489 resultados para Byrsonima crassa
Double-stranded RNA and associated proteins are known to regulate the gene expression of most eukaryotic organisms. These regulation pathways have different components, outcomes and distinct nomenclature depending on the model system, and often they are referred to collectively as RNA silencing. In many cases, RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRPs) are found to be involved in the RNA silencing, but their targets, activities, interaction partners and reaction products remain enigmatic. In the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa, the RdRP QDE-1 is critical for silencing of transgenes a phenomenon known as quelling. In this thesis the structure, biochemical activities and biological functions of QDE-1 were extensively studied. This dimeric RdRP was shown to possess five distinct catalytic in vitro activities that could be dissected by mutagenesis and by altering reaction conditions. The biochemical characterization implied that QDE-1 is actually an active DNA-dependent RNA polymerase that has additional RdRP activity. It also provided a structural explanation for the dimerization and suggested a biological framework for the functions of QDE-1 in vivo. (I) QDE-1 was also studied in a broader context along with the other components of the quelling pathway. It was shown that DNA damage in Neurospora causes a dramatic increase in the expression level of the Argonaute protein QDE-2 as well as the synthesis of a novel class of small RNAs known as qiRNAs. The accumulation of qiRNAs was shown to be dependent on several quelling components, and particularly to be derived from an aberrant ssRNA (aRNA) molecule that is synthesized by QDE-1 in the nucleus. The genomic distribution of qiRNA targets was analyzed and the possible biological significance of qiRNAs was studied. Importantly, qiRNAs are the first class of small RNAs that are induced by DNA damage. (II) After establishing that QDE-1 is a multifunctional RNA polymerase with several activities, template specificities and subcellular locations, the focus was turned onto its interaction partners. It had been previously known that QDE-1 associates with Replication Protein A (RPA), but the RecQ helicase QDE-3 was now shown to regulate this interaction. RPA was also observed to promote QDE-1 dependent dsRNA synthesis in vitro. By characterizing the interplay between QDE-1, QDE-3 and RPA, a working model of quelling and qiRNA pathways in Neurospora was presented. (III) This work sheds light on the complexity of the various RNA silencing pathways of a fungal model system. It shows how an RdRP can regulate gene expression on many levels, and suggests novel lines of research in other eukaryotic organisms.
Iron deficiency has been found to occur in Neurospora crassa grown in sole nitrate medium, even when levels of iron, normal with respect to the usual ammonium nitrate medium, were provided. Under this condition, mycelial nitrate reductase and catalase levels were high, there was inhibition of growth, and there was accumulation of an iron-binding compound and nitrite in the culture filtrate. These were counteracted by increasing the iron level of the sole nitrate medium, except that the catalase level increased still further. Evidence is presented for the control of nitrate reductase by iron.
The induction of nitrate reductase (NADPH:nitrate oxidoreductase, EC by nitrate in Neurospora crassa and its control by amino acids have been studied. The growth-inhibitory amino acids, isoleucine and cysteine as well as the growth-promotory ones, glutamine, asparagine, arginine, histidine and NH4+, repress nitrate reductase effectively. Methionine, tryptophan, proline, aspartic acid and glutamic acid exert little control on nitrate reductase. The repression of nitrate reductase by cysteine, isoleucine, glutamine and asparagine is accompanied by inactivation of the enzyme present initially. The nitrate-induced NADPH-cytochrome c reductase (NADPH:cytochrome c oxidoreductase, EC is also repressed by amino acids which control nitrate reductase, providing further evidence to show that these two enzyme activities may reside in the same protein. Catalase (H2O2:H2O2 oxidoreductase, EC has been found to be induced subsequent to the induction of nitrate reductase by nitrate in N. crassa. The induction of catalase is probably by its substrate H2O2 which would be formed by the interaction of the flavine component of nitrate reductase with oxygen. The amino acids which control nitrate reductase, repress catalase also. The catalase level appears to be determined by the nitrate reductase activity of the mycelia.
Neurospora crassa Em 5297a secretes an ironbinding compound (X) when grown under conditions of iron deficiency. Decreasing the concentration of iron in the medium results in an increase of X and a corresponding fall in catalase activity. Under iron-deficient conditions the production of X precedes the fall in catalase activity. The iron complex of the iron-binding compound (XFe) can act as a good iron source to the organism to maintain normal growth and catalase activity, even though the iron is held very firmly in the chemical sense. While ferrichrome is as potent as XFe, as an iron source to N. crassa, ferrichrome A and ferric acethydroxamate are only partially beneficial. XFe, when provided as the sole iron source, also influences nonheme iron enzyme activities like succinic dehydrogenase and aconitase. XFe is permeable to N. crassa mycelia and is incorporated at a much faster rate compared with that from a simple chelate such as ferric citrate.
