1000 resultados para Chapada do Araripe - CE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Mabuya arajara Rebouças-Spieker, 1981 has been considered an endemic species from the southern of state of Ceará, restricted to the Deciduous Dry Forests in the slopes of Plateau of Araripe (Chapada do Araripe). Here, we present an updated distributional map for the species and demonstrate that its range is not restricted as formerly believed. In addition, we had an opportunity to observe a gravid female and we describe aspects regarding parturition and number of offspring for the species.


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Objective: To know the perceptions and experiences of family caregivers of bedridden elderly. Methods: A qualitative descriptive exploratory study conducted in January 2015 with four caregivers in a Family Health Center in the municipality of Araripe, CE. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and the information was organized using the content analysis technique. A total of three categories emerged from the analysis of the reports of caregivers: the dependence process of the elderly; daily difficulties experienced by the caregiver; and satisfaction with the home care service. Results: The dependence process of the elderly took place as a consequence of pathological processes such as neoplasm, cerebrovascular accident and dementia. However, it could also be observed that physiological phenomena – common in old age – can also make individuals dependent on caregivers. As to the difficulties faced by the caregivers, they reported the need for greater involvement by the family, given that the centralization of work generates an overload and hence affects the care of the elderly. Teamwork in the home care context is fundamental, given that it allows a complementary and comprehensive care to the ledrely/caregiver binomial. Conclusion: Healthy aging is a major challenge to be overcome given that the development of a healthy lifestyle is difficult in all social strata. It is necessary to improve home care in order to provide support to caregivers so that the quality of life of bedridden elderly and caregivers is improved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O ensaio com clones de cajazeira foi avaliado, na chapada do Apodi, em Limoeiro do Norte - CE. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial (cinco copas x dois porta-enxertos), com quatro repetições e quatro plantas por parcela. As copas foram obtidas de plantas adultas produtivas das localidades de Capuan, Caucaia-CE; Curimatã, Pacajus-CE; Gereau e Ladeira Grande, Maranguape-CE e Lagoa Redonda, Fortaleza-CE e os porta-enxertos de sementes de cajazeira e de umbuzeiro. O objetivo foi caracterizar o crescimento vegetativo e a produção de frutos dos clones de cajazeira. Os clones Gereau e Lagoa Redonda foram os mais vigorosos, tiveram as maiores alturas de planta (390 cm) e espessuras de caule (57 cm). O Ladeira Grande foi o menos vigoroso, com altura (220 cm) e espessura de caule (49 cm), diferindo significativamente dos demais. O porta-enxerto de cajazeira formou caule mais espesso que o de umbuzeiro. A razão entre os perímetros de caule (enxerto e porta-enxerto) foi menor que 1,0 no porta-enxerto de cajazeira e maior no de umbuzeiro. O número de frutos por cacho variou de 8 a 76. Algumas plantas dos clones Lagoa Redonda e Gereau sobre umbuzeiro produziram de 100 a 300 cachos de frutos por planta. Os clones formam plantas de porte baixo, vigorosas, com aspectos fenotípicos e morfológicos distintos a cada clone, não alterando o padrão de crescimento do caule principal e do formato de copa; o porta-enxerto de cajazeira forma plantas com troncos mais vigorosos do que os de umbuzeiro; as razões de perímetros de caule, enxerto e porta-enxerto são maiores nas combinações com umbuzeiro, mas sem indícios de incompatibilidade; o porta-enxerto de umbuzeiro aumenta o porte, precocidade e produtividade dos clones, notadamente do Gereau e Lagoa Redonda sendo que o clone Ladeira Grande é o de menor porte.


