99 resultados para Chlamydophila abortus


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The serological profiles of 33 female bovines, vaccinated at three to eight months of age with the B19 standard strain of Brucella abortus, were studied over a period of 728 days, using the following agglutination procedures: plate agglutination, tube agglutination, rose bengal plate and mercaptoethanol test. Maximum levels of antibodies detected reached by the plate agglutination and tube agglutination tests were found between the 14(th) and 42(nd) day, and with mercaptoethanol test, between the 28(th) and 42(nd) day. Anti-Brucella antibodies decreased thereafter. At 182 days after vaccination, five suspected animals and one positive were detected by the plate agglutination test, while by the tube agglutination test, only one animal was suspected and another one was positive. During the same period, positive reactions were found in six animals by means of the mercaptoethanol test, and five positives by the rose bengal test. By means of tube agglutination and plate agglutination tests, the animals became serologically negative at 245 and 273 days, respectively, after the vaccination, based on the rules adopted for the vaccinated animals. Using the mercaptoethanol and rose bengal plate tests, all the animals were found to be negative at 308 days after vaccination.


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The prevalence of Chlamydophila psittaci (formerly Chlamydia psittaci) infection was assessed in 95 apparently healthy, captive Amazon parrots from three breeder collections in southeastern and west-central Brazil. Cloacal swabs from 95 birds were tested for chlamydial antigen, which was detected by direct immunofluorescence (DIF), and serum samples from 44 of these birds were tested for antibodies to C. psittaci using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The prevalences of active infection as detected by DIF were 16.7%, 22.2%, and 56.1%, and seroprevalences were 100%, 87.5%, and 60% in flocks A, B, and C, respectively. We can therefore infer that C. psittaci may be widespread in captive parrot populations in Brazil.


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The aims of the present study were to determine the seroprevalence of infection by Brucella canis and Brucella abortus and to evaluate possible risk factors for infection in dogs from Araguaina, Tocantins, Brazil. Sera from 374 dogs, of the urban zones of the municipality, from both sexes, were submitted to the agar-gel immunodiffusion for Brucella canisantibodies and to rose Bengal test (AAT) and fluorescence polarization assay (FPA) for Brucella abortus-antibodies. From the 374 tested dogs, 21 reacted in the AAT, but no one was positive in the FPA. The seroprevalence of B. canis infection found in Araguaina, Tocantins, Brazil, was 44.53% (95% IC; 39.43 to 49.72). No association was found among seropositivity for B. canis and the risk factors studied. Thus, data from the present study showed that there was no infection by B. abortus among dogs in the sample and that infection by B. canis is widespread and at high prevalence in Araguaina, Tocantins, Brazil.


