863 resultados para Capitalist society
This work, named Teaching conditions: a study in municipal schools of Currais Novos RN (2009 to 2012) aims to analyze the status of teaching in schools in the municipality of Currais Novos RN in the period ranging from 2009 - 2012, considering infrastructure, initial and continued training and intensification and casualization of teaching factors in the context of the 1990s educational reformations. It, also, assumes that teaching is a constitutive part of capitalist society, and has been reconfigured with based on the new requirements demanded by the labor market. In order to conduct this study the considered data included the survey research Teaching Work in Basic Education in Brazil (2009 to 2010) , held in seven Brazilian states being: Pará, Rio Grande do Norte, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Espírito Santo. Specifically selected for deepening of the study, there were schools in the municipality of Currais Novos in which semi-structured interviews were performed with teachers of the said municipality. This research is constituted of a qualitative and quantitative approach whose survey instruments adopted were, namely: documental research, literature review, interviews and surveys. The obtained data analysis allows us to infer that the teaching work performed by teachers in the states which participated in the survey has been influenced the changes in the labor market and educational reformations and has been taking on characteristics such as flexibility, tendency to precariousness and intensification; and this trend is also present in schools that were surveyed in the municipality of Currais Novos. As pertaining to the teachers conditions in classroom, these signs are more evident, considering that they had their duties and responsibilities extended beyond the classroom environment. The data also show that in general working conditions of teachers in national, state and local levels are unprofitable and heterogeneous, increasingly deepening the gap between school units and education networks. Therefore, the implantation of public policies that enhance the teaching work and improve their working conditions in all dimensions that directly interfere in their work are crucial
Cet article a comme objectif présenter la contribution de la Psychologie Historique-Culturelle pour l'analyse critique de l'évaluation psychoéducationnel traditionnel et postuler les fondements pour la nouvelle modalité évaluative. Cette proposition se justifie à cause de l'actuelle révitalisation de l'usage des testes padronisés pour la mensuration des fonctions psychologiques, dues à la vulgarisation de la neuropsychologie. Historiquement les testes padronisés servent comme instrument pour attester cientifiquement l'idéologie de l'égalité entre les hommes dans la societé capitaliste que se maintient à travers de l'expropriation et de l'exclusion. En outre, il existe une forte tendence à attendre que les résultats expliquent l'intelligence comme inée ou considèrent les prédispositions héréditaires pour apprendre, ce qu'on oppose à la comprehénsion que les fonctions mentales sont formées dans le proccès de développement historique-social à travers l'appropriation de la culture humaine. Il est nécessaire donc une évaluation qui considère les médiations sociales (des instruments et des signes) comme constituants des fonctions psychologiques encourageant le développement de tous les individus et la non légitimation de l'exclusion sociale.
O presente artigo objetiva demonstrar o alcance das pedagogias do aprender a aprender (DUARTE, 2001), uma vez que elas fundamentam as propostas educacionais no âmbito nacional e no internacional, na atualidade; bem como apresentar suas principais premissas, que mantêm sua filiação ao pragmatismo e ao irracionalismo e, no limite, submetem o desenvolvimento humano à ordem do capital. Tais proposições se contrapõem ao objetivo humanizador da educação escolar pressuposto na produção teórica do psicólogo soviético Alexis Leontiev. Como resultados, temos que, dessas produções, é possível extrair subsídios para o enfrentamento do processo de esvaziamento do ensino escolar e do papel do professor engendrado pelas referidas pedagogias. Além disso, pretendese evidenciar a impossibilidade de aproximações entre as produções da psicologia histórico-cultural com outras correntes pedagógicas que estão a serviço da legitimação e do revigoramento da sociedade capitalista.
