. Results employing various data sets are presented, including the output of VRML models for exploration.
During a long time, origami was associated with decoration and craft production of ornaments and figures. However, in the end of 20th century, it began to be studied by mathematicians who were looking for interrelationships between this art and science. Through disciplines like geometry, trigonometry, calculation and linear algebra, they generated a set of axioms and theorems that became possible specific conversion of origami in computational geometry and the development of several softwares. Thus, origami began to be applied in engineering and design studies of innovative product and the term “origamics” was created to demonstrate its interdisciplinary nature. In this article will be presented some works exploring the constructive principles of origami to contribute with the diffusion of origamics. In this way more professionals will be able to understand the scientific and technological potential of this art.
Präsentiert wird ein vollständiger, exakter und effizienter Algorithmus zur Berechnung des Nachbarschaftsgraphen eines Arrangements von Quadriken (Algebraische Flächen vom Grad 2). Dies ist ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg zur Berechnung des vollen 3D Arrangements. Dabei greifen wir auf eine bereits existierende Implementierung zur Berechnung der exakten Parametrisierung der Schnittkurve von zwei Quadriken zurück. Somit ist es möglich, die exakten Parameterwerte der Schnittpunkte zu bestimmen, diese entlang der Kurven zu sortieren und den Nachbarschaftsgraphen zu berechnen. Wir bezeichnen unsere Implementierung als vollständig, da sie auch die Behandlung aller Sonderfälle wie singulärer oder tangentialer Schnittpunkte einschließt. Sie ist exakt, da immer das mathematisch korrekte Ergebnis berechnet wird. Und schließlich bezeichnen wir unsere Implementierung als effizient, da sie im Vergleich mit dem einzigen bisher implementierten Ansatz gut abschneidet. Implementiert wurde unser Ansatz im Rahmen des Projektes EXACUS. Das zentrale Ziel von EXACUS ist es, einen Prototypen eines zuverlässigen und leistungsfähigen CAD Geometriekerns zu entwickeln. Obwohl wir das Design unserer Bibliothek als prototypisch bezeichnen, legen wir dennoch größten Wert auf Vollständigkeit, Exaktheit, Effizienz, Dokumentation und Wiederverwendbarkeit. Über den eigentlich Beitrag zu EXACUS hinaus, hatte der hier vorgestellte Ansatz durch seine besonderen Anforderungen auch wesentlichen Einfluss auf grundlegende Teile von EXACUS. Im Besonderen hat diese Arbeit zur generischen Unterstützung der Zahlentypen und der Verwendung modularer Methoden innerhalb von EXACUS beigetragen. Im Rahmen der derzeitigen Integration von EXACUS in CGAL wurden diese Teile bereits erfolgreich in ausgereifte CGAL Pakete weiterentwickelt.
During decades Distance Transforms have proven to be useful for many image processing applications, and more recently, they have started to be used in computer graphics environments. The goal of this paper is to propose a new technique based on Distance Transforms for detecting mesh elements which are close to the objects' external contour (from a given point of view), and using this information for weighting the approximation error which will be tolerated during the mesh simplification process. The obtained results are evaluated in two ways: visually and using an objective metric that measures the geometrical difference between two polygonal meshes.
wo methods for registering laser-scans of human heads and transforming them to a new semantically consistent topology defined by a user-provided template mesh are described. Both algorithms are stated within the Iterative Closest Point framework. The first method is based on finding landmark correspondences by iteratively registering the vicinity of a landmark with a re-weighted error function. Thin-plate spline interpolation is then used to deform the template mesh and finally the scan is resampled in the topology of the deformed template. The second algorithm employs a morphable shape model, which can be computed from a database of laser-scans using the first algorithm. It directly optimizes pose and shape of the morphable model. The use of the algorithm with PCA mixture models, where the shape is split up into regions each described by an individual subspace, is addressed. Mixture models require either blending or regularization strategies, both of which are described in detail. For both algorithms, strategies for filling in missing geometry for incomplete laser-scans are described. While an interpolation-based approach can be used to fill in small or smooth regions, the model-driven algorithm is capable of fitting a plausible complete head mesh to arbitrarily small geometry, which is known as "shape completion". The importance of regularization in the case of extreme shape completion is shown.
En este trabajo se da un ejemplo de un conjunto de n puntos situados en posición general, en el que se alcanza el mínimo número de puntos que pueden formar parte de algún k-set para todo k con 1menor que=kmenor quen/2. Se generaliza también, a puntos en posición no general, el resultado de Erdõs et al., 1973, sobre el mínimo número de puntos que pueden formar parte de algún k-set. The study of k- sets is a very relevant topic in the research area of computational geometry. The study of the maximum and minimum number of k-sets in sets of points of the plane in general position, specifically, has been developed at great length in the literature. With respect to the maximum number of k-sets, lower bounds for this maximum have been provided by Erdõs et al., Edelsbrunner and Welzl, and later by Toth. Dey also stated an upper bound for this maximum number of k-sets. With respect to the minimum number of k-set, this has been stated by Erdos el al. and, independently, by Lovasz et al. In this paper the authors give an example of a set of n points in the plane in general position (no three collinear), in which the minimum number of points that can take part in, at least, a k-set is attained for every k with 1 ≤ k < n/2. The authors also extend Erdos’s result about the minimum number of points in general position which can take part in a k-set to a set of n points not necessarily in general position. That is why this work complements the classic works we have mentioned before.
It is known that the Minimum Weight Triangulation problem is NP-hard. Also the complexity of the Minimum Weight Pseudo-Triangulation problem is unknown, yet it is suspected to be also NP-hard. Therefore we focused on the development of approximate algorithms to find high quality triangulations and pseudo-triangulations of minimum weight. In this work we propose two metaheuristics to solve these problems: Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Simulated Annealing (SA). For the experimental study we have created a set of instances for MWT and MWPT problems, since no reference to benchmarks for these problems were found in the literature. Through experimental evaluation, we assess the applicability of the ACO and SA metaheuristics for MWT and MWPT problems. These results are compared with those obtained from the application of deterministic algorithms for the same problems (Delaunay Triangulation for MWT and a Greedy algorithm respectively for MWT and MWPT).
In this paper we propose four approximation algorithms (metaheuristic based), for the Minimum Vertex Floodlight Set problem. Urrutia et al. [9] solved the combinatorial problem, although it is strongly believed that the algorithmic problem is NP-hard. We conclude that, on average, the minimum number of vertex floodlights needed to illuminate a orthogonal polygon with n vertices is n/4,29.
Let S be a set of n + m sites, of which n are red and have weight wR, and m are blue and weigh wB. The objective of this paper is to calculate the minimum value of wR such that the union of the red Voronoi cells in the weighted Voronoi diagram of S is a connected set. The problem is solved for the multiplicatively-weighted Voronoi diagram in O((n+m)^2 log(nm)) time and for the additively-weighted Voronoi diagram in O(nmlog(nm)) time.