976 resultados para CEO duality


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In this paper, a dual of a given linear fractional program is defined and the weak, direct and converse duality theorems are proved. Both the primal and the dual are linear fractional programs. This duality theory leads to necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimality of a given feasible solution. A unmerical example is presented to illustrate the theory in this connection. The equivalence of Charnes and Cooper dual and Dinkelbach’s parametric dual of a linear fractional program is also established.


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A wet chemical route is developed for the preparation of Sr2CeO4 denoted the carbonate-gel composite technique. This involves the coprecipitation of strontium as fine particles of carbonates within hydrated gels of ceria (CeO2.xH(2)O, 40CeO2.xH(2)O dehydroxylation is followed by the reaction with SrCO3 to form Sr2CeO4 with complete phase purity. Doping of other rare-earths is carried out at the co-precipitation stage. The photoluminescence (PL) observed for Sr2CeO4 originates from the Ce4+-O2- charge-transfer (CT) transition resulting from the interaction of Ce4+ ion with the neighboring oxide ions. The effect of next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) environment on the Ce4+-O2- CT emission is studied by doping with Eu3+, Sm3+ or Yb3+ which in turn, have unique charge-transfer associated energy levels in the excited states in oxides. Efficient energy transfer occurs from Ce4+-O2- CT state to trivalent lanthanide ions (Ln(3+)) if the latter has CT excited states, leading to sensitizer-activator relation, through non-resonance process involving exchange interaction. Yb3+-substituted Sr2CeO4 does not show any line emission because the energy of Yb3+-O2- CT level is higher than that of the Ce4+-O2- CT level. Sr2-xEuxCeO4+x/2 shows white emission at xless than or equal to0.02 because of the dominant intensities of D-5(2)-F-7(0-3) transitions in blue-green region whereas the intensities of D-5(0)-F-7(0-3) transitions in orange-red regions dominate at concentrations xgreater than or equal to0.03 and give red emission. The appearance of all the emissions from D-5(2), D-5(1) and D-5(0) excited states to the F-7(0-3) ground multiplets of Eu3+ is explained on the basis of the shift from the hypersensitive electric-dipole to magnetic-dipole related transitions with the variation in site symmetry with increasing concentration of Eu3+. White emission of Sr2-x SmxCeO4+x/2 at xless than or equal to0.02 is due the co-existence of Ce4+-O2- CT emission and (4)G(4)(5/2)-H-6(J) Sm3+ transitions whereas only the Sm3+ red emission prevails for xgreater than or equal to0.03. The above unique changes in PL emission features are explained in terms of the changes in NNN environments of Ce4+. Quenching of Ce4+-O2- CT emission by other Ln(3+) is due to the ground state crossover arising out of the NNN interactions.


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Hydrogen is a clean energy carrier and highest energy density fuel. Water gas shift (WGS) reaction is an important reaction to generate hydrogen from steam reforming of CO. A new WGS catalyst, Ce(1-x)Ru(x)O(2-delta) (0 <= x <= 0.1) was prepared by hydrothermal method using melamine as a complexing agent. The Catalyst does not require any pre-treatment. Among the several compositions prepared and tested, Ce(0.95)Ru(0.05)O(2-delta) (5% Ru(4+) ion substituted in CeO(2)) showed very high WGS activity in terms of high conversion rate (20.5 mu mol.g(-1).s(-1) at 275 degrees C) and low activation energy (12.1 kcal/mol). Over 99% conversion of CO to CO(2) by H(2)O is observed with 100% H(2) selectivity at >= 275 degrees C. In presence of externally fed CO(2) and H(2) also, complete conversion of CO to CO(2) was observed with 100% H(2) selectivity in the temperature range of 305-385 degrees C. Catalyst does not deactivate in long duration on/off WGS reaction cycle due to absence of surface carbon and carbonate formation and sintering of Ru. Due to highly acidic nature of Ru(4+) ion, surface carbonate formation is also inhibited. Sintering of noble metal (Ru) is avoided in this catalyst because Ru remains in Ru(4+) ionic state in the Ce(1-x)Ru(x)O(2-delta) catalyst.