This work shows the results of the research: Attended Liberty Program Adolescents in Conflict with the Law and the Disapproval of Rights, effected in the community of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, in period of august 2007 to September 2008. It aims to analyze the social-educative attendance directed to adolescents in conflict with the law through the state, since the Social-educative Measure Attended Liberty, known, as an idoneous way of confrontation to the practice of infraction acts imputed to the adolescent, that needs to give emphasis, in disadvantage of the Social-educative Measurement of Internment, to be proposed (ECA, art 118 and 199) to follow the adolescent in this quotidian, close to his family and community, proposing him through social-educative work, the access to education and occupancy, as well other public services, that help him to surpass the context of privation and disapproval of rights in which lives joined to his family. In our study, it was observed in sequence of approaching, subsidized for theoretical-methodological procedures justified in quantity and quality research, that were privileged to the documental research, the observation and the interview almost structured, besides a theoretical basis about the subject, that the relation of category and inequality in which the capitalist society sustains itself, does the practice of infraction acts imputed to the adolescent, acquires a classist character, in which the property of the money defines the access of the justice. And more, many of the poor adolescents that get into conflict with the law, dweller of the periphery districts of Natal/RN, becomes evident as for segment that has been attended in the Jurisdiction of the Infancy and Youth and in the LAN of Social-educative Attendance, becoming individual the infraction act and its confrontation. We hope in this work, to contribute for the care of the reality of the adolescent in conflict with the law in the Attended Liberty Program, without pretension to exhaust it, as well as later studies about the theme
This paper proposes discusses the theme of the youth and of the violation of rights in the context of the Young Agent Program developed in the local authority of Arez/RN, sugar cane region of the Brazilian northeast. We take like empirical reference, the young people in the age group from 15 to 17 years old that were participating of the activities of the Program, in the period of April to July of 2008. Objectives of this study were constituted, economical-partner apprehended the conditions and cultural of the young participants of the Young Agent Program, in the context of violations of rights; as well as the analysis of the limits and means, of the bases theoretician-politician, methodological and of the activities developed in the Program. In the persecution of the objectives we use like methodological instrumental the observation, activities in group with the focal group technique and the application of semi-structured interviews. As result, we notice that the violation of rights of the young persons inserted in the Young Agent Program of Arez sets itself up as reflex of the multiple determinations of the social question, inherent in the capitalist society, specified in the context of the poverty and of the social unequality that they acquire visibility in the hunger, in the unemployment / menial job, in the precarious dwelling, in the low schooling, for lack of leisure, in the violence between others. The approximations systematized in this healthy work relevant for the Unveiling of the reality of the Brazilian youth, specifically of Arez young people, in such a way that they come to subsidize future inquiries, are eaten by me also it promotes the discussion around the way like the Social Politics Programs they are implemented and driven in the capitalist society, in its neoliberal format, where the focusing and the selectivity is put on top to the detriment of the universal access of the democratic rights. So, the great challenge that is put for the XXI century is to cause to the voices from these which they do and this which build this country, in the continuous and tireless search of the rights realization in the struggle against the barbarism installed in the capitalist societycapitalista
This work has as objective to reflect about the insertion of the women in the City Council of Natal in the period from 1988 to 2004. We focused our discussion in the context of the politics of quota that has with objective to decrease the frame of inequalities existent between women and men in the politics, besides of to analyze which the determinants responsible for the women's sub-representation. The research still consists of an analysis of the councilor s women profile and how they were seen in that space of power. We analyzed our study object in a gender vision, since this is related intrinsically the social relationships and the relationships of power. The women, for a long time, they were excluded of the participation in the public life, being just seen as mere expectants. This research is informed mainly by studies which discuss the Gender (Scott, 1990), (Perrot, 1988), (Badinter, 1995), (Bruschini, 2002). We also analyzed the power, politics in the vision of Marx (1996), Foucault (1982) and (Arendt, 2001). We tried to analyze the women's presence in the spaces public and private, showing your conflicts and contradictions faced in the society, focalizing the political character of the women's inclusion in the spaces in that are inserted. The instrument of collection of data was the semi-structured questionnaire, descriptive and analytical - critical. The analyses of the interviews show to the sub-representation of women over the years as a determining factor for these women continue in the invisibility. The women were interviewed councillora ex- bounded from 1988 to 2004. The conclusion the one that we arrived is that this sub-representation has as decisive the patriarchal system that prevailed for a long time in our society and still dominates and affects women in all areas of your life. This becomes more serious in the capitalist society in which prevail the interests of those that it stops the produced wealth
