963 resultados para CD4 and CD8 cells


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Recent data showing expression of activating NK receptors (NKR) by conventional T lymphocytes raise the question of their role in the triggering of TCR-independent responses that could be damaging for the host. Transgenic mice expressing the activating receptor Ly49D/DAP12 offer the opportunity to better understand the relevance of ITAM signaling in the biology of T cells. In vitro experiments showed that Ly49D engagement on T lymphocytes by a cognate MHC class I ligand expressed by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells or by specific Ab triggered cellular activation of both CD4 and CD8 populations with modulation of activation markers and cytokine production. The forced expression of the ITAM signaling chain DAP12 is mandatory for Ly49D-transgenic T cell activation. In addition, Ly49D stimulation induced T lymphocyte proliferation, which was much stronger for CD8 T cells. Phenotypic analysis of anti-Ly49D-stimulated CD8 T cells and their ability to produce high levels of IFN-gamma and to kill target cells indicate that Ly49D ligation generates effector cytotoxic CD8 T cells. Ly49D engagement by itself also triggered cytotoxic activity of activated CD8 T cells. Adoptive transfer experiments confirmed that Ly49D-transgenic CD8 T cells are able to control growth of CHO tumor cells or RMA cells transfected with Hm1-C4, the Ly49D ligand normally expressed by CHO. In conclusion, Ly49D engagement on T cells leads to T cell activation and to a full range of TCR-independent effector functions of CD8 T cells.


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Lâinfection par le VIH-1 est caractérisée par une déplétion progressive des cellules T CD4+ ainsi que par un dysfonctionnement des cellules T qui, en lâabsence de traitements anti-rétroviraux, conduit inéluctablement à la progression de la maladie vers le stade SIDA. Certains des mécanismes impliqués dans ce dysfonctionnement de la réponse cellulaire T ont été élucidés et ont révélé un rôle important de la molécule PD-1 dans lâexhaustion des cellules T en phase chronique de lâinfection. En effet, des niveaux élevés de PD-1 ont été associés à une charge virale élevée ainsi quâà une diminution de la production de cytokines et de la capacité de proliférer des cellules T spécifiques du virus. De plus, bloquer in vitro lâinteraction de PD-1 avec son ligand PD-L1 en utilisant un anticorps bloquant rétabli la fonction de ces cellules. De façon intéressante, notre groupe ainsi que dâautres équipes, ont montré que lâexpression de PD-1 était non seulement augmentée sur les cellules spécifiques de lâantigène mais aussi sur les cellules T totales. Cependant, peu de choses sont connues quant à lâimpact de lâexpression de PD-1 sur le renouvellement et la différenciation des cellules T qui expriment PD-1, et ce au cours de lâinfection. Lâexpression de PD-1 nâa notamment pas été étudiée en phase aigue de lâinfection. Nous montrons clairement que, aussi bien chez les individus en phase aigue quâen phase chronique de lâinfection, lâexpression de PD-1 est augmentée sur toutes les sous-populations T, y compris les cellules naïves. Nous avons également mis en relief une distribution anormale des sous-populations T, ces cellules ayant un phénotype plus différencié, et ce à tous les stades de la maladie. Dans cette thèse, nous discutons le rôle possible de PD-1 dans lâhoméostasie des cellules T chez les individus infectés par le VIH-1. En étudiant la transition de la phase aigue à la phase chronique de lâinfection, nous avons trouvé que les sous-populations T CD8+ des individus récemment infectés exprimaient moins de PD-1 que celles des individus à un stade plus avancé de la maladie. Ces niveaux plus élevés de PD-1 sur les cellules T CD8+ en phase chronique sont associés à des niveaux réduits de prolifération in vivo â comme mesuré par lâexpression de Ki67 â suggérant que lâexpression de PD-1 est partiellement impliquée dans cette perte de fonction des cellules T CD8+. De plus, les cellules naïves sâaccumulent en fréquence lors de la transition de la phase aigue à la phase chronique de lâinfection. Considérant que les cellules naïves expriment déjà des hauts niveaux de PD-1, nous avons émis lâhypothèse que lâactivation initiale des cellules T chez les individus chroniquement infectés est affectée. En résumé, nous proposons un modèle où des hauts niveaux dâexpression de PD-1 sont associés à (1) un dysfonctionnement de la réponse cellulaire T CD8+ et (2) un défaut dâactivation des cellules naïves ce qui contribue non seulement à la progression de la maladie mais aussi ce qui va limiter lâefficacité de potentiels vaccins dans lâinfection par le VIH-1 en empêchant toute nouvelle réponse dâêtre initiée. Afin de mieux disséquer la réponse immunitaire mise en place lors dâune infection comme celle du VIH-1, nous avons développé un outil qui permet de détecter les cellules T CD4+ i.e. des tétramères de CMH de classe II. Ces réactifs ont pour but dâaugmenter lâavidité du CMH de classe II pour son ligand et donc de détecter des TCR de faible affinité. Dans cette thèse, nous décrivons une méthode originale et efficace pour produire diverses molécules de HLA-DR liant de façon covalente le peptide antigénique. Mieux déterminer les mécanismes responsables de lâexhaustion des cellules T dans lâinfection par le VIH-1 et de la progression de la maladie, ainsi que développer des outils de pointe pour suivre ces réponses T, est central à une meilleure compréhension de lâinteraction entre le virus et le système immunitaire de lâhôte, et permettra ainsi le développement de stratégies pertinentes pour lutter contre lâinfection par le VIH-1.