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Electronic states of CeO(2), Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x) Pt (x) O(2 -aEuro parts per thousand delta) , and Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x -aEuro parts per thousand y) Ti (y) Pt (x) O(2 -aEuro parts per thousand delta) electrodes have been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy as a function of applied potential for oxygen evolution and formic acid and methanol oxidation. Ionically dispersed platinum in Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x) Pt (x) O(2 -aEuro parts per thousand delta) and Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x -aEuro parts per thousand y) Ti (y) Pt (x) O(2 -aEuro parts per thousand delta) is active toward these reactions compared with CeO(2) alone. Higher electrocatalytic activity of Pt(2+) ions in CeO(2) and Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x) Ti (x) O(2) compared with the same amount of Pt(0) in Pt/C is attributed to Pt(2+) ion interaction with CeO(2) and Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x) Ti (x) O(2) to activate the lattice oxygen of the support oxide. Utilization of this activated lattice oxygen has been demonstrated in terms of high oxygen evolution in acid medium with these catalysts. Further, ionic platinum in CeO(2) and Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x) Ti (x) O(2) does not suffer from CO poisoning effect unlike Pt(0) in Pt/C due to participation of activated lattice oxygen which oxidizes the intermediate CO to CO(2). Hence, higher activity is observed toward formic acid and methanol oxidation compared with same amount of Pt metal in Pt/C.


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A modified solution combustion technique was successfully used to synthesize sub-10 nm crystallites of hybrid CeO(2)-Al(2)O(3)-CeAlO(3). The fuel in the solution combustion was tuned to obtain mixed oxides and solid solutions of the compound. The compounds were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. XRD and TEM analysis showed the substitution of Al(3+) ions in the CeO(2) matrix when a combination of glycine, urea, hexamine and oxalyl dihydrazide was used as fuel for the synthesis. The compounds showed high activity for CO oxidation and the activity of the compounds was dependent upon the composition of the oxide.


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The Zn-CeO 2 composite coatings through electrodeposition technique were successfully fabricated on mild steel substrate. As a comparison pure zinc coating was also prepared. The concentration of CeO 2 nanoparticles was varied in the electrolytic bath and the composites were electrodeposited both in the presence and absence of cetyltriammonium bromide (CTAB). The performance of the CeO 2 nanoparticles towards the deposition, crystal structure, texture, surface morphology and electrochemical corrosion behavior was studied. For characterizations of the electrodeposits, the techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used. Both the additives ceria and surfactant polarize the reduction processes and thus influence the deposition process, surface nature and the electrochemical properties. The electrochemical experiments like potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) studies carried out in 3.5 wt. NaCl solution explicit higher corrosion resistance by CeO 2 incorporated coating in the presence of surfactant. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article considers a semi-infinite mathematical programming problem with equilibrium constraints (SIMPEC) defined as a semi-infinite mathematical programming problem with complementarity constraints. We establish necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for the (SIMPEC). We also formulate Wolfe- and Mond-Weir-type dual models for (SIMPEC) and establish weak, strong and strict converse duality theorems for (SIMPEC) and the corresponding dual problems under invexity assumptions.


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We study a positivity condition for the curvature of oriented Riemannian 4-manifolds: the half-PIC condition. It is a slight weakening of the positive isotropic curvature (PIC) condition introduced by M. Micallef and J. Moore. We observe that the half-PIC condition is preserved by the Ricci flow and satisfies a maximality property among all Ricci flow invariant positivity conditions on the curvature of oriented 4-manifolds. We also study some geometric and topological aspects of half-PIC manifolds.