Our dissertation deals with the material living conditions of women workers and the relations of the wage who undergo in the hospital scope, taking as the locus of empirical research the Hospital Dr. João Machado, located in Natal / RN. Its purpose is to analyze the main implications of precarious work contracts in the economic and social dimensions from life of workers, explaining the main conditionings. The majority presence of women in wage relations not only in the hospital service, as well as in the service sector in general has motivated us to appreciation of the form of participation of women in health services and, in particular, at the hospital space. From the critical dialectical method, through processes of successive approximations to the reality, we analyze the patriarchal system of social relations and their repercussions for the Social and Sexual Division of Labor in the context of contemporary capitalist society, explaining the determinants of inequality, founded in social relations of sex, to the predominance of women in the hospital service and unveiling these participation trends in the labor market. The analyzes are based on bibliographic research - theoretical and methodological basis of research - combined with reflections that emerged from the field. The systematized and analyzed information reveal the uniqueness of the current social and economic situation of workers women with ties outsourced, paradoxically expresses on the expansion of the insertion in universe of labor, in overexploitation, in the precariousness of work and living conditions and persistent inequality in and in the social relations and in relations between the sexes
Marcuse teve no Brasil na década de 1970 uma recepção unilateral, sendo visto unicamente como guru da contra-cultura. Contra esse equívoco o artigo mostra a relação intrínseca entre teoria e prática na filosofia de Marcuse, caracterizada como uma filosofia política cuja preocupação central é a transformação radical da sociedade capitalista.
The broach presented in this dissertation, linked to post graduate Geography´s of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, more exactly about the research group entitled interdisciplinary studies unit on space and housing built . The research developed through this study has this central theme on vertical grounding of the construction in the neighborhood of ponta negra in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Realizing this momentum as a way of accumulation of capital in city. Rio Grande do Norte´s city. During the 2000 s , the neighborhood of Ponta Negra went through an intense process of vertical integration of its ground, Provided by many factor of conditions created from new economic, political and social functions which start to be outlined mainly from the tourism development in this neighborhood since the 80´s decade. The Tourism development and the landing planning of the ponta negra´s neighborhood promoted for the government by using order to police the city´s urbanization, beyond the sense of the civilian building actors. They enabled this neighborhood to become propitious to the real estate investments. Many ventures were built before the year of 2010 while another are on building, which, over the years, changed the sociospatyal dinamics of the neighborhood. Considering the urban space is socially built, product and condition for the reproductive process of the capitalist society, the goal of this research is to investigate the verticalization of the ground, for capital reproduction purposes. This research aims to analyze the vertical this quarter through the theory of social production of space by Henri Lefebvre. The Methodology adopted pervades for secondary and primary research, compound for bibliographic research, documentary, journal, magazines, camp research and interview, to reach the best way to analyse the dynamics of the refered neighborhood
A tese do fim das metanarrativas defendida pelo pós-modernismo implica a negação da universalidade da cultura. Não se trata apenas do fato de que a cultura humana ainda não tenha alcançado um estágio de verdadeira universalidade nem mesmo se trata do fato de que a classe dominante tenha até hoje submetido a cultura humana a seus interesses particulares de classe e, para tanto, tenha sufocado e destruído muito da riqueza contida nas culturas locais. Para o pós-modernismo, o problema não reside na visão burguesa de cultura humana, mas sim na própria idéia de que possa haver uma cultura universal. Os pós-modernos afirmam que qualquer projeto educacional pautado na idéia da existência ou da possibilidade de uma cultura universal é um projeto conservador, autoritário e etnocêntrico. O texto defende a tese de que a concepção marxiana acerca do processo histórico de constituição da riqueza humana universal contém os elementos teóricos necessários para a superação da falsa opção, postulada pelas diversas correntes do pós-modernismo, entre o etnocentrismo e o relativismo cultural. em Marx, a universalização da cultura humana ocorre, na sociedade capitalista, por meio da universalização do valor de troca das mercadorias como mediação fundamental das relações sociais. Trata-se, portanto, de um processo dialético no qual ocorrem ao mesmo tempo a humanização e a alienação do gênero humano e dos indivíduos. O texto conclui com a apresentação dos desafios que, a partir dessa concepção marxiana sobre a riqueza universal, devem ser enfrentados no processo de construção de uma pedagogia marxista.