The purified trehalases of the mesophilic fungus, Neurospora crassa, and the thermophilic fungus, Thermomyces lanuginosus, had similar temperature and pH optima for activity, but differed in molecular weight, electrophoretic mobility and Michaelis constant. At lower concentration, trehalases from both fungi were inactivated to similar extent at 60°C. While purified trehalase of T. lanuginosus was afforded protection against heat-inactivation by proteinaceous protective factor(s) present in mycelial extracts, by bovine serum albumin and by casein, these did not afford protection to N. crassa trehalase against heat inactivation. Both trehalases exhibited discontinuous Arrhenius plots with temperature of discontinuity at 40°C. The activation energy calculated from the slope of the Arrhenius plot was higher for the T. lanuginosus enzyme. The plots of apparent K m versus 1/T for trehalases of N. crassa and T. lanuginosus were linear from 30° to 60°C. The results show that purified trehalases of the mesophilic and the thermophilic fungus are distinct. Although, these exhibit similar thermostability of their catalytic function at low concentration, distinctive thermal stability characteristics of thermophilic enzyme become apparent at high protein concentration. This could be brought about in the cell by the enzyme itself, or by other proteins.
Some wild isolates of Neurospora show microcycle conidiation in liquid culture under continuous agitation. Macroconidia from agar-grown mycelial cultures germinated in liquid and the germlings spontaneously produced conidia with no intervening mycelial phase. Three types of microcycle conidiation were seen among progeny of N. crassa Vickramam A x N. crassa a wild-type: (1) multinucleate blastoconidia produced by apical budding and septation, (2) multinucleate arthroconidia produced by holothallic septation and disarticulation of cells, and (3) uninucleate microconidia produced directly from conidiogenous cells of the germlings. Two genes were identified which control specific patterns of microcycle conidiogenesis. A single gene mcb in linkage group VR near al-3 (3.2% recombination) controls blastoconidiation. This gene is epistatic to gene mcm located in linkage group IIL, very near ro-7 (1.4%). mcm controls both microconidiation and arthroconidiation depending on temperature. Strains of genotype mcm produce microconidia almost exclusively at 18-22 degrees C, but arthroconidia with few or no microconidia at 30 degrees C. Because they result in rapid and synchronized conidiation in liquid culture, the two genes should be useful for studies of developmental gene regulation. mcm makes it possible to obtain large quantities of pure microconidia rapidly for experimentation.
In Neurospora crassa, multinucleate macroconidia are used for genetic transformation. The barrier for such a transformation can be either at the cell membrane level or at the nuclear membrane level. For assessment of these possibilities, a forced heterokaryon (containing two genetically marked nuclei and auxotrophic for histidine) of Neurospora crassa was transformed with a plasmid containing his-3(+) gene. The transformants, which could grow without histidine supplementation, were then resolved into component homokaryons to determine into which nucleus or nuclei the plasmid had entered. Our results suggest that the barrier for transformation in Neurospora crassa is at the nuclear level, not at the cell membrane level. In a heterokaryon containing two genetically distinct nuclei, plasmid DNA integrated into only one of the nuclear types at any instance, but never into both nuclear types. Thus, in Neurospora crassa, the competent nucleus is essential for the transformation event to take place, and at a given time only one type of nucleus is competent to take up the exogenous DNA. Genomic Southern analysis showed that the transformants harbor both ectopic and homologous integrations of the plasmid DNA. The type and number of integrations were reflected at the post-translational level, since the specific activity of histidinol dehydrogenase (the translation product of his-3+ gene) was variable among several transformants and always less than the level of the wild type.
I. Studies on Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Glycohydrase (NADase)
NADase, like tyrosinase and L-amino acid oxidase, is not present in two day old cultures of wild type Neurospora, but it is coinduced with those two enzymes during starvation in phosphate buffer. The induction of NADase, like tyrosinase, is inhibited by puromycin. The induction of all three enzymes is inhibited by actinomycin D. These results suggest that NADase is synthesized de novo during induction as has been shown directly for tyrosinase. NADase induction differs in being inhibited by certain amino acids.
The tyrosinaseless mutant ty-1 contains a non-dialyzable, heat labile inhibitor of NADase. A new mutant, P110A, synthesizes NADase and L-amino acid oxidase while growing. A second strain, pe, fl;cot, makes NADase while growing. Both strains can be induced to make the other enzymes. These two strains prove that the control of these three enzymes is divisible. The strain P110A makes NADase even when grown in the presence of Tween 80. The synthesis of both NADase and L-amino acid oxidase by P110A is suppressed by complete medium. The theory of control of the synthesis of the enzymes is discussed.
II. Studies with EDTA
Neurospora tyrosinase contains copper but, unlike other phenol oxidases, this copper has never been removed reversibly. It was thought that the apo-enzyme might be made in vivo in the absence of copper. Therefore cultures were treated with EDTA to remove copper before the enzyme was induced. Although no apo-tyrosinase was detected, new information on the induction process was obtained.
