252 resultados para Campylobacter lari
The susceptibility patterns of 108 Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni clinical strains, to six antimicrobial agents was determined by using the E-test and the double dilution agar methods. Using both metods, no strain was found to be resistant to ciprofloxacin, erythromycin and gentamicin, but two (1.8%) were resistant to tetracycline and all to aztreonam. Seven (6.5%) strains were resistant to ampicillin by the E-test and five (4.6%) by the double dilution agar method and by both meyhods. No great discrepancies were observed between both methods.
Campylobacter is a bacterium found in the intestines of many types of animals and is the most common bacterial cause of diarrhoeal illness. Campylobacter infections are equally common in males and females, with babies and children in the 0 - 4 age group more likely to be affected. It has been found to be more prevalent during the summer months.
Recent research, funded by safefood, has indicated a high occurrence of the food poisoning bacterium, Campylobacter in raw poultry, particularly chicken, with 49.9% of retail samples of raw chicken testing positive for the bacterium.
A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was performed on 167 thermophilic campylobacters isolated from non-human primates. Samples were first identified by phenotypic methods resulting in 64 Campylobacter jejuni and 103 C. coli strains. Four strains identified biochemically as C. coli, were then determined to be C. jejuni by PCR. Comparison of methodologies showed that the main discrepancies were attributed to the hippurate hydrolysis test and sensitivity to cephalothin and nalidixic acid. Analysis of data showed that the application of phenotypic methods should be supplemented by a molecular method to offer a more reliable Campylobacter identification.
Campylobacteriosis is an extremely important zoonosis, circulating freely in the environment. In nonhuman primates kept in open facilities and bred for experimental purposes, the presence of Campylobacter spp. could cause severe damage to the production and interfere with the results of scientific research. In this paper, we assessed the circulation of Campylobacter spp. in a colony of clinically healthy rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) destined to research. The analysis was carried out during seven non-consecutive years. Data showed that despite several changes made in animal management along the studied years in order to control this zoonosis, reduction of bacterial charge did not occur. Significant differences among the age groups and sex were observed. Infants showed higher susceptibility than adult animals. In general males were more infected than females. Modifications adopted in the handling techniques need to be reviewed with the intent of improving the production, reducing bacterial infection of the stock and avoiding undesirable cross reactions in the research carried out with these animals. Therefore, this paper alerts professionals that work directly with captive rhesus monkeys about the risks of Campylobacter spp. infection and possible interference on the experimental procedures.
A total of 49 wastewater samples from 23 different wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were analyzed using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction for the presence and quantity of thermotolerant campylobacters. Thermotolerant campylobacters were detected in 87.5% (21/24) and 64% (16/25) of untreated and treated wastewater samples, respectively. Their concentration was sufficiently high to be quantified in 20.4% (10/49) of the samples. In these samples, the concentration ranged from 68 000 to 2292 000 cells/L in untreated wastewater and from 10 800 to 28 000 cells/L in treated water. We conclude that thermotolerant campylobacters present a health hazard for workers at WWTPs in Switzerland. [Authors]
Antimicrobial Resistance in Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli Campylobacters are a common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, with Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli being the most common species isolated in human infections. If antimicrobial treatment is required, the drugs of choice at the moment are the macrolides and fluoroquinolones. In this thesis, the in vitro resistance profiles of the C. jejuni and C. coli strains were evaluated with emphasis on multidrug resistance. The aim was also to evaluate the different resistance mechanisms against the macrolides. Further, the disk diffusion method was compared to agar dilution method and its repeatability was evaluated, since it has been widely used for the susceptibility testing of campylobacters. The results of the present study showed that resistance to the fluoroquinolones is common in strains isolated from Finnish patients, but resistance to the macrolides is still rare. Multidrug resistance was associated with resistance to both ciprofloxacin and erythromycin. Among the available per oral drugs, least resistance was observed to coamoxiclav There was no resistance to the carbapenems. Sitafloxacin and tigecycline were in vitro highly effective towards Campylobacter species. A point mutation A2059G of the 23S rRNA gene was the main mechanism behind the macrolide resistance, whereas the efflux pumps did not seem to play an important role when a strain had A2059G mutation. A five amino acids insertion, which has not been described previously, in the ribosomal protein L22 of one highly-resistant C. jejuni strain without mutation in the 23S rRNA gene was also detected. Concerning the disk diffusion method, there was variation in the repeatability In conclusion, macrolides still appear to be the first-choice alternative for suspected Campylobacter enteritis. The in vitro susceptibilities found suggest that co-amoxiclav might be a candidate for clinical trials on campylobacteriosis, but in life-threatening situations, a carbapenem may be the drug of choice. More studies are needed on whether the disk diffusion test method could be improved or whether all susceptibilities of campylobacters should be done using a MIC based method.
