49 resultados para Churn


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Motivated by the need for designing efficient and robust fully-distributed computation in highly dynamic networks such as Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks, we study distributed protocols for constructing and maintaining dynamic network topologies with good expansion properties. Our goal is to maintain a sparse (bounded degree) expander topology despite heavy {\em churn} (i.e., nodes joining and leaving the network continuously over time). We assume that the churn is controlled by an adversary that has complete knowledge and control of what nodes join and leave and at what time and has unlimited computational power, but is oblivious to the random choices made by the algorithm. Our main contribution is a randomized distributed protocol that guarantees with high probability the maintenance of a {\em constant} degree graph with {\em high expansion} even under {\em continuous high adversarial} churn. Our protocol can tolerate a churn rate of up to $O(n/\poly\log(n))$ per round (where $n$ is the stable network size). Our protocol is efficient, lightweight, and scalable, and it incurs only $O(\poly\log(n))$ overhead for topology maintenance: only polylogarithmic (in $n$) bits needs to be processed and sent by each node per round and any node's computation cost per round is also polylogarithmic. The given protocol is a fundamental ingredient that is needed for the design of efficient fully-distributed algorithms for solving fundamental distributed computing problems such as agreement, leader election, search, and storage in highly dynamic P2P networks and enables fast and scalable algorithms for these problems that can tolerate a large amount of churn.


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We study the fundamental Byzantine leader election problem in dynamic networks where the topology can change from round to round and nodes can also experience heavy {\em churn} (i.e., nodes can join and leave the network continuously over time). We assume the full information model where the Byzantine nodes have complete knowledge about the entire state of the network at every round (including random choices made by all the nodes), have unbounded computational power and can deviate arbitrarily from the protocol. The churn is controlled by an adversary that has complete knowledge and control over which nodes join and leave and at what times and also may rewire the topology in every round and has unlimited computational power, but is oblivious to the random choices made by the algorithm. Our main contribution is an $O(\log^3 n)$ round algorithm that achieves Byzantine leader election under the presence of up to $O({n}^{1/2 - \epsilon})$ Byzantine nodes (for a small constant $\epsilon > 0$) and a churn of up to \\$O(\sqrt{n}/\poly\log(n))$ nodes per round (where $n$ is the stable network size).The algorithm elects a leader with probability at least $1-n^{-\Omega(1)}$ and guarantees that it is an honest node with probability at least $1-n^{-\Omega(1)}$; assuming the algorithm succeeds, the leader's identity will be known to a $1-o(1)$ fraction of the honest nodes. Our algorithm is fully-distributed, lightweight, and is simple to implement. It is also scalable, as it runs in polylogarithmic (in $n$) time and requires nodes to send and receive messages of only polylogarithmic size per round.To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the first scalable solution for Byzantine leader election in a dynamic network with a high rate of churn; our protocol can also be used to solve Byzantine agreement in a straightforward way.We also show how to implement an (almost-everywhere) public coin with constant bias in a dynamic network with Byzantine nodes and provide a mechanism for enabling honest nodes to store information reliably in the network, which might be of independent interest.


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The main objective of this project was to investigate methods to create a new loyalty approach for Galp Energia in order to improve customer retention and reduce churn, related with the expansion of hypermarket chains’ in the Fuel Retail Market and the country’s economical situation. The team carried out on-spot surveys and focus groups, researched loyalty programs’ best practices, analyzed peers practices and the company’s past performance in order to find important customer insights. These were used to develop the final recommendations resulting in a new paradigm to the group’s loyalty approach alongside incremental improvements to the current loyalty solutions.


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The ability of a company to be able to do a precisely churn prediction, so it can act on it, is paramount. For this reason, Deloitte addressed me the challenge of characterizing the client’s retention in the telecom companies. To do so, it was created a comprehensive tool that enables Deloitte to evaluate the churn management maturity level of a telecom operator and highlight its strengths and weaknesses. The development of this matrix was based on a depth churn research, a market research based on 40 interviews and 2 focus group and the valuable feedback from Deloitte consultants.