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Granzyme B and perforin messenger RNA (mRNA) expression has been shown to be a specific in vivo activation marker for cytotoxic cells. The aim of this study was to assess the contribution of cell-mediated cytotoxicity in the pathogenesis of lichen sclerosus. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry were performed on serial tissue sections of lesional skin biopsies and normal skin as control. Immunohistochemical staining showed that the cellular infiltrate of diseased skin consisted predominantly of T cells (CD3+) and some B cells (CD20+). Among T cells CD4+ and CD8+ cells were found in about equal numbers. In normal skin samples perforin and granzyme B mRNA expressing cells were only rarely found. In contrast, in biopsies from diseased skin a high percentage of infiltrating cells expressed mRNA for perforin and granzyme B. The perforin and granzyme B expressing cells were found in the dermal infiltrate and intraepidermally in close proximity to keratinocytes suggesting in situ activation of these cells. These findings provide evidence that cell-mediated cytotoxicity plays a significant role in tissue destruction in lichen sclerosus.


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One distinctive effect on T-cell development was analyzed by selectively increasing serum prolactin (PRL) concentration in thymus-grafted congenitally athymic nude mice and by neutralizing PRL in suspension cultures of thymus from 1-day-old neonatal mice. Flow cytometric analysis of single-positive CD4+ and CD8+ cells derived from inguinal lymph nodes revealed a CD4/CD8 cell ratio of 2.2 +/- 0.18 (mean +/- SEM) in thymus-grafted nude mice that is similar to the ratio for immune-competent BALB/c mice (2.0 +/- 0.06). Addition of the pituitary to thymus-grafted nude mice significantly elevated serum PRL (P < 0.005) and increased the CD4/CD8 cell ratio (2.8 +/- 0.12; P < 0.005), demonstrating preferential stimulation of CD4+ cell development. T cells in nude mice receiving sham (submandibular salivary gland) or pituitary grafts alone were below detectable levels. Suspension cultures of neonatal thymus treated with anti-mouse PRL antiserum resulted in 20% and 30% decreases in double-positive CD4+8+ thymocytes and thymocyte viability, respectively. A 10-fold increase in double-negative CD4-8- thymocytes expressing the interleukin 2 receptor alpha chain, CD25, was also observed concurrently. Our findings illustrate an important way in which PRL may participate in two interrelated mechanisms: the regulation of peripheral single-positive cells and the maintenance of thymocyte viability during the double-positive stage of intrathymic differentiation.


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Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II molecules are loaded with peptides in distinct subcellular compartments. The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) is responsible for delivering peptides derived from cytosolic proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum, where they bind to class I molecules, while the invariant chain (Ii) directs class II molecules to endosomal compartments, where they bind peptides originating mostly from exogenous sources. Mice carrying null mutations of the TAP1 or Ii genes (TAP10) or Ii0, respectively) have been useful tools for elucidating the two MHC/peptide loading pathways. To evaluate to what extent these pathways functionally intersect, we have studied the biosynthesis of MHC molecules and the generation of T cells in Ii0TAP10 double-mutant mice. We find that the assembly and expression of class II molecules in Ii0 and Ii0TAP10 animals are indistinguishable and that formation and display of class I molecules is the same in TAP10 and Ii0TAP10 animals. Thymic selection in the double mutants is as expected, with reduced numbers of both CD4+ CD8- and CD4- CD8+ thymocyte compartments. Surprisingly, lymph node T-cell populations look almost normal; we propose that population expansion of peripheral T cells normalizes the numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ cells in Ii0TAP10 mice.


