209 resultados para Brucella melitensis biovar Abortus


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Brucella abortus infection is reported in a dog from a rural area that presented at clinical evaluation left testicular enlargement and right testicular decrease. Serum resulted negative to rapid agglutination test and agar gel immunodifusion with Brucella ovis antigen but positive to buffered plate agglutination test, tube agglutination test and 2- Mercapthoetanol with B. abortus antigen. Brucella isolation was negative in blood, testicular material, semen and urine. Brucella DNA was detected in PCR from urine and blood.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The serological profiles of 33 female bovines, vaccinated at three to eight months of age with the B19 standard strain of Brucella abortus, were studied over a period of 728 days, using the following agglutination procedures: plate agglutination, tube agglutination, rose bengal plate and mercaptoethanol test. Maximum levels of antibodies detected reached by the plate agglutination and tube agglutination tests were found between the 14(th) and 42(nd) day, and with mercaptoethanol test, between the 28(th) and 42(nd) day. Anti-Brucella antibodies decreased thereafter. At 182 days after vaccination, five suspected animals and one positive were detected by the plate agglutination test, while by the tube agglutination test, only one animal was suspected and another one was positive. During the same period, positive reactions were found in six animals by means of the mercaptoethanol test, and five positives by the rose bengal test. By means of tube agglutination and plate agglutination tests, the animals became serologically negative at 245 and 273 days, respectively, after the vaccination, based on the rules adopted for the vaccinated animals. Using the mercaptoethanol and rose bengal plate tests, all the animals were found to be negative at 308 days after vaccination.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pesquisou-se a frequência da ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Brucella abortus, Toxoplasma gondii e vírus da artrite encefalite caprina (CAEV) em caprinos de 14 unidades produtoras localizadas dos Estados do Pará e Maranhão. No Estado do Pará foram analisados animais dos municípios de Benevides, Castanhal, Santa Izabel do Pará e Moju e no Estado do Maranhão, o município de Chapadinha. Os testes sorológicos realizados para o diagnóstico da brucelose foi o teste do Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT), como teste de triagem, e o 2- Mercaptoetanol (2-Me), como teste confirmatório. Para as análises de toxoplasmose foi utilizado a Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) e para CAEV Imunodifusão de Gel de Agarose (IDGA). O resultado das análises de brucelose mostrou-se negativo para 100,0% das amostras analisadas. Para toxoplasmose e CAEV a frequência obtida foi 23,5% (97/412) e 21,6% (85/393), respectivamente. Foi observada diferença estatística na relação entre a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii e a faixa etária dos caprinos, mostrando que animais com idade superior a 24 meses tiveram mais risco de estarem infectados quando comparados com animais mais novos OR= 2,15 (IC 95% 1,19 – 3,88). Já os fatores de risco encontrados para CAEV foram: falta de conhecimento da doença OR=6,45 (IC 95% 2,88-14,47); a não utilização de material descartável, OR=10,85 (IC 95% 4,85-24,28); sistema de criação extensivo OR=10,85 (IC 95% 4,85-24,28); sistema de criação semi-extensivo OR=3,71(IC 95% 1,64-8,39) e manejo OR=11,4 (IC 95% 5,51-23,60). Conclui-se que as unidades produtoras de caprinos dos Estados do Pará e Maranhão apresentam positividade em seus rebanhos para toxoplasmose e CAEV.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a presença de Brucella abortus e as lesões causadas por esse agente nos anexos fetais e nos fetos de búfalas. Para isso, 20 búfalas em diversos meses de gestação, sorologicamente positivas para brucelose, foram submetidas ao abate sanitário. A idade fetal foi determinada através de exames ultrassonográficos associados à mensuração dos fetos durante a necropsia. Do útero fechado desses animais foram coletadas amostras para histopatologia e qPCR. A partir do segundo mês de gestação foi possível detectar a presença de DNA de B. abortus em líquido amniótico, líquido alantoide e em útero e, a partir do quinto mês, na placenta, coração, baço, rim, pulmão, intestino, fígado e linfonodos dos fetos. Os principais achados anatomopatológicos foram placentite fibrinopurulenta necrótica e endometrite supurativa crônica.