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Le domaine de l’assurance automobile fonctionne par cycles présentant des phases de profitabilité et d’autres de non-profitabilité. Dans les phases de non-profitabilité, les compagnies d’assurance ont généralement le réflexe d’augmenter le coût des primes afin de tenter de réduire les pertes. Par contre, de très grandes augmentations peuvent avoir pour effet de massivement faire fuir la clientèle vers les compétiteurs. Un trop haut taux d’attrition pourrait avoir un effet négatif sur la profitabilité à long terme de la compagnie. Une bonne gestion des augmentations de taux se révèle donc primordiale pour une compagnie d’assurance. Ce mémoire a pour but de construire un outil de simulation de l’allure du porte- feuille d’assurance détenu par un assureur en fonction du changement de taux proposé à chacun des assurés. Une procédure utilisant des régressions à l’aide de processus gaus- siens univariés est développée. Cette procédure offre une performance supérieure à la régression logistique, le modèle généralement utilisé pour effectuer ce genre de tâche.


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De nos jours, les applications de grande taille sont développées à l’aide de nom- breux cadres d’applications (frameworks) et intergiciels (middleware). L’utilisation ex- cessive d’objets temporaires est un problème de performance commun à ces applications. Ce problème est appelé “object churn”. Identifier et comprendre des sources d’“object churn” est une tâche difficile et laborieuse, en dépit des récentes avancées dans les tech- niques d’analyse automatiques. Nous présentons une approche visuelle interactive conçue pour aider les développeurs à explorer rapidement et intuitivement le comportement de leurs applications afin de trouver les sources d’“object churn”. Nous avons implémenté cette technique dans Vasco, une nouvelle plate-forme flexible. Vasco se concentre sur trois principaux axes de con- ception. Premièrement, les données à visualiser sont récupérées dans les traces d’exécu- tion et analysées afin de calculer et de garder seulement celles nécessaires à la recherche des sources d’“object churn”. Ainsi, des programmes de grande taille peuvent être vi- sualisés tout en gardant une représentation claire et compréhensible. Deuxièmement, l’utilisation d’une représentation intuitive permet de minimiser l’effort cognitif requis par la tâche de visualisation. Finalement, la fluidité des transitions et interactions permet aux utilisateurs de garder des informations sur les actions accomplies. Nous démontrons l’efficacité de l’approche par l’identification de sources d’“object churn” dans trois ap- plications utilisant intensivement des cadres d’applications framework-intensive, inclu- ant un système commercial.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la experiencia de la elaboración de un modelo de sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica empresarial que permita identificar a través de un sistema de alerta temprana patologías empresariales que requieren acciones rápidas para su control. Su objetivo primordial es monitorear la tendencia epidemiológica de estos eventos que se consideren de gran impacto en la salud empresarial, para ser controladas con acciones específicas. También permitirá la captura de información con el objetivo de construir bases de datos que generen estadísticas necesarias para la creación de políticas empresariales del sector. Adicionalmente estos datos nos facilitarán la construcción de indicadores. Se realizo un estudio de tipo descriptivo exploratorio (corte transversal), población Hospitales del Distrito Capital y que cumplieron con criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se aplico un instrumento para la recolección de datos a 43 empresas, 10 gerentes 5 subgerentes, 3 subgerentes financieros y 6 administrativos. En el análisis se observo que los hospitales del Distrito a pesar que tienen los balances financieros se evidencia reducciones de nominas en un 42%, deudas en un 76%, al revisar el aspectos logísticos y de distribución la pérdida de clientes es del 71%. Con lo relacionado al mercado podríamos decir que las tarifas y la normatividad afectan negativamente a las empresas del sector salud en un 63%.El estudio demostró que las empresas a pesar de contar con sus análisis financieros y análisis del mercado aun se presentan comportamientos que afecta la prestación del servicio con llevando a la morbi - mortalidades de empresarial.