A treatment of Neurospora with 0.5% EDTA pH 7, inhibits the subsequent induction during starvation in phosphate buffer of tyrosinase, L-amino acid oxidase and NADase. The inhibition of tyrosinase and L-amino acid oxidase induction is completely reversed by adding 5 x 10-5M CaCl2, 5 x 10-4M CuSO4, and a mixture of L-amino acids (2 x 10-3M each) to the buffer. Tyrosinase induction is also fully restored by 5 x 10-4M CaCl2 and amino acids. As yet NADase has been only partially restored.
The copper probably acts by sequestering EDTA left in the mycelium and may be replaced by nickel. The EDTA apparently removes some calcium from the mycelium, which the added calcium replaces. Magnesium cannot replace calcium. The amino acids probably replace endogenous amino acids lost to the buffer after the EDTA treatment.
The EDTA treatment also increases permeability, thereby increasing the sensitivity of induction to inhibition by actinomycin D and allowing cell contents to be lost to the induction buffer. EDTA treatment also inhibits the uptake of exogenous amino acids and their incorporation into proteins.
The lag period that precedes the first appearance of tyrosinase is demonstrated to be a separate dynamic phase of induction. It requires oxygen. It is inhibited by EDTA, but can be completed after EDTA treatment in the presence of 5 x 10-5M CaCl2 alone, although no tyrosinase is synthesized under these conditions.
The time course of induction has an early exponential phase suggesting an autocatalytic mechanism of induction.
The mode of action of EDTA, the process of induction and the kinetics of induction are discussed.
Résumé La Ribonucléase P (RNase P) est une enzyme principalement reconnue pour sa participation à la maturation en 5’des ARN de transfert (ARNt). Cependant, d’autres substrats sont reconnus par l’enzyme. En général, la RNase P est composée d’une sous-unité ARN (le P-ARN, codé par le gène rnpB) qui porte le centre actif de l’enzyme et d’une ou de plusieurs sous-unités protéiques (la P-protéine). Les P-ARN chez toutes les bactéries, la majorité des archéobactéries et dans le génome nucléaire de la plupart des eucaryotes, possèdent généralement une structure secondaire très conservée qui inclut le noyau (P1-P4); l’hélice P4 constitue le site catalytique de l’enzyme et l’hélice P1 apparie les extrémités du P-ARN en stabilisant sa structure globale. Les P-ARN mitochondriaux sont souvent moins conservés et difficiles à découvrir. Dans certains cas, les seules régions de structure primaire qui restent conservées sont celles qui définissent le P4 et le P1. Pour la détection des gènes rnpB, un outil de recherche bioinformatique, basé sur la séquence et le profil de structure secondaire, a été développé dans le laboratoire. Cet outil permet le dépistage de toutes les séquences eucaryotes (nucléaires et mitochondriales) du gène avec une très grande confiance (basée sur une valeur statistique, E-value). Chez les champignons, plusieurs ascomycètes encodent un gène rnpB dans leur génome mitochondrial y compris tous les membres du genre d’Aspergillus. Cependant, chez les espèces voisines, Neurospora crassa, Podospora anserina et Sordaria macrospora, une version mitochondriale de ce gène n’existe pas. Au lieu de cela, elles contiennent deux copies nucléaires du gène, légèrement différentes en taille et en contenu nucléotidique. Mon projet a été établi dans le but d’éclaircir l’évolution de la RNase P mitochondriale (mtRNase P) chez ces trois espèces voisines d’Aspergillus. En ce qui concerne les résultats, des modèles de structures secondaires pour les transcrits de ces gènes ont été construits en se basant sur la structure consensus universelle de la sous-unité ARN de la RNase P. Pour les trois espèces, par la comparaison de ces modèles, nous avons établi que les deux copies nucléaires du gène rnpB sont assez distinctes en séquence et en structure pour pouvoir y penser à une spécialisation de fonction de la RNase P. Chez N. crassa, les deux P-ARN sont modifiés probablement par une coiffe et les extrémités 5’, 3’ sont conformes à nos modèles, ayant un P1 allongé. Encore chez N. crassa, nous avons constaté que les deux copies sont transcrites au même niveau dans le cytoplasme et que la plus petite et la plus stable d’entre elles (Nc1) se retrouve dans l’extrait matriciel mitochondrial. Lors du suivi du P-ARN dans diverses sous-fractions provenant de la matrice mitochondriale soluble, Nc1 est associée avec l’activité de la RNase P. La caractérisation du complexe protéique, isolé à partir de la fraction active sur un gel non dénaturant, révèle qu’il contient au moins 87 protéines, 73 d’entre elles ayant déjà une localisation mitochondriale connue. Comme chez la levure, les protéines de ce complexe sont impliquées dans plusieurs fonctions cellulaires comme le processing de l’ADN/ARN, le métabolisme, dans la traduction et d’autres (par exemple : la protéolyse et le repliement des protéines, ainsi que la maintenance du génome mitochondrial). Pour trois protéines, leur fonction est non déterminée.