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The hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) is the largest species of psittacine birds. It is considered endangered and illegal trade is one of the main factors involved in its decline. In this study, 26 hyacinth macaws maintained under poor husbandry conditions and destined for the illegal trade were confiscated in São Paulo State, Brazil. These birds were evaluated for the presence of antibodies against Chlamydophila psittaci by complement fixation test and C. psittaci DNA by seminested polymerase chain reaction. Results showed that 65.4% of the macaws were positive for at least one test. Birds with subclinical infections can shed chlamydiae intermittently over long periods, contributing to the dissemination of the agent. Global trade is one of the most important drivers of disease emergence. The high percentage of positive samples in this study emphasizes the potential risk that the illegal trade of wild birds represents for both human and animal health. Copyright 2013 by American Association of Zoo Veterinarians.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pesquisou-se a frequência da ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Brucella abortus, Toxoplasma gondii e vírus da artrite encefalite caprina (CAEV) em caprinos de 14 unidades produtoras localizadas dos Estados do Pará e Maranhão. No Estado do Pará foram analisados animais dos municípios de Benevides, Castanhal, Santa Izabel do Pará e Moju e no Estado do Maranhão, o município de Chapadinha. Os testes sorológicos realizados para o diagnóstico da brucelose foi o teste do Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT), como teste de triagem, e o 2- Mercaptoetanol (2-Me), como teste confirmatório. Para as análises de toxoplasmose foi utilizado a Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) e para CAEV Imunodifusão de Gel de Agarose (IDGA). O resultado das análises de brucelose mostrou-se negativo para 100,0% das amostras analisadas. Para toxoplasmose e CAEV a frequência obtida foi 23,5% (97/412) e 21,6% (85/393), respectivamente. Foi observada diferença estatística na relação entre a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii e a faixa etária dos caprinos, mostrando que animais com idade superior a 24 meses tiveram mais risco de estarem infectados quando comparados com animais mais novos OR= 2,15 (IC 95% 1,19 – 3,88). Já os fatores de risco encontrados para CAEV foram: falta de conhecimento da doença OR=6,45 (IC 95% 2,88-14,47); a não utilização de material descartável, OR=10,85 (IC 95% 4,85-24,28); sistema de criação extensivo OR=10,85 (IC 95% 4,85-24,28); sistema de criação semi-extensivo OR=3,71(IC 95% 1,64-8,39) e manejo OR=11,4 (IC 95% 5,51-23,60). Conclui-se que as unidades produtoras de caprinos dos Estados do Pará e Maranhão apresentam positividade em seus rebanhos para toxoplasmose e CAEV.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a presença de Brucella abortus e as lesões causadas por esse agente nos anexos fetais e nos fetos de búfalas. Para isso, 20 búfalas em diversos meses de gestação, sorologicamente positivas para brucelose, foram submetidas ao abate sanitário. A idade fetal foi determinada através de exames ultrassonográficos associados à mensuração dos fetos durante a necropsia. Do útero fechado desses animais foram coletadas amostras para histopatologia e qPCR. A partir do segundo mês de gestação foi possível detectar a presença de DNA de B. abortus em líquido amniótico, líquido alantoide e em útero e, a partir do quinto mês, na placenta, coração, baço, rim, pulmão, intestino, fígado e linfonodos dos fetos. Os principais achados anatomopatológicos foram placentite fibrinopurulenta necrótica e endometrite supurativa crônica.


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Chlamydophila psittaci is a bacterium that causes respiratory or systemic disease in birds and humans. Owing to the risk of transmission from asymptomatic birds to humans, the objective of this study was to detect the presence of Chlamydophila spp. in asymptomatic birds. Four hundred and three fecal samples or cloacal swabs were collected from domestic, wild or exotic birds. The 403 samples were examined by real time PCR specific for the 16S subunit of rRNA gene using SsoFastEvaGreen®SupermixTM (Bio-Rad) and melting curve analysis. Hemi-nested PCR specific for the OMP-A gene, accomplished in real-time PCR positive samples, was followed by sequencing of the amplified fragments to determine the genotype of C. psittaci. Real-time PCR was positive in 17 (4.21%) samples. Hemi-nested PCR revealed positivity in two samples previously positive by real-time PCR. Sequencing of the fragment amplified by hemi-nested PCR allowed for the identification of genotype A of C. psittaci in one sample. The results of this experiment show that the real-time PCR targeting the 16S rRNA gene followed by melting curve analysis can be used for diagnosis of Chlamydophila sp. in fecal samples of asymptomatic birds. The classification of the Chlamydophila species and the genotype of C. psittaci must be accomplished by PCR targeting the ompA gene and sequencing of the amplified fragments.


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Brucellosis remains as a public health concern worldwide. In domestic animals, the disease is characterized by reproductive disorders in male and female. Besides extensive use of serological tests and recent development of molecular biology techniques, microbiological culture of Brucella species is yet considered a “gold standard” method for diagnosis. Here, semen of 335 bovine bulls was subjected simultaneously to microbiological culture in Brucella agar, Farrell media, and CITA media to evaluate comparatively the best selective media for isolation of Brucella sp. Among all 335 samples, B. abortus B19 strain was isolated from semen of five (1.49%) bulls using the three selective media. However, Farrell media was considered the best selective media for microbiological diagnosis, because of allowed isolation of B. abortus B19 strain from bull semen without bacterial commensal or fungal contamination of plates.