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This research is based on consumer complaints with respect to recently purchased consumer electronics. This research document will investigate the instances of development and device management as a tool used to aid consumer and manage consumer’s mobile products in order to resolve issues in or before the consumers is aware one exists. The problem at the present time is that mobile devices are becoming very advanced pieces of technology, and not all manufacturers and network providers have kept up the support element of End users. As such, the subject of the research is to investigate how device management could possibly be used as a method to promote research and development of mobile devices, and provide a better experience for the consumer. The wireless world is becoming increasingly complex as revenue opportunities are driven by new and innovative data services. We can no longer expect the customer to have the knowledge or ability to configure their own device. Device Management platforms can address the challenges of device configuration and support through new enabling technologies. Leveraging these technologies will allow a network operator to reduce the cost of subscriber ownership, drive increased ARPU (Average Revenue per User) by removing barriers to adoption, reduce churn by improving the customer experience and increase customer loyalty. DM technologies provide a flexible and powerful management method but are managing the same device features that have historically been configured manually through call centers or by the end user making changes directly on the device. For this reason DM technologies must be treated as part of a wider support solution. The traditional requirement for discovery, fault finding, troubleshooting and diagnosis are still as relevant with DM as they are in the current human support environment yet the current generation of solutions do little to address this problem. In the deployment of an effective Device Management solution the network operator must consider the integration of the DM platform, interfacing with many areas of the business, supported by knowledge of the relationship between devices, applications, solutions and services maintained on an ongoing basis. Complementing the DM solution with published device information, setup guides, training material and web based tools will ensure the quality of the customer experience, ensuring that problems are completely resolved, driving data usage by focusing customer education on the use of the wireless service In this way device management becomes a tool used both internally within the network or device vendor and by the customer themselves, with each user empowered to effectively manage the device without any prior knowledge or experience, confident that changes they apply will be relevant, accurate, stable and compatible. The value offered by an effective DM solution with an expert knowledge service will become a significant differentiator for the network operator in an ever competitive wireless market. This research document is intended to highlight some of the issues the industry faces as device management technologies become more prevalent, and offers some potential solutions to simplify the increasingly complex task of managing devices on the network, where device management can be used as a tool to aid customer relations and manage customer’s mobile products in order to resolve issues before the user is aware one exists. The research is broken down into the following, Customer Relationship Management, Device management, the role of knowledge with the DM, Companies that have successfully implemented device management, and the future of device management and CRM. And it also consists of questionnaires aimed at technical support agents and mobile device users. Interview was carried out with CRM managers within support centre to further the evidence gathered. To conclude, the document is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of device management and attempt to determine the influence it will have over customer support centre, and what methods could be used to implement it.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo, por meio de uma pesquisa quantitativa desenvolvida junto aos clientes e junto aos sistemas de dados da empresa, investigar os benefícios do Programa de Relacionamento Viva Claro para a empresa Claro Digital com base nas atitudes e comportamentos dos clientes, assim como os benefícios mais valorizados e a avaliação geral do Programa, segundo a visão dos clientes. Para tanto foram entrevistados, por telefone, 300 Participantes e 300 Não Participantes do Programa, escolhidos aleatoriamente entre os clientes com mais de um ano de relacionamento com a empresa, no caso dos Não Participantes, e mais de um ano de adesão ao Programa, no caso dos Participantes do Programa. O questionário ainda contemplou a investigação de lealdade dos Participantes e Não Participantes. Procurou-se conhecer, a partir dos dados existentes na empresa, a receita média, adesão a serviços e churn dos Participantes e dos Não Participantes do Programa. Os resultados obtidos com o questionário apontam elevado nível de satisfação com relação ao Programa bem como conhecimento das ferramentas de comunicação utilizadas. Identifica-se a necessidade de intensificar a comunicação com relação às informações sobre as regras do Programa e as parcerias disponíveis. Com relação aos benefícios para a empresa, os Participantes do Programa apresentam receita média e adesão a serviços superior aos Não Participantes. O mesmo não foi identificado ao se analisar lealdade, a qual apresentou médias bastante elevadas, porém observou-se que a Participação no Programa não gerou alteração de atitudes e comportamentos ligados à lealdade.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar os resultados provenientes da utilização de um Programa de Relacionamento em uma empresa de telefonia celular. A pertinência do tema é decorrente do acirramento da competição nesse segmento e do aumento da importância de ferramentas capazes de ampliar o grau de fidelidade dos clientes em empresas prestadoras de serviços. Para que fosse possível alcançar o objetivo proposto, foi estudada a base de clientes de determinada operadora celular brasileira atingida por uma ação de incentivo à troca de seus aparelhos através de um desconto adicional. Foram considerados os resultados alcançados em três públicos distintos: clientes que aceitaram a oferta, clientes que não aceitaram a oferta e clientes de um grupo de controle. Em cada um deles, considerou-se o impacto nos gastos em telefonia celular nos cinco meses subseqüentes à ação, e o índice de churn (percentual de cancelamento das linhas) dezoito meses após a ação. O prazo de dezoito meses foi considerado, pois esse é o período durante o qual o cliente que aceita a oferta se compromete, através da assinatura de um contrato, a permanecer com sua linha de celular ativa. Os resultados do estudo indicam que, tanto para o consumo quanto para o índice de churn, existe significância estatística nos números encontrados. No entanto, eles também mostram que os ganhos, do ponto de vista financeiro, são baixos. Portanto, embora o resultado seja superior para os clientes que aceitam a oferta, como investimentos desse tipo só se justificam se o retorno financeiro for positivo, a empresa que optar por programas nesse formato precisará minimizar e otimizar seus custos ao máximo a fim de obter um retorno razoável e aceitável.