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Intravenous challenge with Trypanosoma cruzi can be used to investigate the process and consequences of blood parasite clearance in experimental Chagas disease. One hour after intravenous challenge of chronically infected mice with 5610 6 trypomastigotes, the liver constituted a major site of parasite accumulation, as revealed by PCR. Intact parasites and/or parasite remnants were visualized at this time point scattered in the liver parenchyma. Moreover, at this time, many of liver-cleared parasites were viable, as estimated by the frequency of positive cultures, which considerably diminished after 48 h. Following clearance, the number of infiltrating cells in the hepatic tissue notably increased: initially (at 24 h) as diffuse infiltrates affecting the whole parenchyma, and at 48 h, in the form of large focal infiltrates in both the parenchyma and perivascular spaces. Phenotypic characterization of liver-infiltrating cells 24 h after challenge revealed an increase in Mac1(+), CD8(+) and CD4(+) cells, followed by natural killer (NK) cells. As evidence that liver-infiltrating CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells were activated, increased frequencies of CD69(+) CD8(+), CD69(+) CD4(+) and CD25(+) CD122(+) CD4(+) cells were observed at 24 and 48 h after challenge, and of CD25(-)CD122(+)CD4(+) cells at 48 h. The major role of CD4(+) cells in liver protection was suggested by data showing a very high frequency of interferon (IFN)-gamma-producing CD4(+) cells 24 h after challenge. In contrast, liver CD8(+) cells produced little IFN-gamma, even though they showed an enhanced potential for secreting this cytokine, as revealed by in vitro T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation. Confirming the effectiveness of the liver immune response in blood parasite control during the chronic phase of infection, no live parasites were detected in this organ 7 days after challenge.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs), which play a vital role in primary immune responses. Introducing genes into DCs will allow constitutive expression of the encoded proteins and thus prolong the presentation of the antigens derived therefrom. In addition, multiple and unidentified epitopes encoded by the entire tumor-associated antigen (TAA) gene may enhance T cell activation. This study demonstrated that an HIV-1-based lentiviral vector conferred efficient gene transfer to DCs. The transgene, murine tyrosinase-related protein 2 (mTRP-2), encodes a clinically relevant melanoma-associated antigen (MAA), which has been found to be a tumor rejection antigen for B16 melanoma. The transfer and proper processing of mTRP-2 in DCs, in terms of RNA transcription activity and protein expression, were verified by RT-PCR and specific antibody, respectively. Administration of mTRP-2 gene-modified DCs (DC-HR'CmT2) to C57BL/6 mice evoked strong protection against tumor challenge, for which the presence of CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells during both the priming and challenge phase was essential. In a therapy model, our results showed that four of seven mice with preestablished tumor remained tumor free for 80 days after therapeutic vaccination. Given the results shown in this study, mTRP-2 gene transfer to DCs provides a potential therapeutic strategy for the management of melanoma, especially in the early stage of the disease.


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Background Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is associated with human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8). The cutaneous immune response in this tumour is not well established and a better understanding is necessary. Objectives To evaluate the HHV-8 expression and immune response in cutaneous lesions of classic KS (CKS) and AIDS-associated KS (AIDS-KS). Methods We performed a quantitative immunohistochemical study of cells expressing HHV-8 latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA), CD4, CD8 and interferon (IFN)-gamma in skin lesions from patients with CKS and AIDS-KS (with or without highly active antiretroviral therapy, HAART). Results CKS showed higher LANA expression compared with AIDS-KS, regardless of HAART. We also found higher LANA expression in nodules compared with patch/plaque lesions. The tissue CD4+ cell proportion was lower in AIDS-KS patients without HAART than in patients with CKS. In CKS lesions, CD4+ and CD8+ cells expressed IFN-gamma, as shown by double immunostaining. AIDS-KS presented low numbers of IFN-gamma-expressing cells. CD8+ cell numbers were similar in all groups, which appeared unrelated to the clinical or epidemiological type of KS. Conclusions. Our quantitative data on the pattern of KS lesions in selected groups of patients, as shown by in situ immune response, demonstrated a CD4+ T-cell involvement associated with IFN-gamma, an environment of immune response-modified human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. In our sample, the promotion of KS in patients without HIV appears to be related to higher HHV-8 load or virulence than in those with AIDS. This higher resistance may be explained by a sustained immune response against this herpesvirus, that is only partially restored but effective after HAART.


