833 resultados para Colombian Constitution of 1991


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This article aims to present an approach to the issue of farm or rural zone workers, including a labour law study of agrarian legal decisions, so as to demonstrate their importance in respect to social, economic and cultural rights in Colombia. The study will serve to illustrate through the history, the applicable law and the jurisprudence, the different ways in which farmers have been treated from the time of the origin until the arrival of modern systems of industrialization. It calls into question the effectiveness of existing laws and the role of the courts, in spite of globalization, to maintain the minimum rights and guarantees of farm workers who are considered to be a vulnerable population. In conclusion, this study seeks to illustrate the current role of the Labor law and the National Health Service in the area of demonstrating of the existence or absence of mechanisms to protect workers in rural areas and the need to create some mechanisms that involve social justice given its prime importance in the Constitution of 1991.


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El Ordenamiento jurídico colombiano desde sus inicios se ha enmarcado en la familia jurídica Romano Germánica, donde la Jurisprudencia ocupa un papel secundario en el momento de tomar decisiones por parte de los jueces, fungiendo como un instrumento meramente auxiliar, totalmente opacado por la ley. Sin embargo, a partir de la entrada en vigencia de la Constitución de 1991, con la creación de la Corte Constitucional junto al valor vinculante que se ha dado a sus decisiones, el tradicional sistema de fuentes ha presentado una evolución que lo aproxima al uso de instituciones, como el precedente judicial, que parecían exclusivas del Common Law. De esta manera, lo novedoso del problema de investigación es que la discusión sobre la alteración de la jerarquía de las fuentes del derecho, se aborda desde una perspectiva teórica, pero desarrolla puntualmente, mecanismos como las sentencias de unificación y la extensión de jurisprudencia, que posiblemente dan alcance al concepto de precedente judicial en el Contencioso Administrativo en la práctica.


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El propósito principal de la investigación es determinar los problemas del accionar público estatal dirigido a la población con discapacidad privada de la libertad, a partir de la promulgación de la Constitución Política de 1991 hasta el año 2013. De acuerdo con lo anterior, se quiere demostrar que los problemas del accionar público estatal radican en la emisión de soluciones improvisadas que se han desarrollado frente a las necesidades de la población con discapacidad privada de la libertad. Para ratificarlo, el trabajo se valdrá del institucionalismo normativo así como de la perspectiva de interseccionalidad para analizar de qué manera los problemas del accionar público estatal afectan el ejercicio y la garantía de los derechos de esta población.


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El principal objetivo de esta monografía es determinar cómo la legislación ha incidido en la ampliación de los escenarios de participación en las dinámicas políticas y culturales de las comunidades musulmanas en Bogotá, derivadas de la interacción entre las comunidades minoritarias –para este caso, la comunidad musulmana en Bogotá- y la cultura dominante. Desde la Constitución de 1991, se sentaron las bases para la protección de las minorías religiosas y culturales, es por ello, que se aborda desde la perspectiva de los líderes religiosos los problemas referentes a la integración y el reconocimiento de la comunidad, y los desafíos que representa la normatividad. Para el desarrollo de este propósito, se utilizara la teoría de la esfera pública de Iris Marion Young, y la de identidad de Charles Taylor.


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La propuesta de la investigación consiste en observar y comprobar si efectivamente los espacios de participación local surgidos después de la constitución de 1991, en un esfuerzo del estado colombiano y la administración Distrital por descentralizar la función administrativa, han sido efectivos dentro del proceso de construcción de ciudadanía, y en qué forma los ediles interactúan con los habitantes de la localidad y canalizan las demandas de la comunidad. Por lo mismo, se pretende indagar sobre las características de la participación ciudadana en la localidad y la aparición de tensiones entre la apertura de espacios de participación, y el uso de ellos por redes políticas locales de tipo clientelista. De esta forma, se busca comprobar si surge así, un fenómeno de construcción de ciudadanía permeado por intereses de carácter particularista, limitando a los ciudadanos, que como miembros de las redes de intermediación política, acceden a los derechos de ciudadanía que ofrecen los nuevos espacios de representación