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Telecommunication is one of the most dynamic and strategic areas in the world. Many technological innovations has modified the way information is exchanged. Information and knowledge are now shared in networks. Broadband Internet is the new way of sharing contents and information. This dissertation deals with performance indicators related to maintenance services of telecommunications networks and uses models of multivariate regression to estimate churn, which is the loss of customers to other companies. In a competitive environment, telecommunications companies have devised strategies to minimize the loss of customers. Loosing customers presents a higher cost than obtaining new ones. Corporations have plenty of data stored in a diversity of databases. Usually the data are not explored properly. This work uses the Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) to establish rules and new models to explain how churn, as a dependent variable, are related to a diversity of service indicators, such as time to deploy the service (in hours), time to repair (in hours), and so on. Extraction of meaningful knowledge is, in many cases, a challenge. Models were tested and statistically analyzed. The work also shows results that allows the analysis and identification of which quality services indicators influence the churn. Actions are also proposed to solve, at least in part, this problem


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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The silvopastoral system is characterized by increasing the production of milk with a greater number of cows per hectare due to the higher amount of protein in the diet. In silvopastoral system cows are fed in addition to pasture, small trees and shrubs. The aim of this study was determinate the main indicators of milk quality and mastitis causal agents in cows bred on silvopastoral system. We evaluated the composition (fat, total protein, lactose, solids, dry extract, nonfat dry and urea nitrogen), somatic cell count (SCC), total bacterial count (TBC), occurrence of clinical and subclinical mastitis, microbiological isolation, in vitro antimicrobial sensitivity profile and detection of antimicrobial residues in milk produced by 100 cows raised in silvopastoral systems, as well as the bulk tank and churns in farms of Cauca Valley, Colombia. The concentration of the major constituents of milk were 3.24% fat, 3.27% total protein, 4.40% lactose, 10.62% dry extract, 8.57% nonfat dry and 15.82mg/dL urea nitrogen, while the bulk tank and churns was 3.51% fat, 3.20% total protein, 4.34% lactose, 11.72% dry extract, 8.47% nonfat dry and 14.57mg/dL urea nitrogen. The cell count of the cows and the bulk tank was 141,252.75 CS/mL and 363,078.05 CS/mL respectively. The TBC mean in cows and the bulk tank was 4,466.84 CFU/mL and 24,547.01 CFU/mL respectively. The main microorganisms isolated from the udder cows were Corynebacterium bovis, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus hyicus, Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus dysgalatiae, while the bulk tank were identified more often Streptococcus spp., Enterobacter cloacae, Hafnia alveii, hemolytic Streptococcus and Streptococcus spp. Antimicrobial residues in cow milk and bulk or churn were detected in 30% and 86% respectively. The silvopastoral system showed to be good alternative to milk production in cow. However is important the care with antimicrobial residues in milk and the analysis of all quality parameters to ensure a differentiated product.


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The growth of the Internet has increased the need for scalable congestion control mechanisms in high speed networks. In this context, we propose a rate-based explicit congestion control mechanism with which the sources are provided with the rate at which they can transmit. These rates are computed with a distributed max-min fair algorithm, SLBN. The novelty of SLBN is that it combines two interesting features not simultaneously present in existing proposals: scalability and fast convergence to the max-min fair rates, even under high session churn. SLBN is scalable because routers only maintain a constant amount of state information (only three integer variables per link) and only incur a constant amount of computation per protocol packet, independently of the number of sessions that cross the router. Additionally, SLBN does not require processing any data packet, and it converges independently of sessions' RTT. Finally, by design, the protocol is conservative when assigning rates, even in the presence of high churn, which helps preventing link overshoots in transient periods. We claim that, with all these features, our mechanism is a good candidate to be used in real deployments.