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The region of the Senador Pompeu Shear Zone (SPSZ), in the North Tectonic Domain of the Borborema Province (BP), has its recent history associated with to South Atlantic Ocean formation event at the Jurassic. A lot of geologics models have discussed about crustal axis elevation in local scale and large scale (Borborema Province), relative to importants regionals tectonics directions of it. The identification and the relationship among this surfaces, stepped in many topographyc levels by tectonics mecanisms, is dificult because of the erosion process on it. Over there, sedimentary deposits is complex and it has not biostratigraphyc record in continental deposits. The analysis metodology on apatita fission-track, in the region of the SPSZ, purpose the more knowledge about morphotectonics mecanisms of the area and the impruvement of its morphotectonics models. For this, it was moleled the age and thermal history of the 11 apatites samples collected on both sides of this shear zone, taking relationships among other results of the thermochronology studies in the BP. Based on the thermal studies in this search, the region of the BP developed on two distint cooling events, separated for one period of relative stabilited. The first episode occur between 130 and 90 M.y., has been began when the samples cross the 120°C isoterm for last time and fineshed at 70°C. The second moment of the cooling process was began about 30 M.y., when the temperature was 90°C, from this to the equlibrium with present surface temperature at 30°C. Some evidences indicated a relacionship between thermal episodes and uplift events of the regional relief. The fundaments of the interpretation was based mainly on comparatives studies among results of the thermochronology analysis and geologics studies about BP. Nóbrega et al.(2005), e.g., on studies about the Portalegre Shear Zone, got similar results on SPSZ, with some details relative to local tectonic activity. Morais Neto et al. (2000) interpreted two importants cooling events in the BP based on their regional studies, that can be associated to regional uplift events. When Assine (1992) studied the stratigraphyc sequences of the Araripe Basin, in the south of Ceará state, conclude that the abrupt return to continentals condictions from the last sedimentar sequency (albiano-cenomaniane) indicate a regional uplift of the NE region of the Brazil at the 100 M.y., in the Albiano Intermediate/Superior. This ages are compatible to termal model of the SPSZ. This two periods of the thermal history of the BP are completely registered in the apatites samples just one age groups of the fission-track, that it is the most ancient age groups. This one suggest it has happened in response to heating before 75 M.y and it has erased the last report of the first moment relief evolution of the BP. The NNE-SSW and E-W structure reativation can have created ideal condictions for heating and local elevations of the geothermal gradients. The equilibrium between the apatites temperatures of this groups and the regionais temperatures took place about 50 M.y., when the samples of the two ages groups had a simillar evolution to present surfaces temperatures


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The ferruginous sandstone (Serra da Galga member) from Marilia formation present in sedimentary mining triangle plateaus - MG (southeast Brazil) is still not properly characterized, as well as the presence of a rich layer Fe nodules which is not properly understood, as are the alteration products of this material that may be linked to the presence of refractory clays which are characterized by intimate relationship between Fe and Al. Aluminum is widely present on top of these plateaus. This course conclusion paper characterized the mineralogy and distribution of smaller elements both rust sandstone evolved as soil above this sandstone. The characterization has been done by using X-ray fluorescence techniques (XRF), the iron was removed by using the CBD method (dithionito-citratebicarbonate), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and analysis of the products extracted by the CBD method by ICP- OES were made to characterize the material. The results of the XRF show great variation of Al and Si, Fe with almost constant behavior in the average depth of 110 cm, where it has the highest concentration levels. Fe appear associated with the V and Ce. CDB results show a clear relation of Fe with Al. Al does not have in this case compared with Cr or any other item. The concentration of extracted Al was always below the concentration of Fe. In the region, the formation of this Latosols- Gleysols system is subject to topography and its influence on local water regime, a regime that has direct influence on the formation of supergene accumulations as in the area and results in aluminum accumulation in refractory clays exploited by IBAR mining


