993 resultados para Church tax--Massachusetts--Pittsfield--Early works to 1800


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The declaration, handwritten in Latin and signed by members of the junior and sophomore classes (Harvard Classes of 1714 and 1715), promises that the undersigned will not use the vernacular but instead "whenever, at meals, at banquets,...in our rooms, in all our gatherings, wherever and whenever" will speak in Latin, Greek, or Hebrew through the next May. Additional Latin text appears on both the front and back of the document. The original is accompanied by a typed transcription and two partial handwritten translations. Note at top of original: "Script. Leonardo Dowding, Composit. a Tho. Foxcroft."


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This leatherbound volume lists books donated to the Harvard College Library by Jasper Mauduit, who served as an agent in London on behalf of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay. Entries are arranged alphabetically and by format; i.e. the first page lists all folios whose author, title, or keyword begin with "A," the next page lists all quartos beginning with "A," and the following page lists all "octavo &ca" volumes beginning with "A." The volume continues in a similar manner for each letter of the alphabet. Following a devastating fire in 1764 which destroyed most of the books in the Harvard College Library, Mauduit donated books, as well as money for the purchase of books, to the College. He also acted as an agent of the Society for Propagating the Gospel in New England and Parts Adjacent, using the £300 they donated for the rebuilding of the College library to select and purchase a large number of books. It is not known if the books listed in this catalog are those donated by Mauduit himself, or if they are the donations he purchased on behalf of the Society. The creator of this volume is unknown; although all entries are made in the same hand, the identity of the writer has not been determined. The label attached to the front cover, which refers to the Lime Street address of Mauduit's business in London, suggests that the list might have been prepared by Mauduit himself.


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The long hardcover account book contains handwritten records of the Harvard College Lottery in the hand of College Treasurer Ebenezer Storer. The volume begins with a transcription of the Massachusetts General Court June 13, 1794 legislation sanctioning the lottery, and a note that the managers of the lottery gave security bonds to the Corporation. The bulk of the volume records the activities of the four classes of the lottery including lists of the individual tickets returned by the managers Benjamin Austin Jr., George R. Minot, Henry Warren, and John Kneeland, and the accounts of prizes drawn and tickets returned. The volume has a table of contents and there is a note pasted onto the third page calculating the sum raised if all tickets had been sold.


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Thirteen slips of paper with fragments of handwritten alphabetical lists created by Isaac Smith presumably in his capacity as Harvard Librarian. Most of the entries are surnames or single-word subjects. For example, one slip with "M" entries includes: milway, miracles, miraculous, Mitchell, and Mitchell. Some of the lists have struck-through words or have entries annotated with numbers and the abbreviations "o" and "bk." The verso of one leaf has a brief, undated note regarding the transfer of books between Mr. Hilliard and Mr. Smith.


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Map showing the whole of New Jersey and its borders with as well as part of Pennsylvania and New York. Map is drawn in black ink with green, pink, and yellow watercolors used to show features such as waterways, borders, and places of interest. Notes on map concern border disputes between New Jersey and New York.


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A legal commonplace book by kept by Henry Wells of Worcester, Mass. Focuses on such topics as libel of a man to his wife, common recovery in writs and deeds, pleadings, trover, damages and costs, imprisonment, leases, mortgages, covenants, and ejectment. Also contains a number of miscellaneous entries touching on abridgements of law texts, minutes of court proceedings, kings of England, and biblical quotes. Five-page index located at the end of the work.


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Young's testimony regarding an altercation he witnessed between Israel Chittenden, Benjamin House, John Hyland, and John Lindsey in or near the town of Scituate in September 1732. Heard before justice of the peace John Cushing in September 1732, and before John Winslow in Plymouth County Court of Assize, April 28, 1733. Signed by both.


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Letter written from York to an unnamed correspondent, in which Sewall discusses political matters, court and legislative business, and news from a recent visit to Boston. With extensive comments on the nature of winter weather in New England.


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Records of cases heard in the Massachusetts Court of Common Pleas (Middlesex Co.) in Cambridge, Mass., and the New Hampshire Inferior Court of Common Pleas (Hillsborough Co.) in Amherst, N.H and matters brought before justices of the peace. Records identify the litigants, with some notes on fees and settlements; many of the cases concern debts. Justices of the peace include: Israel Atherton (Lancaster, Mass.); Samuel Dana (Amherst, N.H.); Joshua Longley (Shirley, Mass.); Nathaniel Paine (Worcester, Mass.); James Prescott (Westford, Mass.); Jeremiah Stiles (Keene, N.H.); William Swan (Groton, Mass.); Sampson Tuttle (Littleton, Mass.); and Henry Woods (Pepperell, Mass.).


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Letter regarding a bankruptcy case, later heard by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1797 (3 Dallas 369; Emory v. Greenough) and the upcoming national election.


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Contains notes on cases before the Supreme Court in Lennox and Worcester, Massachusetts relating to counterfeiting, libel, and fraud.


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Notes by unknown author on cases of land rights, debt, and theft.


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Includes notes on cases of property law, and assault and battery.


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Includes notes and summaries of witnesses' testimony on cases involving contracts and land disputes. One pamphlet bears note "Lincolns. July 7th 1789. Pownalboro. Supreme Court." Pownalborough Court House is in Dresden, Maine, which succeded from Pownalborough. In 1804, the town Pownalborough was renamed Wiscasset.


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Weeks (of Greenland, N.H.) was accused of concealing and embezzling items from his late son's estate. Document is signed: William Parker reg.