A campilobacteriose venérea bovina, ocasionada principalmente pelo Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus e Campylobacter subsp. venerealis, é transmitida através do coito ou por inseminação com sêmen contaminado. O propósito deste estudo foi determinar a susceptibilidade in vitro de isolados de C. fetus subesp. venerealis a agentes antimicrobianos comumente utilizados para o tratamento clínico e de sêmen. Foram testadas duas cepas padrão, sendo uma de C. fetus subsp. fetus e outra de C. fetus subsp. venerealis, bem como 21 amostras de isolados clínicos de C. fetus subsp. venerealis. Os testes foram realizados conforme o método de Kirby-Bauer. A amostra padrão de C. fetus subsp. fetus demonstrou-se resistente à lincomicina, penicilina e ácido nalidíxico, enquanto a de C. fetus subsp. venerealis apresentou susceptibilidade a todos antimicrobianos testados, com exceção do ácido nalidíxico. Todas as amostras de C. fetus subsp. venerealis foram susceptíveis à amicacina, ampicilina, cefalotina, estreptomicina, gentamicina, penicilina e tetraciclina. Foi observada resistência de 42,86% à lincomicina e 4,76 % a enrofloxacina, e de 100% ao ácido nalidíxico. Ainda, 4,76% apresentaram susceptibilidade intermediária à enrofloxacina, neomicina e polimixina B e 9,52% à lincomicina. Os resultados evidenciaram a sensibilidade das amostras analisadas aos antimicrobianos comumente utilizados para o tratamento clínico e do sêmen.
An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed to detect antigen-specific secretory IgA antibodies to Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis in bovine vaginal mucus with a protein extract of the Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis by the acid glycine extraction method. Mean optical density measurement (λ=450 nm) was 0.143±0.9. The most immunoreactive protein bands of the Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis or Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus recognized by IgA in immunoblotting, using bovine vaginal mucus samples, migrate at 42.6 kDa. The protein that migrates at 93 kDa was recognized exclusively for C. fetus subsp. venerealis. A positive vaginal mucus sample of a cow from negative herd recognized antigens of C. jejuni subsp. jejuni e C. fetus subsp. fetus.
Campylobacter jejuniand C. colihave been associated with gastrointestinal disorders in human beings, due mainly to the consumption of chicken meat. Despite control measures for reducing contamination by these bacteria, the detection of Campylobacter in carcasses after chilling remains high.A total of 105 carcasses were assessed by the horizontal detection method in five federally inspected slaughterhouses in southern Brazil in 2012 and in the first three months of 2013. Campylobacterwas isolated in 37.1% of the carcasses, of which 97.5% contained C. jejuni and 2.5% were infected by C. coli. The rate of positive carcasses across the slaughterhouses ranged from 0 to 71.4%. Determining the occurrence of Campylobacteramong flocks is crucial for estimating the microbial load at specific points along the slaughtering process and for minimizing the risk of contamination of end products by Campylobacter.
To improve the understanding of implications of Campylobacterspp. infections in pets and children of different environments were analysed 160 faecal samples from children and 120 from pets (103 dogs and 17 cats). Campylobacter spp. were detected in 6.87% of the children and in 18.3% of the dogs and cats. From 33 stool samples positive for Campylobacter spp., 57.6% were identified as C. jejuni, and 33.4% were identified as C. coli. More than 50% of the isolates in pets were resistant to ceftiofur, sulphazotrim, norfloxacin and tetracycline. In humans, most of the isolates were resistant to amoxicillin, cefazolin, ceftiofur, erythromycin and norfloxacin. From 19 isolates of C. jejuni, 11 isolates from children and 5 from dogs contained two to four of the virulence genes flaA, pldA, cadF or ciaB.We found an association between the presence of virulence genes and diarrhoea. Furthermore, an association was observed between the presence of Campylobacter spp. and diarrhoea in dewormed pets with blood picture suggestive of bacterial infection, and the therapeutic use of antibiotics was associated with more positive detection of Campylobacterspp. in the faeces of pets. Our data indicate that virulent strains of Campylobacter spp. can be risk factor to diarrhoea in animals, and that high resistance to antimicrobial agents is common in pets.