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A cajazeira (Spondias mombin L.) pertence à família Anacardiaceae e ao gênero Spondias (Airy Shaw & Forman, 1967). É uma árvore frutífera tropical lenhosa, caducifólia, de tronco longo e ereto, revestido por casca grossa e rugosa, que esgalha e ramifica na parte terminal, o que confere um porte alto à planta (SOUZA e BLEICHER, 2002). Os frutos cuja exploração é extrativista são perfumados, de sabor agridoce, contêm carotenóides, açúcares, vitaminas A e C. Daí, são muito procurados pelas agroindústrias, para o processamento de polpas, sucos, geléias, néctares e sorvetes de excelente qualidade e alto valor comercial. Para o cultivo comercial da cajazeira, os fatores mais limitantes são o alto porte e a longa fase juvenil das plantas de sementes, as variações em formato de copa, produtividade, tamanho, sabor dos frutos e as características físicas, físico-químicas e químicas dos frutos (SOARES et al. 2006). Assim, o cultivo de plantas clonadas poderá ser uma alternativa para superação desses problemas. Plantas de cajazeira enxertadas, cultivadas no sul da Bahia começaram a produzir no terceiro ano de cultivo, mas tinham alto porte, com altura média de 4,46 m (LEITE; MARTINS; RAMOS, 2003). Em Pacajus-CE, os clones cultivados também tiveram alto porte, troncos monopodiais (haste única) e tendência a formar copas altas, e algumas plantas produziram apenas no primeiro ano de cultivo (SOUZA e BLEICHER, 2002). De acordo com Hartmann et al. (2002), clones enxertados sofrem fortes influências das combinações entre os porta-enxertos e os clones copa, das técnicas de cultivo, das condições edafoclimáticas, ecológicas e das interações entre esses fatores, que afetam diretamente o comportamento fenotípico e produtivo dos clones. O tempo de transição entre XX Congresso Brasileiro de Fruticultura 54th Annual Meeting of the Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture 12 a 17 de Outubro de 2008 - Centro de Convenções ? Vitória/ES o crescimento vegetativo e o reprodutivo é de suma importância para a agricultura e o melhoramento de plantas, porque a floração é o primeiro passo da reprodução sexual. Os fatores ambientais (fotoperíodo, temperatura, disponibilidade de água e radiação solar) controlam a transição para a floração. O fato de tais fatores promotores da floração serem percebidos por diferentes partes da planta implica que essas partes interagem e que o destino do meristema apical ? permanecer vegetativo ou se tornar reprodutivo ? é controlado por um arranjo de sinais de longa distância em toda a planta (BERNIER et al., 1993). Neste trabalho, avaliaram-se dez combinações de cinco clones copa e dois porta-enxertos quanto à percentagem de plantas produtivas (PProd) em diferentes idades.


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A cajazeira (Spondias mombin L.) pertence à família Anacardiaceae. É uma espécie selvagem, sendo a exploração de seus frutos extrativista. Pelas descrições de Harlan (1975), a espécie é classificada como encorajada, ou seja, é disseminada, colhida e selecionada sem nenhum plantio de sementes. Mesmo assim, tem considerável importância socioeconômica para as regiões Norte e Nordeste do Brasil. Para o seu cultivo comercial, os fatores mais limitantes são o alto porte e a longa fase juvenil das plantas obtidas de sementes (VILLACHICA, 1996) e a falta de clones recomendados para cultivo (Souza et al, 2006). Os clones enxertados são influenciados por porta-enxertos, clones copa, técnicas de cultivo, condições edafoclimáticas, ecológicas e pelas interações entre esses fatores, que afetam diretamente o comportamento fenotípico e produtivo do clone (HARTMANN et al, 2002). Clones de cajazeira enxertados sobre cajazeira, cultivados no sul da Bahia, apresentaram no terceiro ano de cultivo, alto porte, com altura média de 4,46 m (LEITE; MARTINS; RAMOS, 2003). Em Pacajus-CE, clones de cajazeira enxertados sobre umbuzeiro também tiveram porte alto, troncos monopodias, com haste única e tendência a formar copas altas (SOUZA e BLEICHER, 2002). Para caracterizar o crescimento vegetativo, avaliaram-se a altura de planta e perímetros dos caules do porta-enxerto e do enxerto dos clones de cajazeira enxertados sobre porta- enxertos de pé franco de umbuzeiro e da própria cajazeira.


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The present study evaluates the possibility of eliminating the purification steps involved in the characterization of HA by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). The HAs of various sources were analyzed, showing different electropherograms by CZE, which depend on the charge and size of HA. The data suggest that the purification of the sample is not necessary to characterize HAs. Based on the results, CZE showed to be a promising tool to characterize HA of different origins without the purification step of the sample.


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CE-MS has been increasingly used for analysis of a vast array of compounds. This article reviews the different electrophoretic modes, interfaces and mass analyzers that are commonly used in the CE-MS coupling, as well as the technique advantages and performance characteristics. A large compilation of CE-MS applications is also presented. Therefore, this review is both a guide for beginners and a collection of key references for people who are familiar to the technique. Furthermore, this is the first CE-MS review published in a Brazilian journal and marks the installation of the first two commercial CE-MS units in Sao Paulo State.