O objetivo desse artigo é problematizar a função social da escola na sociedade capitalista atual. Tendo historicamente a função da transmissão do conhecimento, a escola, nas últimas décadas, vem passando por sérias dificuldades em cumprir, ao menos em parte, essa função social. Estudantes e professores não se identificam mais nesse espaço institucional, uns porque não aprendem e outros porque não conseguem ensinar. O estranhamento dos agentes sociais em suas relações na escola faz com que sentidos e significados se percam no processo pedagógico. As motivações de ambos se distanciam na atividade, esvaziando as ações e o alcance dos objetivos que, a priori, deveriam ser comuns. O que está na base desse conflito? A escola teria esgotado sua função social, esvaindo-se como espaço de produção e socialização de conhecimentos? A contribuição do olhar sociológico nessa problemática deve se constituir como um desafio às Ciências Sociais, de modo geral, e ao ensino de Sociologia, de modo particular?
Esse artigo aborda a violência na sociedade capitalista e na escola, permitindo uma discussão sobre como ela é veiculada pelos meios de comunicação e pela maneira como os professores a enfrentam. Enfoca a necessidade da comunicação e aponta as dificuldades vivenciadas na construção do indivíduo, do aluno em particular, quando a escola e o professor não possuem clareza da importância da comunicação como forma de simbolização e representação que, em muitos casos, permitem que os atos violentos possam ser substituídos pela palavra. A escola é um lugar privilegiado para a palavra e denúncia de um problema social. Ao se desejar eliminar a violência, acaba-se por naturalizá-la, através das banalizações sofridas pelos meios de comunicação e de um Estado que legitima e violenta seus cidadãos em seus direitos básicos.
Cet article cherche à dresser, sous la perspective historique, le bilan de la situation des pays périphériques dans les dernières trentes années. Pour cela, il aborde particulièrement les enjeux du développement dans la phase de la globalisation du capital. Ce travail s'appuie surtout sur les études de la vaste bibliographie publiée récemment. Dans quelle mesure la relance du développement concernant plusieurs secteurs stagnés de la périphérie deviendrait-elle une réelle possibilité? Autour de cette question, que nous trouvons centrale dans l'actuelle conjoncture, nous entamons quelques réflexions. Nous envisageons montrer que la stagnation économique à laquelle des nombreux pays non développés font face ne découle pas en partie d'une crise sociale et économique ouverte dans les années soixante-dix et qui s'élargit jusqu'à nos jours malgré les tentatives de restructuration de la société capitaliste. Les stratégies et les mesures politiques à caractère néo-liberal aussi auraient énormément contribué à cette situation étant donné qu'elles ont renforcé les amarres financières qui ont étranglé pour une part les économies périphériques. Outre ces difficultés, ces pays affronteraient les limites écologiques du capitalisme. La relance du développement dans un nouveau stade exigeant la croissance économique, la justice sociale et la préservation de la nature amènerait à une rupture face au capitalisme.
Em suas obras, os filósofos da teoria crítica desenvolveram reflexões muito importantes acerca da sociedade capitalista do pós-guerra, apresentando um potencial pedagógico intrínseco, especialmente por meio dos conceitos adornianos de semicultura e indústria cultural. Este trabalho pretende utilizar tais conceitos para analisar criticamente o conteúdo editorial da revista Nova Escola, da editora Abril. Como esse é um periódico de grande circulação nas escolas públicas brasileiras, essa análise poderá esclarecer a intersecção entre educação e indústria cultural, reflexão que se faz urgente quando consideramos que essa relação atualmente é condicionada pelos imperativos do Estado mínimo neoliberal.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)