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El presente ensayo se realizó en época de postrera en el Centro Experimental de Occidente (CEO), Posoltega, Chinandega con el objetivo de evaluar los componentes del rendimiento, la fenología y enfermedades en 16 variedades comerciales de frijol común(Phaseolus vulgaris L.), color negro en el ambiente de postrera el CEO, Posoltega, Chinandega, 2002. Para el estudio se utilizó un diseño experimental unifactorial en Bloques Completos al Azar (B.C.A), con 3 repeticiones y 16 tratamientos. El espaciamiento fue de 10 cm entre plantas y 0.5m entre surco. Se realizó análisis de varianza a las variables cuantitativas, encontrándose significancia estadísticas en días a flor y rendimiento, siendo la más precoz la B 2059 y la más productiva la MN 13332-38 con 75 días a la cosecha y 592.9 kg/ha respectivamente. Todas las variedades son susceptibles a la pudrición sureña del frijol (Sclerotium rolfsii, Sacc), situación que redujo sustancialmente la población del ensayo, afectando negativamente el rendimiento. El análisis de correlación múltiple realizado a las variables fenológicas y del rendimiento evaluado en el estudio, permite apreciar que la variable días a cosecha se encuentra altamente correlacionada y positivamente con la variable madurez fisiológica; las variable es del rendimiento plantas cosechadas y kg/ha se encuentran altamente correlacionados. Las condiciones ecológicas del CEO no permitieron la expresión del potencial genético de las variedades, debido a las altas temperaturas y precipitaciones que favorecieron la proliferación de una enfermedad radical que afectó el ensayo, por lo que estos materiales evaluados no se adaptan a las condiciones del Centro Experimental de Occidente (C.E.O).


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Con el objetivo de aportar información agronómica sobre el cultivo de Soya (Glycine max [L.] Merril) se evaluaron en el Centro Experimental de Occidente (CEO-INTA), Posoltega, Chinandega, los genotipos 1088SC, 1088SCB, CB-3296, INTA-Taiwán-S-2036, y CH-86 en dos fechas de siembra (28 de julio y 16 de agosto, 2004). Los tres primeros genotipos provienen de Guatemala y los otros nacionales, El diseño experimental utilizado fue un Bloque Completos al Azar (BCA) con tres réplicas. Asimismo, se utilizó separación de medias de rangos múltiples de Tukey (∞=0.05) y se consideraron las variables altura de planta, inserción a la primera vaina, número de vainas, peso de cien granos y rendimiento, principalmente. En base a los resultados obtenidos se concluye que las variables evaluadas mostraron significación estadística en los genotipos en los dos momentos de evaluación. Por otro lado, los mejores rendimientos los alcanzó el genotipo CB-3296 en las fechas antes mencionadas con rendimientos superiores a los 3200 kg ha-1. Los menores valores promedios de rendimiento lo obtuvieron los genotipos 1088SC y CE A-CH-86 con rendimientos inferiores a los 1500 kg ha-1. El análisis cluster determinó tres grandes núcleos con características genéticas similares: un núcleo conformado por 1088CB y CEA-CH-86, un segundo grupo integrado por Inta Taiwán S-2036 y CB-3296; y el genotipo 1088SC que conformó el tercer núcleo.


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El presente trabajo se realizó para comparar teocintles seis especies de teocintle de Mesoamérica. Se estableció un experimento en el Centro Experimental de Occidente, Posoltega, Chinandega en el año 2008 , para ello se utilizó el esquema de diseño de Bloque Completo al Azar, se efectuó un análisis de varianza, separación de media Tukey (∞=0.05). Los resultados obtenidos indican que las variables número de ramas laterales en el tallo, longitud de la panoja, número de granos en la mazorca, ancho del grano no mostraron diferencias significativas. En cuanto a carácter de espiguilla todos difieren estadísticamente . Se encontró correlación entre las variables, y los tres primeros componentes principales aislaron el 83% de la variación total. El análisis de conglomerado mediante el método UPGMA y distancia euclidea agrupó las seis especies estudiadas en cuatro grupos las especies Zea perennis(a) y Zea huehuetenangensis se separan de los demás teocintle. Al comparar característica morfológicas las especies de México se diferencian de las especie de Guatemala y Nicaragua, las cuales revelaron característica similares en común.