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Brucellosis remains as a public health concern worldwide. In domestic animals, the disease is characterized by reproductive disorders in male and female. Besides extensive use of serological tests and recent development of molecular biology techniques, microbiological culture of Brucella species is yet considered a “gold standard” method for diagnosis. Here, semen of 335 bovine bulls was subjected simultaneously to microbiological culture in Brucella agar, Farrell media, and CITA media to evaluate comparatively the best selective media for isolation of Brucella sp. Among all 335 samples, B. abortus B19 strain was isolated from semen of five (1.49%) bulls using the three selective media. However, Farrell media was considered the best selective media for microbiological diagnosis, because of allowed isolation of B. abortus B19 strain from bull semen without bacterial commensal or fungal contamination of plates.


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The aim of this work was draw an endemic level of reproductive losses and determine positivity for four infectious agents related to reproductive problems in dairy cattle on a property in São Carlos city. Blood serum samples were collected of 142 breeding animals more than two years old, from which 21.1% showed history of abortions or stillbirths in at least one pregnancy. Immunofluorescent antibody technique, tamponated acidified antigen test, serum neutralization technique and microscopic agglutination test, were used for detection of antibody anti-Neospora caninum, anti- Brucella abortus, anti-Bovine Herpesvirus Type-1 (BoHV-1) and anti-Leptospira spp , respectively. The serological tests carried out showed that 28.9% of the animals had titers greater than or equal to 100 of anti-Neospora caninum. Viral neutralization tests demonstrated that 26.8% of the animals had titers greater or equal to 256 for antibody anti-BoHV-1.Only 7.7% of the animals studied had titers equal to or greater than 100 in the microscopic agglutination test for Leptospira spp. There weren’t observed positive reactions to the tamponated acidified antigen test for diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. The study suggests the presence of BoHV-1, N. caninum and Leptospira spp in contact with dairy cattle property and could be involved in the occurrence of abortions and stillbirths in cattle. Reproductive losses are endemic and implies a possible behavior of chronic infections caused by these microorganisms.


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A previous investigation of the safety of Brucella abortus strain RB51 (sRB51) in various nontarget species suggested that Richardson’s ground squirrels (Spermophilus richardsonii) may develop persistent infections when orally inoculated with the vaccine. In the present study, sRB51, B. abortus strain 19 (s19), and virulent B. abortus strain 9941 (s9941) were administered orally to Richardson’s ground squirrels to further characterize B. abortus infection in this species. Six groups of nongravid ground squirrels were orally inoculated with 6x108 colony forming units (cfu) sRB51 (n=10), 2.5x104 cfu s19 (n=10), 2.5x107 cfu s19 (n=6), 1.3x106 cfu s9941 (n=5), 2.1x108 cfu s9941 (n=5), or vaccine diluent (control; n=4). One of five animals in the lower-dose s19 group and two of three animals in the higher-dose s19 group showed persistence of bacteria in various tissues at 14 wk post-inoculation (PI). At 18 wk PI, one of five animals in the sRB51 group and one of five animals in the high-dose s9941 group were culture positive. Although we did detect some persistence of B. abortus strains at 18 wk, we found no evidence of pathology caused by B. abortus strains in nonpregnant Richardson’s ground squirrels based on clinical signs, gross lesions, and microscopic lesions.


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Tesis (Médico Veterinario). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria, 2013


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A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) was developed by using a whole-cell antigen from a marine Brucella sp. isolated from a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina). The assay was designed to screen sera from multiple marine mammal species for the presence of antibodies against marine-origin Brucella. Based on comparisons with culture-confirmed cases, specificity and sensitivity for cetacean samples tested were 73% and 100%, respectively. For pinniped samples, specificity and sensitivity values were 77% and 67%, respectively. Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi; n = 28) and bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus; n = 48) serum samples were tested, and the results were compared with several other assays designed to detect Brucella abortus antibodies. The comparison testing revealed the marine-origin cELISA to be more sensitive than the B. abortus tests by the detection of additional positive serum samples. The newly developed cELISA is an effective serologic method for detection of the presence of antibodies against marine-origin Brucella sp. in marine mammals.