935 resultados para Cardoso, Zelia de Almeida


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to classify and determine the prevalence of individuals with vertical alteration of facial relationships, according to the severity of discrepancy, especially individuals with long face pattern. METHODS: The sample was composed of 5,020 individuals of Brazilian nationality, of both genders, aged 10 years to 16 years and 11 months, attending fundamental schools at the city of Bauru-SP. Examination of facial morphology comprised direct observation of the face in frontal and lateral views, always with the lips at rest, aiming to identify the individuals presenting vertical alteration of facial relationships. After identification, these individuals were scored, according to severity, into three subtypes, namely mild, moderate and severe. The prevalence of individuals with long face pattern considered only the individuals scored as subtypes moderate and severe. RESULTS: There was prevalence of 34.94% of vertical alteration of facial relationships and 14.06% of long face pattern. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained in this study revealed that the prevalence of vertical alteration of facial relationships and long face pattern was higher than reported in the literature.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this paper is to present a complex rehabilitation, of fractured tooth, with implants in anterior region considering the orthodontics extrusion to clinical success. At 7 years old, the patient fractured the maxillary left central incisor and the dentist did a crown with the fragment. Twenty years later, the patient was referred to a dental clinic for orthodontic treatment, with the chief complaint related to an accentuated deep bite, and a professional started an orthodontic treatment. After sixteen months of orthodontic treatment, tooth 21 fractured. The treatment plan included an orthodontic extrusion of tooth 21 and implant placement. This case has been followed up and the clinical and radiographic examinations show excellence esthetic results and satisfaction of patient. The forced extrusion can be a viable treatment option in the management of crown root fracture of an anterior tooth to gain bone in a vertical direction. This case emphasizes that to achieve the esthetic result a multidisciplinary approach is necessary.


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Treatment of severe compromised tooth in the maxillary anterior area still poses great challenge to the clinicians. Several treatment modalities have been proposed to restore the function and aesthetics in teeth with advanced periodontal disease. The present study aims to report a case of traumatic injury of a left-maxillary central incisor with ridge preservation, orthodontic movement, and implant therapy. A 45-year-old woman underwent the proposed treatment for her left central incisor: basic periodontal therapy, xenogenous bone graft, and guided bone regeneration (GBR). Six months after the graft procedure, orthodontic movement by means of alignment and leveling was made and a coronal displacement of the gingival margin and vertical bone apposition could be observed after 13 months of active movement. Afterwards, a dental implant was placed followed by a connective tissue graft and immediate provisionalization of the crown. In conclusion, orthodontic movement was effective to improve the gingival tissue and alveolar bone prior to implant placement favoring the aesthetic results. Six years postoperatively, the results revealed height and width alveolar bone gain indicating that the treatment proposed was able to restore all the functional and aesthetic parameters.


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Conclusions: Black individuals had greater prevalence of long face pattern, followed by Brown, White and Yellow individuals. The prevalence of long face pattern was 14.06% in which 13.39% and 0.68% belonged to moderate and severe subtypes, respectively.


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INTRODUCTION: The opinion on the 'straight-wire' concept has been evolving since its origin, characterized by faithful followers or absolute skepticism. Currently, it seems reasonable to state that most professionals have a more realistic and critical viewpoint, with an attitude that reveals Orthodontics' maturity and greater knowledge on the technique. The most relevant criticisms refer to the impossibility of the both the Straight-Wire and the Standard systems to completely express the characteristics related to the brackets due to mechanical deficiencies, such as bracket/wire play. OBJECTIVES: A critical analysis of this relationship, which is unclear due to lack of studies, was the scope of this paper. METHODS: The compensatory treatment of two patients, using Capelozza's individualized brackets, works as the scenery for cephalometric evaluation of changes in incisor inclination produced by different dimensions of leveling archwires. RESULTS: The evaluation of these cases showed that, while the introduction of a 0.019 x 0.025-in stainless steel archwire in a 0.022 x 0.030-in slot did not produce significant changes in incisor inclination, the 0.021 x 0.025-in archwire was capable of changing it, mainly in mandibular incisors, and in the opposite direction to the compensation. CONCLUSION: Considering compensatory treatments, even when using an individualized prescription according to the malocclusion, the bracket/wire play seems to be a positive factor for malocclusion correction, without undesirable movements. Therefore, it seems reasonable to admit that, until a bracket system can have absolute individualization, the use of rectangular wires that still have a certain play with the bracket slot is advisable.


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Amadeo de Souza-­‐Cardoso é commumente incluído em capítulos sobre a revista Or-­‐ pheu fundada por Fernando Pessoa e Mário de Sá-­‐Carneiro. Contudo, a integração do pintor na historiografia de Orpheu não foi revista, nem expandida. À medida que apro-­‐ fundamos a leitura de historiadores, como José-­‐Augusto França, apercebemo-­‐nos de que o papel desempenhado pelo pintor na revista se torna contraditório. Por um lado, Amadeo de Souza-­‐Cardoso é o maior representante da pintura no grupo de Orpheu (ultrapassando Guilherme de Santa-­‐Rita, que efectivamente publicou quarto hors-­‐ textes na revista modernista). Por outro lado, Amadeo vê-­‐se votado a um isolamento em Manhufe que parece dificultar o contacto com os projectos em ebulição em Lisboa. Nesta dissertação, focar-­‐se-­‐ão os mecanismos favoráveis à associação de Amadeo de Souza-­‐Cardoso ao grupo de Orpheu (o discurso de Almada) e os discursos que colocam em risco tal integração (o movimento sensacionista de Pessoa baseado em hierarquias artísticas). O projecto consolida-­‐se através da convocação das obras de Amadeo para as discus-­‐ sões literárias e pictóricas potenciadas pela revista Orpheu. Deste modo, investe-­‐se quer na reavaliação e no desenvolvimento dos estudos comparatistas anteriores, quer no distanciamento de abordagens estritamente biográficas ou documentais que podem ter bloqueado tentativas de comparação.


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Discurso proferido durante a 1ª Sessão da Câmara dos Deputados na nova capital do país, Brasília. Questão de ordem sobre a inscrição para o uso da palavra. O orador pede para falar com o objetivo de impugnar o requerimento do Deputado Emival Caiado para que a Casa se pronuncie sobre o acontecimento histórico da mudança da Capital da República.


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Condena os que se declaram favoráveis ao retorno da capital do país para o Rio de Janeiro.


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Discurso proferido durante a 1ª Sessão da Câmara dos Deputados na nova capital do país. Considerações acerca da construção de Brasília, com destaque para a verba utilizada na edificação de apartamentos para congressistas e funcionários.


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Resumo da vida pública de Adaucto Cardoso. Inclui bibliografia, discursos, pareceres, projetos, requerimentos.


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Examina as discussões sobre os diversos meios de acompanhamento e estudo do relacionamento entre o Poder Executivo e o Legislativo, o papel e a importância da peça orçamentária, também chamada de Lei de Meios, na condução das ações governamentais. Identifica os resultados da execução orçamentária de 1999 a 2002 e de 2003 a 2006, descreve o processo de emendas parlamentares na proposta orçamentária e reconhece o percentual de execução das emendas por partido político, ponderando os valores efetivamente liquidados. Busca entender o reflexo do relacionamento entre o Poder Executivo e o Legislativo, mormente quanto ao percentual de atendimento do total das emendas aprovadas e à efetiva participação dos partidos políticos na execução final, sob a ótica de estes serem ou não da base de sustentação do Governo Federal.