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Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: " Formaci??n de profesores. Perspectivas de Brasil, Colombia, Espa??a y Portugal"


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Artificial pod inoculation was used to compare the relative aggressiveness of seven Colombian isolates of Moniliophthora roreri (the causal agent of moniliasis or frosty pod disease), representing four major genetic groupings of the pathogen in cacao (cocoa), when applied to five diverse cacao genotypes (ICS-1, ICS-95, TSH-565, SCC-61 and CAP-34) at La Suiza Experimental Farm, Santander Department, Colombia. The following variables were evaluated 9 weeks after inoculation of 2- to 3-month-old pods with spore suspensions (1.2 x 10(5) spores mL(-1)): (i) disease incidence (DI); (ii) external severity (ES); and (iii) internal severity (IS). IS was found to be of greatest value in classifying the reaction of the host genotype against M. roreri. Genetic variation reported between isolates and cacao genotypes was not matched by similar diversity in their aggressiveness. All isolates were generally highly aggressive against most cacao genotypes, with only two isolates showing reduced IS and ES reactions. There was considerable variation between clones in the IS and ES scores, but one cultivated clone (ICS-95) displayed a significant level of resistance against all seven isolates. This clone may be useful in cacao breeding initiatives for resistance to moniliasis of cacao.


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The Sexual Constitution of Political Authority argues that there are good reasons to suppose that our understandings of state power quiver with erotic undercurrents. Through a series of case studies where a statesman's same sex desire was put on trial (either literally or metaphorically) as a problem for the good exercise of public powers, the book shows the resilience and adaptability of cultural beliefs in the incompatibility between public office and male same-sex desire.


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Thrift [2008. Non-representational theory: space, politics, affect, 65. Abingdon: Routledge] has identified disenchantment as “[o]ne of the most damaging ideas” within social scientific and humanities research. As we have argued elsewhere, “[m]etanarratives of disenchantment and their concomitant preoccupation with destructive power go some way toward accounting for the overwhelmingly ‘critical’ character of geographical theory over the last 40 years” [Woodyer, T. and Geoghegan, H., 2013. (Re)enchanting geography? The nature of being critical and the character of critique in human geography. Progress in Human Geography, 37 (2), 195–214]. Through its experimentation with different ways of working and writing, cultural geography plays an important role in challenging extant habits of critical thinking. In this paper, we use the concept of “enchantment” to make sense of the deep and powerful affinities exposed in our research experiences and how these might be used to pursue a critical, yet more cheerful way of engaging with the geographies of the world.


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Colombian Reference National Laboratory, GENES LTDA, have organized and coordinated for the past two years (2009 and 2010) the Quality Control Exercise for laboratories undertaking paternity, maternity and forensic tests with DNA markers. Twenty-two laboratories have participated in 2009, increasing the number to 27 in 2010. Laboratories in Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Dominican Republic and Panama have participated in these exercises. There have been some similarities in the two controls: A practical exercise, three blood samples on FTA cards were sent to each participating laboratory to be genotyped for DNA markers using the routine methodologies in their laboratories; theoretical exercises including optional and obligatory cases. For the theoretical exercises, the participating laboratories should calculate the partial and final PI or BRI (Biological Relationship Index or Paternity Index). Forty-nine and 52 markers were under consensus for 2009 and 2010, respectively, distributed in autosomal, Y and X chromosomes STR. With respect to 2008, 12 and 15 additional markers were under consensus for 2009 and 2010, respectively. The rate of reporting error was 2.9% in 2009 while in 2010, 4.7% error was reported. The Proficiency Test conducted through the Colombian National Reference Laboratory has become a useful tool for quality assurance of all Colombian laboratories and some of Latin America that do DNA testing to establish biological relationships and an excellent opportunity for ongoing training of experts from the region.


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