Detecção de resistência às fluoroquinolonas em Campylobacter isolados de frangos de criação orgânica
Resumo Estudos têm revelado que a resistência às quinolonas em cepas de Campylobacter está relacionada à presença da mutação Treonina-86 para Isoleucina. Com o objetivo de investigar a presença dessa mutação em cepas de Campylobacter sensíveis e resistentes à ciprofloxacina e enrofloxacina, o conteúdo cecal de 80 frangos de corte de criação orgânica, abatidos sob Serviço de Inspeção Estadual (S.I.E.) do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, foram coletados e investigados para a presença de Campylobacter. A determinação da resistência à ciprofloxacina e enrofloxacina foi feita pela técnica de difusão em disco e de diluição em ágar para determinação da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM). A detecção da mutação na Região Determinante de Resistencia às Quinolonas (RDRQ) no gene gyrA foi realizada através de sequenciamento. Campylobacter foi isolado a partir de 100% das amostras avaliadas, sendo 68,75% correspondente à C. jejuni e 31,25% à C. coli. No teste de difusão em disco, 100% das cepas foram resistentes à ciprofloxacina e 56,25% das cepas foram resistentes à enrofloxacina. No teste de diluição em ágar, todas as cepas foram resistentes à ciprofloxacina apresentando CIM variando de ≥ 16-64μg/mL, e resistência ou resistência intermediaria à enrofloxacina foi detectada em 42,50% (CIM ≥ 4-32μg/mL) e 38,75% (CIM = 2μg/mL) das cepas, respectivamente. A mutação Tre-86-Ile, foi observada em 100% das cepas analisadas. Além dessa mutação, foram observadas outras mutações não silenciosas (Val-73-Glu, Ser-114-Leu, Val-88-Asp, Ala-75-Asp, Ser-119-Gli, Arg-79-Lis) e mutações silenciosas (His-81-His, Ser-119-Ser, Ala-120-Ala, Fen-99-Fen, Ala-122-Ala, Gli-74-Gli, Ile-77-Ile, Ala-91-Ala, Leu-92-Leu, Val-93-Val, Ile-106-Ile, Tre-107-Tre, Gli-113-Gli, Ile-115-Ile, Gli-110-Gli). A observação de que cepas sensíveis à enrofloxacina pelos testes fenotípicos apresentavam a substituição Tre-86 para Ile sugere que outros mecanismos podem contribuir para a resistência à enrofloxacina em Campylobacter.
Abstract The study was carried out to screen and analyze the genetic characteristics of antimicrobial resistance in Campylobacter spp. from poultry sources. A total of 141 strains of Campylobacter isolated from samples of broilers of slaughterhouses in southern Brazil was identified by phenotypic and genotypic methods. Campylobacter isolates were evaluated for its antimicrobial susceptibility and the presence of resistance genes. The strains were investigated for antimicrobial susceptibility against two agents (ampicillin and tetracycline) by disk diffusion method. PCR assay was used to confirm the specie and the presence of ampicillin (blaOXA-61), tetracycline tet(O), and the energy-dependent multi-drug efflux pump (cmeB) genes. Campylobacter jejuni was the most ubiquitous; its presence was determined in 140 samples out of 141 (99.3%), whereas Campylobacter coli was found only in one of the contaminated samples (0.70%). The results obtained showed 65% and 35.5% of Campylobacter isolates resistant to β-lactams and tetracyclines, respectively. The cmeB gene responsible for multidrug resistance was detected in 26 isolates out 141 strains (18.5%). Moreover, 36 out of 141 Campylobacter strains (25.6%) were found to be resistant to at least two different antimicrobia resistance markers (β-lactams and tetracyclines).
Resumo: Membros termofílicos do gênero Campylobacter são reconhecidos como importantes enteropatógenos para o ser humano e animais. A grande diversidade ecológica destes micro-organismos em diferentes habitats tais como água, animais e alimentos predispõem ao aparecimento de novos fatores de virulência. Este trabalho teve por objetivo detectar os genes codificantes da Toxina Distensiva Citoletal (CDT) por meio da técnica de PCR, pesquisar a atividade de hemolisinas e a influência de soluções quelantes e de íons nesta atividade. Foram utilizadas 45 amostras de Campylobacter jejuni de origem avícola para pesquisa de atividade hemolítica, cultivadas em Caldo Triptona de Soja (TSB). Após o crescimento bacteriano, as amostras foram semeadas em Ágar tríptico de soja (TSA) contendo 5% de sangue de ovino. Para verificar a influência de agentes quelantes e solução de íons na atividade hemolítica, as amostras de C. jejuni foram cultivadas em TSB contendo separadamente os quelantes EDTA, ácido acético, soluções de íons CaCl2, MgCl2 e FeCl3, em atmosfera de microaerofilia. Quanto à atividade de hemolisina de C. jejuni em placas de TSA - sangue ovino foi possível observar que houve hemólise em 40% das amostras analisadas apenas com caldo TSB. Somente o ácido acético apresentou ação quelante sobre a atividade de hemolisinas em amostras de C. jejuni semeadas em placas de TSA - sangue ovino. Para detecção dos genes cdtA, cdtB e cdtC através da técnica da Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR) foram utilizadas 119 amostras de C. jejuni de origem avícola. Foi possível observar que 37,8% possuíam o perfil de genes cdtABC. Os resultados demonstraram em amostras avícolas a presença de cepas de C. jejuni com potencial virulento, devido à presença dos genes da toxina CDT e potencial hemolítico, que apresentou ação reduzida in vitro com ácido acético.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Acentuación en Microbiología) UANL, 2010.