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Yellow fever (YF) vaccines (17D-204 and 17DD) are well tolerated and cause very low rates of severe adverse events (YEL-SAE), such as serious allergic reactions, neurotropic adverse diseases (YEL-AND), and viscerotropic diseases (YEL-AVD). Viral and host factors have been postulated to explain the basis of YEL-SAE. However, the mechanisms underlying the occurrence of YEL-SAE remain unknown. The present report provides a detailed immunological analysis of a 23-year-old female patient. The patient developed a suspected case of severe YEL-AVD with encephalitis, as well as with pancreatitis and myositis, following receipt of a 17D-204 YF vaccination. The patient exhibited a decreased level of expression of Fc-gamma R in monocytes (CD16, CD32, and CD64), along with increased levels of NK T cells (an increased CD3(+) CD16(+/-) CD56(+/-)/CD3(+) ratio), activated T cells (CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells), and B lymphocytes. Enhanced levels of plasmatic cytokines (interleukin-6 [IL-6], IL-17, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10) as well as an exacerbated ex vivo intracytoplasmic cytokine pattern, mainly observed within NK cells (gamma interferon positive [IFN-gamma(+)], tumor necrosis factor alpha positive [TNF-alpha(+)], and IL-4 positive [IL-4(+)]), CD8(+) T cells (IL-4(+) and IL-5(+)), and B lymphocytes (TNF-alpha(+), IL-4(+), and IL-10(+)). The analysis of CD4(+) T cells revealed a complex profile that consisted of an increased frequency of IL-12(+) and IFN-gamma(+) cells and a decreased percentage of TNF-alpha(+), IL-4(+), and IL-5+ cells. Depressed cytokine synthesis was observed in monocytes (TNF-alpha(+)) following the provision of antigenic stimuli in vitro. These results support the hypothesis that a strong adaptive response and abnormalities in the innate immune system may be involved in the establishment of YEL-AND and YEL-AVD.


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T cell cytokine profiles and specific serum antibody levels in five groups of BALB/c mice immunized with saline alone, viable Fusobacterium nucleatum ATCC 25586, viable Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277, F. nucleatum followed by P. gingivalis and P. gingivalis followed by F nucleatum were determined. Splenic CD4 and CD8 cells were examined for intracytoplasmic interleukin (IL)-4, interferon (IFN)-gamma and IL-10 by dual colour flow cytometry and the levels of serum anti-F. nucleatum and anti-P. gingivalis antibodies determined by an ELISA. Both Th1 and Th2 responses were demonstrated by all groups, and while there were slightly lower percentages of cytokine positive T cells in mice injected with F. nucleatum alone compared with the other groups immunized with bacteria., F nucleatum had no effect on the T cell production of cytokines induced by P gingivalis in the two groups immunized with both organisms. However, the percentages of cytokine positive CD8 cells were generally significantly higher than those of the CD4 cells. Mice immunized with F nucleatum alone had high levels of serum anti-E nucleatum antibodies with very low levels of P. gingivalis antibodies, whereas mice injected with P gingivalis alone produced anti-P. gingivalis antibodies predominantly. Although the levels of anti-E nucleatum antibodies in mice injected with E nucleatum followed by P. gingivalis were the same as in mice immunized with F nucleatum alone, antibody levels to P. gingivalis were very low. In contrast, mice injected with P. gingivalis followed by F nucleatum produced equal levels of both anti-P. gingivalis and anti-F nucleatum antibodies, although at lower levels than the other three groups immunized with bacteria, respectively. Anti-Actinobacillus actitiomycetemcomitans, Bacteroides forsythus and Prevotella intermedia serum antibody levels were also determined and found to be negligible. In conclusion, F nucleatum immunization does not affect the splenic T cell cytokine response to P. gingivalis. However, F nucleatum immunization prior to that of P. gingivalis almost completely inhibited the production of anti-P gingivalis antibodies while P. gingivalis injection before F. nucleatum demonstrated a partial inhibitory effect by P. gingivalis on antibody production to F. nucleatum. The significance of these results with respect to human periodontal disease is difficult to determine. However, they may explain in part differing responses to P. gingivalis in different individuals who may or may not have had prior exposure to F. nucleatum. Finally, the results suggested that P. gingivalis and F. nucleatum do not induce the production of cross-reactive antibodies to other oral microorganisms.