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Esta tesis doctoral propone un modelo de comportamiento del paciente de la clínica dental, basado en la percepción de la calidad del servicio (SERVQUAL), la fidelización del paciente, acciones de Marketing Relacional y aspectos socioeconómicos relevantes, de los pacientes de clínicas dentales. En particular, el estudio de campo se lleva a cabo en el ámbito geográfico de la Comunidad de Madrid, España, durante los años 2012 y 2013. La primera parte del proceso de elaboración del modelo está basada en la recolección de datos. Para ello, se realizaron cinco entrevistas a expertos dentistas y se aplicaron dos tipos encuestas diferentes: una para el universo formado por el conjunto de los pacientes de las clínicas dentales y la otra para el universo formado el conjunto de los dentistas de las clínicas dentales de la Comunidad de Madrid. Se obtuvo muestras de: 200 encuestas de pacientes y 220 encuestas de dentistas activos colegiados en el Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de la I Región Madrid. En la segunda parte de la elaboración del modelo, se realizó el análisis de los datos, la inducción y síntesis del modelo propuesto. Se utilizó la metodología de modelos gráficos probabilísticos, específicamente, una Red Bayesiana, donde se integraron variables (nodos) y sus dependencias estadísticas causales (arcos dirigidos), que representan el conocimiento obtenido de los datos recopilados en las encuestas y el conocimiento derivado de investigaciones precedentes en el área. Se obtuvo una Red Bayesiana compuesta por 6 nodos principales, de los cuales dos de ellos son nodos de observación directa: “Revisit Intention” y “SERVQUAL”, y los otros cuatro nodos restantes son submodelos (agrupaciones de variables), estos son respectivamente: “Attitudinal”, “Disease Information”, “Socioeconomical” y “Services”. Entre las conclusiones principales derivadas del uso del modelo, como herramientas de inferencia y los análisis de las entrevistas realizadas se obtiene que: (i) las variables del nodo “Attitudinal” (submodelo), son las más sensibles y significativas. Al realizarse imputaciones particulares en las variables que conforman el nodo “Attitudinal” (“RelationalMk”, “Satisfaction”, “Recommendation” y “Friendship”) se obtienen altas probabilidades a posteriori en la fidelidad del paciente de la clínica dental, medida por su intención de revisita. (ii) En el nodo “Disease Information” (submodelo) se destaca la relación de dependencia causal cuando se imputa la variable “Perception of disease” en “SERVQUAL”, demostrando que la percepción de la gravedad del paciente condiciona significativamente la percepción de la calidad del servicio del paciente. Como ejemplo destacado, si se realiza una imputación en la variable “Clinic_Type” se obtienen altas probabilidades a posteriori de las variables “SERVQUAL” y “Revisit Intention”, lo que evidencia, que el tipo de clínica dental influye significativamente en la percepción de la calidad del servicio y en la fidelidad del paciente (intención de revisita). (iii) En el nodo “Socioeconomical” (submodelo) la variable “Sex” resultó no ser significativa cuando se le imputaban diferentes valores, por el contrario, la variable “Age” e “Income” mostraban altas variabilidades en las probabilidades a posteriori cuando se imputaba alguna variable del submodelo “Services”, lo que evidencia, que estas variables condicionan la intención de contratar servicios (“Services”), sobretodo en las franjas de edad de 30 a 51 años en pacientes con ingresos entre 3000€ y 4000€. (iv) En el nodo “Services” (submodelo) los pacientes de las clínicas dentales mostraron altas probabilidades a priori para contratar servicios de fisiotrapia oral y gingival: “Dental Health Education” y “Parking”. (v) Las variables de fidelidad del paciente medidas desde su perspectiva comportamental que fueron utilizadas en el modelo: “Visit/year” “Time_clinic”, no aportaron información significativa. Tampoco, la variable de fidelidad del cliente (actitudinal): “Churn Efford”. (vi) De las entrevistas realizadas a expertos dentistas se obtiene que, los propietarios de la clínica tradicional tienen poca disposición a implementar nuevas estrategias comerciales, debido a la falta de formación en la gestión comercial y por falta de recursos y herramientas. Existe un rechazo generalizado hacia los nuevos modelos de negocios de clínicas dentales, especialmente en las franquicias y en lo que a políticas comerciales se refiere. Esto evidencia una carencia de gerencia empresarial en el sector. Como líneas futuras de investigación, se propone profundizar en algunas relaciones de dependencia (causales) como SERVQUALServices; SatisfactionServices; RelationalMKServices, Perception of diseaseSatisfaction, entre otras. Así como, otras variables de medición de la fidelidad comportamental que contribuyan a la mejora del modelo, como por ej. Gasto del paciente y rentabilidad de la visita. ABSTRACT This doctoral dissertation proposes a model of the behavior of the dental-clinic customer, based on the service-quality perception (SERVQUAL), loyalty, Relational Marketing and some relevant socio-economical characteristics, of the dental-clinic customers. In particular, the field study has been developed in the geographical region of Madrid, Spain during the years 2012 and 2013. The first stage of the preparation of the model consist in the data gathering process. For this purpose, five interviews where realized to expert dentists and also two different types of surveys: one for the universe defined by the set of dental-clinic patients and the second for the universe defined by the set of the dentists of the dental clinics of the Madrid Community. A sample of 200 surveys where collected for patients and a sample of 220 surveys where collected from active dentists belonging to the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de la I Región Madrid. In the second stage of the model preparation, the processes of data-analysis, induction and synthesis of the final model where performed. The Graphic Probabilistic Models methodology was used to elaborate the final model, specifically, a Bayesian Network, where the variables (nodes) and their statistical and causal dependencies where integrated and modeled, representing thus, the obtained knowledge from the data obtained by the surveys and the scientific knowledge derived from previous research in the field. A Bayesian Net consisting on six principal nodes was obtained, of which two of them are directly observable: “Revisit Intention” y “SERVQUAL”, and the remaining four are submodels (a grouping of variables). These are: “Attitudinal”, “Disease Information”, “Socioeconomical” and “Services”. The main conclusions derived from the model, as an inference tool, and the analysis of the interviews are: (i) the variables inside the “Attitudinal” node are the most sensitive and significant. By making some particular imputations on the variables that conform the “Attitudinal” node (“RelationalMk”, “Satisfaction”, “Recommendation” y “Friendship”), high posterior probabilities (measured in revisit intention) are obtained for the loyalty of the dental-clinic patient. (ii) In the “Disease Information” node, the causal relation between the “Perception of disease” and “SERVQUAL” when “Perception of disease” is imputed is highlighted, showing that the perception of the severity of the patient’s disease conditions significantly the perception of service quality. As an example, by imputing some particular values to the “Clinic_Type” node high posterior probabilities are obtained for the “SERVQUAL” variables and for “Revisit Intention” showing that the clinic type influences significantly in the service quality perception and loyalty (revisit intention). (iii) In the “Socioeconomical” variable, the variable “Sex” showed to be non-significant, however, the “Age” variable and “Income” show high variability in its posterior probabilities when some variable from the “Services” node where imputed, showing thus, that these variables condition the intention to buy new services (“Services”), especially in the age range from 30 to 50 years in patients with incomes between 3000€ and 4000€. (iv) In the “Services” submodel the dental-clinic patients show high priors to buy services such as oral and gingival therapy, Dental Health Education and “Parking” service. (v) The obtained loyalty measures, from the behavioral perspective, “Visit/year” and “Time_clinic”, do not add significant information to the model. Neither the attitudinal loyalty component “Churn Efford”. (vi) From the interviews realized to the expert dentists it is observed that the owners of the traditional clinics have a low propensity to apply new commercial strategies due to a lack of resources and tools. In general, there exists an opposition to new business models in the sector, especially to the franchise dental model. All of this evidences a lack in business management in the sector. As future lines of research, a deep look into some statistical and causal relations is proposed, such as: SERVQUALServices; SatisfactionServices; RelationalMKServices, Perception of diseaseSatisfaction, as well as new measurement variables related to attitudinal loyalty that contribute to improve the model, for example, profit per patient and per visit.