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Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is caused by autoimmune destruction of pancreatic ß cells. Non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice spontaneously develop diabetes similar to the human disease. Cytokines produced by islet-infiltrating mononuclear cells may be directly cytotoxic and can be involved in islet destruction coordinated by CD4+ and CD8+ cells. We utilized a semiquantitative RT-PCR assay to analyze in vitro the mRNA expression of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma cytokine genes in isolated islets (N = 100) and spleen cells (5 x 10(5) cells) from female NOD mice during the development of diabetes and from female CBA-j mice as a related control strain that does not develop diabetes. Cytokine mRNAs were measured at 2, 4, 8, 14 and 28 weeks of age from the onset of insulitis to the development of overt diabetes. An increase in IFN-gamma expression in islets was observed for females aged 28 weeks (149 ± 29 arbitrary units (AU), P<0.05, Student t-test) with advanced destructive insulitis when compared with CBA-j mice, while TNF-alpha was expressed in both NOD and CBA-j female islets at the same level at all ages studied. In contrast, TNF-alpha in spleen was expressed at higher levels in NOD females at 14 weeks (99 ± 8 AU, P<0.05) and 28 weeks (144 ± 17 AU, P<0.05) of age when compared to CBA-j mice. The data suggest that IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha expression in pancreatic islets of female NOD mice is associated with ß cell destruction and overt diabetes.


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Hypnophilin and panepoxydone, terpenoids isolated from Lentinus strigosus, have significant inhibitory activity onTrypanosoma cruzi trypanothione reductase (TR). Although they have similar TR inhibitory activity at 10 &#956;g/mL (40.3 &#956;M and 47.6 &#956;M for hypnophilin and panepoxydone, respectively; ~100%), hypnophilin has a slightly greater inhibitory activity (~71%) on T. cruzi amastigote (AMA) growth in vitro as well as on in vitro phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-induced peripheral blood mononuclear (PBMC) proliferation (~70%) compared to panepoxydone (69% AMA inhibition and 91% PBMC inhibition). Hypnophilin and panepoxydone at 1.25 &#956;g/mL had 67% inhibitory activity onLeishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis amastigote-like (AMA-like) growth in vitro. The panepoxydone activity was accompanied by a significant inhibitory effect on PHA-induced PBMC proliferation, suggesting a cytotoxic action. Moreover, incubation of human PBMC with panepoxydone reduced the percentage of CD16+ and CD14+ cells and down-regulated CD19+, CD4+ and CD8+ cells, while hypnophilin did not alter any of the phenotypes analyzed. These data indicate that hypnophilin may be considered to be a prototype for the design of drugs for the chemotherapy of diseases caused by Trypanosomatidae.


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The expression of immune response in the form of leukocytic infiltrate by CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ cells in the epithelium and in the intestinal lamina propria of chicks was studied in the present work by means of immunohistochemical reaction. The chicks were treated with Lactobacillus spp. or cecal microflora (CM) and experimentally challenged or not with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis. The 320 birds utilized were divided into 4 groups containing 80 chicks each and submitted to treatments with Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and CM. Each group was subdivided into 4 subgroups of 20 birds each and classified into a subgroup that did not receive treatment (negative control), subgroup treated, subgroup treated and challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis, and subgroup only challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis (positive control). The results obtained show that the treatment with L. reuteri, L. salivarius, L. acidophilus, or CM and challenged or not with Salmonella Enteritidis determine immune response in the form of leukocytic infiltrate by CD3+ and CD8+ lymphocytes followed by CD4+ in the epithelium and in the lamina propria of the duodenum, jejunum, and cecum of chicks up to 12 d of age. The quantity of CD3+ lymphocytes was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the intestine of chicks treated with L. acidophilus or CM and challenged or not with Salmonella Enteritidis; however, the higher quantity of CD8+ lymphocytes was in the intestine of chicks treated with CM and challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis. The duodenum was the segment in which the immune response by T cells (CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+) was stimulated with the greatest intensity, followed by, respectively, the jejunum and cecum. The quantity of CD3+ lymphocytes present in the duodenum, jejunum, and cecum increases with the age of chicks, independent of the stimulus determined by treatments or challenge.